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Urban conflicts are increasingly visible in the political processes of advanced capitalist societies. There are more and more grassroots movements arising out of urban contradictions. But the theoretical and practical question to be answered is: under which conditions do these movements become agents of social change? This article tries to make some progress in this direction by:
  • 1 Presenting a theoretical framework for the study of urban social movements.
  • 2 Observing 180 urban struggles in the Paris metropolitan area (between 1968 and 1973), classifying them into a set of variables and finding some meaningful relationships.
  • 3 Relating the main trends of these urban movements to the evolution of the political situation in France and, particularly, to the transformation of left-wing strategy. The main argument is that the urban movements become crucial because they are a major element in the political and ideological hegemony—beyond the boundaries of the industrial working class—which the Left must overcome to go forward in the democratic path to socialism.

Hyper-urbanization has been used in South Vietnam (1960-74) as a strategic weapon to dominate and enslave the country. Since liberation in April 1975, the government has undertaken gradual but large-scale de-urbanization to create favourable conditions for development based on a policy of regional industrialization in support of agriculture. The experience of North Vietnam (1954-75) has proved that it is possible to speed up industrialization and modernization in a poor country without precipitating an exodus from the countryside or huge urban concentrations. However, this policy of decentralized development has its own contradictions.  相似文献   

The outline which follows must be considered as the summary of eight years of empirical and theoretical research on the relationships between economic base and state super-structure in the urban field. These have been personal projects exemplified notably by three theoretical studies (Lojkine, 1969; 1972; 1975) and three regional monographs (Lojkine, 1973; 1974; 1976). But it is also for us a reflection upon the whole of marxist research as it has developed in France since the early 1970s in the realm of urban planning and policies. We hope that it may contribute to a better use of dialectical materialism in our concrete research as well.  相似文献   

The aim of the authors is the theoretical reformulation of the question of segregation. In order to do this, they examine in turn psycho-sociological theories, morphological and semiological theories as well as theories of residential location. The authors show how all of these approaches can only define classificatory processes and propose an analysis beginning from those social relations which structure residential consumption; that is, relations of property in housing. Starting from a definition of segregation as a process of exclusive practices of residential space, the authors show how relations of residential property determine two types of segregation: one ‘by antagonism’, based on the valorization of property capital, and one ‘by incongruence’ based on conditions of real appropriation of housing.  相似文献   

Thinking about future needs and about what can reasonably be expected as feasible in the next century, how should producers of statistics direct their activity? Increasing complexity and diversity of needs leads us to recognize that, between producers and users of statistics, a mediating role is more and more often played by analysts and research workers who are requesting above all good data bases. Concerning infrastructures for statistics on productive systems, coordination between accountants and statisticians will be crucial, as well as adaptation of the constraints which, because of excessive worry about confidentiality, could prevent establishment or use of data bases. In an increasingly competitive world, where private firms will sell analyses and informations, particularly on very large enterprises, the public statistical service will remain essential in all respects. Intangible investments, innovations and many aspects of the internal organization of firms will create formidable challenges. Information on employment and labour markets has been much developed during the past decades; but on a few specific and difficult issues progress is still needed: lifecyles in the working-age population, acquisition of knowledge and skills in formal education and on the job, matching labour supplies and demands, and so on. Particular attention will have to be given to the lower levels of cultural and professional skills.  相似文献   

To analyse the historical evolution of the building sector in Chile, and the way in which it reflects and affects the social structure as a whole, it is necessary to consider two aspects:
  • 1 the building sector, considered as a specific part of the production sphere, a specific system of economic and social interests;
  • 2 the building front, where the social practices of the conflicting forces express the needs of the reproduction of the labour force, and the class struggle in the building sector, opposed to speculation and capital accumulation processes.
Before 1970, the capital interests were dominant, strongly organized through the Chilean Building Chamber and its influence on government policy-making, and linked with US imperialism, particularly at the finance level. With the Popular Unity Government, a series of measures expressed the shift to the dominant interests of the working class: nationalization of the main private banks; control of the housing market; organization, control and partial socialization of the building industry; breaking of urban segregation patterns; national agreement on wages policy. The construction front was affected by new forms of class struggle: construction brigades, unemployed brigades, popular planning and, at the same time, new forms of economic and political retaliation by capital. This led first to the employers' strike and then, through the constitution of a capitalist class bloc supported by imperialism, to the coup d'etat, which restored the fullest opportunity for exploitation, speculation, segregation, and the power of the Chilean Building Chamber.  相似文献   


Verdoorn's law is estimated in a spatial econometric framework for individual manufacturing industries using EU regional data. Estimates of encompassing returns to scale are large, but other explanatory variables, including measures of industrial specialization and diversity, tend to be insignificant. The method of normalization with either output or input growth as the regressor matters, and the use of an instrumental variable approach does not resolve this problem. As in other studies, the static-dynamic Verdoorn law paradox exists. A theoretical argument is made, however, that the dynamic Verdoorn law is the correct specification and this is confirmed empirically.

Rendements croissants et croissance des industries dans les régions de l'UE: paradoxes et énigmes

Résumé La loi de Verdoorn est estimée dans un cadre conceptuel économétrique spatial pour les industries de fabrication individuelles en utilisant des données régionales de l'UE. Les estimations des rendements croissants à l’échelle, englobant, sont importantes, mais d'autres variables explicatives, comprenant des mesures de spécialisation et de diversité industrielles, ont tendance à être insignifiantes. La méthode de normalisation utilisant comme variable indépendante soit la croissance d'entrée soit celle de sortie importe, et l'utilisation d'une approche IV ne résout pas ce problème. Comme dans d'autres études, le paradoxe statique-dynamique de la loi de Verdoorn est présent. Cependant, dans un argument théorique, nous avançons que la loi de Verdoorn dynamique est la spécification correcte, ce qui est confirmé empiriquement.

Aumento de las ganancias y crecimiento de la industria en las regiones de la UE: paradojas y acertijos

Résumén Se estima la Ley de Verdoorn en un marco econométrico espacial para empresas manufactureras individuales usando los datos regionales de la UE. Las estimaciones para las ganancias englobadas a escala son grandes, pero otras variables explicativas, incluyendo las medidas de especialización y diversidad industrial, tienden a ser insignificantes. Importa el método de normalización ya sea usando crecimiento de ganancias o entradas como regressor, y el uso de un enfoque IV no resuelve este problema. Al igual que en otros estudios existe la paradoja estática-dinámica de la ley de Verdoorn. Sin embargo, se argumenta teóricamente que la dinámica ley de Verdoorn es la especificación correcta y esto se confirma empíricamente.


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