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贺飞燕 《价值工程》2006,25(8):167-168
本文在普通似然及经验似然情况下,分别对数据无结点和有结点的情况做了计算,得出在普通似然及经验似然问题中,有结点与无结点情况完全相同的结论。  相似文献   

微观计量分析中缺失数据的极大似然估计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微观计量经济分析中常常遇到缺失数据,传统的处理方法是删除所要分析变量中的缺失数据,或用变量的均值替代缺失数据,这种方法经常造成样本有偏。极大似然估计方法可以有效地处理和估计缺失数据。本文首先介绍缺失数据的极大似然估计方法,然后对一实际调查数据中的缺失数据进行极大似然估计,并与传统处理方法的估计结果进行比较和评价。  相似文献   

在线性参数空间滞后模型中,解释变量的系数一般假设为固定常数,本文首先放松了这种假设,将解释变量的系数设定为某一变量的未知函数,提出一类全新的半参数变系数空间滞后模型;其次导出了该模型的截面极大似然估计,并证明了该估计的一致性;最后用蒙特卡洛数值模拟方法考察了该估计在小样本条件下的性质,数值模拟结果显示我们提出的估计方法在小样本条件下依然有优良的表现。  相似文献   

运用数理统计的知识,研究了水工结构可靠度功能函数正态分布在一个或者多个参数的统计特性未知情况下可靠指标的点估计值。同时对可靠指标估计值的无偏性以及一致性进行了一定程度的探讨。并对可靠指标点估计值运用进行了研究,以便说明该方法对解决实际工程问题的可行性及有效性。  相似文献   

运用数理统计的知识,研究了水工结构可靠度功能函数正态分布在一个或者多个参数的统计特性未知情况下可靠指标的点估计值.同时对可靠指标估计值的无偏性以及一致性进行了一定程度的探讨.并对可靠指标点估计值运用进行了研究,以便说明该方法对解决实际工程问题的可行性及有效性.  相似文献   

空间动态面板模型拟极大似然估计的渐近效率改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lee和Yu(2008)研究了一类同时带个体与时间固定效应的空间动态面板模型的拟极大似然估计量的大样本性质.本文说明当扰动项非正态时,拟极大似然估计量的渐近效率可以被进一步提高.为此,我们构造了一组合待定矩阵且形式一般的矩条件以用来包含对数似然函数一阶条件的特殊形式.从无冗余矩条件的角度,选取最优待定矩阵得到了最佳广义矩估计量.本文证明了当扰动项正态分布时,最佳广义矩估计量和拟极大似然估计量渐近等价;当扰动项非正态分布时,广义矩估计量具有比拟极大似然估计量更高的渐近效率.Monte Carlo实验结果与本文的理论预期一致.  相似文献   

文章考察经验似然方法在GARCH模型的应用,运用经验似然方法来构造服从卡方分布的经验似然比统计量,进而构造其置信区间,最后通过数值模拟来说明经验似然应用于GARCH模型的优良性。  相似文献   

本文提出只用输出的符号比特来估计帧偏移和频偏,并且提出了两种不同的方法来降低硬件复杂度和电路功耗。仿真结果显示,在AWGN信道和多径衰落信道的传播环境下都能正常工作,并且降低了硬件复杂度和电路的功耗。  相似文献   

Logistic回归是计量经济学中应用最广的离散选择模型。当变量个数较多时,极大似然估计解释性较差,为此本文基于新的惩罚函数ArctanLASSO,给出Logistic回归的一种非凸惩罚似然估计进行参数估计和变量选取,并证明了估计量的n1/2相合性和Oracle性质。本文结合二阶近似处理、LLA方法和梯度下降法给出估计算法,并通过最小化BIC准则对正则化参数进行选取。模拟数据分析显示,当样本量较大时,该方法在参数估计和变量选取两个方面都优于传统的LASSO、SCAD和MCP方法,样本量较小时,该方法同样具有很大优势。实际数据分析表明,该方法很好地权衡了拟合程度和非零系数的选择,是最优的备选模型,具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

本文提出使用核估计的方法构造平滑转移模型(STR)的非参数模拟最大似然估计(NPSML),给出了NPSML估计量的构造方法、渐近性质以及相应的核函数和窗宽的选择准则,并利用滑动窗宽算法对估计量的构造过程进行了改进。通过Monte Carlo实验证明,该方法是可靠的,并且当误差项存在序列相关时,此种估计量是稳健的。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the maximum likelihood estimator of a general unbalanced spatial random effects model with normal disturbances, assuming that some observations are missing at random. Monte Carlo simulations show that the maximum likelihood estimator for unbalanced panels performs well and that missing observations affect mainly the root mean square error. As expected, these estimates are less efficient than those based on the unobserved balanced model, especially if the share of missing observations is large or spatial autocorrelation in the error terms is pronounced.

