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Business cycle chronologies offer reference points for empirical studies used as benchmarks for business cycle and recession theory. A quasi-official chronology exists for the US economy, but not for most European countries, including Germany. While most papers dealing with business cycle dates rely on one specific method, I present and discuss a number of different dating approaches based on the classical business cycle. These are applied to German GDP data comprising 1970–2006. Finally, based on the results of the different methods, a consensus business cycle chronology for the German economy is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the business cycle and individuals’ duration in unemployment. I use multi-spell unemployment duration data of British males and monthly series of regional vacancies over unemployment, referred to as labour market tightness, to control for the business cycle. In line with most previous studies I find that the observed negative duration dependence on an aggregate level is explained by both sorting and strong negative individual duration dependence, and that the individual hazard of leaving unemployment increases with labour market tightness. The new empirical findings emerge from the interactions between individual duration dependence and the business cycle. Individual heterogeneity, and in particular the variation over the business cycle in the composition of the newly unemployed, explains most of the systematic variation over the business cycle in duration dependence on an aggregate level. Individual duration dependence does not vary over the business cycle in a way that would lend support to the predictions concerning this of the matching model of Lockwood (Rev Econ Stud 58:733–753, 1991) or the ranking model of Blanchard and Diamond (Rev Econ Stud 61:417–434, 1994).  相似文献   

This study revisits business cycle duration dependence in G7 countries by controlling for foreign recessions, defined as the number of other G7 countries in a recession. Estimates from regime switching logit models show that the monthly likelihood of ending an expansion roughly doubles for every extra G7 country in recession, but the end of foreign recessions do not affect the ending of recessions. They also show that recessions are duration dependent in all G7 countries, but expansions only in the United States and Germany. The economic importance of foreign recessions and duration in driving business cycle phase changes vary across countries.  相似文献   

Business cycle dynamics with duration dependence and leading indicators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Durland and McCurdy [Durland, J.M., McCurdy, T.H., 1994. Duration-dependent transitions in a Markov model of US GNP growth. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 12, 279–288] investigated the issue of duration dependence in US business cycle phases using a Markov regime-switching approach, introduced by Hamilton [Hamilton, J., 1989. A new approach to the analysis of time series and the business cycle. Econometrica 57, 357–384] and extended to the case of variable transition parameters by Filardo [Filardo, A.J., 1994. Business cycle phases and their transitional dynamics. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 12, 299–308]. In Durland and McCurdy’s model duration alone was used as an explanatory variable of the transition probabilities. They found that recessions were duration dependent whilst expansions were not. In this paper, we explicitly incorporate the widely-accepted US business cycle phase change dates as determined by the NBER, and use a state-dependent multinomial Logit modelling framework. The model incorporates both duration and movements in two leading indexes – one designed to have a short lead (SLI) and the other designed to have a longer lead (LLI) – as potential explanatory variables. We find that doing so suggests that current duration is not only a significant determinant of transition out of recessions, but that there is some evidence that it is also weakly significant in the case of expansions. Furthermore, we find that SLI has more informational content for the termination of recessions whilst LLI does so for expansions.  相似文献   

In every business expansion the wage share declines because productivity rises faster than hourly wages. As a result, towards the end of expansion the limited wages and salaries cause an insufficient growth of consumer demand, which makes it difficult to realize profits. At the same time costs - including wage costs, material costs and interest costs - are rising, so it is difficult to produce at a profit. Therefore, at the peak of the cycle rising costs and insufficient demand squeeze profits as in a nutcracker, causing a fall in the expected rate of profit, which leads to a business contraction. In every business contraction the opposite trends tend to produce eventual recovery and a new expansion.  相似文献   

This paper intends to harmonize two different approaches employed in the analysis of business cycles and, in doing so, it retrieves the stylized facts of the business cycle in Europe. We start with the classical approach proposed in Burns and Mitchell (1946) of dating and analyzing the business cycle. The stylized facts retrieved are commented and compared to those obtained by Harding and Pagan (2002) for the U.S.. Two conclusions can be extracted from the results: a) though the turning points obtained for individual countries seem to cluster and would suggest the idea of a common cycle, there are relevant differences in the stylized facts characterizing the business cycle in the individual European economies under analysis; b) moreover, we find relevant differences in the business cycle stylized facts of the European countries and the U.S., mostly in terms of the duration, the amplitude of the cycle and the shape of the recovery. We then adopt the modern alternative: the Markov-switching vector autoregression (MS-VAR). The models regime probabilities provide an optimal statistical inference of the turning point of the European business cycle. For assessing the capacity of the parametric approach to generate the stylized facts of the classical cycle in Europe, the stylized facts of the original data are compared to those of simulated data. Contrary to the results reported by Harding and Pagan (2002) , we show that the MS-VAR model is a good candidate to be used as an statistical instrument to improve the understanding of the business cycle.JEL Classification: E32, F43, F47, C32We are grateful to Mike Artis, Mike Clements and Adrian Pagan for useful comments and discussions. Financial support from the UK Economic and Social Research Council under grant L116251015 is gratefully acknowledged by the first author. The research of the second author was supported through a European Community Marie Curie Fellowship, contract HPMF-CT-2000-00761. Corresponding author: Juan Toro  相似文献   

