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Mao Tse-tung, taking the rural areas as his military base, and relying on the overwhelming majority of the peasantry, and also taking Marxism-Leninism as his theoretical support, was able to lead the Chinese revolution to success. How was the result possible at all? The key to the success of the Chinese revolution is to be found in the struggle in Chingkangshan, where a proletarian type of man was shaping out of the peasantry through a reconstruction of social consciousness. This type of man went on to form the main force of the Revolution, especially in the form of the Red Army. The interconnexion between Mao Tse-tung's thought and Marxism-Leninism, or again, the unique character of Mao Tse-tung's thought, can be made clear by tracing the above process.  相似文献   

Today those who characterize the economy of underdeveloped areas by the coexistence of a modern sector and a pre-modern sector within one political unit tend to refer to J. H. Boeke as a pioneer exponent in theorizing this dualism. But his dualism differs from the economic dualism of this sort. Again it differs from the so-called sociological dualism, despite his emphasis on social dualism. By confusing theoretically social dualism with economic dualism, he advocates in effect what is called a socio-economic approach. Inspite of Boeke's logical inconsistency abundant in his theorizing, what he was virtually claiming in order to find the real cause of economic stagnation in Eastern colonial society was the importance of making searching inquiry into the structural interrelationship between economic factors and social factors.  相似文献   

In Iran the peasant (ra'yat) lives and works in a small village called a deh. His production and living in this village are under the rigid control of the landlord (mālik). From the point of view of the landlord, the deh is primarily a peasant community-control mechanism; in fact, it is the base of the mālik-ra'yat land system. This study attempts to place the socioeconomic structure of the deh in theoretical perspective by analysing how the mālik manages to control his land as well as the patterns of social relationship which exist among the peasants.  相似文献   

The history and present position of the business combines controlled by members of the Nattukottai Chettiar community in southern India have not been elucidated so far. Their business combines have many aspects common to the well-known business combines of northern India. But they possess distinct peculiarities relating to the leaders' characteristics. Through analysis of these peculiarities the present writer insists that there have been some defects in viewpoints and methodologies of the studies done so far on Indian business combines.  相似文献   

Historical and sociological studies in Asian societies occupy a fairly large part in the voluminous achievements of Max Weber. In this article his understanding of Asian societies is analysed from a definite point of view. The author focuses his attention on Max Weber's theory of traditional communities, and develops the general theory of the historio-social pre-conditions of the break-up of the traditional communities as basic components of the Asian social structure.  相似文献   

This article intends to analyse the “miraculous” economic growth of post-war Japan from three points of view: the aqcquisition of investmnet funds by enterprises, the investment behaviour of enterprises, and the role of the government. It is revealed that the economy, after the dissolution of the pre-war zaibatsu, has passed through a unique reorganization process, i.c., the formation of keiretsu. In this process there has been excessive competition among enterprises, and the competition has played the role of the driving force realizing the rapid economic growth.  相似文献   

The effects of foreign direct investment in developing countries can be studied by using the with/without investment scenario. Many of the effects are quantifiable and can be measured using cost benefit technique. A sample of foreign projects was analysed in this paper. Important benefits of foreign direct investment to a home country are income tax payments by foreign specialists, corporate tax on the project after the tax holiday period, cheaper high quality locally manufactured import substitutes and the backward linkages to domestic industries. These positive benefits are measured using the Little-Mirrlees method, and are weighted against the negative ones, including losses suffered by the local entrepreneurs because of greater competition for labour and potential increased market concentration. The research concluded that the positive benefits of foreign direct investment are far higher than the negative ones, and similar investment should be strongly encouraged.  相似文献   

<正>2002年5月8日,斯蒂芬·罗奇、苏德拉查·吉万多诺、帕萨塔·达斯古普塔、阿德里安·伍德及林毅夫等五位国内外知名经济学教授应邀参加在上海社会科学院举行的高层学术演讲会,各位专  相似文献   

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