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This study explores the influence of institutions on the location strategies of firms in Africa. Specifically, the research examines the effect of governance infrastructure, a country's overall public institutions and policies, on the expansion strategies of three South African firms as they entered selected African countries between 1996 and 2015. These firms include SABMiller, MTN, and Massmart. The study makes use of structured interviews with senior directors of the three firms, mini case studies, and the World Bank's Worldwide Global Governance Indicators, in an effort to understand the impact of institutions, or lack thereof, on these companies’ location choices. Results suggest that by and large, the quality of formal institutions did not have a direct effect on the location decisions of the three firms in this study, and that these firms found ways to mitigate the so‐called institutional voids.  相似文献   

Traditional kinship relations denied African women access toproperty and cash income. As they moved out of the traditionalsector to urban centers, women created opportunities for independentearnings, and they displayed remarkable entrepreneurial spiritin undertaking informal economic activities. One of their tacticswas the utilization of a type of rotating credit and savingsorganization (ROSCA), the stokvel, to mobilize savings outsidethe formal financial structure. This article brings togetherscattered research on stokvels, traces their past and presentuses by African women, and concludes with an exploration ofthe reasons for the persistence of these forms despite the developmentof sophisticated financial structures in modern South Africa.  相似文献   


Studies on regional economic integration in West Africa have concentrated on conventional accounts, which focused primarily on the activities of states and their agencies. The role and activities of actors who play a key function in the political economy of the integrating states and in the integration process are largely ignored or given limited attention. This paper contributes to a better understanding of the integration process in West Africa by exploring the role and the activities of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the development and growth of the Economic Community of West African States (ECO-WAS). Further, this paper contends that MNEs are never passive in market integration. And through their membership in business associations, they participate in the creation, development and growth of the regional scheme. As the winds of economic liberalization and political reforms sweep across the West African subregion, it will become ever more crucial to forge partnerships between multinational enterprises and the host countries with the desire of fostering regional economic  相似文献   

①Swazi maiden event:8月底或9月初举行的一个8天的仪式,女孩们割芦苇,然后把芦苇献给女王母亲,只有没有孩子的未婚女子才能参加。仪式的意义在于保持女子的贞节、向女王母亲献礼、通过一起工作增进团结②KhoiSan Hunter:百步穿杨的克瓦桑语族猎人  相似文献   

The basic premise of this study is that enterprise linkages, export marketing, and sunk costs significantly affect the propensities to export and intensities of exporting of small and medium manufacturing enterprises in South Africa. The hypothesis tested was that small and medium manufacturing enterprises break through into foreign markets with relative ease when involved in linkages because they facilitate information flows, thereby easing the international marketing burden on the shoulders of individual enterprise units. A theoretical perspective adopted by this study was that small- and medium-sized enterprises involved in enterprise linkages that have intermediaries are in a better position to enter and exit international markets. Empirical testing using survey data confirms this. This study, therefore, recommends that export promotion initiatives should take these factors into account. There are many possibilities discussed in this study. The important point is that there is now clarity about the main hindrances to probabilities of exporting and export intensities of small and medium manufacturing enterprises in South Africa. By implication, export market intelligence should be prioritized.  相似文献   


The analysis of corruption in international business is a relatively new phenomenon, and for the past two decades, many studies have attempted to capture the economic impact of the corruption in a country. However, most of these studies have concentrated their analysis to the experiences of the developed countries. None or very few of the current works have addressed the corruption issue in the context of foreign direct investment and economic growth in the developing countries. This work examines theoretically, as well as empirically, the incidence of corruption in the context of foreign direct investment in the developing countries, especially several African countries that signed a treaty to reduce the incidence of corruption in their respective countries.  相似文献   

The authors examine corporate programs that support microenterprise development in Africa. Specifically, the analysis assesses the extent to which local income and sales are affected by Coca-Cola's initiatives to assist South Africa's microenterprise in the retail trade sector. To quantify the impact, questionnaires were obtained from owners of small-scale retail establishments in the country's vast informal economy. Regression analysis is performed on key variables from the survey, testing hypotheses advanced to explain the size of an owner's income and sales. In addition to business development support, the explanatory variables include startup capital, size, and male/female ownership. It appears that business development support has a positive effect on lifting income and reducing poverty for microenterprise owners, after controlling for other influences.  相似文献   

This research investigates the key elements that South African financial services firms consider before making foreign direct investments in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) markets. The results show that South African financial services firms are most strongly influenced by the political and economic stability of the country in question as well as the profitability and long-term sustainability of its specific markets. The degree of available infrastructure in terms of Information and Communication Technology as well as the existence of credible financial systems was also viewed as highly important considerations before investing in SSA. Given the uncertainty and ambiguity of most SSA markets many South African financial services firms prefer to enter existing markets via a majority stakeholder joint venture with a local partner or via a new investment if the market does not currently exist. The nature of the financial services firm also seems to influence the entry method and once in a new country most firms seem to prefer a full service presence. Additionally, the key motives cited for expansion northward were to broaden revenue bases and improve profit margins as well as to stay close to local customers.  相似文献   

This study uses firm‐level data on a large sample of European manufacturing firms to investigate the links between opening up foreign affiliates and firms’ productivity. The analysis is guided by recent theoretical models of international trade with firm heterogeneity. The paper finds that while only a small share of euro area firms locate affiliates abroad, these firms account for over‐proportionally large shares of output, employment and profits in their home countries. They have higher survival rates and their productivity growth is also higher. The strongest contribution is by productivity growth of existing firms with a multinational status rather than entry into the multinational status. finally, there are performance premia for multinationals with a large number of affiliates abroad relative to those with a small number.  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 10th panniversary of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa in 2008, China is celebrating "South Africa Week" to commemorate. H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, the minister of South Africa,  相似文献   

