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This study surveys the empirical literature in which the gravity equation has been used to study the effect of economic integration agreements (EIAs) on international trade flows. We show that most studies either focus on improving the methodology to assess regionalism’s overall impact, or on a small set of well-known agreements without necessarily adopting new methodological improvements. We bridge this gap by providing individual estimates for EIAs on world trade, while employing first-differencing techniques to correct for endogeneity bias and account for phase-in effects. Overall, EIAs promote trade by at most 50 %. Surprisingly, more than half of the EIAs investigated have had no discernible impact on trade at all, while only about one quarter of the agreements are trade promoting. Characteristics of these agreements, such as their institutional quality, design, and their members’ involvement in the World Trade Organisation, shed more light on how this variation can be understood.  相似文献   

Regional trade agreements (RTAs) are usually classified according to their form into four broad categories: preferential arrangements, free trade agreements, customs unions and common markets. This paper investigates whether the form/depth of RTAs matters concerning their effect on trade. I use a proper specification of the gravity model with panel data on the 1960–2000 period, which specifically control for self-selection into agreements. Results show that creating any kind of RTAs providing trade preferences to their member countries significantly increases bilateral trade. Nevertheless, their average treatment effect on bilateral trade does not significantly differ according to the depth of agreements.
Vincent VicardEmail:

This paper uncovers and quantifies Israel’s exports to countries that ban trade with Israel. Israel exported a total of $6.4 billion worth of merchandise to boycott countries between 1962 and 2012, and most of this trade is illicit, i.e. not recorded by the importers. We find that electronic exports to Malaysia account for the lion’s share of this trade but it also includes a wide array of products from footwear to fruit and vegetables. Our estimates suggest Israel’s exports to these countries would be 10 times larger without the boycott. On top of providing further evidence on the unintended consequences of unilateral trade bans, this paper provides a case study on the role of politics in international trade.  相似文献   

Conclusions Both the gravity model and indexes of trade dependence show a bias in the geographical distribution of trade towards other members of CIS, in both exports and imports of most of the CIS countries, except Russia. The gravity model and the comparison made with the EU shows that this cannot be solely explained by geographical proximity or free trade agreements within the CIS. However, central planning cannot be the only reason, either. These CIS members shared a country, a common experience, a culture for more than half a century. This can also explain part of the bias in CIS trade. In sum by these two measures, some evidence is found for a bias in geographical distribution towards CIS, suggesting that complete reorientation towards Western markets did not take place.  相似文献   

This paper documents that a large fraction of trade flows at the firm level consists of simultaneous imports and exports in identical products, narrowly defined at the 8-digit product classification, which we call pass-on trade (POT). We use data on imports and exports at the firm and product level for Slovenian manufacturing firms in the period 1994–2008, to show that, on average, 70 % of all exporting firms engage in POT. This corresponds to more than 50 % of all exported products. Thus, imported products that are exported again by the same firm is a statistical regularity of trade of Slovenian manufacturing firms. We document that the use of POT is increasing in firm size, product diversification, multinational status as well as firm productivity and profitability. We offer and explore empirically a number of explanations for POT. Among possible explanations, we find evidence on the importance of firms’ multinational networks and demand complementarities between firms’ own and POT products. The latter confirms the theoretical explanations for carry-along trade (CAT) as developed by the recent work of Bernard et al. (2012).  相似文献   

Trade has been shown by many authors to have strong positive impact on productivity. However, we also see some others being more reserved about such an impact. This study intends to investigate whether trade is enough for better economic performance, or rather, whether the impact of trade depends on the quality of local institutions. Using a panel of China's provincial data, empirical estimation results show that the better the quality of local institutions, the stronger the positive impact of trade on total factor productivity. If local institutions did not reach a certain quality level, trade expansion could have a negative marginal effect on total factor productivity.  相似文献   

Previous studies that have tested the J-Curve phenomenon for Japan or China employed either aggregate trade data between each country and the rest of the world, or aggregate bilateral data between two trade partners. These studies have found no support for the J-Curve. Suspecting that their models could suffer from aggregation bias, in this paper, we disaggregate bilateral trade flows between the two countries and examine trade by 73 industries. We find evidence of the J-Curve phenomenon in 24 industries, a unique finding for trade between Japan and China.  相似文献   

Canada’s trade in commercial services appears inconsistent with what manufacturing-oriented Heckscher-Ohlin theory predicts. Canada’s services trade is overwhelmingly intra-industry, involving countries whose factor proportions and demand patterns are similar—findings consistent with the ‘new’ trade theory, and the Linder hypothesis: that there is a uni-directional causal relationship flowing from the similarity (convergence) in demand patterns amongst trading partners, to Canada’s exports to those partners. Support for this conjecture is found for the US, the UK, and Japan. We infer that liberalization of trade in commercial services is likely welfare enhancing, with gains greater within trade arrangements and entities such as the NAFTA, the EU, and the OECD.  相似文献   

The paper reviews recent developments in trade relations between Vietnam and members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, and analyses the impacts on Vietnam's exports of tariff reductions in RCEP trading partners. The margin of tariff preferences is adopted as a proxy for the degree of trade liberalisation and a gravity model is used to assess the impacts of the tariff preferences under the AFTA and ASEAN+1 FTAs on Vietnam's major exports. The results show that the effects of tariff preferences differ between the types of preferences and products. The FTA tariff preferences do not exert a stimulating effect on the export of agricultural products but they have positive effects on several manufacturing exports such as garments and footwear.  相似文献   

