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股指期货的套利策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴庆念 《时代经贸》2007,5(5X):129-131
股指期货即将推出,本文从套利的基本概念和特点出发,研究了股指期货的期现套利策略、构建及风险,并对股指期货的跨期套利策略、到期日套利策略进行了分析。  相似文献   

董放 《经济师》2009,(9):85-86
沪深300指数期货作为我国期货市场清理整顿以来上市的首个金融期货产品,其运行是否成功将对我国金融期货市场的发展产生深远的影响。因此,加强对股指期货交易风险的研究非常重要。文章首先阐述股指期货理论价格的形成,在此基础上,引入股指期货交易成本构建期价无套利区闻,进而分析股指期货套利交易规避风险的有效性。  相似文献   

股指期货是一种重要的金融衍生产品,其具有价格发现、套期保值的基本功能,同时还具有投机、套利等资产配置功能。其中,利用股指期货进行套利交易不仅有利于股指期货功能的发挥,也是投资者运用股指期货进行套期保值、规避风险的前提条件。作为股指期货最重要的运用方式之一的期现货套利方法成为投资者极为关注的热点。实现套利对股指期货的定价就显得尤为重要,分析无套利条件下股指期货的定价,提出股指期货套利交易的策略。  相似文献   

根据某期货公司提供的股指期货同一商品的两份不同时期的合约(价格一般具有很强的相关性)一分钟的高频数据,根据跨期套利的统计原理,将协整理论应用于两个相关性很强的合约中,通过单位根检验和协整检验,最终得到这两份合约存在良好的协整关系,协整方程为:残差=收盘价1-0.982*收盘价2-37.392.最后根据协整方程制订出跨期套利的统计策略.  相似文献   

关于股指期货定价及套利区间的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高能斌 《当代经济》2008,(1):132-133
随着股指期货的即将推出,作为股指期货最重要的运用方式之一的期现货套利方法成为投资者极为关注的热点;而在期现货套利中,确定套利区间成为其中的关键。本文通过对股指期货定价的研究,在考虑到现实交易中的交易成本、冲击成本等基础上提出了确定套利区间的方法。  相似文献   

依据持有成本法和高频数据研究发现,沪深300股指期货上市后,期现货价格偏差度和期货定价偏离度越来越小,正向套利机会和反向套利机会从初期频繁出现演变为偶然出现。单次套利平均收益越来越小,套利持续时间也越来越短。沪深300股指期货逐渐进入成熟期,为推出上证50指数期货、股指期权等其它衍生品奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

运用沪深300股指期货进行期现套利   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就股票市场与股指期货市场之间的套利机会与套利利润进行了研究,运用持有成本模型对股指期货进行定价,根据股指期货合约的理论价值与市场交易成本,测算无套利区间。本文完整地展现和实证了利用沪深300股指期货和ETF组合进行期现套利的全过程,发现目前模拟的股指期货合约走势基本运行在无套利区间之外,套利利润空间巨大。  相似文献   

胡波  李莎 《现代经济信息》2012,(14):191-192
股指期货是以股票价格指数为标的的期货,它属于金融期货的一种。随着资本市场的不断发展,股指期货应运而生,它有着价格发现,套期保值,资产配置和风险管理等功能,对推动资本市场的良好发展起着重要作用。目前,我国已经推出了现货沪深300股指期货,本文利用协整模型对沪深300股指期货进行现货模拟,并运用ETF50和ETF100两种基金组合作为现货模拟组合,通过Johansen检验的结果,得出两个ETF组合与现货之间的协整关系,进而得出股指期货期现套利的模型。  相似文献   

目前,股指期货成功推出的先例已经为我国带来了一种全新的盈利方式,已经受到许多投资者的青睐。为了发挥股指期货期现套利的功能,在将其推出时,必须对它带来的风险做好一定的准备。本文主要探讨了股指期货期现套利可能存在的风险,同时对应对风险提出了相应的控制措施。  相似文献   

2008年,我国即将推出股指期货,这是我国推出的首个真正意义上的金融衍生品,把握好期货的定价方法,对于金融期货的平稳发展具有重大意义,本文总结了和中国现实比较接近的三个股指期货定价模型,并且,分析了不同的定价方法对股指期货套利空间的影响,尤其是对由于不同因素的引入,股指期货定价套利空间发生的变化进行了详尽的分析。  相似文献   

孟庆顺 《时代经贸》2007,5(6X):125-127
中国股票市场正在经历前所未有的变革,推出股指期货就是其中之一。推出股指期货可以完善证券市场的功能体系。有利于培育投资者的成熟度,进而促进股市与经济运行的关联程度,发挥股市经济“晴雨表”的功能。同时,中国已有17年股票市场和商品期货市场的管理经验,具备了发展股指期货的条件,只要能充分控制其潜在的风险,推出股指期货对整个股票市场是有利的。  相似文献   