Estimation de vraisemblance maximale d'un modèle général d'effets aléatoires spatiaux déséquilibré: une étude Monte Carlo

RÉSUMÉ La présente communication se penche sur l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance d'un modèle général d'effets aléatoires spatiaux déséquilibré avec des perturbations normales, en supposant l'absence aléatoire de certaines observations. Des simulations de Monte Carlo montrent que des groupes déséquilibrés se comporte bien, et que les observations manquantes affectent principalement l'erreur de la moyenne quadratique. Comme prévu, ces évaluations sont moins efficaces que celles qui sont basées sur le modèle équilibré non observé, notamment si la part des observations manquantes est importantes, ou l'on déclare une autocorrélation spatiale dans les termes d'erreur.

Estimación de la probabilidad máxima de un modelo espacial general desequilibrado de efectos al azar: un estudio de Monte Carlo

RÉSUMÉN Este trabajo discute el estimador de probabilidad máxima de un modelo espacial general desequilibrado de efectos al azar con alteraciones normales, suponiendo que faltan algunas observaciones al azar. Las simulaciones de Monte Carlo muestran que el estimador de probabilidad máxima para los paneles desequilibrados funciona satisfactoriamente, y que las observaciones omisas afectan principalmente al error de la media cuadrática. Como se suponía, estas estimaciones son menos eficientes que las basadas en el modelo equilibrado inadvertido, especialmente si la cantidad de omisiones es grande/o la autocorrelación en los términos de error es pronunciada.


A very well-known model in software reliability theory is that of Littlewood (1980). The (three) parameters in this model are usually estimated by means of the maximum likelihood method. The system of likelihood equations can have more than one solution. Only one of them will be consistent, however. In this paper we present a different, more analytical approach, exploiting the mathematical properties of the log-likelihood function itself. Our belief is that the ideas and methods developed in this paper could also be of interest for statisticians working on the estimation of the parameters of the generalised Pareto distribution. For those more generally interested in maximum likelihood the paper provides a 'practical case', indicating how complex matters may become when only three parameters are involved. Moreover, readers not familiar with counting process theory and software reliability are given a first introduction.  相似文献   

It is proposed to study the graphical representation of the parametric space of maximumlikelihood function of two parameters logistic functions, as is used in Item Response Theory. Thisproposal is made more from a point of view of understanding rather than of discovery..  相似文献   

The normal-gamma stochastic frontier model was proposed in Greene (1990) and Beckers and Hammond (1987) as an extension of the normal-exponential proposed in the original derivations of the stochastic frontier by Aigner, Lovell and Schmidt (1977). The normal-gamma model has the virtue of providing a richer and more flexible parameterization of the inefficiency distribution in the stochastic frontier model than either of the canonical forms, normal-half normal and normal-exponential. However, several attempts to operationalize the normal-gamma model have met with very limited success, as the log likelihood is possesed of a significant degree of complexity. This note will propose an alternative approach to estimation of this model based on the method of maximum simulated likelihood estimation as opposed to the received attempts which have approached the problem by direct maximization.  相似文献   

Robust Likelihood Methods Based on the Skew-t and Related Distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The robustness problem is tackled by adopting a parametric class of distributions flexible enough to match the behaviour of the observed data. In a variety of practical cases, one reasonable option is to consider distributions which include parameters to regulate their skewness and kurtosis. As a specific representative of this approach, the skew‐t distribution is explored in more detail and reasons are given to adopt this option as a sensible general‐purpose compromise between robustness and simplicity, both of treatment and of interpretation of the outcome. Some theoretical arguments, outcomes of a few simulation experiments and various wide‐ranging examples with real data are provided in support of the claim.  相似文献   

孟俊才  贺瑞缠 《价值工程》2011,30(32):297-298
文章讨论了样本数据缺失情形下泊松过程的强度估计和检验问题。用极大似然估计、矩估计法和最小二乘估计法对强度进行估计,分别得出了极大似然估计强度的迭代方法,矩估计值及最小二乘估计值。证明了矩估计值和最小二乘估计值的无偏性和相合性,导出了其统计量的极限分布。最后,对两个Poisson过程的差异进行了假设检验同时给出渐近置信区间。  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a detailed study of a general family of asymmetric densities. In the general framework, we establish expressions for important characteristics of the distributions and discuss estimation of the parameters via method‐of‐moments as well as maximum likelihood estimation. Asymptotic normality results for the estimators are provided. The results under the general framework are then applied to some specific examples of asymmetric densities. The use of the asymmetric densities is illustrated in a real‐data analysis.  相似文献   

On the analysis of multivariate growth curves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth curve data arise when repeated measurements are observed on a number of individuals with an ordered dimension for occasions. Such data appear frequently in almost all fields in which statistical models are used, for instance in medicine, agriculture and engineering. In medicine, for example, more than one variable is often measured on each occasion. However, analyses are usually based on exploration of repeated measurements of only one variable. The consequence is that the information contained in the between-variables correlation structure will be discarded.  In this study we propose a multivariate model based on the random coefficient regression model for the analysis of growth curve data. Closed-form expressions for the model parameters are derived under the maximum likelihood (ML) and the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) framework. It is shown that in certain situations estimated variances of growth curve parameters are greater for REML. Also a method is proposed for testing general linear hypotheses. One numerical example is provided to illustrate the methods discussed. Received: 22 February 1999  相似文献   

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