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This article proposes a new model for determining the effective tax rate (ETR), which incorporates the accounting-tax conformity theory and identifies ETR determinant variables to fit the Chinese taxation context. The results show that the ETR is statistically significantly associated with preferential tax rates, investment gains, nonoperating expenses, and provisions for impaired assets. The accounting-tax difference ETR determinant variables provide more consistent results than previous typical ETR determinants, such as size, return on assets, leverage, and capital intensity.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the determinants of firm-specific corporate tax rates for nonfinancial companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange over a twelve-year period (2000-2011). Using a fixed effects panel data estimation model to account for individual firm heterogeneity, I find that capital intensity, leverage, and loss carry-forward provisions negatively affect corporate effective tax rates; company size and labor intensity have no effect; and profitability has a positive effect. Going beyond the deterministic investigation, the paper cannot provide evidence of tax-planning activities for the companies considered. Moreover, legal differences between financial and tax accounting related to provisions are found to have a positive effect on firm-specific effective tax rates.  相似文献   

以1998~2008年间全国13家主要商业银行数据为样本,考察银行业实际税负水平及其对商业银行盈利能力的影响。我国商业银行实际税负由2007年以前的50%以上下降到2008年的36%左右,银行业税收环境得到改善。实证研究的结果表明:实际税负水平的变化可以直接影响银行业的盈利能力,两者呈现显著的负相关关系;从量上进行分析,税负水平较少程度的降低就会显著地增强银行业的盈利水平,较之非上市银行,税负的降低会更加显著地改善上市银行的经营业绩。  相似文献   

国际风险冲击对我国企业风险承担的影响效应被显著低估。为此,选取2000—2020年国际风险数据、政府税收数据与上市企业微观数据,利用MCS小样本偏差修正的SVAR模型和CMPR门槛效应模型,实证研究国际风险、税收政策工具与企业风险承担的非线性关系。研究表明:国际风险冲击平均可以解释我国企业风险承担波动的33%;国际风险的负向门槛效应长期存在,只要风险累积不超过最低门槛值,就不会对税收政策工具与企业风险承担产生显著冲击;在持续性的国际风险冲击下,税收政策工具的有效性下降,有效税率与税收补偿机制对企业风险承担的助推作用减弱,甚至产生反向推动。  相似文献   

I examine the responsiveness of corporate investments to changes in corporate income taxation during the financial crisis. When investigating tax effects in financially constrained firms, the model of investment demand needs to be extended to include an additional channel through which taxes could affect investments. I model the tax effects via two transmission channels, the traditional user cost of capital channel and the cash flow channel, which is crucial for financially constrained firms. The empirical results show that corporate investments in financially constrained firms do not respond to changes in corporate income taxation through the user cost of capital channel, but there is strong evidence of the effect that materializes through the cash flow channel.  相似文献   

This paper examines the international corporate tax avoidance practices of publicly listed Australian firms. Based on a hand-collected sample of 203 publicly listed Australian firms over the 2006–2009 period (812 firm-years), our regression results indicate that there are several practices Australian firms use to aggressively reduce their tax liabilities. Specifically, we find that thin capitalization, transfer pricing, income shifting, multinationality, and tax haven utilization are significantly associated with tax avoidance. In fact, based on the magnitude and significance levels of the regression coefficients in our study, thin capitalization and transfer pricing represent the primary drivers of tax avoidance, whereas income shifting and tax haven utilization are less important. Finally, our additional regression results show that tax havens are likely to be used together with thin capitalization and transfer pricing to maximize international tax avoidance opportunities via the increased complexity of transactions carried out through tax havens.  相似文献   

Using register‐based panel data covering all Finnish firms from 1999 to 2004, we examine how corporations anticipated the 2005 dividend tax increase via changes in their dividend and investment policies. The Finnish capital and corporate income tax reform of 2005 creates a useful opportunity to measure this behaviour, since it involves exogenous variation in the tax treatment of different types of firms. The estimation results reveal that those firms that anticipated a dividend tax hike increased their dividend payouts in a statistically significant way. This increase was not accompanied by a reduction in investment activities, but rather was associated with increased indebtedness in non‐listed firms. The results also suggest that the timing of dividend distributions probably offsets much of the potential for increased dividend tax revenue following the reform.  相似文献   

