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We examine the impact of the entry of new mutual funds on incumbents using the overlap in their portfolio holdings as a measure of competitive intensity. This simple metric delivers powerful economic results. Incumbents that have a high overlap with entrants subsequently engage in price competition by reducing management fees. Distribution fees, however, rise so that investors do not benefit as much from price competition. Funds with high overlap also experience quantity competition through lower investor flows, have lower alphas, and higher attrition rates. These effects only appear after the late 1990s, at which point there appears to be an endogenous structural shift in the competitive environment. We conclude that the mutual fund market has evolved into one that displays the hallmark features of a competitive market.  相似文献   

竞争力、市场微观结构与证券交易所变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈雨 《证券市场导报》2005,49(11):50-57
纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克实施的重大并购行动标志着全球证券交易所新一轮并购浪潮的兴起,证券交易所之间的竞争再度趋于白热化.交易所之间的竞争已演变为市场微观结构的竞争.本文对纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克的交易成本进行了比较,无论是上市成本还是交易成本,新兴的纳斯达克都比传统的纽约证交所更胜一筹.因而本文认为有效降低交易成本应是提高交易所核心竞争力的关键所在,而改进交易机制、拓展产品服务以及调整组织架构,可以作为降低交易成本、提高交易所竞争力的具体竞争策略.  相似文献   

Steadily increasing competition has changed the underwriting environment in most life insurance companies. This article attempts to explore how heightened competition presents a new challenge for medical professionals employed in the industry.  相似文献   

新金融生态环境下国内城商行的发展面临新的挑战,利率市场化加速推进、金融脱媒日益深化、大型银行侵蚀传统业务领域,城商行的发展空间受到进一步挤压.基于Malmquist指数的实证分析结果表明,在此发展背景下的国内城商行全要素生产率开始下降,纯技术效率提升及技术进步的不足制约着国内城商行的可持续发展.在此基础上,文章提出构建国内城商行核心竞争力的四个政策建议,即坚守传统业务领域,做精做细;引进先进技术,提升风险水平;加大信息投入,强化系统支撑;探索新利润增长点,培育多元化盈利模式,应对利率市场化.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of financial sector reforms on the cost structure characteristics and on the ownership–cost efficiency relationship in Indian banking. It also examines the impact of reforms on the dynamics of competition in the lending market. We find evidence that deregulation improves banks performance and fosters competition in the lending market. Results suggest technological progress, once Indian commercial banks have adjusted to the new regulatory environment. This, however, does not translate in efficiency gains. There is also evidence of an ownership effect on the level and pattern of efficiency change. Finally, competition keeps building pace even in the re-regulation period and technological improvements are not hampered by the tightening of prudential norms.  相似文献   

国有商业银行普遍进入了加快建设现代商业银行的关键时期,迫切需要对自身经营模式和增长方式进行重新定位,以更好地适应外部经济金融环境的变化和自身进一步发展的需要,在新一轮国际竞争中保持持续、稳步、健康地发展。本文详细分析了国际银行业经营转型的背景,总结了国有商业银行转型的内涵、方向和特点,在此基础上详细论证了国有商业银行经营转型的迫切性和必要性,提出了确保国有商业银行经营转型目标实现的主要策略和措施,即加快推进理念转型、业务转型、流程转型和管理转型。  相似文献   

国有商业银行普遍进入了加快建设现代商业银行的关键时期,迫切需要对自身经营模式和增长方式进行重新定位,以更好地适应外部经济金融环境的变化和自身进一步发展的需要,在新一轮国际竞争中保持持续、稳步、健康地发展.本文详细分析了国际银行业经营转型的背景,总结了国有商业银行转型的内涵、方向和特点,在此基础上详细论证了国有商业银行经营转型的迫切性和必要性,提出了确保国有商业银行经营转型目标实现的主要策略和措施,即加快推进理念转型、业务转型、流程转型和管理转型.  相似文献   

