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This study intends to contribute to a better understanding of how value creation coaligns with relationship quality and how this coalignment affects a firm's performance. To examine this question a theoretical framework is developed following a configuration theory approach. The unit of analysis is the dyadic relationship between manufacturers and their main distributor. The empirical results reveal that not all the manufacturers have the same orientation towards their creation of value for the main distributor and that the coalignment between their creation of value for the main distributor and the dimensions of relationship quality yields stronger distributor loyalty. This was not the case, however, with manufacturer's business performance for which no such relationship was found.  相似文献   

服务企业价格折扣如何影响服务质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国服务企业的竞争力比较弱,这与其采取的竞争手段单一(价格折扣)有关.服务营销人员往往简单地认为折扣能够拉动服务销售,却忽视了价格折扣对服务质量产生的消极影响.对于折扣与服务质量关系的透彻理解是企业开展折扣促销的前提.鉴于以往研究存在单一视角局限,借鉴线索利用与范围、归因等理论,在考虑服务产品特性情况下,提出了全路径影响模型,并指出了品牌强势程度在其中所发挥的调节与交互效应.  相似文献   

The global defense sector is faced with uncertainty and volatility in government demand, which is driven by fiscal constraints, as well as shifting defense priorities in various nations. This paper discusses the challenges facing the U.S. government and defense contractors, and provides perspectives on potential strategies for these groups which are designed to mitigate risks and to sustain the defense sector. It emphasizes the importance of the continued growth of the defense sector through greater stability in funding, which would, in turn, assist in sustaining defense demand in response to national security challenges. The paper discusses the trends and composition in U.S. defense spending, the strategies used by the armed services to handle national security concerns and fiscal constraints, the impact on the defense industry of closure or development of key programs, and the strategies used by defense firms to handle the volatility in demand. Collaboration between nations may be a key strategy for sustaining global stability, since combining equipment and forces in various regions helps to alleviate fiscal constraints in various countries.  相似文献   

折扣价格与固定价格比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴贤远 《商业研究》2005,(2):100-101
固定价格和折扣价格是两种常用的定价策略 ,各有利弊。消费者面对固定价格时没有心理压力 ,没有价格方面的悬念 ;消费者面对折扣价格时 ,除了接受省钱的好处之外 ,也会在心理上对产品产生悬念。折扣价格的折扣有一个合理的水平 ,过量折扣的负作用是明显的  相似文献   

领导信任对绩效的影响作用得到了普遍的关注,但是其影响机制尚不明确.从特征观与关系观的角度,提出了对领导的认知与情感信任影响员工任务绩效的双路径模型.通过结构方程模型分析287对上下级配对样本数据,结果表明,对领导的认知信任并不直接影响任务绩效,而是通过影响员工的注意聚焦间接影响任务绩效;对领导的情感信任一方面直接影响员工的任务绩效,另一方面通过影响员工的情感承诺间接影响任务绩效.  相似文献   

A large majority of work in database marketing deals with what to do with data when it is available. This paper focuses on an aspect of data that has not been visited frequently in the database/interactive marketing literature—managing the quality of data resources from a profit point of view. While costly to achieve and sustain, high data quality is essential for effective database marketing. The notion that “more is better” very often prevails in data quality management decisions, essentially with very little consideration, if any, of cost. This paper suggests that data quality management decisions should be driven by considerations of cost–benefit tradeoffs and profit maximization. It specifically addresses data quality decisions which are highly relevant in the database marketing area: the subset of data records managed, reflecting time-span coverage, and the targeted quality levels in this subset. Decisions of these types are routinely made based on satisfying technical and functional requirements. In this study, we propose a model that quantifies the benefits and the costs associated with these decisions, and permits optimizing them from a profit maximization standpoint. The paper describes the model development, discusses its implications for data quality management decisions, and highlights its potential contributions with illustrative examples.  相似文献   

Developing effective price and service quality strategies requires an understanding of the effect of price and service quality on buyers' attitudes, intentions and purchase decisions. Consumer Involvement is an important variable that may interact with price and service quality, and is the focus of this research. This paper examines the influence of involvement, price and service quality on attitudes and intention to purchase automobile insurance and long-distance telephone services.  相似文献   

浅谈粮食期货价格与现货价格的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据影响粮食现行价格的因素分析了粮食期货价格的功能、优越性和对现货价格的指导作用。  相似文献   

朱奎 《财贸研究》2003,(2):12-16
马克思在论证劳动价值论的“三个步骤”中,不适当的“排除法”要求重新论证:劳动是价值的唯一源泉;当今经济现实也需要对传统劳动价值论的一些观点进行进一步的拓展。本文试图从正、反两个方面论证劳动是价值的唯一源泉和交换基础,同时结合实际对创造价值的劳动形式进行界定。文章最后针对目前盛行的“价格才是市场经济中真实的存在”这一说法,探讨了价值和价格的关系。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(2):217-234
Mobile shopping (M-shopping) has become increasingly important in marketing and retailing. Using a unique dataset from an Internet-based grocery retailer, we evaluate changes in customers’ spending behavior upon adopting M-shopping, i.e., using smartphones or tablets to compose, modify, or place orders online. We find that order rate, i.e., number of orders placed per year, increases as customers adopt M-shopping. Especially for low-spending customers, both their order rate and order size, i.e., the amount of the order in dollars, increase as they become accustomed to M-shopping. In addition to the effect on customer's spending behavior, we also find that M-shoppers tend to use mobile devices to shop for habitual products that they already have a history of purchasing. We propose that customers utilize mobile devices because the technology provides convenient access, which leads them to incorporate M-shopping into their habitual routines. Managerially, we recommend that firms should fully leverage their mobile platforms, but they should also keep in mind that mobile devices may not be the most optimal channel for launching new products or promoting products that require more consideration during the buying process.  相似文献   