基于2009-2017年的中国A股上市公司面板数据,探讨企业内部管理者行为和企业的税负粘性现象之间的关系。结果显示:企业利润每上升1%,税负增加0.55%;企业利润每下降1%,税负减少0.20%。管理者自利程度和企业税负粘性呈正相关,管理者自利程度越高,企业税负粘性越大。同时,公司税负粘性现象会影响到未来企业价值,企业税负粘性越大,其企业价值越低。  相似文献   

美国个人所得税税率制度及其借鉴   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
个人所得税制度的改革已成为我国社会各界争论的焦点之一,而税率是该制度的核心环节.美国的个人所得税制度是国际公认较为完善的税制,但中美两国个人所得税在税率结构、累进制度、税率适用等方面均存在差异.目前我国个人所得税税率制度尚存在不足,应借鉴美国的经验来完善我国现行个人所得税税率制度.  相似文献   

为考察我国企业所得税改革对固定资产投资的影响效应,以税改前后上市公司执行税率的不同作为研究的切入点,借鉴国外衡量政策效应的主流计量研究方法——DID(Difference in Difference)方法,使用上市公司数据对此予以实证分析。研究结果表明,税改前后上市公司执行税率的不同,对不同所有制性质的上市公司的固定资产投资影响明显不同。因此,要有效调整企业的固定资产投资,应对这两类身份不同的企业制定有所区别的政策。  相似文献   

陆前进 《金融研究》2015,422(8):64-78
本文理论研究认为在典型代理人效用最大化和无限期的政府预算约束的条件下,税率和通货膨胀率不仅存在正相关关系,也存在负相关的可能。同样在政府财政目标损失函数最小化和无限期的政府预算约束的条件下,税率和通货膨胀率不仅存在正相关关系,也存在负相关关系,这不同于“曼昆原则”的分析。本文GMM实证结果显示,政府税率与通货膨胀率呈正相关关系,政府支出对政府税率的影响为正,政府支出对政府税率与通货膨胀率斜率的影响为正,而资源禀赋对政府税率与通货膨胀率的斜率影响为负。从VAR模型的脉冲反应函数来看,政府税率与通货膨胀率也呈正相关关系,政府支出对政府税率与通货膨胀率斜率的影响为正,资源禀赋对政府税率与通货膨胀率的斜率影响为负,与GMM分析的结论一致。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展和国际间资本流动的加速,在追求公平、效率、收入的基础上,世界公司所得税改革的价值取向已进一步提升到提高本国税制竞争力、吸引国际投资的高度,降低税率、扩大税基、消除股息双重征税以及对现金流量税的理论推崇也成为实现这一价值理念的基本措施。  相似文献   

We investigate the empirical relationship between accounting based measures of performance and the degree of multinational diversification for a set of European chemical industry firms. We find that for these firms, the degree of multinational diversification is strongly related to superior financial performance. The results hold for each of the three sample years. The findings suggest that multinational firms outperform purely domestic and exporting firms. The results provide strong support for gains from multinational diversification. The results indicate that while greater European unification may have eroded potential benefits of exploiting international capital and product market imperfections, the benefits of firm specific economies of scope and scale as well as managerial and financial synergies are still realised through exports.  相似文献   

Between 1995 and 1999, Italy experienced three episodes of fiscal reform during which different categories of non-debt tax shields were introduced, including a classical investment tax credit, a system of dual income taxation, and an investment tax credit restricted to equity financed investments. Using the balance sheets of a large sample of Italian companies, we construct a data set which allows us to evaluate the impact of the different fiscal interventions. We apply MacKie-Mason's (1990) method to study incremental financing decisions using discrete choice analysis. The analysis shows that the measures introduced were successful in reducing the advantage of debt financing relative to equity financing. We relate the findings to the current literature on the determinants of capital structure. JEL Code: G32, H25  相似文献   

