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As consumers' preferences become increasingly diversified, many companies strive to satisfy individual needs by offering customization options for products or services. To enhance the effectiveness of customization strategies, managers need to decide what type of attributes to provide for consumers to customize and also take consumers' individual differences into consideration. The current research investigates the joint impacts of the originality of the attributes involved in a customization option and consumers' construal level on their intention to adopt customization. Findings from two experiments consistently demonstrate that, in comparison to customization options that include common customizable attributes, offering customization options that includes original customizable attributes undermine consumers’ adoption intention. However, such negative effects will be mitigated when consumers have a high construal level.  相似文献   

One challenge facing the need for ecologically sustainable housing is that it must cope with change over time. However, the flexibility required for housing to cope with change needs to be limited, as frequent change may offset the economy of resource use provided by durable housing stock. We describe two distinctly different but crucial aspects of housing services – social and technical functions – and briefly discuss how consumers and architects, who influence what consumers value in housing, have shifted design practices away from technical function and towards enhancement and growth of social function. Specifically, psychological obsolescence, which began in consumer products, is now emerging in housing, potentially accelerating demand for change as a result of fashion trends (an approach to the social function of identity expression) in housing. Four potential approaches to inspire consumer recognition of technical function in pursuit of ecologically sustainable housing are briefly discussed. These include promoting a ‘green’ fashion trend and three approaches that aim to restore the balance between social and technical function within housing design: regulatory tools, internalization of unaccounted costs, and incentives to move consumers from assumed to explicit recognition of technical function. Because they address the core problem of missing technical function, not just the increased demand for social functions, only these latter three approaches, possibly in combination, appear likely to contribute to a paradigm of ecologically sustainable housing.  相似文献   

The authors recognize that an uncertain environment associated with prolonged pandemic conditions have made consumers reluctant to make long-term contractual commitments in various retail contexts. Hypothesizing that retailers might offer cancellation options to motivate consumers to undertake long-term commitments, the authors conduct two studies in which cancellation messages accompany ads for an online language course and a gym membership. Findings indicate that retailers can alleviate the pressures associated with long-term commitment decisions and can heighten purchase intentions by providing cancel options for consumers who register for services requiring long-term but not short-term commitments. Perceived goal achievability is identified as an underlying mechanism that mediates the effects.  相似文献   

The number of older people is growing globally and therefore there is an implication for providing products and services to facilitate access to nutritious food, considered fundamental for maintaining health and independence. Historically, older consumers have been unattractive to marketers, however improved finances and lifestyles indicate the “grey pound” has the potential to become lucrative. This exploratory research seeks to identify the current expectation of Scottish older consumers in relation to the products and services available in the supermarket and food retailers. A questionnaire was distributed to participants aged over 50 years in Scotland to voice the opinion of the older consumer in relation to shopping experience and availability of product. The results support previous research indicating the improved lifestyles of older consumers, demonstrating that previous perceptions of older people as impoverished and immobile are not representative of this group. This study contributes to the demand for more information on older consumers׳ food shopping habits and preference in Scotland. It attempts to provide useful recommendations for supermarkets and food retailers in fulfilling the needs of this rising consumer segment. This research concludes that supermarkets could improve access to both products and services to meet the demand from this growing segment of society, through better understanding of their requirements in terms of customer service, shopping experience, product size, price, access and mobility.  相似文献   

Group Buying: A Strategic Form of Consumer Collective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Existing literature on collective consumption focuses on passionate consumers of particular brands. This research examines group buying (GB), a multi-phase consumer collective activity, that creates value prior to, during and after the acquisition of products and services. Through a two-year, multi-sited, qualitative study, we examine both retailers’ and consumers’ motivations for participating in GB. GB is essentially a consumer collective that centers on consumer needs across brands, activities and lifestyles. This consumer collective is not initiated by brand affiliation or a consumption subculture, but by the need to discover desirable brands and obtain optimal products and services at favorable prices. Furthermore, GB empowers consumers to better protect their rights in an under-regulated market.  相似文献   

