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Underreaction to Self-Selected News Events: The Case of Stock Splits   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An emerging literature looking at self-selected, corporate newsevents concludes that markets appear to underreact to news.Recent theoretical articles have explored why or how underreactionmight occur. However, the notion of underreaction is contentious.We revisit this issue by focusing on one of the most simpleof corporate transactions, the stock split. Prior studies thatreport abnormal return drifts subsequent to splits do not appearto be spurious, nor a consequence of misspecified benchmarks.Using recent cases, we report a drift of 9% in the year followinga split announcement. We consider fundamental operating performanceas a source of the underreaction and find that splitting firmshave an unusually low propensity to experience a contractionin future earnings. Further, analysts' earnings forecasts arecomparatively low at the time of the split announcement andrevise sluggishly over time. Together these results are consistentwith the notion of market underreaction to the information incorporate news events.  相似文献   

Recent studies propose that limited investor attention causes market underreactions. This paper directly tests this explanation by measuring the information load faced by investors. The  investor distraction hypothesis  holds that extraneous news inhibits market reactions to relevant news. We find that the immediate price and volume reaction to a firm's earnings surprise is much weaker, and post-announcement drift much stronger, when a greater number of same-day earnings announcements are made by other firms. We evaluate the economic importance of distraction effects through a trading strategy, which yields substantial alphas. Industry-unrelated news and large earnings surprises have a stronger distracting effect.  相似文献   

Previous research presented evidence of bias and positive serial correlation in forecast errors suggesting that analysts do not properly recognize the time–series properties of earnings when setting expectations of future earnings. A reason for the security analyst underreaction is the level of multinationality of the firm's activities. This study shows that analysts underreact to prior information more as the level of multinationality of the firm examined increases.  相似文献   

Investors’ reaction to stock recommendations is often incomplete so that there is a predictable postrecommendation drift. I investigate investor inattention as a plausible explanation for this drift by using prior turnover as a proxy for attention. I find that low-attention stocks react less to stock recommendations than high-attention stocks around the three-day event window. Subsequently, the recommendation drift of firms with low attention is more than double in magnitude when compared to firms with high attention. Similar conclusions are reached with alternative proxies for attention. The evidence supports investor inattention as a source of the stock recommendation drift.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether momentum in stock prices is induced by changes in the political environment. We find that momentum profits are concentrated among politically sensitive firms and industries. From 1939 to 2016, a trading strategy with a long position in winner portfolios (industries or firms) that are politically unfavored and a short position in losers that are politically favored does not generate significant momentum profits. Furthermore, our political‐sensitivity‐based long‐short portfolio explains 23% to 27% (42% to 43%) of monthly stock (industry) momentum alphas. This explanatory power is concentrated around presidential elections, when the level of political activity is high. Collectively, our results suggest that investor underreaction to political information generates momentum in stock and industry returns.  相似文献   

I examine the relation between initial public offering (IPO) long‐run stock performance and the amount of cash raised by the firm in the offering. I find that IPOs raising more cash have poorer long‐run performance. The result is robust to different measurement methods. The evidence suggests that the market underreacts to free cash flow related agency problems in IPOs. Consistent with this interpretation, I find that IPO long‐run performance is more sensitive to the new cash raised in the offering if an IPO firm has lower capital expenditure or higher opening bid‐ask spread.  相似文献   

Building on the Bayesian Theorem, we propose a multi-period market microstructure model to understand how Bayesian investors underact new information and the duration of market underreaction. Applying the model to post-earnings-announcement drifts, our simulation and regression analyses show that the duration of the post-announcement price adjustment process and the post-announcement drifts can be explained by the new measure of belief updating speed that quantifies the uncertainties faced by Bayesian investors when incorporating new information into prices. Our study highlights the importance of incorporating the belief uncertainties of uninformed investors in explaining market underreaction in the Bayesian framework.  相似文献   

We evaluate whether the market reacts rationally to profit warnings by testing for subsequent abnormal returns. Warnings fall into two classes: those that include a new earnings forecast, and those that offer only the guidance that earnings will be below current expectations. We find significant negative abnormal returns in the first three months following both types of warning. There is also evidence that underreaction is more pronounced when the disclosure is less precise. Abnormal returns are significantly more negative following disclosures that offer only qualitative guidance than when a new earnings forecast is included.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that disposition effect-induced momentum documented in Grinblatt and Han (2005) should be stronger in stocks with greater individual investors’ presence since individual investors are more prone to the disposition effect. We find strong evidence for our hypothesis for a large sample of NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ stocks from the end of 1980 to 2005. Our results hold across different momentum strategies using alternative ways of defining individual investors’ presence in a stock and maintain even after controlling for variables known to drive momentum. Furthermore, we find that our results are stronger for hard-to-value stocks consistent with the findings of Kumar (2009).  相似文献   

股票投资决策中的处置效应及其应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用行为经济学取向的情景实验方法,分别以253名成人、263名经济学专业的大学生和349名中国A股市场上的个体投资者为被试,对股票投资决策中的处置效应及其相关因素进行了系列实证研究.结果发现:总体上讲三种被试都存在明显的处置效应.相对于替他人做股票投资决策,成人被试在为自己做股票投资决策时表现出更强的处置效应.股票投资年限在3年及以上的个体投资者被试在其股票投资决策中所表现出的处置效应程度要弱于股票投资年限在3年以下的个体投资者.建议使用角色置换他人化和投资盈利目的化等策略减弱处置效应.  相似文献   

