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Lack of credit during periods of financial stress can reduce sales in an entire supply chain. To reduce the reliance on external credit, we introduce a new financing framework in which key supply chain stakeholders accept delayed payment for a pre-agreed portion of their product or service. By doing so throughout the supply chain, each stakeholder must self-finance only their in-house activities—but not the cost of purchased components and services because those are in turn financed by their suppliers. Intended to account for only a small fraction of sales, this framework is limited to supplying customers who do not qualify for external financing. The payments from these customers are distributed among the value chain stakeholders according to an agreed-upon policy. These additional sales would otherwise be lost for lack of consumer credit. This approach increases sales and profitability for the entire supply chain and is especially advantageous during credit crunches. In addition to describing this new financing framework, this article places it in the context of other financing arrangements, provides an example with cash flow and net present value calculations, and identifies implementation challenges and characteristics of supply chains that are good candidates.  相似文献   

金融信用交易随着金融业的勃兴而迅速发展,金融信用的发展要求有健全的法律制度,这已成为金融业持续发展的共识。作为规制金融信用的法律制度,其基本价值取向是保障金融信用行为的秩序与安全,这是制度的逻辑起点也是制度建构的基本目标。要实现这个价值目标,就要建立以金融产权法律制度和信用风险控制法律制度为核心的金融信用法律体系,同时还要从司法实践出发以整体主义的思维来推进金融信用的法治化。  相似文献   

Incentive scheme and co-ordination policy are substantial components for the co-ordination of a decentralized supply chain system, but there is little work combining the two components as a single decision model (Li and Wang, 2007). This paper proposes a model which incorporates both incentive and co-ordination issues into a single co-ordination model for a single-vendor multi-buyer supply chain. In the proposed model, the co-ordination is achieved by synchronizing ordering and production cycles while price discount, which is based on the buyers’ order intervals, is used as the incentive to motivate buyers to participate in the co-ordination. While the vendor is benefited from the co-ordination by synchronized cycles, the proposed price discount scheme can guarantee that a buyer’s total relevant cost of co-ordination will be reduced when compared with independent optimization. More importantly, the proposed price discount scheme does not require any cost information from the buyers.  相似文献   

Globalization of production has ushered in vibrant manufacturing service industries whose business is to serve the production needs of product engineering firms. In these engineering–manufacturing chains, risk of capacity supply is an important concern for product firms as manufacturers are normally conservative in capacity expansion, especially when demand uncertainty and investment risk are high. To provide quality manufacturing services, this risk must be taken into consideration in formulating a capacity strategy. This paper presents a competition analysis method based on supply risk for a manufacturing duopoly of differentiated prices and lognormal random demand. A novel service-based demand rationing rule is first proposed. Reaction curves and equilibrium of capacity strategy are next derived. Finally, competition behavior of the duopoly is analyzed.  相似文献   

Credit institutions have failed to make their full impact on food production in LDCs because agricultural credit has often been given in isolation from other support services and is frequently limited to non-food export crops. In addition, a shortage of trained personnel and qualified management, uneven or inadequate services together with the vulnerability of credit institutions to political interference also limit their effectiveness. These results emerge from the studies made in preparation for the World Credit Conference held in October 1975. Mr. Abbot reviews these studies and outlines the achievements of the conference.  相似文献   

中国人民银行颁布的《关于进一步加强房地产信贷业务管理的通知》,给房地产行业带来了新的问题和风险。主要表现在金融链条收紧,融资渠道变窄,行业竞争加剧。房地产企业应怎样应对,怎么改革?章提出了推进金融产品创新拓展融资渠道,把握市场定位和完善行业管理体系等建议。  相似文献   

This paper considers how the mobile phone industry is changing from a value chain to a value network using the Japanese market as an example. Value networks involve a larger number of firms, a more complex set of relationships between them, and agreements on a greater number of interface standards than do value chains. Building from this concept of a value network, the paper shows how: (1) agreements on many of these interface standards are enabling connections to be made between the mobile phone and other industries; (2) the resulting products and services often reflect the technological capability of phones and the existing products and services in these “other” industries; (3) each new interface standard requires a new critical mass of users; and (4) a critical mass of users for a new interface standard partly builds from previously created critical masses of users. On a practical level, this paper's analysis adds to a growing list of evidence that the growth in Western mobile Internet markets is nowhere near its potential and that the change from a value chain to a value network requires a different form of standard setting, policy making, and management than are currently used in the mobile phone industry.  相似文献   