This paper provides novel evidence on the multi‐factor effective marginal tax rates (EMTRs) for a sample of 17 OECD countries and 11 manufacturing sectors. We use a single framework encompassing capital, labour and energy taxes. Our cross‐country/cross‐sector approach allows us to analyse the contributions of these input factors to the effective tax borne by firms, taking explicitly into account their degree of substitution, their tax incidence and the role of mark‐ups. We find that the labour tax plays a particularly important role in the overall level of the EMTR and that the presence of mark‐ups can significantly alter the levels of the multi‐factor EMTR, although without significantly altering the ranking of countries. We also find that the bulk of the variation in EMTRs is across countries, rather than across sectors (within countries).  相似文献   

Many corporations do not claim all of their allowable tax depreciation deductions. Intuitively, this kind of behavior might seem odd. However we propose several possible explanations. First, we find strong evidence that firms facing current tax losses or carrying forward past losses underutilize depreciation in order to recover tax losses before they expire. Second, corporations with bad economic performance tend to underutilize their deductions, suggesting that corporations use costly windowdressing on their accounting measures. Third, we find support for the hypothesis that tax compliance costs discourage the utilization of accelerated depreciation, especially by small firms. We do not find much support for other hypotheses. For example, we find no evidence of substitution between tax depreciation and private debt due to competition between the benefits of private bank monitoring and the tax savings from using tax allowances to postpone tax payments, as suggested in earlier literature. We also study the effects of the uniform reporting accounting system (typical of many European countries) which can, under certain circumstances, constrain dividends. Forgoing some tax depreciation can loosen the dividend constraint, but the evidence does not support this motivation. Unusual access to extremely detailed individual firm tax return forms in Norway made our empirical analysis possible. In addition, the 1992 Norwegian tax reform provided a natural experiment for testing some of the hypotheses. We use the time-series and cross-sectional variation across Norwegian corporations in 1988, 1991, 1992 and 1993.  相似文献   

财政部于2006年初发布的新企业会计准则是对我国会计制度的重大改革,它将对我国银行业的财务状况及经营管理产生影响。就总体而言,新准则的实施有利于企业披露信息质量的提高。从银行业角度看,新准则使银行的资产负债分类方式发生改变,有助于银行进行风险管理;新准则引入公允价值,使银行金融工具的价值变化得以及时反映,同时增大了银行经营成果的波动;新准则理念先进,预示着管理模式的变迁,对银行业的经营理念提出新的挑战,要求银行管理者与从业人员加快转变经营理念,转变业务增长方式。新准则增加了银行进行资本管理的难度,并对从业人员的执业能力提出了更高要求。  相似文献   

胡婕  张茂 《金融论坛》2007,12(5):55-58
财政部于2006年初发布的新企业会计准则是对我国会计制度的重大改革,它将对我国银行业的财务状况及经营管理产生影响.就总体而言,新准则的实施有利于企业披露信息质量的提高.从银行业角度看,新准则使银行的资产负债分类方式发生改变,有助于银行进行风险管理;新准则引入公允价值,使银行金融工具的价值变化得以及时反映,同时增大了银行经营成果的波动;新准则理念先进,预示着管理模式的变迁,对银行业的经营理念提出新的挑战,要求银行管理者与从业人员加快转变经营理念,转变业务增长方式.新准则增加了银行进行资本管理的难度,并对从业人员的执业能力提出了更高要求.  相似文献   

营业税改征增值税是完善我国税制的一个重要举措,确定各个产业部门改征增值税后的税率是其中一个关键的环节。运用可计算一般均衡模型可以评估营业税改征增值税之后不同税率的选择对宏观经济和产业结构的影响。政策模拟的结果显示,目前正在实施的营业税改征增值税的试点方案权衡了对财政收入和经济增长以及经济结构的影响,是对经济运行影响较小的稳健选择。  相似文献   

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