Jian Zhou 《Applied economics》2017,49(19):1875-1885
This article contributes to the real estate literature by investigating the pricing relationship between REIT index futures and spot. Based on the cost-of-carry model, we first show that there exist three arbitrage regimes in Australia’s REIT spot-futures price dynamics. Further analysis indicates that the two thresholds, which separate the regimes, are largely consistent with the level dictated by transaction costs. We then estimate a threshold vector error correction model (TVECM). The results show that mean reversion of the mispricing error only takes place in the two outer regimes. Furthermore, we find evidence that REIT spot market is more informationally efficient than the futures market. Given its short history, it will take time for REIT index futures market to mature. Finally, we find that we can enhance hedging performance by accommodating the feature of threshold cointegration displayed by the data. As the futures-spot relationship differs across regimes, we can develop a hedging strategy by adjusting the hedge ratio based on arbitrage regimes. It leads to a greater variance reduction for the hedged portfolio than some conventional methods examined in the existing real estate literature.  相似文献   

期权最早源于美国,为了激励公司的高层管理人员,公司将他们的报酬分为三部分:基本工资、年度资金、长期激励机制。基本工资和年度奖金的提高在一定程度上虽然也能起到一定的激励作用,但这些方法仍属当期激励,仍不能促使管理人员从长远利益着想。在此基础上,股票期权才被得到重视。股票期权是公司给高层管理人员的一种权利,持有人可以在规定的时间内,以约定的价格购买本公司的股票。因为在购买股票之前,持有人没有任何现金收益,持有人收益的大小取决于期权到期日公司股票的市场价格和期权协议的约定价格之间的溢价。这样就会促使经理采取决策时能从公司的长远利益出发,进行开发投资、职工培训等,以壮大公司的实力。目前,美国的上市公司中有一半以上的公司在运用股票期权,而且在实践中,股票期权显示出巨大的优越性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we first modify the stochastic dominance (SD) test for risk averters proposed by Davidson and Duclos (2000) to be the SD test for risk seekers. We then adopt both tests to examine the SD relationships between stock indices and their corresponding index futures for 10 countries. The sample contains data from 6 developed countries and 4 developing countries. The study proposes that there should be no SD relationship between spot and futures markets in developed financial markets in which arbitrage opportunities (both pure and quasi) are rare and short-lived. However, we expect that SD relationships could be found in emerging financial markets that have more impediments to arbitrage. Consistent with this conjecture, our study finds that there are no SD relationships between spot and futures markets in the mature market sample, implying that these markets could be efficient. However, for the emerging markets, spot dominates futures for risk averters, while futures dominate spot for risk seekers in the second- and third-order SD. These results indicate that there are potential gains in expected utilities for risk averters (seekers) if they switch their investment from futures (spot) to spot (futures) in the emerging markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines calendar anomalies (day-of-the-week and monthly seasonal effects) in cash and stock index futures returns. We consider daily data from FTSE100 (UK), FTSE/ASE-20 (Greece), S&P500 (US) and Nasdaq100 (US) spot and future indexes over the period 2004–2011. We employ a Regime-Switching specification which allows us to distinguish between different regimes corresponding to high and low volatile periods. The results show differences in the seasonal patterns in cash and futures indexes due to the existence of basis risk. Calendar effects are also conditioned to the market situation. During a low volatile situation these calendar effects tend to be positive, but these effects turn negative if the market is under a high volatile period. These findings are recommended to financial risk managers dealing with futures markets.  相似文献   

This study investigates the incremental information content of implied volatility index relative to the GARCH family models in forecasting volatility of the three Asia-Pacific stock markets, namely India, Australia and Hong Kong. To examine the in-sample information content, the conditional variance equations of GARCH family models are augmented by incorporating implied volatility index as an explanatory variable. The return-based realized variance and the range-based realized variance constructed from 5-min data are used as proxy for latent volatility. To assess the out-of-sample forecast performance, we generate one-day-ahead rolling forecasts and employ the Mincer–Zarnowitz regression and encompassing regression. We find that the inclusion of implied volatility index in the conditional variance equation of GARCH family model reduces volatility persistence and improves model fitness. The significant and positive coefficient of implied volatility index in the augmented GARCH family models suggests that it contains relevant information in describing the volatility process. The study finds that volatility index is a biased forecast but possesses relevant information in explaining future realized volatility. The results of encompassing regression suggest that implied volatility index contains additional information relevant for forecasting stock market volatility beyond the information contained in the GARCH family model forecasts.  相似文献   

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