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背景技术荷花在我国大部分地区都有栽培,主要作为冲粉用藕、观赏荷花、食用鲜藕以及加工食材等种植;荷花中含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素和膳食纤维等多种物质,荷花中含有的花青素和硒元素具有保健作用,野生红莲作为食品原料具有增强人体免疫力、预防糖尿病以及心血管疾病的作用;荷花饼是用各种米粉、糖和荷花为原料制作而成的美味饼点,是一种特色小吃;荷花饼美味可口,做法简单,种类繁多,能满足人们对于味道的各种需求.但现有的技术加工出来的荷花饼口味一般,保质期较短,不能满足人们的需求,因此我们提出一种荷花饼及其制作方法.  相似文献   

土地复垦整理是涉及土地关系和利用结构,与社会经济各部门紧密联系的一项社会系统工程;要做好该项工作,必须以规划为先导.以四川省北川羌族自治县灾后重建土地复垦整理重大工程规划图的制作为例,详细介绍了在MAPGIS软件系统空间分析子系统进行饼图制作、在其辅助编辑系统进行统计表格制作的方法和技巧.充分证明MAPGIS软件能够快速、高效的制作出美观的灾后重建土地复垦整理重大工程规划图;为其他城市进行灾后重建土地复垦整理规划图件编制及类似的规划图件编制提供了软件选择与方法参考.  相似文献   

“饼”字由来已久 ,《说文》曰 :“饼 ,面糍也 ,从食 ,并声。”周礼祭太牢 ,其中有种食品叫“牢九” ,就是用面做的圆形食物。这大概是饼的最早记载。其时已有疏饼、蒸饼、肺饼等诸多品种 ,并有专门的饼店制售。可见 ,我国人民吃饼习俗由来已久。   锅盔饼作为饼食的一种 ,不仅风味别致 ,香酥可口 ,享誉华夏 ,深受人们喜爱 ,而且是我国最古老的、独有的传统面食食品 ,优美动人的掌故轶闻和传说故事 ,是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。本文特介绍三种最具特色的锅盔饼子 ,以飨读者。 仙桃礅子锅盔   礅子锅盔 ,是湖北省仙桃市的传统风味名食…  相似文献   

小时候最盼月亮圆起来,啃着母亲制作的苦荞饼,看月亮上面,隐隐约约的金桂花开。每次回乡,也都是月亮提醒啊,持一份桂花的通知,回到故乡,品尝母亲一桌节日的滋味。  相似文献   

九江茶饼又名桂花花饼、九江桂花茶饼等,是江西省九江市著名的传统风味名点.具有色泽金黄、小而精、薄而脆、酥而甜、香而美等特点.是营养丰富、易消化、老少皆宜的食品.其制作技术如下: 主料:精白面粉10kg. 配料:熟面粉17.5kg,熟芝麻4kg. 调料:饴糖7.5kg,茶油11kg,碱粉0.1kg,糖桂花0.5kg,小苏打0.125kg,白糖粉5.5kg,糖精7.5g.  相似文献   

微生物制剂发酵脱毒菜籽饼养鱼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 菜籽饼(菜粕)是一种利用价值很高的高蛋白饲料。菜籽饼含有芥子甙、芥酸、植酸和单宁等抗营养因子,使它的营养价值大打折扣(特别是发霉的菜籽饼)。芥子甙遇芥子酶能在消化道内产生多种有毒物质,使鱼类消化道等损伤;芥酸可使鱼类生长受阻;植酸能与钙、镁、锌结合,影响机体发育;单宁除了味苦,还妨碍蛋白质的消化。 以往菜籽饼类脱毒方法主要有碱液中和法、土埋法、浸泡法、青贮法和氨化处理法,但  相似文献   

自马铃薯主粮化战略被提出以来,作为全球最大马铃薯生产地,我国一直不断尝试开发各种马铃薯加工类食品,以提升马铃薯的销量及优化马铃薯的产业结构。本文通过单因素试验与正交试验对马铃薯营养饼制作工艺进行优化,结果表明马铃薯泥添加量为30 g、玉米淀粉添加量为9 g、胡萝卜泥添加量为20 g、糖添加量为11 g、盐添加量为3 g以及薯饼胚在常温下放置1 h、速冻库-80℃条件下冷冻6 h时,所得的薯饼口感及风味最佳,且其制作方法便捷,低油低脂,可投入生产。  相似文献   

易引起畜禽中毒的几种生饲料沈艳菜籽饼在未去毒的菜仔饼中含有硫葡萄糖和较多的单宁。前者在芥子酶的作用下可水解产生异硫氰酸盐,能引起畜禽甲状腺肿大,后者可降低饲料的适口性并引起便秘。使用菜籽饼时可先用温水浸泡后煮沸或粉碎后焙炒,方可除去毒素。大豆包括黄豆...  相似文献   

一到河北国宾食品有限公司,董事长楚国彬即拿出一种两寸见方的饼砖冲泡,只见纸杯内饼砖慢慢散开,蘑菇、菠菜舒展漂浮,一品尝,鲜香满口。这是该公司近年开发的即食绿色食品"鸡蛋汤"。2006年,农发行河北省邢台市分行对该公司发放首笔流动资金贷款1500万元,支持公司开发  相似文献   

