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通过2008年全球创业观察(GEM)获得的数据分析,可以认为创业的发生、发展与创业教育有很大关系。总体而言,创业教育和培训对创业能起到积极的促进作用。但创业教育的不同形式与不同来源对各国的创业所产生的作用各有不同,取得的效果也存在着差异。创业教育对创业产生的效果与其文化和价值观念、经济发展水平、社会保障体系成熟程度以及就业机会等因素有很大关系,同时与创业群体的年龄阶段、创业教育或培训的供给情况以及创业教育的质量等因素关系密切。本文在分析基础上得出的结论,为我国政府在创业教育和培训方面制定政策等提供了决策性参考依据。  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that despite the mass development of higher education in Vietnam recently, the quality of higher education is declining. This study aims to understand the impact of the education reform on the quality of university accounting education by investigating the involvement of different stakeholders in accounting education within one leading university in Vietnam. The findings from the interviews of key stakeholders suggest that accounting education in Vietnam is driven by reduced state control, growing institutional autonomy and increasing external guidance. This has come at the expense of reduced academic self-governance as lecturers have discretion in curriculum delivery at the individual course level, but little input into the decision-making at the school or university level and minimal participation in the curriculum development process. The findings enable regulators and decision-makers to better understand the dynamics between stakeholders in accounting education to enhance accounting graduates’ competencies and outcomes.  相似文献   

建立计量经济模型定量考察了1991~2014年中国高等教育和基础教育、教育发展质量提升和数量扩张对经济增长的贡献,结果表明:中国高等教育、基础教育发展的数量和质量与经济增长之间都存在长期均衡的协整关系;中国高等教育发展的质量和数量、基础教育的数量都与经济增长之间存在显著的双向因果关系,但基础教育质量对经济增长的影响不够显著;在几种教育发展变量中,高等教育发展的数量扩张对经济增长的贡献相对最大,达到32%,其次是基础教育和高等教育发展的质量,而基础教育发展的数量规模以及科技创新水平对经济增长的贡献相对较弱,仅为1%左右。  相似文献   

This article makes two contributions to the insurance literature by studying optimal insurance policy indemnity schedules with policyholders’ limited liability and background risk. First, generalizing a prominent approach by Huberman, Mayers, and Smith (1983), it is shown that a welfare subsidy in the case of a ruinous loss may make the insurance premium “overly fair” for nonbankrupting losses and full insurance for this event becomes optimal. Second, introducing correlated background risk into this limited liability framework relativizes or even turns results by Doherty and Schlesinger (1983) as to the impact of background risk on optimal coverage into its opposite.  相似文献   

The importance of information technology (IT) auditing has grown with increased reliance on IT for business operations and new regulations regarding the assurance of IT for these operations. Prior work on IT and financial auditing has suggested several general frameworks that may affect IT audit quality; however, the prior work has not provided measurable constructs nor has it considered whether these proposed constructs are the same or different. Building on prior work that has proposed frameworks of IT audit quality, we identify and evaluate potential constructs suggested by these frameworks as well as financial auditing literature. We develop a survey tool and ask IT and financial accounting practitioners to assess the impact of these items on IT audit quality. A factor analysis is used to refine the set of IT audit quality factors identified, and we are able to provide insight into the prioritized impact of each factor on IT audit quality. In comparison to prior research, we find that additional factors are significant for IT audit quality and that the relative importance of the factors for IT audit quality differs for IT versus financial auditors.  相似文献   

New York Stock Exchange specialists disseminate informationto market participants by displaying price schedules consistingof bid prices, ask prices, bid depths, and ask depths. We examinehow specialists update these price schedules in a simultaneousequations model. We find that changes in the best prices anddepths on the limit order book have a significant impact onthe posted price schedule, while the effects of transactionsand order activity are secondary. Furthermore, we show thatspecialists revise prices and depths differently, but find noevidence that they revise the price schedule in response tochanges in inventory.  相似文献   

We develop an analytical model to address the question of optimal deposit insurance policy and to examine the impact of deregulation on depositors' welfare and the soundness of the insurance system. We find that the optimal level of regulation depends critically on the functional relationship between risk and return. We show that in general deregulation of bank activities and/or of deposit rate ceilings will in volve tradeoff between depositors' welfare and the soundness of the insurance system. Our analysis also indicates that risk-sensitive premium and capital requirement schedules may not be efficient in managing the risk of banks.  相似文献   

