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数月前,中国移动通信集团公司总经理、党组书记张立贵当选为中共十六大代表;最近,他又以第十后全国政协委员的身份出席政协大会。尽管工作事务非常繁忙,张立贵总经理仍然对本刊的采访给予了极大的直视。“两会”-结束,他就从百忙中抽出时间,接受了本刊对中国移动发展战略的独家专访。  相似文献   

经历了不同的岁月,经历着不同的感受,每个人对生活有着不同的感悟,对生活中大大小小的难题也有着不同的理解和解决办法。技术的不断发展、应用的层出不穷、网络的无处不在、移动通信的快速发展、让我们感觉到现在的世界越来越小、沟通无时无刻无处不在的同时,所有的难题仿佛已经荡然无存。可是难题的逐一解决却并不意味着我们没有了难题,社会的发展和人们无止境的追求让我们时时刻刻面临着新的难题、新的挑战和新的考验。  相似文献   

钱静 《中国电信业》2001,(11):24-27
近日,信息产业部公布了首届中国信息产业重大技术发明评选结果,四项通信技术和两项软件产品榜上有名.与以往不同,本次评奖将产业化程度作为一项重要的衡量指标,所有获奖技术都已实现规模化生产.  相似文献   

从“人力成本”到“人力资本” 上世纪九十年代的创业大潮中,许多创业型科技公司雨后春笋般涌现,但十几年后这些公司已是所剩寥寥,东进技术是其中的“幸运儿”。不过,在东进技术总经理贺建楠看来,东进能够大浪淘沙一是创业团队团结,二是有一批愿意与公司一同成长的员工,归根结底是因为“人”。  相似文献   

在对通信文化产业进行分析之前,我们有必要明确一下什么是通信文化和什么是通信文化产业。在笔者看来,所谓通信文化,就是通信技术,适合通信介质传递的符号化的文化内容,通信终端及其符号内容消费体系,以及旨在调节通信资源的生产、分配、交换、消费的制度体系的总和。通信文化包括四个基本要素,即通信技术、文化产品、大众需求和制度保障体系。通信文化产业则是建立在现代数字通信技术上,对人类各种文化内容进行创造性再生产、再分配的产业体系。通信技术的革新、文化内容的再生产、大众需求的培养和产业制度环境的创构是通信文化产业发展壮大的四个核心要素。  相似文献   

开创应急通信保障新局面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应急通信是以国家通信网为基础,以各种机动通信方式为补充,在特殊情况下以保障通信安全畅通为主要目的的一种重要通信。其主要任务是为抢险救灾、公共突发事件、重大活动以及网络发生故障时提供特殊通信保障。当前,我国现代化建设进入新的阶段,改革和发展处于关键时期,影响公共安全的因素增多,各类极端天气事件发生频率和强度进一步加剧,突发公共事件时有发生。特别是随着“非典”、冰雪灾害和汶川大地震等一系列重大事件的发生,应急通信保障工作也越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注。  相似文献   

中国电信业逆风飞扬 中国电信业:风景这边独好 在过去的几年里,中国电信业经历了从积累到飞跃的高速发展时期.据统计,"九五"期间,中国通信业务收入年均增长28.8%,是同期国内生产总值GDP增长幅度的3.2倍.  相似文献   

邵钟林 《邮政研究》2006,22(4):38-40
文章结合上海邮政速递邮件处理流程再造的实际情况,分析了原有处理流程的不足与缺陷,阐述了再造流程的具体做法,阐明了速递邮件处理流程再造的成果和实际意义。  相似文献   

继浙江省通信管理机构组建完成以后,信息产业部近日召开全国31个省区市通信管理局工作会议,吴基传部长到会并作了重要讲话.吴部长要求大家从江泽民总书记"三个代表"的高度来严格要求自己,积极开展监管工作,建立起诚恳、务实、高效、廉洁的工作作风,推进我国信息产业持续健康发展.  相似文献   

文章对村邮站建设的战略意义进行了分析,并对村邮站建设带来的社会效益及其对邮政的推动作用进行了探讨,以提高邮政员工的思想认识,推动工作积极开展。  相似文献   

Although millennials have been extensively examined in the popular and academic literature, there have not been sufficient studies in strategic communication that help us fully understand this unique and influential cohort in the communication profession. The purpose of this research is to take a talent management approach to gain a deep understanding of millennial communication professionals’ (MCPs) generational attributes as related to their workplace values, and how such values would affect key phases such as recruitment, engagement, development and retention in talent management in strategic communication. Two national panels were recruited to run comparative analyses with one panel consisting of MCPs and the other panel consisting of communication managers and executives who have direct working and/or supervising experience with MCPs. The comparative results provide a detailed report on perceptual gaps on generational attributes, as well as different expectations on talent management. Research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Appraisal tendency framework suggests that incidental and integral emotions are capable of influencing decision making and behaviors. Such effect is subject to the interaction between incidental and integral emotions. To effectively use emotional appeal in public service announcements (PSAs) for non-profit communication, studying the interaction between the carryover and direct effects of incidental and integral emotions, respectively, is specifically informative. In particular, this study focuses on the application of pride and hope as discrete integral emotions in blood donation PSAs, as well as the interaction between two integral and incidental emotions (i.e., potential donors’ pre-existing emotions of anger and fear before viewing PSAs). Results of a 2 × 2 factorial experiment involving 313 participants suggested that the congruence in appraisal dimensions between incidental and integral emotions could lead to improved effectiveness of perceived message, strong issue advocacy, high intention for blood donation, and enhanced attitudes for non-profit organizations. Furthermore, theoretical and practical implications are discussed in this research.  相似文献   

