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跨界(crossover)几乎每天都在发生。产业融合的趋势也并非第一天出现,但互联网思维却让这种趋势变得席卷一切,环境的变化,正在改变我们对"人才"的定义。于是一种叫"T型人才"的新名词出现在人们的视野。T型人才是指按知识结构区分出来的一种新型人才类型。用字母"T"来表示他们的知识结构特点。"—"表示有广博的知识面,"|"表示知识的深度。两者的结合,既有较深的专业知识,又有广博的知识面,这类集深与博于一身的人才。这种人才结构不仅在横向上具备比较广泛的一般性知识修养,而且在纵向的专业知识上具有较深的理解能力和独到见解。  相似文献   

苏曼 《商场现代化》2015,(3):138-139
随着外贸企业的转型升级,外贸岗位的新旧更替及职业内涵的不断变化,探索"双T"结构外贸应用型人才培养模式,即建立以能力为本位的T型结构人才培养目标及相应的T型结构课程体系,通过学校、企业、政府三位一体的保障机制,以培养广度与深度兼具的、知识结构完备的、具有可持续发展能力的外贸应用型人才。  相似文献   

<正>租个大王来巡山初创企业招不到人才,怎么办呢?其实你可以去智筹上租一个,平台对接2000家企业和300万人才。对于创业公司而言,人才需求可分不同层次。"比如一类是超前配置型,我暂时不需要他全部时间和精力,但是他确确实实对我们现在的发展有指导作用,这是属于顾问级的;另一类是够用型,团队配置比较紧凑,已经成型,但是会有一些临时性专业工作。"智筹创始人周磊表示,针对创业公司这些需求,短租人才的模式比全职招聘更为合理。  相似文献   

浅析企业对电气人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡宝军 《中国市场》2010,(45):57-57
企业如何培养企业需要型的人才有这样一种理论:"培养企业人才的重点在于利用现有可利用的人员,对他们进行必要的培训和知识教育,而不是处处寻找优秀的人才,想方设法挖角到自己企业。"这样可以培养企业自身的有生力量,提高企业的凝聚力。对于企业电器人才的培养,这个道理同样适用。  相似文献   

刘浩华 《中国市场》2008,(49):147-148
培养具有"T"型技能结构的物流管理人才是物流教育者的一项重大挑战。基于这一人才培养模式,本文阐述了市场需求、教育部要求和"3+7+X"主干课程基本架构,构建了基本的专业课程体系,并探讨了其相互关系。  相似文献   

"很明显,中国西部将会发展得非常迅速,给我们提供了在这里发展的巨大机会。我们有足够的智慧,会很好地在中国扩张。对我们来说,最大的挑战要算人才了,找人容易,但找到合适的人才比较难。"——洲际酒店集团首席执行官高蓄来(Andy Cossleff)日前表示。到今年年底,洲际将在中国运营125家酒店。  相似文献   

管理系统工程是系统工程的思想和方法在管理领域中的实际应用。该课程中的理论部分比较抽象,且难于理解,而实践部分学生接触也相对较少,因此教师要教好、学生要学好这门课程都有较大难度。文章认为,当前《管理系统工程》课程教学存在的主要问题与师生"教"与"学"中形成的路径依赖性有密切的关系,本着系统工程培育T型人才的主要指导思想,文章提出了《管理系统工程》课程教学体系重构的思路。  相似文献   

"两能型"人才是指既具有较高的就业能力,也具有较高的创业能力的人才。高校培养"两能型"人才不仅是经济社会发展的客观需要,也是人才自身发展的客观需要。高校培养"两能型"人才,需要转变既有人才培养理念,做好人才培养规划,创造人才培养条件和创建人才培养文化。  相似文献   

<正>新浪财经讯"2014中国民营企业500强"发布会于8月18日在北京召开。全国工商联经济部部长谭林在演讲中表示,人才缺乏成影响民企500强发展的最主要因素。谭林分析称,民营企业500强坚守实体经济依然面临着来自人才短缺、融资难、融资贵、税费重以及"玻璃门"、"弹簧门"、"旋转门"等内外因素的影响和制约。一、人才缺乏成为影响民营企业500强发展的最主要因素。2013年,有329家企业受到了人才缺乏的困扰,排位升至第一。随着企业转型步伐的加快,高水准、高技能人才的需求大量增加,人才缺乏已成为实体经济发  相似文献   

申玮 《商》2014,(28):42-43
在数字出版产业的转型过程中,数字出版对人才提出了新的要求,不再是以往的知识型人才,而更多的是需要知识与技术相结合的复合型人才。本文针对数字出版人才培养存在的问题以及人才培养策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

知识型人才是高新区高新技术企业的核心要素,是各高新技术企业争夺的对象。高新技术企业知识型人才流动日益频繁,如何降低知识型人才流失的风险成为高新技术企业迫切需要解决的问题。探究了成都高新区高新技术企业知识型人才流动中存在的问题,并结合成都高新区经济发展情况,提出促进成都高新区高新技术企业知识型人才合理流动的对策。  相似文献   