如果没有公平的竞争环境,跨国公司的发展会受到限制,可以说建立一个公平竞争的国际环境是跨国公司得以发展的最根本的前提。事实上,公平竞争环境不仅包括产品市场竞争、生产要素市场竞争和金融市场竞争,而且还包括税收政策竞争等经济政策竞争。这些竞争环境都是跨国公司发展的必要国际条件。  相似文献   

我国正积极优化营商环境以推动公平竞争.网络虚构交易作为新兴商业策略,目前正被网络经营者滥用.已有研究多侧重关注如何维护竞争秩序,而较少关注税制因素对竞争秩序的影响.理论上,网络虚构交易所涉增值税、企业所得税等税款均可申请退税.这在一定程度上间接鼓励网络虚构交易的发生,事实上构成了对守法经营者的税制歧视,最终会扭曲电子商...  相似文献   

This paper measures the degree of concentration and competition in the enlarged European Union (EU) banking environment over the period 1998–2002. In the empirical part we opt for a methodology as proposed by Panzar and Rosse based on a non‐structural estimation of market competition. Our results suggest that European banks were operating under conditions of monopolistic competition and that bank interest revenues in the 10 new EU member states was earned under conditions of higher competition than those that existed in the old EU banking countries. The opposite result was observed for total operating revenues. Smaller banks earn interest income in a less competitive environment than larger banks, while the opposite is observed for total revenues.  相似文献   

This article investigates how bank competition has evolved in Africa following the recent penetration and expansion of regional cross-border banks over the past decade. We examine changes in competition in the banking industry of seven African countries highly affected by this recent phenomenon. The evolution of competition is evaluated through three different non-structural measures of competition (Lerner index, Panzar–Rosse model, and Boone indicator). With the exception of results from the Lerner index, our findings show an intensification of competition since the mid-2000s. This period corresponds to the rapid expansion of regional cross-border banks in the zone, indicating that this expansion has promoted competition in banking sectors in Africa.  相似文献   

全流通时代我国券商经纪业务转型与发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全流通时代的来临将从市场供求、竞争模式等诸多方面改变我国券商经纪业务的生存环境,但我国券商经纪业务普遍存在战略定位不明晰、服务模式不完善、激励机制不健全等,这些问题将阻碍我国券商经纪业务的转型和发展.在全流通模式下,我国券商应借鉴境外经纪业务转型和发展的经验,加速推进战略定位、业务模式和管理模式的转变.  相似文献   

Predators and prey: a new ecology of competition   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
Much has been written about networks, strategic alliances, and virtual organizations. Yet these currently popular frameworks provide little systematic assistance when it comes to out-innovating the competition. That's because most managers still view the problem in the old way: companies go head-to-head in an industry, battling for market share. James Moore sets up a new metaphor for competition drawn from the study of biology and social systems. He suggests that a company be viewed not as a member of a single industry but as a part of a business ecosystem that crosses a variety of industries. In a business ecosystem, companies "co-evolve" around a new innovation, working cooperatively and competitively to support new products and satisfy customer needs. Apple Computer, for example, leads an ecosystem that covers personal computers, consumer electronics, information, and communications. In any larger business environment, several ecosystems may vie for survival and dominance, such as the IBM and Apple ecosystems in personal computers or Wal-Mart and K mart in discount retailing. In fact, it's largely competition among business ecosystems, not individual companies, that's fueling today's industrial transformation. Managers can't afford to ignore the birth of new ecosystems or the competition among those that already exist. Whether that means investing in the right new technology, signing on suppliers to expand a growing business, developing crucial elements of value to maintain leadership, or incorporating new innovations to fend off obsolescence, executives must understand the evolutionary stages all business ecosystems go through and, more important, how to direct those changes.  相似文献   