Common viewpoints as well as divergences between top executives and communication professionals influence the institutionalization of strategic communication. However, there is little empirical evidence on the accordance between both groups. Most research explores either communication professionals or chief communication officers (CEOs). Very few studies have combined both perspectives. This article identifies the research gap, explores insights from previous research, and contributes to the body of knowledge in strategic communication with an original study that is based on two surveys with replies from 602 CEOs and executive board members as well as 1,251 communication managers from companies in the largest European country, Germany. Although top executives rate the information and motivation of employees as the most important objective of corporate communication, communication professionals focus on the creation of a positive image. Respondents from both groups also state different opinions about dealing with the demand for transparency. Both top executives and communicators give most support to a role model that describes communication professionals as a facilitator between an organization and its publics. Nevertheless the overall conclusion is that perspectives diverge quite often and attention should be directed towards a better alignment between top management and those leading the strategic communication function.  相似文献   

This study examined the strategic use of social media for stakeholder engagement in startup companies in China. Guided by the theoretical framework of stakeholder engagement, in-depth interviews were conducted with 28 entrepreneurs in China, and a content analysis was performed with 419 corporate social media posts on Weibo and WeChat. Findings suggest that generating awareness, along with information sharing and word-of-mouth, cultivating long-term relationships, developing new businesses, and building image and reputation, are the primary purposes for stakeholder engagement. Thought leadership building, co-branding, and influencer endorsement were identified as new social media engagement strategies for startups. Message tactics and appeals utilized by startups and measurement and evaluation issues were also examined. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the literature in various strategic communication disciplines, including marketing, advertising, and public relations, this 2 (company-cause fit: congruent vs. incongruent) × 2 (level of transparency: high vs. low) experiment examines message effect on trust, organizational advocacy, and skepticism in order to explore ways to effectively communicate CSR initiatives in consideration of company-cause fit and transparency. Company-cause fit has been incorporated as a strategic tool in marketing and advertising, yet transparency has been primarily discussed in terms of its ethical implications in PR literature. Most significantly, this study suggests a moderating role of transparency on the effect of CSR cause fit, in that partnering with an incongruent cause fit can help build trust with consumers when the CSR message is communicated in a highly transparent manner. Furthermore, this study suggests that transparency is a necessary condition to be strategically implemented in CSR communication to enhance trust with consumers.  相似文献   

梦网圆了合作梦想新浪与搜狐出现在了本次通信展上. 这在看惯了设备技术加业务的展示格局的观众而言,的确是一个不小的意外.更让人诧异的是,新浪、搜狐们极力向观众推荐的是"移动梦网"这样一个仿佛"不务正业"的概念.  相似文献   

对加速邮政市场化进程的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了在激烈的市场竞争环境下邮政企业存在并日益显现出来的弊端,提出今后应围绕邮政企业发展,加快改革创新,加速向市场化、产业化、国际化、现代化进程迈进,并就相关问题作了具体阐述。  相似文献   

Storytelling is widely believed to be an effective strategy in innovation communication. The use of high-quality narratives in particular is recommended to facilitate the understanding of an innovation, facilitate trust in it, and promote the perception of innovative strength as well as the development of positive attitudes. However, to date virtually no empirical evidence has been presented to support these assumptions. Therefore, we conducted an experiment in which participants were exposed to messages about an innovation that varied in narrative quality (low vs. medium vs. high), and the messages were told in different forms that are typical of social media (nonserial vs. serial) to take account of the ever-increasing importance of these channels in innovation communication. The results show that the understanding of an innovation increases linearly with a message’s narrative quality, serial storytelling impedes understanding, and narrative quality is conducive to the attitude towards the innovator when the story is told in nonserial form and has a detrimental effect when told in serial form. Thus, the results show that the current view on storytelling’s potential is overly optimistic and that using high-quality narratives can, under certain conditions, also have adverse effects. The practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


This study explored what types of postcrisis CSR activities can make corporate crisis management effective and why. Eighty-one in-depth interviews with Chinese and South Korean millennials showed that they perceived postcrisis CSR positively even when they perceived an underlying self-serving motive. The interview data also revealed that postcrisis CSR initiatives relevant to the company’s business (CSR fit) and to the crisis at hand were more effective in both countries than the other CSR initiatives. Millennials in both countries valued CSR’s impact (benefiting the society as a whole), continuity (being long-term planned and sustainable), uniqueness (with few precedents), and transparency (fully disclosing detailed information) when evaluating various postcrisis CSR initiatives. Controllability (CSR being under full control of a company) was a significant criterion for South Korean millennials only. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

曹福生 《邮政研究》2003,19(6):40-41
1 社会主义市场经济呼唤邮政法制社会主义市场经济是法制经济。近五年来 ,邮政企业发生了重大变化 ,1999年从邮电合一体制分离出来并开始独立运行。随着我国市场经济的发展和加入WTO ,邮政企业在承担繁重普遍服务的情况下 ,面临市场的激烈竞争 ,但1986年的《邮政法》却没有提及普遍服务 ,而是定邮政为“公用企业” ,性质比较含糊。除了普遍服务问题外 ,还有如下一些情况已引起一些关注邮政发展人士的注意 :其一 ,尽管加大了邮政行业管理力度 ,但邮政市场秩序仍比较混乱。存在的主要问题是 :首先 ,侵害国家的邮政专营权。《邮政法》第八条…  相似文献   

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