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应台湾文经发展对外交流协会的要求,由上海市商业经济学会组团,我们来自各商业企业的一行7人于2006年7月30日至8月8日赴台湾考察访问。在台期间,我们重点考察了台北京华城、新光三越等大型百货公司,访问了大润发集团所属超市等企业;参观了台北101摩天大楼、故宫博物馆、国父纪念馆等;游览了日月谭、阿里山、阳明山公园等具有代表性的风景区。同时,与台湾商业同行就开展两岸商  相似文献   

2010年1月1日,中国-东盟自由贸易区如期建成,中国与东盟的交流与合作进入了崭新的阶段.作为唯一以中国-东盟自由贸易区为背景的中国一东盟博览会,将为两方的交流合作发挥更加重要的作用.  相似文献   

Over the last few months,Lu Xinhua and his colleagues are more and more worried about losing their jobs,since they have begun to notice that their arranged working hours are becoming less and less."Now,we only work four to five days a week,while in the past we always had to work in shifts for the whole week."He said.They are all working for a typical export-oriented replacement tire factory in North China's Shandong province.  相似文献   

环保项目融资为银行在可持续发展领域提供更多空间。然而对于银行而言,虽然秉承赤道原则的导向,但也要充分考虑融资风险。对于风险较大的项目,信用保险的介入使项目风险得以分散,一方而为银行提高了融资率,一方面使更多的可持续项目得以实现。  相似文献   

China must come to terms with the fact that it has quality problems in at least 1% of its products. Though there is no country in the world that can completely avoid problems,given the responsible role China plays on the international stage,China should stop to take a look at itself and find ways to improve.China must examine herself carefully,when looking at the production chain;we have to keep aware that some alarms still remain.  相似文献   

Inhabitation,or human settlement,has become a hot issue that is attracting a lot of attention around the world, from both the rich and the poor.After all,who doesn't want to have a good liv- ing environment? Sure,a good living environment is important to every living being on Earth, but actually in today's modern society, a good habitat has a special meaning: harmonious living environment.This not  相似文献   

In recent months,reports about China's food safety have piled in US media.Some even concluded that China was the country to have most violated US food safety regulations.  相似文献   

Businessmen all over Europe as well as in North America and in other countries have to be Increasingly concerned with international taxation. Therefore the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation is gaining In importance.  相似文献   

2000年回国后即被教育部派到日内瓦世界贸易组织(WTO)总部学习,为中国加入WTO的人才培养工作做准备。那时候的我们,充满期待和活力,等待着中国加入世界体系那一刻的到来。记得一位WTO的同仁曾和我谈到,中国这么早就为WTO方面的教育做准备,令人欣慰,但这种教育不光是高校的,更应该是社会的,  相似文献   

2009年10月29日,"联合的力量——云贵川渝桂‘合力联盟’成立盛典"在广西南宁荔园山庄举行,这是中国电视广告史上一个具有里程碑意义的日子,它标志着由云南电视台、贵州电视台、四川电视台、重庆电视台、广西电视台五家优势电视媒体强强联手组成的“合力联盟”正式成立。  相似文献   

This research examines how consumers’ efforts as a nonmonetary sacrifice influence their price and promotion fairness perceptions in the context of price promotions. Multiple studies using different price promotion tactics demonstrate that consumers’ perceived level of effort to obtain a reduced price negatively influences their fairness perceptions when they deny the promoted price. Exploring the underlying mechanisms of this effect, we show that the amount of effort consumers exert to obtain a promoted price leads to their feeling of deservingness and entitlement. When the promoted price is denied, this feeling of entitlement is violated, causing unfairness perceptions to occur. The research demonstrates that, in addition to retailers’ actions such as price changes, consumers’ actions, in the form of their effort input, are also an important determinant of fairness perceptions.  相似文献   

ISBP:审核信用证项下单据的必备工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ISBP,即《关于审核信用证项下单据的国际标准银行实务》,全称为International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Doeuments under Documentary Credits,简称ISBP。ISBP是由国际商会(International Chamberof Commerre.ICC)在2002年10月30日在罗马会议上以57票对8票的压倒性意见获得通过,并在2003年1月发布的,即为国际商会第645号出版物(ICC 645)。  相似文献   

We present a dynamical model of cooperative efforts comprised of concurrently performed, interrelated tasks. The model contains a stochastic component to account for temporal fluctuations both in task performance and in the effect of a given unit of work on the project as a whole. We show that as the number of concurrent tasks increases, so does the average completion time. Also, for fixed system size, the dynamics of individual project realizations can exhibit large deviations from the average when fluctuations increase past a certain threshold, causing long delays in completion times. These effects are in agreement with empirical observation. We also show that the negative effects of both large groups and long delays caused by fluctuations may be mitigated by arranging projects in a hierarchical or modular structure. Our model is applicable to any arrangement of interdependent tasks, providing an analytical prediction for the average completion time as well as a numerical threshold for the fluctuation strength beyond which long delays are likely. In conjunction with previous modeling techniques, it thus provides managers with a predictive tool to be used in the design of a project’s architecture.  相似文献   

同在WTO框架下--入世对两岸经贸关系的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
祖国大陆与台湾的经贸关系虽然一直处于非直接双向的不正常状态,但由于存在巨大的资源互补和血缘地缘优势,在经济利益驱动和市场原则导向下,两岸经贸交流发展迅速,20年多年来,已形成互利互补,相互依存的局面。  相似文献   

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