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This paper presents a consistent estimator of a censored linear regression model which does not require knowledge of the distribution of the error term. The estimator considered here applies Duncan's (1982) suggestion that the likelihood function for the censored regression model be treated as a functional of both the unknown regression vector and the unknown error distribution. Our estimator is the majorizing regression vector for this non-parametric likelihood functional. We find conditions which ensure the consistency of the NPMLE. The paper concludes with the results of Monte Carlo experiments which show the NPMLE to be more efficient than Powell's Least Absolute Deviations (LAD) estimator, particularly when the fraction of censored observations is large and the sample size is small.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes spatial Probit models for cross sectional dependent data in a binary choice context. Observations are divided by pairwise groups and bivariate normal distributions are specified within each group. Partial maximum likelihood estimators are introduced and they are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal under some regularity conditions. Consistent covariance matrix estimators are also provided. Estimates of average partial effects can also be obtained once we characterize the conditional distribution of the latent error. Finally, a simulation study shows the advantages of our new estimation procedure in this setting. Our proposed partial maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be more efficient than the generalized method of moments counterparts.  相似文献   

First difference maximum likelihood (FDML) seems an attractive estimation methodology in dynamic panel data modeling because differencing eliminates fixed effects and, in the case of a unit root, differencing transforms the data to stationarity, thereby addressing both incidental parameter problems and the possible effects of nonstationarity. This paper draws attention to certain pathologies that arise in the use of FDML that have gone unnoticed in the literature and that affect both finite sample performance and asymptotics. FDML uses the Gaussian likelihood function for first differenced data and parameter estimation is based on the whole domain over which the log-likelihood is defined. However, extending the domain of the likelihood beyond the stationary region has certain consequences that have a major effect on finite sample and asymptotic performance. First, the extended likelihood is not the true likelihood even in the Gaussian case and it has a finite upper bound of definition. Second, it is often bimodal, and one of its peaks can be so peculiar that numerical maximization of the extended likelihood frequently fails to locate the global maximum. As a result of these pathologies, the FDML estimator is a restricted estimator, numerical implementation is not straightforward and asymptotics are hard to derive in cases where the peculiarity occurs with non-negligible probabilities. The peculiarities in the likelihood are found to be particularly marked in time series with a unit root. In this case, the asymptotic distribution of the FDMLE has bounded support and its density is infinite at the upper bound when the time series sample size T→∞T. As the panel width n→∞n the pathology is removed and the limit theory is normal. This result applies even for TT fixed and we present an expression for the asymptotic distribution which does not depend on the time dimension. We also show how this limit theory depends on the form of the extended likelihood.  相似文献   

For a balanced two-way mixed model, the maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted ML (REML) estimators of the variance components were obtained and compared under the non-negativity requirements of the variance components by L ee and K apadia (1984). In this note, for a mixed (random blocks) incomplete block model, explicit forms for the REML estimators of variance components are obtained. They are always non-negative and have smaller mean squared error (MSE) than the analysis of variance (AOV) estimators. The asymptotic sampling variances of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators and the REML estimators are compared and the balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) is considered as a special case. The ML estimators are shown to have smaller asymptotic variances than the REML estimators, but a numerical result in the randomized complete block design (RCBD) demonstrated that the performances of the REML and ML estimators are not much different in the MSE sense.  相似文献   

Efficient frontier estimation: a maximum entropy approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An alternative efficiency estimation approach is developed utilizing generalized maximum entropy (GME). GME combines the strengths of both SFA and DEA, allowing for the estimation of a frontier that is stochastic, without making an ad hoc assumption about the distribution of the efficiency component. GME results approach SFA results as the one-sided inefficiency bounds used by GME shrink. Results similar to DEA are achieved as the bounds increase. The GME results are distributed like DEA, but yield virtually the same rankings as SFA. The results suggest that GME may provide a link between various estimators of efficiency.
Jon RezekEmail:

Panel logit models have proved to be simple and effective tools to build early warning systems (ews) for financial crises. But because crises are rare events, the estimation of ews does not usually account for country-specific fixed effects, so as to avoid losing all the information relative to countries that never face a crisis. I propose using a penalized maximum likelihood estimator for fixed-effects logit-based ews where all the observations are retained. I show that including country effects, while preserving the entire sample, improves the predictive performance of ews, both in simulation and out of sample, with respect to the pooled, random-effects and standard fixed-effects models.  相似文献   

The iterative algorithm suggested by Greene (1982) for the estimation of stochastic frontier production models does not necessarily solve the likelihood equations. Corrected iterative algorithms which generalize Fair's method (1977) and solve the likelihood equations are derived. These algorithms are compared with the Newton method in an empirical case. The Newton method is more time saving than these algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a class of robust estimators of the parameters of a stochastic utility function. Existing maximum likelihood and regression estimation methods require the assumption of a particular distributional family for the random component of utility. In contrast, estimators of the ‘maximum score’ class require only weak distributional assumptions for consistency. Following presentation and proof of the basic consistency theorem, additional results are given. An algorithm for achieving maximum score estimates and some small sample Monte Carlo tests are also described.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the estimation of the model MED(y|x) = from a random sample of observations on (sgn y, x). Manski (1975) introduced the maximum score estimator of the normalized parameter vector β1 = β/?β?. In the present paper, strong consistency is proved. It is also proved that the maximum score estimate lies outside any fixed neighborhood of β1 with probability that goes to zero at exponential rate.  相似文献   