This paper investigates options market reaction to changes in the instantaneous variance of the underlying asset. There are three main findings. First, options market investors underreact to individual daily changes in instantaneous variance. Second, these same investors overreact to periods of mostly increasing or mostly decreasing daily changes in instantaneous variance. Third, they tend to underreact (overreact) to current daily changes in instantaneous variance that are preceded mostly by daily changes of the opposite (same) sign. The third finding can reconcile the first two and is also consistent with well-established cognitive biases.  相似文献   

We test whether the post‐forecast revision drift is mainly attributable to investors’ underreaction to industry‐wide earnings news conveyed by analysts’ forecast revisions. We find a large drift associated with industry‐wide earnings news but no drift associated with firm‐specific earnings news. Consistent with the functional fixation hypothesis, we provide evidence that the post‐forecast revision drift is driven by investors’ underreaction to the higher persistence of industry‐wide earnings. Although prior research has focused on differential persistence of earnings components stemming from managerial reporting discretion, we provide evidence suggesting that investors do not fully understand the differential earnings persistence attributable to industry fundamentals.  相似文献   

This paper documents a significantly negative cross-sectional relation between left-tail risk and future returns on individual stocks trading in the US and international countries. We provide a behavioral explanation to this anomaly based on the idea that investors underestimate the persistence in left-tail risk and overprice stocks with large recent losses. Thus, low returns in the left-tail of the distribution persist into the future causing left-tail return momentum. We find that the left-tail risk anomaly is stronger for stocks that are more likely to be held by retail investors, that receive less investor attention, and that are costlier to arbitrage.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the effect of news positioning on the speed of price discovery, using exogenous variation in prominent (“front-page”) positioning of news articles on the Bloomberg terminal. Front-page articles see 240% higher trading volume and 176% larger absolute excess returns during the first 10 minutes after publication than equally important non-front-page articles. Overall, the information in front-page articles is fully incorporated into prices within an hour of publication. The response to non-front-page information of similar importance eventually converges but takes more than two days to be fully reflected in prices.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that financial analysts' earnings forecasts and stock prices underreact to earnings news. This paper provides evidence that analysts and investors correct this underreaction in response to the next earnings announcement and to other (non-earnings-surprise) information available between earnings announcements. Our evidence also suggests that analysts and investors underreact to information reflected in analysts' earnings forecast revisions and that non-earnings-surprise information helps correct this underreaction as well. Controlling for corrective non-earnings-surprise information significantly increases estimates of the degree to which analysts' forecasting behavior can explain drifts in returns following both earnings announcements and analysts' earnings forecast revisions.  相似文献   

We analyze brokerage data and an experiment to test a cognitive dissonance based theory of trading: investors avoid realizing losses because they dislike admitting that past purchases were mistakes, but delegation reverses this effect by allowing the investor to blame the manager instead. Using individual trading data, we show that the disposition effect—the propensity to realize past gains more than past losses—applies only to nondelegated assets like individual stocks; delegated assets, like mutual funds, exhibit a robust reverse‐disposition effect. In an experiment, we show that increasing investors' cognitive dissonance results in both a larger disposition effect in stocks and a larger reverse‐disposition effect in funds. Additionally, increasing the salience of delegation increases the reverse‐disposition effect in funds. Cognitive dissonance provides a unified explanation for apparently contradictory investor behavior across asset classes and has implications for personal investment decisions, mutual fund management, and intermediation.  相似文献   

汝毅  薛健  张乾 《金融研究》2019,470(8):189-206
本文聚焦于公司违规曝光这一特定事件,使用三重差分的计量分析方法,探讨了媒体的事前新闻报道是否会影响其在投资者群体中的声誉,即是否存在声誉溢出效应。结果表明媒体对违规公司的事前新闻报道越正面(负面),其日后针对非涉案公司发布的新闻报道的市场反应就越弱(强),即存在双向声誉溢出效应。然而该效应存在不对称性,表现为负面报道带来的正向溢出效应明显强于正面报道带来的负向溢出效应。进一步研究发现,声誉溢出效应取决于投资者对于媒体声誉的主观感知以及对于违规事件的信息解读能力。当媒体的既有声誉水平较低、违规案件较为严重,或非违规公司机构投资者比例较高时,媒体的声誉溢出效应更加明显。本文论证了媒体客观公正性对于声誉积累的重要性,为媒体是否应当以及如何维护在投资者群体中的声誉形象提供了经验证据。本文对投资者如何判断和使用媒体发布的信息,进而做出正确投资决策也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李德  严文兵 《海南金融》2001,(12):43-47
经济全球化背景下,金融危机发生的一个重要原因是银行业存在大量不良资产。世界各国注重对不良资产的控制和处置,主要方式包括:加强官方监管、市场约束和银行内控;加大呆账核销力度和成立专门机构对不良资产进行处置。借鉴国际经验,需要对中国银行业资产问题进行综合治理,加强监管和贷款风险管理,通过资产管理公司加快不良资产的处置。  相似文献   

一、我国银行业不良资产的产生与处置情况 我国国有商业银行是国家金融体系的主要组成部分,是筹措、融通和配置社会资金的主要渠道,长期以来为经济发展提供了有力支持。然而,由于金融改革长期滞后于经济改革,特别是在商业银行法出台之前,国有商业银行是以专业银行模式运作的,信贷业务具有浓厚的政策色彩,  相似文献   

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