The business cycle with nominal contracts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In this paper we study the quantitative implications of nominal wage contracts for business cycle fluctuations. We address this issue using a model economy based on the neoclassical growth model supplemented by the assumption that cash is needed to purchase goods. We consider a variation of the standard recursive competitive equilibrium concept that is intended to capture the important features of wage contracting. We use this equilibrium construct to address three issues. First, we consider whether monetary shocks, propagated by nominal contracts, constitute a viable alternative to technology shocks as a source of aggregate fluctuations. Our results suggest that, while monetary shocks and nominal rigidities succeed in causing output volatility of the required magnitude, the resulting data have properties that are inconsistent with several key features of U.S. data. Second, we consider how the behavior of the economy varies with contract length. We find that the volatility induced by both monetary and technology shocks increases sharply with contract length. Finally we consider how much rigidity would be necessary to match the volatility of U.S. output. We find that only a very small amount of rigidity would be necessary to cause output volatility of the magnitude observed.We have received helpful comments from David Chapman, Paul Gomme, Jeremy Greenwood, Gary Hansen, Michael Keane, Tim Kehoe, Lee Ohanian, Edward Prescott, and Warren Weber. The usual disclaimer applies. This research is supported in part by NSF Grant SES-8921346 and the John M. Olin Foundation.  相似文献   

The New-Keynesian (NK) business cycle model has presented itself as a potential “workhorse” model for business cycle analysis. This paper seeks to assess afresh the performance of the baseline NK model and its various extensions. The main theme of the paper is that although the dynamic NK literature has secured a robust defence to criticism arising, inter alia, on account of lack of microfoundations, it still has a long way to go in terms of providing a fully satisfactory model of the business cycle. In this regard, it is conjectured that explicitly accounting for the role of heterogeneity in business-cycle dynamics could lead towards a viable solution.
Gaurav SaroliyaEmail:

Breuss  Fritz 《Empirica》1980,7(2):223-259
Summary Nordhaus's (1975) model of the political business cycle is extended in this paper by explicitly formulating the link between the economic sphere (represented by the Phillips curve) and fiscal policy. This extended model yields the hypothesis that during an electoral period the budgetary policy is contractionary in the first half and expansionary in the second half with the consequences of a reduction in unemployment (increase in inflation) before elections and a rise in unemployment (decrease in inflation) after elections. This hypothesis is tested against the data of the Austrian economy by a non-parametric test (which leads to a rejection of our hypothesis for Austria). The extent of the political business cycle bias is demonstrated by policy simulations within a macroeconomic model.
Zusammenfassung Das Modell vonNordhaus (1975) über den Politischen Konjunkturzyklus wird in diesem Artikel erweitert, indem explizit die Beziehung zwischen dem ökonomischen Bereich (repräsentiert durch die Phillips-Kurve) und der Fiskalpolitik hergestellt wird. Dieses erweiterte Modell führt zu der Hypothese, daß während einer Legislaturperiode die Budgetpolitik in der ersten Hälfte restriktiv und in der zweiten Hälfte expansiv ist. Als Konsequenz dieser Politik kommt es zu einer Verringerung der Arbeitslosigkeit (einem Anstieg der Inflation) vor Wahlen und einem Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit (einer Verringerung der Inflation) nach den Wahlen. Diese Hypothese wird an Hand österreichischer Daten mit Hilfe eines nichtparametrischen Tests geprüft (was zu einer Ablehnung unserer Hypothese für Österreich führt). Das quantitative Ausmaß des durch den Politischen Konjunkturzyklus entstehenden bias wird dann mit Hilfe von politischen Simulationen im Rahmen eines makroökonomischen Modells demonstriert.