This paper develops an exact maximum likelihood technique for estimating linear models with second-order autoregressive errors, which utilizes the full set of observations, and explicitly constrains the estimates of the error process to satisfy a priori stationarity conditions. A non- linear solution technique which is new to econometrics and works very efficiently is put forward as part of the estimating procedure. Empirical results are presented which emphasize the importance of utilizing the full set of observations and the associated stationarity restrictions.  相似文献   

We develop a generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator for the distribution of a variable where summary statistics are available only for intervals of the random variable. Without individual data, one cannot calculate the weighting matrix for the GMM estimator. Instead, we propose a simulated weighting matrix based on a first-step consistent estimate. When the functional form of the underlying distribution is unknown, we estimate it using a simple yet flexible maximum entropy density. Our Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed maximum entropy density is able to approximate various distributions extremely well. The two-step GMM estimator with a simulated weighting matrix improves the efficiency of the one-step GMM considerably. We use this method to estimate the U.S. income distribution and compare these results with those based on the underlying raw income data.  相似文献   

Quantile regression techniques have been widely used in empirical economics. In this paper, we consider the estimation of a generalized quantile regression model when data are subject to fixed or random censoring. Through a discretization technique, we transform the censored regression model into a sequence of binary choice models and further propose an integrated smoothed maximum score estimator by combining individual binary choice models, following the insights of Horowitz (1992) and Manski (1985). Unlike the estimators of Horowitz (1992) and Manski (1985), our estimators converge at the usual parametric rate through an integration process. In the case of fixed censoring, our approach overcomes a major drawback of existing approaches associated with the curse-of-dimensionality problem. Our approach for the fixed censored case can be extended readily to the case with random censoring for which other existing approaches are no longer applicable. Both of our estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. A simulation study demonstrates that our estimators perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

Pseudo maximum likelihood estimates are developed for higher-order spatial autoregressive models with increasingly many parameters, including models with spatial lags in the dependent variables both with and without a linear or nonlinear regression component, and regression models with spatial autoregressive disturbances. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimates are established. Monte Carlo experiments examine finite-sample behaviour.  相似文献   

Jean-Claude Massé 《Metrika》1997,46(1):123-145
Maximum likelihood estimation is considered in the context of infinite dimensional parameter spaces. It is shown that in some locally convex parameter spaces sequential compactness of the bounded sets ensures the existence of minimizers of objective functions and the consistency of maximum likelihood estimators in an appropriate topology. The theory is applied to revisit some classical problems of nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation, to study location parameters in Banach spaces, and finally to obtain Varadarajan’s theorem on the convergence of empirical measures in the form of a consistency result for a sequence of maximum likelihood estimators. Several parameter spaces sharing the crucial compactness property are identified. This research was supported by grants from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Fonds FCAR de la Province de Québec.  相似文献   

Dr. J. Fischer 《Metrika》1982,29(1):227-247
Based on sample values of a one-dimensional random variable a nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate for the unknown probability density is introduced as the solution of an optimization problem in an appropriate Hilbert space. This solution turns out to be a polynomial spline function, and a complete characterization is given using recent results on the differentiability of the optimal value of a parametrized family of optimization problems. An important feature of this estimate is that its support interval results in a quite natural way from the formulation of the problem and is not fixed in advance. The estimator is shown to have a certain consistency property for a special class of density functions. Numerical results will be given in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

A large number of observations is a delight for theoretical econometricians and statisticians. In practice, numerous observations can be a headache when the number exceeds computer limits. This paper provides a practical method of using all the observations regardless of computer core constraints. And, turning necessity to benefit, shows how the method can be used to determine the reliability of the norm approximation to the distribution of the estimator.  相似文献   

The difficult estimation problem associated with the two-parameter negative binomial distribution is discussed. The order statistic is shown to be minimal sufficient but not complete. It is proven that there is at least one maximum likelihood estimator of the parameterk when the second sample moment is greater than the sample mean. Contours and three-dimensional graphs of the natural logarithm of the likelihood function provide further insight into the estimation problem.  相似文献   

We show how the dynamic logit model for binary panel data may be approximated by a quadratic exponential model. Under the approximating model, simple sufficient statistics exist for the subject-specific parameters introduced to capture the unobserved heterogeneity between subjects. The latter must be distinguished from the state dependence which is accounted for by including the lagged response variable among the regressors. By conditioning on the sufficient statistics, we derive a pseudo conditional likelihood estimator of the structural parameters of the dynamic logit model, which is simple to compute. Asymptotic properties of this estimator are studied in detail. Simulation results show that the estimator is competitive in terms of efficiency with estimators recently proposed in the econometric literature.  相似文献   

Chi-Chung Wen 《Metrika》2010,72(2):199-217
This paper studies semiparametric maximum likelihood estimators in the Cox proportional hazards model with covariate error, assuming that the conditional distribution of the true covariate given the surrogate is known. We show that the estimator of the regression coefficient is asymptotically normal and efficient, its covariance matrix can be estimated consistently by differentiation of the profile likelihood, and the likelihood ratio test is asymptotically chi-squared. We also provide efficient algorithms for the computations of the semiparametric maximum likelihood estimate and the profile likelihood. The performance of this method is successfully demonstrated in simulation studies.  相似文献   

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