The traditional way of assessing the impact of currency depreciation on the trade balance has been to estimate the elasticity of trade volume to relative prices. To this end, most previous studies used aggregate trade data. To shy away from problems associated with using aggregate data, recent studies have relied on bilateral trade data. Since import and export price data is not available on bilateral level, this study proposes an alternative way of assessing the impact of currency depreciation on bilateral trade flows. The models are applied between Japan and her nine largest trading partners using recent advances in time-series modeling.  相似文献   

A common feature in the empirical literature of intra-industry trade is the analysis of trade between a given reference country and a set of partners. This article differs from previous studies by examining the bilateral trade among all trading partners within a set of partners. Using a panel data approach, we find that differences in factor endowments seem not to be important as a driving force behind vertical intra-industry trade for European countries over the chosen period. More important driving forces are production size, geographical proximity, average income per capita and income distribution overlap.  相似文献   

In this paper bilateral models formalizing monthly growth of US imports and exports are employed to investigate the potential of nonlinear relationships linking exchange rate uncertainty and trade growth. Parametric linear and nonlinear as well as semiparametric time series models are evaluated in terms of fitting and ex ante forecasting. The overall impact of exchange rate variations on trade growth is found to be weak. In periods of large exchange rate variations, trade growth forecasts gain from conditioning on volatility. Empirical results support the view that the relationship of interest might be non-linear and, moreover, lacks homogeneity across countries and imports vs. exports. JEL no. C14, C22, F31, F41  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina (2005) was the most devastating natural disaster in US history since San Francisco in 1906. A budding literature on disasters and trade suggests that while the impact of natural disasters on small and/or developing countries is significant, the effects on developed countries is not significant. This paper adds to the literature by focusing on a single event for a developed country, the US. In so doing, the aggregation problems of panel studies of many disasters over many countries is avoided. The results suggest that while terrible, Katrina’s effect on US imports was not statistically significant. Estimates of the long-run cointegrating relationship of import demand detected neither the presence of extraordinarily more nor less imports during the period studied (1983:1 to 2008:2). Small, short-run decreases, then increases, can be attributed to the direct effect of a small decline in overall economic activity alone. Recent estimates for income and price elasticities are also obtained and the results compared to other recent shocks, namely, the mild recession of 1990–1991 and the recession and trade collapse in 2008.  相似文献   

Based on the gravity model by Baier and Bergstrand (2001), we use a static and dynamic panel approach to estimate the determinants of the growth of intra-EU trade from 1960 to 2000. The results suggest that income growth was the major force, accounting for approximately two-thirds of total growth. Trade liberalization still had a sizeable effect, while other factors had only a little impact (income convergence, real effective exchange rate changes) or played no role (trade costs). Our estimation results for intra-EU trade, using a variety of extensions, underline the robustness of the Baier-Bergstrand cross-section findings for world trade. JEL no. C23, F12, F14, F15  相似文献   

This paper presents an industry-level analysis of trade flows in order to estimate the trade effects of Turkey’s customs union with the European Community (EC). The paper is able to distinguish between trade creation and trade diversion by employing tariff data on each good to measure the impact of not only the tariff level but also the difference between tariffs applied to imports from Europe and the most-favored nation tariffs applied to imports from other non-preferential trading partners. The paper estimates the general equilibrium effects of the customs union in addition to the effects of eliminating tariffs on the EC’s exports to Turkey. It concludes that the customs union has generated more than twice as much trade creation as trade diversion but that the overall impact of the customs union has been relatively small.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how increased trade has affected labor demand at different levels of skills in Japanese manufacturing since the 1980s. First, the estimated loss of employment in aggregate manufacturing attributable to increased imports between 1980 and 1990 is 4.7 percent of the 1980 level of employment. Second, the rate of change in the relative wage of non-production to production workers attributable to the change in trade between 1980 and 1990 is 2.4 percent or less. These findings suggest that the effect of increased trade on the Japanese manufacturing labor market in the 1980s is not yet very large.  相似文献   

This paper employs the network approach to study the structure and nodes’ role of the world coal trade network. Based on the bilateral coal trade data of 212 countries (or regions) over the period from 2001 to 2010, this study analyses the world coal trade network, the network’s directionality and heterogeneity, and the roles of network nodes. It is found that the size of the world coal trade network is relatively stable, while the trade links and volume have been growing overtime. Because of the buyer–seller dual structure between exporters and importers, the network shows strong directionality. It also exhibits heterogeneity because of the uneven distribution of trade among different countries. In general, most countries can be classified as the in-nodes, followed by the middleman-nodes, then the cycle-nodes and out-nodes. Finally, the web shows a remarkably significant core–periphery structure and core–half-an-edge–edge structure and the core layers of each model are quite stable.  相似文献   

Recent cross country panel data studies find a positive impact of internet use on economic growth and a positive impact of internet use on trade. The present study challenges the first finding by showing that internet use does not explain economic growth directly in a fully specified growth model. In particular openness to international trade variables seem to be highly correlated with internet use and the findings in the literature that internet use causes trade is confirmed here suggesting that internet use impacts trade and that trade impacts economic growth. A simultaneous equations model confirms the positive and significant role of internet use to openness and the importance of openness to economic growth. Internet use shows to be more impacting trade in non-high income countries than in high income countries whereas the impact of trade on economic growth is the same for both income groups.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on intra-industry trade (IIT) in the Portuguese case from 1994 onwards by disentangling vertical from horizontal IIT with two different indexes—the Grubel-Lloyd and the so-called CEPII index- and analyse the determinants of both IIT types. Distinct explanatory factors are identified for each IIT type and we confirm the comparative advantage explanation in the vertical case. The regression results are robust to different estimation methods and to alternative IIT indexes. Nonetheless, sensitivity of the IIT levels to the arbitrary criterion of the CEPII measurement points out to the Grubel-Lloyd index as a preferable method. JEL no. F12, F14  相似文献   

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