Definitions AK Public purchases of goods and services + public investment (A.S.) - AT Unemployed persons, in total (in 1.000) - AZA Worked hours per worker (in hours) - BAU Central government's expenditures (outlays) in total (A.S.) - BEI Central government's revenues (receipts) in total (A.S.) - BS Budget deficit of the Central government (A.S.) - CB Labour supply (in 1.000) - CH Unemployment rate (%) - CON Public consumption (A.S.) - COR Public consumption (A.S. 1964) - CPN Private consumption (A.S.) - CPR Private consumption (A.S. 1964) - CUB Current balance (A.S.) - DS Direct taxes + public income from property-transfers to households + transfers from households (A.S.) - DX DS-public income from property (A.S.) - D7273 Dummy for monetary policy and Dummy for change from gross turnover tax to VAT (1972+1; 1973–1; other 0) - D7278 Dummy for investment tax (1972+1; 1973–1; 1977+1; 1978–1; other 0) - D73US Dummy for shift of employers to employees (1973+1; other 0) - D7375 Dummy for incomes tax reform (1973–1; 1975–1; other 0) - D7778 Dummy for extra VAT (1977+1; 1978–1; other 0) - EBE Population in total (in 1.000) - EET Employment in total + unemployed (total labour supply; in 1.000) - ESE Employers (in 1.000) - EUS Employees (in 1.000) - FBN Monetary base (A.S.) - FGN Money M1 (A.S.) - FG Money M1 (A.S. 1964) - GDN Gross domestic product (A.S.) - GDR Gross domestic product (A.S. 1964) - GER Energy (1.000 t/TCE) - GIR Industry output (A.S. 1964) - GE Profits in total (A.S.) - GV Profits in total (A.S. 1964) - IS Indirect taxes—transfers to firms (A.S.) - ITN Gross fixed investment (A.S.) - ITR Gross fixed investment (A.S. 1964) - JR Final domestic demand (A.S. 1964) - LA Stocks and statistical discrepancies; National account basis (A.S.) - LEAD Difference of one major party over the other in parliament in percentage points - LB Foreign balance (A.S.) - LKV Long term capital transactions (A.S.) - MA Money M1 + profits (A.S. 1964) - MMN Imports of goods and services (A.S.) - MMR Imports of goods and services (A.S. 1964) - OIN Public investment (A.S.) - OKG Public purchases of goods and services (A.S.) - PC Private consumption deflator (1964=100) - PEN Energy prices (1964=100) - PI Gross fixed investment deflator (1964=100) - PK Imports of goods and services deflator (1964=100) - PL Exports of goods and services deflator (1964=100) - PT Gross domestic product deflator (1964=100) - RES Value change in balance of payments reserves (A.S.) - RIR Interest rate for long term bonds (%) - SD Stocks and statistical discrepancies; National account basis (A.S. 1964) - ST Overall indirect taxes—subsidies; National account basis (A.S.) - STD Direct taxes (A.S.) - STI Indirect taxes (A.S.) - TAH Transfers to households (A.S.) - TBB Trade balance (A.S.) - TTT Time (1960, 1961,..., 1979) - TUN Transfers to firms (A.S.) - TVH Transfers from households (A.S.) - VW Gross fixed investment plus exports of goods and services (A.S. 1964) - WON Changes in foreign currency reserves of the National Bank (A.S.) - WKU Changes in foreign currency reserves of all commercial banks (A.S.) - WW Changes in balance of payments' official reserves (A.S.) - XB Relative energy prices (1964=100) - XXN Exports of goods and services (A.S.) - XXR Exports of goods and services (A.S. 1964) - YLN Wages and salaries (compensation of employees; A.S.) - YOB Public income from property (A.S.) - YVN Net disposable income (A.S.) - YY Net disposable income (A.S.) - YYN National income (A.S.) - ZST Statistical discrepancies in balance of payments (A.S.) - A.S billion Austrian Schilling at current prices - A.S. 1964 billion Austrian Schilling at constant prices (basis 1964)  相似文献   

The problem of dating the business cycle has recently received many contributions, with a lot of proposed statistical methodologies, parametric and non-parametric. In general, these methods are not used in official dating, which is carried out by experts, who use their subjective evaluations of the state of economy. In this work we try to apply some statistical procedures to obtain an automatic dating of the Italian business cycle in the last 30 years, checking differences among various methodologies and with the ISAE chronology. The purpose of this exercise is to verify if purely statistical methods can reproduce the turning points detection proposed by economists, so that they could be fruitfully used in official dating. To this end parametric as well as non-parametric methods are employed. The analysis is carried out both aggregating results from single time series and directly in a multivariate framework. The different methods are also evaluated with respect to their ability to timely track (ex post) turning points.  相似文献   

This paper reassesses the ‘stylised facts’ of Australia's contemporary business cycle, by calculating select moments of the cyclical components in quarterly postwar macroeconomic data. In particular, the robustness of the cross-correlation sample moments to the detrending procedure are considered, using both the Hodrick-Prescott (1980) detrending procedure and the unobserved components model developed by Harvey (1985, 1989). The results presented show that under both detrending methods, the anticipated cross-correlation between output and the important real business cycle variables are supportive of the basic real business cycle model for Australia, with one or two exceptions, the most important of which is the behaviour of the real interest rate.  相似文献   