This study tests Karpoff's (1987) cosUy short sales hypothesis that attempts to explain the asymmetric relationship be- tween stock price changes and trading volume. Since short sales are disallowed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, the data set offers a polar case of costly short sales. We document an asymmetric price change-volume relationship that is consistent with previous empiri- cal evidence based on US. data sets. More importantly we find a polar case of the asymmetric price change-volume relationship that supports Karpoff's (1987) costly short sales hypothesis: a positive correlation between positive price change and volume, but no signif- icant relationship between negative price change and volume.  相似文献   

Motivations for prosocial behavior have been explored in diverse ways. Empirical research suggests that empathy is an important motive for prosocial behavior. Building upon previous studies, in this article the authors hypothesize that charitable giving is distinctively affected by different components of dispositional empathy, including empathic concern, perspective taking, and personal distress. Using the 2008–2009 wave of American National Election Studies data set, this study examines the impact of these three components of dispositional empathy on probability and amount of giving to various charitable causes. The results support the authors’ hypotheses that the three components of dispositional empathy are associated with charitable giving in different ways. In particular, empathic concern consistently stimulates the likelihood and amount of giving. The effects of perspective taking and personal distress are mixed. The results offer several direct implications for fundraisers and nonprofit organizations in crafting effective fundraising appeals.  相似文献   

进入2010年.在成本上涨预期推动下.国内钢材价格整体表现良好,造船板价格也呈现平稳上升态势。放眼全年.国内造船板市场将面临更激烈的竞争形势.而价格影响因素也将更加复杂多变.后期价格走势不确定性较大。  相似文献   

The study examines how program-induced mood and a five-second countdown warning affect reception of midroll video commercials. Building on mood regulation theory, findings from three studies suggest that program-induced moods and five-second countdowns systematically influence advertising effectiveness. When the main program is tragic (comedic) and when a countdown precedes (does not precede) the midroll ad, viewers have more positive attitudes toward the ad and purchase intentions. The findings are replicated in realistic (Study 1) and controlled (Studies 2A and 2B) settings.  相似文献   

Past research has demonstrated that employees’ perceptions of abusive supervision are positively associated with the enactment of bullying behaviors. However, an investigation of the factors influencing employees’ decision to bully others at work has yet to be completed. In this study, we propose that the relationship between perceptions of abusive supervision and the enactment of bullying behaviors is mediated by state self-regulation, and that active coping moderates the relationship between state self-regulation and bullying. Further, we analyze how the situational context (e.g., positive or negative) affects employees’ levels of self-regulatory resource depletion and ultimately, the extent to which they engage in bullying behaviors. A moderated mediation analysis using time-separated data (N = 136) provided support for our hypotheses, suggesting that employees’ state self-regulation helps explain why abusive supervision is associated with bullying and that active coping helps to reduce bullying behaviors. Further, the results suggest that negative environments are associated with more bullying. Contributions, practical implications, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The Index of Consumer Expectations (ICE), which includes expenditures on durable goods, has been adopted as a leading indicator of national economic activity. A rational expectations model of the ICE was developed and the economic determinants of consumers' expectations were estimated. Aggregate expenditures on durable goods were explained by an endogenous ICE and sentiment about current economic conditions. Consumers were more likely to purchase durable goods when they felt better off in the current period relative to the future.  相似文献   

Substantial concern about the wide variety of carbohydrate‐related claims appearing on consumer packaged food products have been expressed by members of both the marketing and public policy communities. As a result, a number of petitions requesting the establishment of carbohydrate levels required for a low‐carbohydrate nutrient content claim have been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration, and the agency is considering the establishment of criteria for such a claim. This research examines the potential effects of a “low‐carbohydrate” claim, relative to the effects of a “low‐fat” claim, across selected product fat and carbohydrate levels. The study also considers whether consumers’ motivation to process nutrition information serves as a potential moderator of the effects of the nutrient content claims and nutrient levels on the dependent measures. As predicted, the results show key differences across consumer motivation levels. The policy implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, environmental management offers firms a source of competitive advantage in the marketplace. The development of environmental innovations is critical to the success of today's firms. Drawing on the Schumpeterian perspective of competition, this research examines how the perception of rival firms' green success influences a firm to pursue and produce environmental innovation through its green supply chain integration activities. Using survey data from 230 firms, a conceptual model is developed and tested using structural equation modeling. We find that the firms in our sample do perceive pressure from their competitors' success in environmental management activities, and thus take supply chain action to pursue integration activities. By differentiating incremental and radical environmental innovation, this study also reveals the role of three dimensions of green supply chain integration (internal, supplier, and customer integration of green product development) on incremental and radical environmental innovation separately. Specifically, findings suggest that green supply chain integration has a positive impact on developing incremental environmental innovation, while only customer integration has a significant positive impact on developing radical environmental innovation.  相似文献   

将“担保效应”和“挤出效应”纳入同一框架解释房价上涨对工业企业加成率的影响机制。在此基础上,根据中国工业企业数据对理论命题进行实证,研究结果为:总体上,房价上涨显著降低了中国工业企业加成率;分样本回归显示,民营、一线和热点二线城市、东部地区和资本密集型企业受房价上涨的负向“加成率效应”较强;作用渠道检验证实中国工业企业在房价上涨时整体上“担保效应”和“挤出效应”不显著,但企业出口产品质量和生产率显著下降,从价格和成本渠道分别降低了企业加成率;与房地产行业相关性和地区市场化指数显著影响企业的负向“加成率效应”。结论对“去库存”和提升工业企业竞争力政策协调具有参考意义。  相似文献   

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