Accounting education research is often considered not to be of comparable quality to other accounting research, thereby providing secondary careers for those researching within the niche sub-discipline. We present several factors that have influenced this perception, with the most notable being the various journal quality guides where specialist accounting education journals typically do not rank well. We also explore possible explanations for why specialist accounting education journals do not rank highly. We discuss the ill-defined and contested concept of research quality and research impact, concluding that the determination of research quality differs according to which stakeholder group is conducting the assessment; academe, the accounting profession, governments or students. We also discuss the findings from the three papers in this special issue and offer suggestions for future research in this area.  相似文献   

张勋  寇晶涵  张欣  吕光明 《金融研究》2021,497(11):97-116
优质教育资源可能形成于学校的教育质量,也可能来源于生源质量。房地产的市场化定价机制为探讨优质教育资源的背后形成机制提供了便利。本文利用北京市二手房成交数据,采用特征价格模型和边界固定效应法,估算了学区房溢价。在此基础上,利用学校层面的教育质量信息,探讨了教育质量对学区房溢价的解释力。实证结果表明,以学校物质资本和教师人力资本所表征的教育质量是学区房溢价,即优质教育资源的主要来源,解释了总体学区房溢价的64.71%,这种解释力在考虑了潜在的内生性问题后依旧稳健。进一步通过量化北京市的三个教育强区(西城区、东城区和海淀区)中教育质量的解释力,发现优质教育资源既可形成于优质生源集聚,也可形成于教育经费投入长期累积所带来的教育质量的提升。义务教育均衡化改革,推动优质公共投入的公平供给,是平抑高企的学区房价格的有效手段。  相似文献   


This paper presents an exploratory study into the nature and patterns of usage of accounting education research. The study adopts the most accessible metric, Google Advanced Scholar citations, to analyse the impact of research published in the six principal English-language accounting education journals. The analysis reveals a global readership for these journals but evidence of relatively low citation levels. However, papers tended to be cited more than expected in cross-disciplinary education journals, discipline-specific education journals, and non-education journals. Guidance is offered to authors seeking to maximise the impact of their research, and issues of concern are identified for editors and publishers. This is the first paper to look beyond content at the usefulness of research in accounting education as indicated by citations. In doing so, it contributes to the current debate on the quality of this research, and of research in accounting and finance in general.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to explore the impact of Australian accounting education on the career development of Chinese self‐initiated repatriates (SIRs) in different business settings. It is acknowledged in the literature that international education has an impact on the career development of SIRs. However, in this study, we explore the impact in terms of professional knowledge, qualifications and international exposure. A multi‐case study was conducted with Chinese SIRs in different industries in an effort to understand the specific impacts and potential adverse effects across different types of enterprises in China. Our research found that international accounting knowledge has a positive influence on individuals’ careers, especially in foreign enterprises. Skills obtained from international experience are highly valued in the foreign financial industry, while the CPA qualification is highly valued in accounting firms. Readjustment, competition from local counterparts and employers’ unreasonable expectations do have adverse effects. By analysing how SIRs’ professional knowledge in accounting disciplines has impacted their job performance in different industries, this article not only contributes to contemporary literature from a direct perspective but also presents practical recommendations regarding Chinese and Australian professional education.  相似文献   

Dominant firms often are unavoidable trading partners. Buyers may consider switching a fraction of their requirements to rival products, but that fraction is highly uncertain in rapidly evolving industries. Nonlinear pricing serves to adjust the competitive pressure placed on rival firms, depending on the joint distribution of the buyer willingness to pay for the rival's good and the share of contestable demand. Concave price‐quantity schedules erect barriers to entry. Convex parts in schedules introduce barriers to expansion. Dominant firms use all‐units discounts to create high entry barriers for rival firms with intermediate levels of contestable demand.  相似文献   

李明  郑礼明 《金融研究》2021,490(4):111-130
随着我国流动人口回流趋势显现以及户籍制度改革深化,如何促进合理、公正、畅通、有序的社会性流动,正成为众多城市思考的重要问题。本文基于2001年起在全国范围内实施的“撤点并校”政策外生冲击,结合2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据和295个地级市层面特征数据,实证研究了户籍地教育公共品供给状况对流动人口回流决策的影响。研究发现,户籍地教育公共品减少显著阻碍了流动人口回流,减少幅度越大,阻碍越严重。异质性分析结果表明,这种阻碍倾向不分户口类型,但对家中有男孩、家庭规模较小的流动人口更加明显。引入代际视角后的研究结果显示,教育公共品减少增加了流动人口家庭中适龄入学儿童迁出户籍地的概率,教育公共品供给影响两代人的迁移。上述结果意味着,改进公共资源配置效率,提高供给体系质量、优化公共品供给布局,有助于破除劳动力流动障碍,应成为未来城市工作的重要方向。  相似文献   