Recent changes in many areas of Government policy as well as changes in the private sector have had major impacts on the provision of services in rural areas of New Zealand. This report describes the results of a New Zealand survey of 795 rural consumers. The results emphasise how the problems perceived as most important to people in rural areas are essentially linked to fundamental services such as housing, water, communications, and transport. Though this element of basic needs is covered in the consumer policy literature it is not a feature that tends to be emphasised. The survey also gauges some aspects of rural consumers' knowledge of their entitlements under New Zealand consumer law and their familiarity with, and use of, consumer advisory and support services.  相似文献   

This article examines whether cluster analysis can be used to identify groups of Finnish residents with similar housing preferences. Because homebuilders in Finland have been providing relatively homogeneous products to an increasingly diverse population, current housing may not represent the occupiers' preferences so a segmentation approach relying on socioeconomic characteristics and expressed preferences may not be sufficient. We use data collected via questionnaire in a principal component analysis followed by a hierarchical cluster analysis to determine whether different combinations of housing attributes are important to groups of residents. We can identify four clusters of housing residents based on important characteristics when looking for a house. The clusters describe Finnish people in different phases of the life cycle and with different preferences based on their recreational activities and financial expenditures. Mass customization of housing could be used to better appeal to these different clusters of consumers who share similar preferences, increasing consumer satisfaction and improving profitability.  相似文献   

Everyday consumer transactions have the same potential for unexpected consequence whatever the age of the consumers involved. Young and old alike can find that products and services fail to live up to performance claims and that they are left with problems not easily resolved, or costs that are difficult to recover. While not overlooking consumer heterogeneity – especially on the basis of age – older consumers are arguably distinguishable in terms of the social and financial context in which they make decisions and attempt to redress problems. In 1988, attention was drawn to the need for consumer education to look beyond generic objectives to the specific situation of older people and their transactions. More than a decade later, in an allegedly consumer‐oriented society, the issue is revisited here to assess the argument's current relevance. Despite the increased availability of information for decisions and consumer protection, difficulties persist in the way information is presented or accessed. Chameleon‐like, old problems become manifest in new unfamiliar ways and invalidate experience. Consumer education today is as important as it was in 1988. Arguably, technological change means that the need for a better understanding of dangers, rights and redress procedures is greater than ever and the needs of older people in increasingly complex private and public sector transaction environments are all the more pressing. However, a fundamental revision of the way we approach the design of products, services and environments is needed to improve prospects for older consumers.  相似文献   

This article contains an exploration of the needs, preferences and concerns of consumers with disabilities (CwD) considering their acquisition of specialised products and services. An exploratory survey among 215 Italian citizens was carried out, all of whom are dealing with some type of disability. Quantitative and qualitative data were used to generate insight into CwD buying preferences and the difficulties associated with finding what they want/need. The results are presented under four main research issues: the consumers’ difficulty in finding the right product/service provider, the perceived degree of advertisement for products/services, the importance of the origin of the product/service provider, and finally, CwD willingness to buy products online. A number of practical implications and suggestions to improve marketing of specialised products and services to this target group are provided, which may help businesses to improve their economic success. The findings of this research may also help the CwD to improve their quality of life.  相似文献   

通过对2005-2018年中国老年人健康长寿影响因素调查数据的分析,评估失能老人的照料需要满足状况及其变化,探讨什么因素会影响未满足的需要,并重点比较这些因素对部分未满足与完全未满足的需要的影响的差异。研究的主要发现是:截至2018年,超过一半的失能老人的照料需要部分未满足,照料需要完全未满足的比例约为3%,并且2005-2018年间照料需要未满足的比例始终维持在50%以上;照料资源倾向于中重度失能老人,轻度失能老人是照料盲区;虽然中重度失能老人几乎都有人照料,但他们仍需更多照料。据此提出,关注长期照料服务与一般养老服务之间的空白地带,构建从重度失能到健康的连续性健康养老服务体系;为功能严重衰退的失能老人建立以专业长期照护为主、家庭照料支持为辅的服务模式。  相似文献   