实践证明,用茶子饼防治病虫害,不仅效果好,对人畜无害,而且能起到改良土壤的作用。现将用茶子饼防治病虫害的几种方法介绍如下: 一、秧田犁好后,每亩用15~20千克茶子饼,捣碎后用热水浸泡12小时发酵。耙秧田前撒于田中,将田耙3~4次后整平,过二三天再做成湿润秧板,这样可以防治水稻苗期的立枯病、稻瘟病,杀死越冬虫  相似文献   

通过对河南油田某些断块累积产油量构建统计模型,证明统计模型在油田产油量预测中应用的有效性。针对研究区内不同区块累积产油量数据的统计特征,分别采用了时间序列分析,多元线性回归分析方法进行研究。结果表明,统计建模方法构建的累积产油量模型能达到较好的模拟效果。  相似文献   

This paper considers a statistical model for a production frontier that is consistent with the traditional (nonstochastic) definition of a production function given in microeconomic theory. Limiting cases of the model are the familiar average production function and an envelope production function. Maximum-likelihood estimators for the parameters of the model are defined. The three related models are applied in the estimation of a production frontier for the Pastoral Zone of Eastern Australia with use of data from the Australian Grazing Industry Survey.  相似文献   

我国粮食生产主要影响因子的灰色关联动态分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1994~2004年我国粮食生产相关指标的统计数据,运用灰色关联理论对影响我国粮食生产的主要因素进行了关联动态分析,定量分析了粮食总产量与各因子的关系密切程度,指出了粮食单产、粮食播种面积、有效灌溉面积及受灾面积是影响中国粮食生产的最重要因素;提出了相关的发展对策。  相似文献   

Efficient allocation of resources has usually been couched in risk less terms, partly because statistical techniques did not exist for measuring the impact of varying levels of factors of production on risks associated with production. Now that such techniques are available, methods are required for determining efficient allocations. Such models, particularly those exploiting stochastic efficiency analysis, are illustrated here with respect to empirical risk-sensitive, farm-firm production functions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses many of the problems encountered in estimating production functions in a low-income farm area in Saskatchewan. It also ermines the difficulties of interpreting the estimated structural coefficients and their usefulness in policy formulation.
The econometric difficulties discussed in production function estimation are those of function selection and choice and rearmament of variables. Many of the comments are also relevant to other forms of quantitative research.
It is combed that: a great deal of arbitrariness is involved in selecting the appropriate production function model, statistical results often conflict with economic theory, it is impossible to interpret the results in a meaningful manner, and production function research is unable to. provide fruitful information for the type of policy decisions deemed desirable to change the economic structure of low-income farm areas.  相似文献   

The identification of local soil variability caused by within‐field differences of macronutrients and ecological features is of paramount importance for the effectiveness of precision agriculture. We present several spatial statistical and econometric techniques to capture local differences in soil variation, ecological characteristics, and yield more effectively than the analytical techniques traditionally used in agronomy. The application of these techniques is illustrated in a case study dealing with precision agriculture in the West African Sahel. The production of millet on acid sandy soils constitutes a typical example of low soil fertility areas exhibiting small absolute but large relative differences in crop production conditions over short distances.  相似文献   

Given the importance of Chinese foodgrain production both in China and in the world food market, it is useful to explore the sources of the increased variabilities of China's foodgrain production (Stone and Zhong, 1989). A production function with composite error structure and a heteroscedastic disturbance is applied to cross-section and time-series data from China. The function provides information on the contributions of inputs to production variance and therefore on risk. It is found that production variance is positively related to sown area, chemical fertiliser and irrigation, and is negatively related to electricity use. However, most of the estimates determining the marginal risk effects lack statistical significance. This suggests that the measured controllable factors do not contribute very significantly to Chinese foodgrain production variability.  相似文献   

In a recent reappraisal of evidence adduced for allocative efficiency in traditional agriculture, Dillon and Anderson employed a method based on a combination of traditional economic aspects and statistical aspects of estimated production functions. However, their reappraisal involved using marginal rather than the (appropriate) joint distributions of the regression coefficients. This paper investigates the error associated with using the inappropriate marginal distribution in a reassessment of allocative efficiency in wool growing in the Australian pastoral zone.  相似文献   

Based on the hypothesis of intertemporal cost minimization, this paper develops an error correction model to explain short-run dynamics of machinery demand in aggregate Canadian agricultural production. The estimated model is subjected to a rigorous sequence of hypothesis tests to check for its statistical validity. In addition, various versions of the model that are nested within the most general model are also tested. Structural parameters of the intertemporal cost minimization problem are recovered from the parameter estimates.  相似文献   

空间分析技术在土地调查数据库中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合土地调查数据库生产和日常管理的需要,提出空间分析技术在土地利用调查数据库的数据处理、数据检查和统计分析方面的几个应用案例。  相似文献   

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