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This paper investigates the possibility that the adjustment towards long‐run relative purchasing power parity (PPP) is dependent upon the nature of deviations from PPP that are experienced. While existing studies involving developed and less developed countries often find against PPP having employed linear tests of non‐stationarity or non‐cointegration, we employ a new cointegration test, recently advocated by Enders and Siklos and Enders and Dibooglu, that tests for an asymmetric adjustment towards parity with respect to positive and negative deviations of the real exchange rate from its equilibrium value. Using a sample often African economies with data taken from the post‐Bretton Woods floating exchange rate era, long‐run PPP holds in eight of these cases if an explicit distinction is made between positive and negative deviations. Across the sample, we find variation in the type of asymmetry experienced and the roles played by price and nominal exchange rate adjustment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to apply a symmetric band-threshold autoregressive model to investigate several interesting issues regarding purchasing power parity (PPP). We find that the nonlinear adjustment toward PPP is sensitive to price indices and is supported if a traded-goods real exchange rate is applied. Moreover, we also uncover the sources of the real exchange rate adjustments toward PPP. Finally, our evidence points out that the estimated half-life with a large shock, based on a generalized impulse response function, can be explained by nominal rigidities.  相似文献   

Tests of purchasing power parity (PPP) that use panel data are more supportive of the theory than are bilateral tests. The article uses threshold cointegration to explore long-run PPP. Using data from the post-Bretton Woods period, we show that cointegration with threshold adjustment holds for a number of European countries on a bilateral basis. Focusing on France and Germany as base countries, we show that the error-correction model has important nonlinear characteristics in that prices and the exchange rate have markedly different adjustment patterns for positive gaps from PPP than negative gaps.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) in a nonlinear framework using data for 18 bilateral US dollar exchange rates. Following Enders and Ludlow (2002), we use unit root and cointegration tests that do not assume a specific nonlinear adjustment. We find evidence of non-linear mean reversion in deviations from the PPP equilibrium in 11 out of 18 currencies. Additionally, to disentangle the respective contribution of exchange rate and prices to the adjustment toward the long run equilibrium, we estimate a Vector Error Correction Model. According to our empirical analysis, there exists a nonlinear mechanism to correct for deviation from the PPP equilibrium that comes mainly from the exchange rates. This is consistent with theoretical arguments on international goods markets under transaction costs as well as with an emerging strand of empirical literature. These results highlight the importance of neglecting the possibility of nonlinearity in the debate about the PPP and provide empirical evidence that supports the scenario of the PPP hypothesis as a reality.  相似文献   

This paper examines the long-run validity of purchasing power parity (PPP) for four high-inflation countries. The method of Zivot and Andrews (1992) is employed to detect the time-series behavior of the exchange rates and consumer price indices of these countries. We find that these variables are integrated with some trend breaks. We then utilize these data to test PPP using Johansen's (1988) multivariate cointegration technique. The cointegration tests are conducted with the correction of the finite sample bias and the adjustment for trend breaks. The results are consistent with the argument that, during the recent floating exchange-rate period, PPP holds well, at least in a weak form, in high-inflation countries where the general price level movement overshadows the factors causing deviations from PPP.  相似文献   

The paper tests for nonlinearities in the adjustment of the euro exchange rate towards purchasing power parity (PPP). It presents new survey based evidence consistent with non-linear patterns in euro exchange rate dynamics. Moreover, based on an exponential smooth transition autoregressive (ESTAR-) model, it finds strong evidence that the speed of mean reversion in euro exchange rates increases non-linearly with the magnitude of the PPP deviation. Accordingly, while the euro real exchange rate can be well approximated by a random walk if PPP deviations are small, in periods of significant deviations, gravitational forces are set to take root and bring the exchange rate back towards its long-term trend. Deviations from the PPP equilibrium for the euro-dollar rate need to be stronger in order to reach the same adjustment intensity as for other rates.
Bernd SchnatzEmail:

Hegwood and Papell (2002) conclude on the basis of analysis in a linear framework that long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) does not hold for 16 real exchange rate series, which were analyzed in Diebold. I lusted, and Rush (1991) for the period 1792-1913 under the Gold Standard. Rather, PPP deviations are mean-reverting to a changing equilibrium—a quasi PPP (QPPP) theory. We analyze the real exchange rate adjustment mechanism for their data set assuming a nonlinear adjustment process allowing for both a constant and a mean shifting equilibrium. Our results confirm that real exchange rates at that time were stationary, symmetric, nonlinear processes that revert to a nonconstant equilibrium rate. Speeds of adjustment were much quicker when breaks were allowed.  相似文献   