Research and policy on the consumers of maternity services have tended to focus on women, with service provision directed to meet their needs. It is, after all, women who get pregnant and give birth. However, since the 1970s, men have been encouraged to take up an active role in childbirth and, to a lesser extent, pregnancy. This has resulted in fathers becoming participatory in maternity services. In recent years, there has developed a greater focus on paternity and an awareness of the father’s experiences. This has led to an evaluation of maternity services and a desire to better address the ‘needs’ of men as consumers. This article examines some of the factors that have facilitated paternal participation during the antenatal period and birth, and some of the roles and responsibilities assigned to men. The recent debates regarding fathers within childbirth discourses, and what impact this will have on their experience of pregnancy, childbirth and status as maternity service users, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Technology readiness (TR) refers to people's propensity to embrace and use new technologies. Nowadays, the proliferation of technology-based products and services brings consumers not only benefits but also frustration over ineffective use of products and services. A key factor, therefore, in the diffusion and success of these products and services is how well-prepared consumers are for new technologies. Although some studies examine the relationships between TR and technology adoption, the long-term survival and substantial success of firms rely on the continued use of such technology rather than first use. This study focuses on post-adoption behavior and investigates how TR affects the continued use intention of new technology. Specifically, the study classifies usage behavior into the usage rate of basic functions, the usage rate of innovative functions, and the variety of use of innovative functions. The article then, examines how each dimension (optimism, innovativeness, discomfort and insecurity) of TR influences consumer usage patterns, and how usage patterns affect repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction. The empirical results from IPTV users in Korea show that each dimension of TR has a significantly different influence on usage patterns. The findings show that usage patterns, particularly the use of innovative functions, have a significantly positive impact on consumer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Finally, the article suggests several managerial implications and directions for further studies.  相似文献   

Previous research demonstrates that consumers support firms’ CSR activities, and increasingly demand socially responsible products and services. However, an implicit assumption in the extant literature is that the purchaser and the consumer of the product are the same person. The current research focuses on a unique form of socially responsible consumption behavior: gift-giving. Through 30 depth consumer interviews, we develop a typology of consumers based on whether consumers integrate CSR-related information into purchases, and whether the purchases are for themselves or for others (i.e., gifts). We find that in some instances, consumers actively avoid purchasing products from socially responsible organizations and do so with the intention of managing their impressions with the gift recipient. This is counter to previous research that suggests consumers often choose to make socially responsible consumption decisions in efforts to satisfy self-presentation concerns. In addition, the decision to engage in socially responsible consumption for oneself but not for others was motivated by a variety of factors including the role of the recipient and a concern over the credibility of socially responsible gifts. Finally, some participants who do not incorporate CSR into their own personal consumption chose gifts based on a variety of CSR activities in an effort to build awareness for socially responsible organizations.  相似文献   

In the UK there can be several ways to access health care and this is true of hearing aid provision. Although there may appear to be a well‐defined distinction between the National Health Service (NHS) and independent dispenser hearing aid provision, there have been many examples of overlap between the two and recent government policy initiatives mean that distinctions have become less clear. This article outlines the changing relationship between the two sectors and the problems that potential consumers face accessing information on private sector options for amplification devices. A 1‐year sample of newspaper advertisements was content‐analysed for clarity of information provided. The analysis highlighted a range of provision, from well‐known hearing aid dispensers to the greyer areas of listening device retailers and intermediary services. Some advertisements were found to have been reported to the Advertising Standards Authority. Sufficiently misleading adverts may also infringe consumer protection legislation. The article concludes there is the possibility of consumer confusion about products and their potential for amelioration.  相似文献   