南非是南部非洲最大的消费市场,在经贸领域与我国有很强的互补性。开拓南非市场是我国市场多元化战略的重要一环。中南两国恢复直接经贸关系以来,双边经贸合作取得了丰硕成果,显示出进一步发展的巨大潜力。但由于我国同南非开展直接经贸合作的历史还较短,在中南经贸合作中难免出现一定的的问题。南非是我国在非洲的第一大贸易伙伴,中南贸易额占我国对非洲贸易总额的1/5强,相互投资迅猛发展,但远未充分发挥出两国经济互补的优势,2002年中南双边贸易额仅占南非对外贸易总额的4.5%。两国经贸合作要走上健康、协调的良性发展轨道尚需做出艰苦的努力。为了使中南经贸关系进一步顺利地向前发展,必须正视目前面临的问题,并及时采取对策,加以解决。  相似文献   

Based on the electricity consumption approach, this study examined empirically (among other determinants) the impact of corruption and multinational firms (MNEs) on the relative size of the informal economy in Russia's regions in 1995–2012. Strong evidence is provided of the positive effect of corruption on the informal regional economies. The significant role of MNEs and regulation in curbing informal activities is revealed. A larger informal economic sector is observed in regions with a higher number of local firms and unemployment. An integrated strategy of dealing with corruption and informal businesses is suggested to be more effective in reducing informal practices.  相似文献   

This study investigates how ownership concentration in European multinational firms is associated with these firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR). We employ factor analysis on responsibility data from EIRiS and use a regression analysis. Using firm-level data for almost 700 European firms, we find that shareholder concentration is significantly related to such policies. That is, more concentrated ownership goes hand in hand with poorer CSR policies. In our analysis, we control for size, leverage, profitability, industry, and country of origin. We use several indicators for ownership concentration. We also find that with more concentrated ownership, CSR of the firm gets worse. We suggest that especially with large shareholders, CSR would need to be included in their performance assessment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how corruption affects firm behavior. Using an original and unusually rich dataset on bribe payments at ports matched to firm-level data, we observe how firms adapt to different types of corruption by adjusting their transport strategies. Our results suggest that firms respond to the price effects of corruption, organizing production in a way that increases or decreases demand for the public service.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how corruption affects firm behavior. Using an original and unusually rich dataset on bribe payments at ports matched to firm-level data, we observe how firms adapt to different types of corruption by adjusting their transport strategies. Our results suggest that firms respond to the price effects of corruption, organizing production in a way that increases or decreases demand for the public service.  相似文献   

This article is an extension of recent work that has examined the intra-regional sales of large multinational enterprises (MNEs). First, we examine the interaction between the performance of MNEs and four proxies for their firm-specific advantages (FSAs). This includes: firm size, knowledge (as represented by R&D), marketing ability, and industry type. We find that FSAs in R&D and service sector type are best exploited within the home region. In contrast, the FSA firm size is better exploited by global and bi-regional firms. Second, we find that a service MNE tends to be more home-region oriented and has a higher proportion of intra-regional sales than a manufacturing firm.  相似文献   

Government policy‐makers in many countries compete to attract FDI because they believe that FDI will generate knowledge spillovers in the local economy. However, there is surprising little empirical evidence in favour of substantial spillovers. This raises the question of what benefits can be appropriated by host countries when spillovers are small. This paper analyses the issue using a simple model of the global strategy of a profit‐maximising MNE. It is based on a partial equilibrium model of the firm; although less sophisticated than the general equilibrium approach, it provides a sharper focus on fundamental policy issues. It shows that the principal social benefit conferred by an MNE is measured by the profit its subsidiary generates. This reflects the fact that, according to standard theory, the MNE is an institutional arrangement for appropriating rents from innovation. Other rents may also accrue to local factors of production. The model is used to appraise a range of alternative policy instruments for maximising national benefit from FDI.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the relationship of the multinational firm’s market environment, stakeholders, resources, and values to the development of strategic social planning and strategic social positioning. Using a sample of multinational enterprises in Mexico, we examine the relationship of these different ways of conducting social strategy to the creation of value by the firm. The market conditions of munificence and dynamism, and the resource for continuous innovation are found to be related to strategic social positioning. The social responsibility orientation of the firm is related to strategic social planning. Positioning is related to value creation for the multinational firm, but planning is not. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and practice. Bryan W. Husted is a professor of management at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) and Alumni Association Chair of Business Ethics at the Instituto de Empresa (Spain). His research focuses on corporate social and environmental management. His work has appeared in such publications as the Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, and the Journal of Business Ethics. David B. Allen is a professor of strategy at the Instituto de Empresa (Spain). He received an MBA from New York University and his M.F.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. His research focuses on non-market strategy. His work has appeared in such publications as the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of Business Ethics. He has consulted extensively for European and American multinational firms.  相似文献   

论我国企业与跨国公司联盟的战略转移   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪80年代以来,越来越多的跨国公司建立起多种形式的战略联盟,90年代以后,战略联盟逐步向纵深化发展。面对跨国公司战略联盟的发展,我国入世后受到的冲击将会更大。本文着重分析世界跨国战略联盟的发展特征、跨国公司新特点和我国的实际情况,认为我国有条件的企业应与跨国公司建立契约式战略联盟。  相似文献   

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