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In the period of 403-221 B.C.,known asWarlord stage,the warlor-ds of various stateswere always at war with each other.Anydelay in the transmission of military informa-tion might cause the fall of the whole,Armyor the danger of being annihilated.Hencethe transmission of the mail matter was offirst importance militarily.Thus all thefeudal states have established Yizhan(PonyExpress)of their own,known as “Transmis-sion of Government Documents by post.”During that period,a student of Menciousasked his Master how to rule a state,his  相似文献   

China Satellite Communications Group Corporation (China Satcom) is a state-owned large-sized key enterprise formally established on Dec. 19, 2001 according to the general deployment of the State Council on telecommunication system reform. Relying on its complete service system, China Satcom provides various users with specialized and high quality information communication service.  相似文献   

Beside Wan Shou Road at the scenic west-ern suburb of Beijing,there is a Beijing PostalCommunication School directly under the Bei-jing Municipal Post Office.The school wasfounded in autumn,1956.At the beginning,the equipment of the school was simple andcrude.Several years later,greater efforts hadbeen made to promote the administration ofthe school. Nowadays the school becomes acomprehensive and multi-level middle profes-sional school for training the communication  相似文献   

This article investigates strategic communication in the context of the wider adoption of “campaign” approaches to public diplomacy at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. The three case studies are the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United Kingdom, the marriage of HRH Prince William to Kate Middleton, and Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Ireland. The analytical framework seeks to situate strategic communication theory within a political–economic environment pervaded by a dependence on the media and its institutions for sociopolitical knowledge. Therefore, while affirming the growth and influence of strategic communication as a social phenomenon, this article questions how processes of mediatization impact strategic communication, its organization and practices. The case studies reveal characteristic techniques such as managing mediated spaces for meetings and discussion; shaping the salience of target groups, stakeholders, and participants; an emphasis on values and norms that may be tailored efficiently to different circumstances; and, a strong focus on achieving strategic consistency across diverse messages and messengers. The results will be of interest to researchers and students interested in better understanding how organizations utilize complementary communicative techniques to shape knowledge and steer experiences of political events in ways supportive of their overarching goals.  相似文献   

Situated in the north-western part of Heilongjiang Province, Keshan County, with a population of 470, 000, covers an area of 2, 760square kilometres. The county now has 17 official rural postal establishments staffed with 104 employees, including 5 managerialpersonnel. Rural communication is an important integral part of the entire postal communication network. The quality of rural postalcommunication plays a significant role in the whole course of postal communication. Therefore, our county office has always been keeping  相似文献   

Listening is extensively discussed in relation to interpersonal communication, in therapeutic contexts such as counselling and, to some extent, in the context of intra-organizational communication conducted as part of human resources management. However, listening is surprisingly and problematically overlooked in the large body of literature on organization-public communication including government, political, corporate, and marketing communication and related practices such as public relations. Based on critical analysis of relevant literature and primary research among 36 organizations in three countries, this analysis identifies a “crisis of listening” in organization-public communication and proposes strategies to address gaps in theory and practice including attention to the work of listening and the creation of an architecture of listening in organizations, which can offer significant stakeholder, societal, and organizational benefits.  相似文献   


The current study provides a social constructionist approach to crisis communication in the Chinese context. Crisis communication is viewed as a form of strategic communication, involving multiple stakeholders in situations that are dependent on context, space and time. This approach provides a much-needed path for investigating and understanding crisis communication practices in contemporary China. The distinct Chinese context for crisis communication, with both an authoritarian government structure and a digital transformation of society, challenges theories originally developed in the Western countries. To address this issue, this study proposes a three-theme analytical framework to examine crisis communication practices in the Chinese context: (1) an audience (or stakeholder) orientation—focusing sense-making, (2) a proactive and interactive approach—focusing communication, and (3) a community—focused approach—focusing a long-range precrisis perspective.  相似文献   

Recent terrorist attacks in Europe point to the intense terrorism-propaganda-connection that has been described by both communication and terrorism studies scholars. The current debate, however, neglects the fact that Europe, in the past, has already experienced attacks from terrorist groups that were accompanied by sophisticated public relations and propaganda, their motives, however, being social-revolutionary, not religious. Therefore, this article elaborates to what extent the Red Army Faction applied strategic communication in order to achieve its (political) goals. Theoretical considerations about the concepts of terrorism as propaganda of the deed, terrorism as a media event and Fourth Generation Warfare precede the case study. An important finding is that even though the RAF was indeed a very media-savvy group at the time, this savviness did not help them to achieve their long-term goal of political revolution.  相似文献   

Twelve post offices under prefecture andcity GPO in Liaoning Province took part in,during the“Courtesy Month”,the emulationdrive of“Ten Best Service Windows”,organ-ized by Liaoning Provincial Government inMarch 1983.The drive,to which the leadingcadres at different levels devoted their atten-tion,have aroused the enthusiasm of the broadmasses of cadres,staff and workers and wit-nessed remarkable achievements in learning  相似文献   