The purchasing power parity (PPP) theory is a cornerstone of exchange rate models in international economics. PPP is very important for two main reasons: first, it can serve as a prediction model for exchange rates, and second, it can serve as a benchmark in judging the level of exchange rate movements. This article utilised the Johansen cointegration technique in examining whether or not there is empirical support for long-run PPP in Africa. Annual data were used for exchange rates and food price indices in 25 countries covering the 1958-97 period. The empirical evidence showed strong support for long-run PPP in Africa, thereby providing wider acceptance for the applicability of PPP in exchange rate and other macroeconomic adjustment policies.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to find some empirical evidence on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) in the Spanish case vis à vis the European Community for the period 1980–89. The main contribution of the paper is the aggregation of the variables corresponding to the countries that participate in the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System. The results support the importance of the interest differential as an explanatory variable for the short-term adjustment to the PPP. The results follow from powerful estimation techniques, applied in the framework of a multivariate error-correction model using the maximum-likelihood procedure as developed by Johansen and Juselius (1992).  相似文献   

The paper investigates the possibility of decline in the persistence of real exchange rates, or deviations from PPP. To this end, we test the null hypothesis of no decline in the PPP deviation persistence between two subsamples using a fractional integration framework. The test rejects the null at the 10% significance level for nine out of 17 countries, providing solid evidence for a decline in the persistence of real exchange rates. However, the decline is not sufficient for PPP, meaning we fail to reject the unit root hypothesis even in the latter period for all 17 countries. In addition, our rolling-window estimates show that the real exchange rate of many countries have experienced a sharp drop in their persistence once we use samples starting from the mid-1980s. Finally, we examine the relationship between the dynamics of PPP deviation persistence and several economic variables and confirm that the speed of convergence of PPP deviations is highly related to economic/financial integration and world economic stabilization.  相似文献   

In an effort to fight relatively high inflation, many developing countries try to manage their nominal exchange rates through official intervention. In addition, developing countries tend to have high transportation costs, tariffs, and nontariff barriers. These factors are among the sources of generating nonlinearity in real exchange rates and hence some nonlinear adjustment toward purchasing power parity (PPP) in developing countries. In this paper, we employ monthly real effective exchange rate (REER) data of 88 developing countries and test the null of nonstationarity versus an alternative of linear stationarity by the means of a conventional unit root test and compare the results with those obtained from a new test in which the null is the same but the alternative hypothesis is nonlinear stationarity. The latter test supports the PPP theory in more developing countries compared with the former test, suggesting that nonlinear adjustment toward PPP in developing countries is an important phenomenon. Reported country characterizations indicate that reversion in REER occurs more often for high-inflation countries and for countries with high flexibility in their exchange rates.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of social trust on a firm's adjustment speed toward an optimal capital structure. Leveraging the availability of generalized trust and personalized trust metrics in China, we find that, as expected, when a firm is located in a high social trust region (with either generalized or personalized trust), it adjusts more quickly toward its target capital structure. Moreover, we document that the impact of generalized trust (personalized trust) on the adjustment speed is magnified if the firm already had stringent financial constraints (less-severe agency problems) but it is not related to the severity of a firm's agency problems (financial constraints). Additional analysis suggests that the impact of social trust on capital structure dynamics is primarily through debt rather than equity. Furthermore, we find that when a firm is located in a weak formal institutional environment, the impact of generalized trust on the adjustment speed strengthens, suggesting that formal institutions and generalized trust are partial substitutes. Interestingly, the substitution effect of formal institutions and personalized trust is weak. Hence, the impact of generalized trust and personalized trust on capital structure adjustment share some similarities but differ in other respects.  相似文献   

This study applies nonlinear cointegration to assess exchange rates with the corresponding relative prices and aggregate price levels for 20 African countries. We find that a nonparametric rank test has higher power than parametric testing procedures; a true data‐generating process of exchange rate is in fact a stationary nonlinear process. We examine the validity of purchasing power parity (PPP) from the nonparametric nonlinear point of view and provide robust evidence that clearly indicates PPP holds true for these countries. Hence, the long‐run African countries exchange rate adjustments are in equilibrium with the relevant fundamentals as suggested by the PPP hypothesis in a nonlinear way.  相似文献   