This article analyses the impact of a value-added performance indicator (PI) on the rankings of secondary schools in the English league tables. School rankings are seen to be very sensitive to the type of PI employed, and the new value-added PI is likely to result in significant movements up and down the rankings. There is still scope for schools to try and game the system in order to improve their league table position. Value-added PIs reduce the incentives for schools to select their pupils, but the version currently employed in England may create an incentive for schools to distort effort away from those pupils at the top end of the distribution. The value-added PI is shown to provide a more accurate measure of school performance. However, in order for parents to be effective drivers for improvement in the education market, it may also be necessary for the government to measure the impact of differential value-added across different student types.  相似文献   

An extensive survey data set of Brazilian households is usedto test whether intrahousehold gender bias affects the decisionsof mothers and fathers to send their sons and daughters to workand to school. An intrahousehold allocation model is examinedin which fathers and mothers may affect the education investmentand the child labor participation of their sons and daughtersdifferently because of differences in parental preferences ordifferences in how additional schooling affects sons' and daughters'acquisition of human capital. Brazilian household survey datafor 1998 are used to estimate the impact of each parent's educationon the labor market participation and school attendance of theirsons and daughters. For labor market participation, the father'seducation has a greater negative impact than the mother's educationon the labor status of sons. The father's education also hasa greater impact on sons' labor status than on daughters'. Forschooling decisions, the mother's education has a greater positiveimpact than the father's education on daughters' school attendance,but fathers have a greater positive impact on sons' school attendancethan on daughters'.  相似文献   

The availability of cost-effective computer technologies is a dynamic that has the potential to dramatically change university accounting education. There are various motivations for university accounting departments to adopt computers and computer-assisted learning technologies, and a range of applications are available. The application of computer technologies has implications for student performance, efficiency and effectiveness within accounting departments, and course content—all of which should be considered. The possibilities for generating broad accounting education reform with computers are also significant.Computer technology should not be seen as a passive addition to the classroom. If driven by the desire to economise on the inputs to the educational process, or to expand the conventional content of accounting courses, such technology may have dysfunctional consequences.This paper examines the role of computer technologies in accounting education, the motivation for their introduction and use, and the impact they may have on the contemporary education of accounting students.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between brokers and clients in the UK insurance industry. The overriding concern is evaluation of the duration of the different stages in a relationship and characteristics that have an impact on the quality of a relationship. As in previous work, trust, commitment and customer satisfaction positively influence relationship outcomes but not in equal measures and have different impacts at different stages. A model describing these stages, unique to this relationship, is tested but the impact of different characteristics is still inconclusive. Service quality is found to be a mediating variable and has significant impact. The results, based on a sample of 118 clients, reveal that relationships need to be re-examined in an industry and time-specific way. Additional research issues are identified.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to evaluate the behavioural outcomes of financial education workshops on the financial behaviour of participants (homemakers) in the state of Gujarat, India. A series of financial education workshops were conducted for 300 homemakers in November–December 2012. A pre- and post-survey design was used. In the pre-survey, the participants were asked to complete a questionnaire before they were invited to attend the financial education workshops. The follow-up survey data were collected 3 months after completion of the workshops. The effect of the financial education workshops on the financial behaviour of participants was assessed using 22 variables of financial behaviour, including cash, credit, saving and investment behaviour. The data were analysed using paired t-tests. The study finds that there is a positive effect of financial education workshops on the financial behaviour of participants. Specific findings may help financial education providers to design and implement such programmes more effectively and may provide guidelines to assess their impact.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that, contrary to the results of previous studies, the impact of inflation on the aggregate debt-asset ratio cannot be determined theoretically. However, it is shown that inflation is likely to increase this ratio when personal income tax schedules are indexed to the price level and/or when leverage-related costs are relatively high and the personal tax rate on income from holding common stocks is relatively low.  相似文献   

This paper examines various factors affecting Chinese financial analysts’ information comprehension, analyzing ability and job quality. We hypothesized that financial analysts with better educational background, more experience, superior resources provided by large brokerage firms and more information sources have better information comprehension, stronger analyzing ability, and higher job quality. Using a survey method to collect data, we found that information sources have a significant impact on analysts’ information comprehension, analyzing ability and job quality. Specifically, analysts tend to exhibit greater information comprehension and better job quality when they conduct more company-level surveys. Additionally, when they have more access to firms’ indirect information, analysts tend to have a stronger analyzing ability and better job quality. We also found that analysts’ educational background has a positive impact on their analyzing ability while analysts’ work experience improves their job quality. This study’s results indicate that financial analysts are still a fledgling profession in current China, and the capabilities of Chinese financial analysts need to be improved through additional training and continued education. Moreover, our study is important in highlighting the urgency of fostering the development of the financial analysis profession in China.   相似文献   

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