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Der Krisenverlauf und die Bemühungen der Politik gegenzusteuern lassen den Eindruck entstehen, dass die Finanzm?rkte die Politik vor sich hertreiben. Die Politik hat offenbar durch ein Regulierungsversagen die Marktkr?fte nicht genügend geb?ndigt. Wurden die Kapitalm?rkte nicht schon seit langem von der Politik privilegiert? Welche konkreten Vorschl?ge gibt es, die Eurol?nder von den Finanzm?rkten unabh?ngiger zu machen? Welche Erfahrungen wurden in der Vergangenheit mit Verschuldungskrisen gemacht?  相似文献   

L?sungsvorschlag Die Rating-Agenturen stehen weiterhin in der ?ffentlichen Kritik, weil ihnen vorgeworfen wird, die Finanzkrise durch falsche Bewertungen mitverursacht zu haben. Aktuell stehen verschiedene Reformvorschl?ge im Raum. Die Autoren schlagen einen Europ?ischen Rating-Fonds vor.  相似文献   

We argue that self-binding rules in the context of the stabilisation of the eurozone — both monetary and fiscal — are important for a successful long-term European economic policy. The present loss of reputation due to the breaking of fundamental rules such as the no-bailout clause generates high cost, especially with respect to raising money in the financial markets, because no institutional stability and political credibility exist. We propose to install a compliance system similar to what large enterprises have introduced. It would perfectly fit into the system of regulatory principles of the social market economy, but also focus on administrative and implementation issues.  相似文献   

We discuss the current state of the European banking system and the major challenges for the future. The low interest rate environment may give rise to asset price bubbles and interest rate risk, which should be counteracted by macroprudential regulation. Overcapacities in banking should be reduced by resolving banks that do not pass the ECB’s comprehensive assessment. The link between banks and sovereigns could be alleviated by reforming the regulatory treatment of government bond holdings and by establishing a credible backstop for the Single Resolution Mechanism. Finally, the fragmentation of the European financial system may be tackled through greater harmonisation and by improving resolution procedures for cross-border banks.  相似文献   

The Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP) is part of a institutional framework known as the so-called “sixpack“, which has come into effect on December 13th 2011 in response to the European financial and debt crisis. The crisis has shown that internal and external imbalances (in particular current account deficits) are strongly intertwined. The MIP should identify external imbalances at an early stage and thus compel countries to correct these imbalances to forestall potential crises. Methodological questions are discussed, which are to be resolved to ensure the effectiveness of the MIP.  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Der Klimawandel und die damit einhergehende Erderwärmung gehören zu den wichtigsten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Um die Ziele des Pariser Klimaabkommens zu...  相似文献   

This article contributes to the discussion on the economic effects of TTIP by focusing on the opportunities for the participating economies of enhancing their innovative capacities. Referring to the insights of Neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary innovation economics the article concludes that according to the currently published documents the legal properties of TTIP can harm the ability of states to adapt their regulatory standards — a main instrument for a dynamic and technology-specific innovation policy. The missing flexibility for the new supranational standards can be a major reason for difficulties in the reform of standards aiming at a “creative disturbance” of market processes by the state in order to stimulate innovative activities and to induce additional growth.  相似文献   

Aktuell werden Eurobonds als Instrument zur L?sung der Schuldenkrise in der Europ?ischen Union diskutiert. Die Befürworter sind vor allem auf der Ebene der Staats- und Regierungschefs Südeuropas zu finden, aber auch in Teilen der Wissenschaft. Eine n?here Analyse der vorhandenen Vorschl?ge zeigt, dass es fundamentale Widersprüche bei den Zielen, die mit den Eurobonds erreicht werden sollen, gibt.  相似文献   

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