There have been several studies confirming the strategic and operational importance of choosing a proper project scope. There is a lack of empirically tested managerial tools to assist in this matter, and studies with longitudinally analysed R&D projects with respect to content are scarce. This article discusses the management of advanced engineering in the automotive industry. The study presents a structured approach where individual project leaders together with top management could prepare project material, discuss, visualize, and evaluate the content around a common tool. This tool, i.e. the R&D content graphs, facilitates project content selection, both during the start‐up and during the execution phase of the project. The studied project has been studied for nearly two years using an abductive case‐based research design. Since the project has been longitudinally studied, it has also been possible to test the graphs' predicting capabilities. The graphs are based on a visualization of the project content along five identified dimensions. The results reveal that the tools bring structure to project scope discussions, have some predictive value, and can also function as a vertical as well as a horizontal communication tool.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is put forward that, after three decades of stability, there is now the prospect of significant change in the vertical and horizontal structure of the mobile market place. On the supply side, significant factors are, first, the availability of a new and very powerful form of mobile connectivity in the shape of 5G, and second, software defined networking, which allows a single network to provide a variety of heterogeneous services or ‘slices’. On the demand side, the digital transformation of the whole economy (and not just the communications sector) creates the need for diverse communications functions operating in a universe with a much wider set of digitally transformed services.Mobile operators will find themselves contesting customer relationship with firms or other organisations providing these services in an integrated fashion, and thus risk replacing their direct link with end users with becoming the wholesale supplier of an expanded but ‘commoditised’ communications product. We may also observe fewer radio access networks; more competitive backhaul; and the (partial) vertical disintegration of mobile network operators. The regulatory changes implied may include heavier regulation of fewer RANs, and the need for market analyses to confront situations in which network operators sell more and more of their services to a variety of heterogeneous content and application providers – some of them exercising substantial levels of market power.  相似文献   

The behavior of an open system is modeled. Thus, for special cases, the void fraction is predicted as a function of location and time. The open system may be an open vessel or a vessel with an open relief device. A single governing equation is derived based on combining the material and energy balances with the churn-turbulent drift flux relationship and assuming no radial gradients. This partial differential equation is not solved. It is, however, bounded by homogeneous and all vapor venting. These special cases are solved. In homogeneous venting the key variable is time. In all vapor venting under pseudo-steady-state conditions the key variable is location. The solution of the partial differential equation is also discussed. Under pseudo-steady-state and churn-turbulent conditions, the open system is modeled. The minimum void fractions (corresponding to a maximum liquid inventory) with all vapor venting, for vertical, horizontal, and spherical vessels are predicted and compared. Analytical expressions for the local and average void fractions in a vertical vessel and non-unity distribution parameters are presented. Void fraction profiles are compared for three cases: 1. vertical cylinders with distribution parameters (Co values) of unity and 1.5, 2. horizontal and vertical cylinders with varying L/D ratios, and 3. spheres with inscribed vertical cylinders having constant gas production to bubble rise ratio (Ψ′ value). The vertical cylinder average void fraction for non-unity distribution parameters can now be calculated analytically. The horizontal cylinder average void fraction predicted by turning it upright results in an over prediction of at most 4%. The sphere average void fraction predicted via an inscribed vertical cylinder, with the same Ψ′ value, is consistenly high by at most 8%.  相似文献   

在巴塞尔新资本协议框架下的IRB模型基础上,通过违约相关性模型的推导,得出了降低信贷资产组合信用风险加权资产的一些有效途径;通过对同质类资产组合和异质类资产组合的风险集中度调整的方法,提出了风险分散的具体路径;通过由银行的资本总成本最小化约束模型和监管者破产银行数目最小化约束模型联合组成的激励相容模型,将银行出于内部风险管理目的而计算出来的风险价值,同监管当局出于监管目的而要求银行确定的监管资本有效地联系起来。  相似文献   

This paper contrasts the vertical integration strategies of 192 firms in the presence of diverse environmental and strategic forces to suggest how successful uses of vertical integration differ from less successful ones. Briefly, firms which did not use vertical integration as effectively transferred more goods and services internally, and they did so more often under adverse industry conditions. A frequent error was to undertake more integrated activities in-house and engage in longer chains of processing from ultra-raw materials to finished goods. Ironically, many of the vertically integrated firms that suffered adversity possessed the bargaining power needed to contract advantageously for goods or services, but accepted an overly risky ownership position unnecessarily by producing them, instead.  相似文献   