We study the determinants of capital structure for 650 Chinese publicly listed companies over the period from 1999 to 2004. We posit that a firm's decision on capital structure is inherently dynamic, and estimate the resulting dynamic capital structure model. The main findings of the paper are as follows: (i) Chinese firms adjust toward an equilibrium level of debt ratio in a given year at a very slow rate; (ii) firm size, tangibility and state shareholdings are positively associated with firm's leverage ratio, while profitability, non-debt tax shields, growth and volatility are negatively related to firm's leverage ratio; (iii) lagged profitability has a negligibly small and positive impact on firm's leverage ratio; (iv) for a firm experiencing a large reduction in its leverage ratio only about 11% of the discrepancy between its desired and actual leverage level is eliminated within a year (compared to more than 18% for full firm sample); (v) extending the basic model to allow for both the target level and the speed of adjustment to be endogenously determined, we find that Chinese firms tend to adjust faster if they are farther away from the equilibrium leverage level; and lastly (vi) extending the sample period to cover the earlier periods starting from 1993, when the Chinese stock markets were first developed, results in a slower speed of adjustment for firms in the below target sample.  相似文献   

We propose that analysis of purchasing power parity (PPP) and the law of one price should explicitly take into account the possibility of “commodity points”—thresholds delineating a region of no central tendency among relative prices, possibly due to lack of perfect arbitrage in the presence of transaction costs and uncertainty. More than 80 years ago, Heckscher stressed the importance of such incomplete arbitrage in the empirical application of PPP. We devise an econometric method to identify commodity points. Price adjustment is treated as a nonlinear process, and a threshold autoregression offers a parsimonious specification within which both thresholds and adjustment speeds are estimated by maximum likelihood methods. Our model performs well using post-1980 data, and yields parameter estimates that appear quite reasonable: adjustment outside the thresholds might imply half-lives of price deviations measured in months rather than years, and the thresholds correspond to popular rough estimates as to the order of magnitude of actual transport costs. The estimated commodity points appear to be positively related to objective measures of market segmentation, notably nominal exchange rate volatility.J. Japan Int. Econ.December 1997,11(4), pp. 441–479. Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-3880; and Department of Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208-2600.  相似文献   

We use the Johansen cointegration approach to assess the empirical validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) between the UK and Germany since the introduction of the euro. We conduct the empirical analysis in the context of the global financial crisis that began in 2007 and find that it directly affects the cointegration space. We fail to validate the Johansen and Juselius (1992) original hypothesis that nonstationarity of PPP associates with the nonstationarity of interest rate differentials to produce a stationary relation. On the other hand, we do not reject PPP. We find that PPP cointegrates with inflation differentials. We also find, contrary to conventional wisdom, that (i) equilibrium adjustment occurs between the German and UK inflation rates, while weak exogeneity exists for the German and UK interest rates and the PPP condition, and (ii) three common trends associated with the German interest rate the UK interest rate, and the PPP condition “push” the system with the German interest rate and the PPP condition playing dominant roles in affecting inflation in both Germany and the UK. These results cast serious doubt on the presumed independence of the UK monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines purchasing power parity (PPP) behavior using error correction models (ECM) and allowing for structural breaks. We distinguish four different objectives: first, this paper examines which variable or variables (the exchange rate and/or international relative prices) exhibit a significant error correction mechanism. Second, this paper presents empirical evidence about the adjustment velocity to the long-run equilibrium. Third, it examines the evidence regarding cointegration and the adjustment coefficients parameter instability, and finally, it analyzes whether traded and non-traded sectors exhibit different behavior. The most important results are: (1) the predominant adjustment is in the exchange rate with a larger velocity adjustment than in relative prices; (2) the evidence suggests that when there are strong depreciations or appreciations in the exchange rate, the international relative prices adjust (i.e., there is evidence of pass-through); (3) the dynamic adjustment to equilibrium is, in general, stable.  相似文献   

In this paper we find strong new evidence in favour of the long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis in the bilateral real exchange rates between the Japanese yen and the currencies of the most important southeast Asian economies only when the presence of several possible structural breaks of the series is taken into account. Such evidence for PPP is weaker for these southeast Asian exchange rates with the US dollar, the German mark and the Australian dollar.  相似文献   

This study applies a simple and powerful nonlinear unit root test, proposed by Sollis (2009), to test the validity of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) in a sample of ASEAN countries. The empirical results indicate that PPP only holds for three of these ASEAN countries studied, and the adjustment toward PPP is found to be nonlinear and asymmetric.  相似文献   

A model of adjustment toward PPP for a panel of real exchange rates is introduced that allows varying speeds of convergence within nations, within continents and across continents. We allow for correlation across equations in our panel, and estimate the model using generalized least squares. The panel consists of the price levels of eight cities in four countries and two continents. We do not find evidence in favor of reversion to PPP for any group of cities.J. Japan. Int. Econ.,December 1997,11(4), pp. 480–501. Department of Economics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-3330 and NBER; Department of Economics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-3330; and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, International Finance Division, Stop 22, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC 20551.  相似文献   

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