高层次人才集聚模式与对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在知识经济时代,对高层次人才的需求更加紧迫,人才流动的自由度越来越大。高层次人才集聚作为人才流动的一个特殊行为,促进人才价值的实现,越来越受到关注。高层次人才有四种集聚模式,即:收益优势依傍型、产业集聚推动型、“领头羊”效应吸引型和政府牵引型。分析人才集聚所产生的效应,高层次人才作为人才流动的一种特殊方式,有利于价值的最大化,促进集聚发展,因此,应采取一系列措施,促进人才集聚。  相似文献   

As a result of global economies' protectionist policies, followed by economic nationalism and a downturn, there is a shortage of talent with the requisite skills, knowledge, and abilities to meet the contingencies amid COVID-19. The recent developments have necessitated multinational businesses to manage their talent in a new international business context. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of the “New Normal” for global talent which is manifested by economic nationalism and slowdown. This study used an inductive method to qualitative research, conducted in-depth interviews with 28 top executives from multinational corporations. The implications for the global talent emerged from the current study as skill enhancement based on the emerged business model; training and development pertinent to new responsibilities and activities; adaptability to changes in the macroenvironment; emphasis on employee proactivity, experimentation, and risk-taking; emphasis on hyperspecialization to take on contract positions; global talent needs to participate in remote learning; global talent must emphasize on mental health issues; and registering in talent exchange programs to fill talent skill shortages.  相似文献   

Multinational enterprises' (MNEs') workforce is made up of people from diverse backgrounds and different locations around the globe. The cross-border transfer of knowledge, skills, and best practices among MNE employees is important to maintain global standards and competitiveness. In the post-COVID-19 period, there is a greater need to exchange knowledge in the changing business environment. The purpose of this study is to examine the issues related to MNEs' global talent management, post-COVID-19. The study investigates the use of enterprise social networking applications for better knowledge exchange and tries to understand the moderating role of senior leadership team support in facilitating the usage of enterprise social networks for cross-border collaboration and talent management. After reviewing the literature and relevant theories, we developed a conceptual model, which is then validated using the SEM technique with 347 respondents from 12 MNEs. The study reveals the importance of using enterprise social networks for cross-border knowledge exchange in the post-COVID-19 period.  相似文献   


Professional service firms face particular human capital challenges. This study reflects on the distinctive characteristics of professional service firms through the concepts of knowledge intensity, low capital intensity and professionalized workforce. Based on in-depth interviews with 21 partners of Australian law firms, we provide empirical evidence on the war for talent challenges faced by professional service firms and in particular, law firms. The findings point to talent management challenges including reputation building and maintenance, employee autonomy, knowledge acquisition, revenue and profitability through internationalization, managing knowledge across borders, managing employee mobility, talent acquisition and retention, talent engagement, performance management and developing leadership capability. These challenges are important issues to be considered by professional service firms as they attempt to compete more effectively in global business contexts.  相似文献   

In the context of globalization, country‐level actions to manage global talent (e.g., development of immigrant‐friendly policies, policies to attract back skilled diaspora, or investment in the international education of youth) have been underresearched. The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of a country‐level global talent management practice on the careers and career success of its talents in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a developing country in Central Asia. Using qualitative methods, this study introduces new dimensions of career success evaluation for internationally educated talents in developing markets: use of knowledge acquired abroad and international aspect of the job. Based on these dimensions, it develops a model of career types. The career types predict the varying degrees of talents' career success and their involvement in sharing and capitalizing on knowledge, ideas, and international experience, which may have an impact on society. The study contributes to the field of global talent management and career success by providing empirical evidence on an underresearched topic in the underresearched context of developing markets.  相似文献   

科技型人才聚集效应的经济学分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文认为,科技型人才聚集现象是科技型人才流动的产物,科技型人才聚集现象发生质变时就会产生科技型人才聚集效应。科技型人才聚集效应是人才聚集效应的一种特殊形式,除了具备人才聚集效应的诸多特征外,还有其自身特点。文章提出,科技型人才流动的动因有引致性动因和驱致性动因两种,要形成人才聚集现象进而实现人才聚集效应必须同时提升这两个方面的水平。而科技型人才聚集效应边界的存在则需要地区或企业严格控制好科技型人才聚集度,使之处于最优点以保障经济水平快速有效的增长。  相似文献   

知识经济中人才是最重要的资源.西部大开发处在知识经济迅猛发展的历史阶段,人才开发对西部经济发展具有十分重大的战略意义.西部人才开发的核心是人才体制的创新.构建优良的人才环境系统是西部人才开发的目标.只有这样,我国才有可能完成西部大开发的历史重任.  相似文献   

Knowledge management is increasingly recognized as a key aspect of international business and management. This paper offers research avenues for investigating knowledge transfer between self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) and their employer organizations. Building on the existing literature on expatriation and knowledge transfer, it offers a series of research propositions. It illustrates the knowledge transfer process in three phases: opportunity seeking, knowledge sharing, and knowledge application. We suggest that different characteristics of SIEs and their organizations can influence the knowledge transfer process. Furthermore, we advance that SIEs may be a source of sustained competitive advantage to their companies. Several implications for future empirical research are also discussed and the paper concludes with practical implications for SIE talent management.  相似文献   

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