The growth of products available in the consumer financial market has provided more choice and formal control over household financial decisions than ever before. Financial literacy education programs are generally assumed to improve consumer behaviour in relation to financial products and services. However, there is scant evidence that demonstrates the causal link between education, literacy and behaviour. Through the use of a sample study, we show that the actions of individuals who are financially literate do not necessarily mean they will demonstrate good financial behaviour. We propose that in order to improve the financial behaviour of consumers, two critical areas need to be addressed. Firstly, the objectives of financial literacy programs should be not only to educate consumers about financial markets and products but highlight to individuals the psychological biases and limitations that they as humans cannot easily avoid. Secondly, the regulation of financial products sold to consumers needs alteration to meet the aim of protecting retail consumers from complex financial products that are confusing, ambiguous and inappropriate. We propose regulation and redesign of product information offerings using techniques employed in ecological interface design models to derive a suitability test for consumer financial products.  相似文献   

This study examines college student consumers' relationship with luxury brands through two studies. Study 1 analyzes collages to determine what represents luxury to them, how consumers perceive their relationships with luxury, and who they are as luxury consumers. Study 2 analyzes qualitative interviews to validate the findings of Study 1 and to add further insights. Results of Study 1 suggest that college student consumers represent a vibrant segment in the luxury market. These consumers perceive a wide variety of products and brands as meeting their luxury needs. They are currently interested in luxury and their potential will only increase as their incomes do. Results of Study 2 confirms their views of luxury and emphasizes the critical roles social media, peers, and family play in influencing college student consumers' luxury consumption and provide insights for how to build an emotional bond with them. Luxury marketers can build brand relationships with college student consumers by offering them entry-level products as they are current luxury consumers and see their consumption expanding in the future. Given that college student consumers are both vulnerable and savvy in recognizing when they are being manipulated, caution needs to be taken in approaching this segment in relationship-building efforts.  相似文献   

Online commerce changes how consumers shop for products and services—while also giving firms more control over consumers' shopping experience, more access to their information, and leading more firms to use these platforms to their financial advantage. In this research, I examine consumer perceptions of firms when they shop for products and services online (vs. offline), to determine whether consumers feel firms might use certain kinds of manipulative and deceptive tactics against consumers. Results show consumers believe firms are less likely to use manipulative and deceptive practices to increase consumer spending, when they shop online (vs. offline) for products and services. These findings remain consistent despite key individual differences (in ethnicity, gender, age, and time spent online). This research also demonstrates how certain cues can make consumers more (vs. less) suspicious of firms when they shop online and discusses the implications these findings have for consumer financial welfare.  相似文献   


Traditionally marketing communication‐or more specifically advertising‐has been framed in terms of products/ services, needs and wants of consumers as if these were real givens, existing independently of the forms and acts of marketing communication itself. From this perspective, advertising is merely seen as a purveyor of information about products/services/needs between producers and consumers but hardly as actively implicated in shaping, not only the relation between the processes of production and those of consumption, but also the conception of the consumer‐subject. This paper makes a brief diachronic account of advertising with a view to highlighting how the consumer‐subject is represented. Whereas early advertising conceives of the consumer‐subject as a “rational” decision‐maker, aware of its needs and desire, more recent advertising constitutes the consumer‐subject in a hyperreal, dream‐like world, which seduces and spellbinds it.  相似文献   

Consumer trust and loyalty to bloggers presents opportunities for businesses to reach consumers in inconspicuous and effective ways. The study explores successful business practices used by popular female food bloggers to market food products and services. Content analysis of these food blogs shows that female bloggers construct personas on their blogs that emphasize specific meanings and motivations of food in very intentional ways. Female bloggers use a variety of business tactics to ensure that these personas are credible, professional, trustworthy, and fully intermingled in the lifestyles and beliefs of their target consumers.  相似文献   

感知风险是消费者行为研究中的一个重要内容,对消费者的购买行为与决策有重要的影响。对于网上消费这一新的消费方式,感知风险研究所取得的进展如何,是一个值得讨论的话题。对于企业而言,若想提高消费者网上购物的数量,仅仅提高产品和服务的绩效是不够的,还需要进一步提高网上零售商的服务,改善网上的经营环境等。  相似文献   

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