A form of strategic mediatization, media catching is the reversal of the traditional public relations process of pitching story ideas to journalists using press releases, feature pitch letters, and other techniques. In media catching, journalists working on specific stories reach out to large numbers of public relations practitioners using a variety of technologically aided services with queries for specific information. Using quantitative and qualitative content analyses, this study examines journalist queries submitted through a media request service, Pressfeed.ru, to understand the dynamics of the media-catching trend in Russia. Findings show a substantial gap between reporters’ expectations and public relations professionals’ goals and abilities, and a fragmentation of media outlets’ practices. The findings also revealed similarities in the growth and usage patterns of the Russian service to the first American media-catching service, Help-a-Reporter-Out. An empirical investigation is warranted to test an emergent model of the mutual influences of reporters, public relations specialists, internal (organizational values) and external (societal culture, political climate) factors during the process of media catching across different cultures and countries.  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)POSTAI communicationserves economic cons-truction and a flourishingeconomy,in turn,induces thedevelopment of the postservice.Practice in 9 years sinceimplementing the policy ofreform and opening to theoutside world shows that thereis a very close relation betwecnpostal communieation andsocial prosperity,particularlyin connection with the develop-ment of commodity economy.In the past when attention wasmainly directed toward pro-duction,with a close-doorpolicy,social and economic  相似文献   

It's an important task for the World Com-munications Year to organize,in accordancewith the plan of the China Committee,thesummer camps on communications for theyoung pioneers.The activities of this sort is ofgreat significance for popularizing among thepeople the knowledge of science and technologyin the communication field and for fostering areserve force for communications. The year sees in provinces and cities of  相似文献   

This quantitative content analysis compares global brands’ use of communication styles and brand anthropomorphism between two leading culturally different micro blogging sites, Twitter in the United States and Sina Weibo in China. Results show that, despite some differences, communication styles on both sites are more task-oriented than socioemotional-oriented. However, global brands adopt more “give suggestions” style (task-oriented) on Twitter but apply more “tension reduction” communication style (socioemotional-oriented) on Weibo. As for brand anthropomorphism strategies, global brands use more “first and second personal pronouns” on Twitter but more “nonverbal cues and consumer nicknames” on Weibo. By applying Interaction Process Analysis (i.e., task- and socioemotional-oriented communication styles) and brand anthropomorphism frameworks to culturally different social media settings, this study extends our current understandings of how global brands use social media to communicate with their publics.  相似文献   

Mobile communications have played an indispensable part in contemporary human experiences. The combination of social networking and mobile technologies presents an interesting phenomenon because the pervasive nature of mobile technologies significantly impacts on users’ privacy concerns about highly personal social media like Facebook. The massive amount of data collected from users’ mobile social media usage behaviors is beneficial to strategic communication professionals and practices. However, there are significant privacy concerns as a result of these big data applications. Because cultural context provides what is considered to be private and how individuals should respond to any infringement with their own privacy, Geert Hofstede’s 5-D cultural dimension framework was used as an interpretive framework to understand cross-cultural data collected from the Experience Sampling Method (ESM). The data were analyzed by examining country-specific differences in mobile social media users’ experiences, particularly, concerns over privacy among these cross-cultural mobile social media users. Individualism/Collectivism index was found to explain cross-cultural variations in our study. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.  相似文献   

云清 《中国邮政》2000,(6):39-39
一、储蓄存款的查询任何单位、个人都不得侵犯个人储蓄存款,不得擅自查询、冻结和扣划储户的存款。人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关或国家安全部门等因侦查、起诉、审理案件,需要向储蓄机构查询与案件直接有关的个人存款时,须向储蓄机构出具县级或县级以上法院、检察院、公安机  相似文献   

从2009年1月7日工信部向中国移动、中国电信和中国联通发放3张3G牌照到2013年12月4日工信部向三大运营商发放TD-LTE 4G牌照,其间间隔了近五年,但此后仅半年多时间,工信部又发放了首批虚拟运营商牌照,并批准中国电信、中国联通分别在16个城市开展两种4G制式TD-LTE和LTE FDD混合组网试验,还表示条件成熟后将发放LTE FDD牌照。牌照发放历来被看作是通信行业的标志性事件,但如此密集地发放牌照前所未有。这至少表明了三点:一是表明集成电路、光电子、存储、显示、  相似文献   

李伟 《中国邮政》2012,(10):60-61
潘家口水库又名潘龙湖,位于河北宽城满族自治县境内。在水库曲折迂回的沟岔间,有承德市唯一的水上邮路。投递员刘保朝已经在这条半为高山半为水的邮路干了13年。如洗的蓝天白云下,憨厚的中年汉子驾一叶轻舟,穿行于青山绿水间。于是,那山、那水、那人,便成就了笔者眼前一幅绝美的山水画。8月4日早上不到6点,住在独石沟乡蓝旗地村的刘保朝搭上报兜,从位于半山腰的家里出来,快步朝水库边走去。今夏的雨水较大,水库的水位猛涨  相似文献   

IN order to well accommo-date our nation'seconomical and cul-tural development,and to provide more and bettercommunication services to thesociety,the Ministry of Postsand Telecommunications haddecided to open,from Novem-ber 1 of this year,the speed postbusiness in 196 large andmedium size cities in China.Speed post is regarded as anew service after starting theservices like Express MailService and Postal Savings.Thereason to start this new service  相似文献   

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