The previous literature has largely overlooked the possible channels through which foreign direct investment (FDI) might influence business cycle synchronization. In this study we analyze the linkages that exist among FDI, trade and industrial dissimilarity in relation to business cycle co-movements using a panel data set taken from 77 pairs of developed countries. The error component three-stage least squares (EC3SLS) estimates from a simultaneous equations model with panel data are shown to be superior to the estimates obtained from single equation models or simultaneous equations models with cross-sectional data. Our results indicate that FDI serves as a channel of international business cycle transmission that is equally important as the channels of trade and monetary policy. On the contrary, industrial dissimilarity is identified as having an indirect impact on the business cycle correlation through trade and FDI. Furthermore, our findings suggest that in our sample FDI is of the horizontal type and tends to substitute for trade.  相似文献   

This article proposes Minsky's financial instability hypothesis (FIH) as a theoretical underpinning for a three‐regime business cycles model. Further, it is argued that the development of the FIH for open, developing economies (FIH‐ODE) provides a better understanding of the performance of business cycles in these economies, particularly during the last two decades. In support of these claims, a three‐regime autoregressive Markov switching model is estimated from 1980q1 to 2000q4 to Mexico's quarterly real GDP to investigate its business cycle behaviour. The estimated probabilities of the high and medium growth regimes suggest, for example, that after the financial liberalisation programme was fully launched, in the late 1980s, the economy shifted from the regime of medium to high growth (and vice versa) swiftly, reflecting its dependence on capital flows. Furthermore, the estimated parameters indicate that the average length of the business cycle has not changed.  相似文献   

The Austrian approach to business cycles has been seldom examined in econometric terms. This paper first reviews the essentials of that approach and the recent application of the Austrian business cycle theory in the economics literature. Quarterly data for Germany, USA, England and France, 1980:1 through 2006:1, are used to explore business cycle facts and relations between terms structure of interest rates, relative prices, composition of aggregate expenditure and real GDP. Results are consistent with the hypothesis of the Austrian business cycle theory that monetary policy shocks explain cycles. The changes in term structure of interest rates and composition of aggregate expenditure are large enough to explain changes in aggregate economic activity.
Christelle MougeotEmail:

This paper investigates the quantitative importance of various types of distortions for inflation and nominal interest rate dynamics by extending business cycle accounting to monetary models. Representing various classes of real and nominal distortions as ‘wedges’ in standard equilibrium conditions allows a quantitative assessment of those distortions. Decomposing the data into movements due to these wedges shows that distortions generating movements in TFP and wedges in equilibrium conditions for asset markets are essential. In contrast, wedges capturing the effects of sticky prices play less important role. These results are robust to alternative implementations of the accounting method.  相似文献   

We examine the behaviour of remittances over the business cycle and their potential to act as a ‘stabilizer’ during periods of high business cycle volatility. Two main findings are reported. First, remittances are less volatile than other foreign currency flows and do not appear to systemically comove with business cycle fluctuations. Second, remittances are relatively stable even during episodes of sharp business cycle volatility, such as those associated with sudden stops and financial crises. We also provide an overview of the theoretical literature on the implications of different motives to remit for the cyclical behaviour of remittances.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyse stylized facts for Germany's business cycle at the firm level. Based on longitudinal firm-level data from the Bundesbank's balance sheet statistics covering, on average, 55 000 firms per year from 1971 to 1998, we estimate transition probabilities of a firm in a certain real sales growth regime switching to another regime in the next period, e.g. whether a firm that has witnessed a high growth rate is likely to stay in a regime of high growth or is bound to switch to a regime of low growth in the subsequent period. We find that these probabilities depend on the business cycle position.  相似文献   

Where investments are irreversible and the future is uncertain, people in two countries can make investment decisions that turn out to be mutually inconsistent. I argue that this intertemporal coordination failure explains international business cycles in a two-currency-area setting with a floating foreign exchange rate. The sequence of events starts with an expansionary domestic monetary shock, which decreases the domestic real interest rate. Facing low transactions costs, people spend the new money relatively early in the foreign exchange market and in the foreign market for loanable funds. Domestic monetary expansion thereby changes the relative prices of domestic and foreign goods and also of goods of earlier and later stages of production. The relative price changes lead to intertemporal and international coordination failures once the monetary expansion ends and relative prices change. Domestic monetary policy thereby causes the comovement across different currency areas we observe of business cycles.  相似文献   

Using Consumer Expenditure Survey data, we obtain summary measures of the distributions of income and consumption for each quarter between 1980 and 1994. We find that the trends in the distribution of income and consumption and the response of these trends to changes in inflation and unemployment were similar during this period. We find that unemployment does not significantly affect the inequality measures and that inflation has a progressive effect, i.e., that a decrease in inflation is associated with an increase in inequality. Finally, we find that the relationship between inequality and macroeconomic variables during the 1990s may be similar to the relationship that existed prior to 1980. First version received: September 1996/final version received: September 1997  相似文献   

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