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The emphasis of development policies has for many years been placed on primarily growth-oriented development strategies. Although the latter have indeed induced an astounding increase in real GNP levels in Third World countries, they have not been able to decisively reduce existing social disparities. The more distribution-oriented approaches prevalent since the mid-70s have also, for their part, revealed substantial weaknesses. The strategy of integrated development attempts to combine the positive elements of both approaches into one comprehensive modus operandi.  相似文献   

杨宇时 《广告大观》2009,(6):168-168
身为好的管理者,我们在预期未来的商业活动时,需要有历史数据的支持,这就造成了回归分析等一系统用统计方法预测未来的理论基础。  相似文献   

进行国外项目的承揽在带来较大经济效益的同时,也会带来一定的风险,本文着重从筹资、资金往来、利率以及税收等方面对国外承揽项目可能存在的经营风险和财务风险进行了分析,并从机构设置、成本控制、资金管理、合同签订等方面对企业如何控制风险方面提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

How much and what kind of development consulting the industrial states provide for the less developed countries (LDCs) must depend on the structure of the reciplent country and the specific needs for advice ensuing from it. Constant consultation on development issues and development programmes for the whole national economy may be wanted or only advice on individual development projects. The two forms are connected insofar as individual projects must dovetall with an overall plan.  相似文献   

The UN General Assembly has designated the 1978–1988 period as a Decade of Transport in Africa to draw attention to the immense efforts that are—in an internationally coordinated fashion—still needed in this continent. What contribution to Africa’s social and economic development may be expected from major rail and road proejcts?  相似文献   

本文作者对加强施工项目成本控制,从优化设计和加强施工管理两方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

工程项目的质量管理是一个涉及面广、知识面宽、技术性强的一门管理科学.目前项目质量管理虽有一套完整的、科学的管理方法.作者根据在工作实践根据以下二大方面八个关键点,即1、认真抓好图纸的会审2、建立强有力的领导班子3、建立和完善质量保证体系4、严把各道工序质量关5、严把隐蔽工程质量关6、严把材料、设备、成品、半成品的质量关7、严把竣工验收关,浅谈如何抓好项目工程质量管理一些体会.  相似文献   

The cost-benefit-analysis represents for the public sector the same as investment projections mean for private enterprise. This method is still in its experimental stage, but it is becoming more and more sophisticated and is already widely used also by national agencies active in the field of development.  相似文献   

Non-intentional drowning incidents remain a leading cause of mortality in Turkey as well as all over the world. A following related secondary syndrome is composed of those who drown during altruistic attempts to rescue a drowning person. Such ‘rescuers’ who attempt to rescue a drowning person, may themselves drown, resulting in a tragic multiple death. This study covers the year 2009, and necessary data was found by using internet search engines to identify cases in which a potential rescue attempt resulted with the rescuer's fatal drowning. Thirty-one ‘rescuers’ and 20 primary drowning victims (PDV) drowned in 28 incidents in which 80% of drowned primary victims (DPV) were children, and 48.4% of the ‘rescuers’ were children. In 48.4% of the ‘rescuers’ succeeded in rescuing the PDV's life. Out of them, 38.7% of the ‘rescuers’ and PDVs were friends/colleagues. The aim of this study is to define and examine multiple drowning syndromes (MDSs) and to suggest preventative measures. An increased awareness of such risks as promotion of swimming and rescue skills could help reducing the MDSs.  相似文献   

我国林业生态项目建设问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林业的可持续发展是一项系统工程,它需要各个系统有序协调地发展,只有这样,才能保持发展的可持续性和稳定性.因此,提高我国林业生态项目建设质量和建设效益,对搞好我国林业建设具有重要意义.笔者结合多年的工作实践,结合我国林业生态建设中存在的问题提出了相应的建设理念.  相似文献   

The inclusion of joint implementation (JI) in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is a breakthrough for international cooperation on climate actions. The following paper discusses the economic rationale for the industrialized countries to invest in JI projects in developing countries by analysing the economic effects of carbon emission limits for China. Some operational issues of JI are addressed and potential areas for JI projects that may be in China's interest are discussed. This paper is based on the report prepared for the Netherlands Ministry, of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment under Contract 95140042. The views expressed here are those of the author.  相似文献   

近年来,上海工业发展咨询有限公司(SIDC),努力遵循胡锦涛总书记要求上海做到"三个服务"(服务"长三角"、服务长江流域、服务全国)的指示精神,大胆改革咨询机构长期来"等待服务"的传统服务模式和被动经营思路,主动聚焦两个"对接",即:国家战略与区域发展战略对  相似文献   

热水采暖系统主要由热水锅炉、热水循环泵、补水泵、管网及室内散热器组成.要满足采暖指标,达到采暖用户室内设计温度,除应对锅炉运行参数.燃烧工况进行控制和调整外,还应根据采暖季节.采暖时间等变化情况,对整个供热系统进行热力调节.着重对供热系统的经济运行进行阐述,分析了如何进行供热系统的调节以达到供热的最佳效果和节能降耗的双重目的.  相似文献   

Researchers attend to innovation and collaboration issues. Yet, the relevant literature devotes scant attention to the relationship between collaboration effectiveness and virtual innovation team context, while there are clear indications that both subjects relate with growing concerns in today's business setting. This article reviews extant literature and state-of-the art collaboration systems, and elucidate dynamic contextual factors among virtual innovation team members. The results show the antecedents and interrelationship among these factors, suggesting an optimal collaboration model for virtual innovation project teams. This paper documents the empirical observations of a virtual innovation project for advanced textile manufacturing technologies, and examines the due collaboration taking place among different project participants. Understanding the set of contextual factors emerging from virtual innovation projects can help managers classify, and employ the most effective collaboration mechanism for enhancing the corresponding project performance and effectiveness pragmatically.  相似文献   

今年6月份,北莱茵河威斯特伐利亚地区负责经济事务的长官哈尔德.萨特先生来中国访问,他的目标非常明确,德国将不断地加大在中国的经济等各方面的活动。“我们将竭尽全力.因为中国是个很有潜力并且在不断发展的国度。”  相似文献   

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