商业银行学习模式与竞争力培育互动关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨为官  李杨 《金融论坛》2004,9(1):50-55
银行的学习能力对其保持长久的生命力至关重要,而构建与竞争力培育实践相结合的学习模式更是我国银行的现实选择和客观要求.本文首先从理论上分析了银行学习与竞争力培育的互动关系,并从国外银行的实践角度进行了实证分析,认为基于竞争力构建学习模式是银行发展的必然选择;然后,对我国银行基于竞争力构建学习模式的意义进行了阐述,指出其具有较好的应用前景;最后,提出了基于竞争力的三个层面学习模式.本文认为,基于我国银行现有的学习能力,应该采取相关的辅助性策略,以各种支持性措施逐步提高学习能力,从而缩短学习与竞争力培育的距离,渐次推进学习模式的演化.  相似文献   

早期的社会保险是在参照和模仿商业保险的运作机理后,草创的一种新制度。作为一对既有区别也有联系的概念,二者之间在我国农村地区不断发生变迁,从单方越位、竞争对立到目前的局部协同。本文从内、外因两个方面,分析了二者关系出现变迁的深层次原因,提出须尽快改进二者关系,通过制造双赢效应,更好地服务国家新农村建设和城镇化进程。  相似文献   

企业合作竞争研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
由对抗性竞争向合作竞争发展已经成为一种共识.然而,大多数的研究仅说明了合作是一种必然,但对于究竟什么才是真正意义上的合作竞争以及如何进行合作等问题却提及较少,而这往往是企业间建立持久合作的关键.本文正是在总结出合作竞争实质的基础上,即:互补的前提,双赢的结果,市场增量的导向,以迈克尔·波特的产业竞争模型为依据,针对企业的供应商、替代者、顾客,具体分析归纳出了企业合作竞争的基本模式.  相似文献   

在世界经济的"新全球化"背景下,中国经济基本面发生了历史性的实质变化,经济结构、发展动力和国际环境都发生了深刻变化,宏观经济步入新的发展阶段,中国经济从过去两位数的高速增长阶段下行到当前的中高速增长时期,已演变成一种结构性的减速。面对经济新常态,如何让智库产业在区域经济发展中起到重要支撑作用?  相似文献   

新兴金融、互联网金融发展不断倒逼着银行业必须提高效率,而服务能力、信贷环境是银行效率提升的关键因素。本文运用数据包络分析方法和广义相加模型,对特定信贷环境中银行效率与服务能力的关系假设进行检验。实证结果表明,银行的信贷供给和服务配送能力对银行效率的提升具有正面影响,但信贷供给能力对银行效率的提升作用存在上限边界约束,而服务配送能力对银行效率的提升作用则受到下限边界约束;银行效率对信贷环境变化的动态响应呈“S”型变动特征。  相似文献   

工商银行管理流程再造研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
银行管理流程再造是银行业应对当前顾客、竞争和变化的挑战而产生的一场管理观念和管理模式的变革,这场全球性的变革也日益成为我国商业银行关注的热点.工商银行现行管理体系是典型的金字塔结构,当前存在缺乏整体竞争意识、组织结构不合理、风险防范意识不强等问题,这必然要求其对管理模式加以变革以适应商业银行市场竞争的需要.工商银行在实施管理流程再造中须根据银行再造的基本原理和工商银行的现状,在观念、组织结构、制度、业务流程、风险管理、技术、经营策略及企业文化等八个方面实施再造工程,使其自身经营方式发生实质性的变化,以适应新的环境需要.  相似文献   

The literature on the evolution of the accounting profession has frequently explained that the changes in the structure of the profession over the last century or more have often been used to achieve closure of the profession. The profession is once again in a state of flux. The Australian accounting profession has undergone major changes and is contemplating more transformation. The sole accounting body in New Zealand has made a major shift from monopoly over accounting practice to free competition for all. Examining the recent developments in Australia and New Zealand, the paper shows that the objectives behind the current changes in the two countries are identical. They are primarily no longer seeking closure and are moving towards achieving market differentiation. The paper then demonstrates that this strategy shift can be seen as an outcome of the new market orientated socio-economic environment of these countries. The outcome of the change is a profession that is trying to be consumer focused with a corporatist structure, within the shade of professional identity.  相似文献   

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