The current debate over network neutrality has not fully appreciated how service differentiation can benefit consumers and promote Internet adoption. On the demand-side, service differentiation addresses the primary obstacle to adoption, which is the lack of perceived need for Internet service, and reflects the growing heterogeneity of consumer demand. On the supply-side, monopolistic competition has long underscored how product differentiation can create stable equilibria with multiple providers—notwithstanding the presence of unexhausted economies of scale—by allowing competitors to target subsegments of the overall market that place a higher value on particular services. Conversely, prohibiting service differentiation would restrict competition to price and network size, which are factors that favor the largest players. These dynamics are well illustrated by global enforcement patterns with respect to a practice known as “zero rating”, which permits subscribers to access certain content without having that traffic count against their data caps. Of the six countries that have brought enforcement actions against zero rating, only India has categorically banned the practice. The other five countries (the United States, Chile, Canada, Slovenia, and The Netherlands) have adopted a more nuanced approach. A case-by-case approach is consistent with the empirical literature on vertical integration and restraints and the well-established principles for determining when to impose per se illegality and when to apply the “rule of reason”. The U.S. Supreme Court’s antitrust jurisprudence also helps identify factors that militate against liability, such as the lack of market power, nonexclusivity, and nonproprietary services.  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情影响,2020年,我国GDP一季度同比下降6.8%,二季度由于疫情好转,复工复产,GDP由负转正,但依旧面临不小的压力.基于此,文章提出了疫情冲击下金融服务实体经济发展过程中存在的一系列问题,如市场流动性低、中小微实体企业资金链紧张、金融产品服务与新产业不匹配等,因此给出了从信贷供求两端共同发力,增强市场...  相似文献   

文章从理论和实践两个方面证明和阐述了资源循环利用是矿区发展循环经济的有效途径,进而从矿区生态背景调查与分析入手,提出纵向主导产业链设计和横向耦合共生产业链构建的方法,最终形成矿区资源循环利用产业网状体系,从而达到既提高经济效益又从根本上改善生态环境的"双赢"目的。  相似文献   

进入二十一世纪以来,"中国制造"正成为经济全球化进程中,国际垂直分工体系不可或缺的一个重要环节。但是中国仍然处于这一国际分工体系的底层、全球价值链的低端,商品定价权的缺失日益成为制约中国制造业进一步发展和产业升级的瓶颈。文章对"中国制造"背后定价权缺失的原因以及定价权转移的路径选择进行了分析。认为,中国本土企业由于研发能力、营销能力不足,无法占据国际产业链高价值的两端——上游及下游环节,而是处在全球价值链的低端,即"微笑曲线"中产品附加值最低的中间区域。因此,中国企业一方面应向"微笑曲线"上游移动,提高企业的研发、设计及创新能力;另一方面,中国企业应向"微笑曲线"下游移动,通过特许经营、品牌租赁、自主品牌等路径提高企业的品牌营销能力。  相似文献   

本文利用国民经济中九大门类行业相关数据,将度量行业信用风险的CCA方法加以改进,并构建正则藤Copula模型,揭示了样本行业间信用风险的非线性相依结构及信用风险传染路径。实证结果显示:各行业信用风险水平不一,但都较好地拟合了实际经济;任意两行业间无条件信用风险大多表现为下尾相关性,但条件信用风险的尾部相关性总体较弱;国民经济行业体系中存在加剧和减缓行业信用风险传染的“风险催化行业”和“条件隔离行业”。最后,提出了有效控制系统性金融风险、防范金融危机的措施建议。  相似文献   

本文从中小企业综合实力、核心企业资信状况、融资项的资产状况、供应链关系状况及宏观经济环境五个方面初步构建供应链金融融资模式下中小企业信用风险指标体系,并通过专家打分法、相关性分析及鉴别性分析等方法解决指标体系中存在的非重要性及指标内容相互覆盖的问题,得到具有全面性与可操作性的中小企业信用风险评价指标体系;运用熵值法对中小企业进行信用等级评级,解决以往学者采取评级方法时具有的主观性缺陷;实证研究以汽车行业为例,得出在供应链金融融资模式下60%中小企业信用等级将得到上升的结论,有助于从中小企业信用风险评估角度缓解中小企业融资难问题。  相似文献   

Global value chain (GVC) governance is central to analyses of labour's strategic options. It frames the terrain on which labour campaigns and institutions — such as private social standards and international framework agreements — contribute to the social regulation of value chains. GVC concepts help to emphasize how power in the employment relationship transcends organizational boundaries, as well as how industrial power is shifting from the sphere of production to that of consumption. Based on extensive case studies of the banana and cut flower value chains, we explore the implications of GVC restructuring for the scope and form of labour rights strategies.  相似文献   

We elaborate mechanisms through which multi-stakeholder collaboration can ameliorate food loss and waste (FLW) from the end-to-end supply chain. In this context, we integrate the discourse on collaborative relationships in supply chains with stakeholder theory (roles and orientations) and use a multi-method approach combining systematic literature review (SLR) and embedded case studies based on secondary data. We develop a conceptual framework that illustrates collective stakeholder orientation emerging from aligned vertical and horizontal stakeholder orientation across the supply chain towards reducing FLW. We explain how achieving such alignment requires these stakeholders to navigate various collaboration conditions (structural and sporadic) that otherwise spur individualism, culminating in FLW mitigation efforts across food supply chains. We develop propositions, motivate future research, and offer practical implications.  相似文献   

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