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<正> 奥运期间,中国最大的民间收藏品集散地——潘家园旧货市场的"火热"程度一点也不亚于奥运会。可以说,奥运为潘家园提供了前所未有的机遇和渠道平台,而潘家园也为奥运的人文内涵提供了有力的支撑。在诠释人文奥运、展示民族底蕴的同时,潘家园也从火爆的奥运潮中收获了可观的  相似文献   

正王刚获得的第一件藏品、马未都口中"意外的神奇土地"、赵忠祥常常流连忘返的福地。您知道是哪里吗?这就是老北京人堪称为聚宝盆的地方一一潘家园旧货市场。提起潘家园,在今天的北京城可谓大名鼎鼎,它早已不再是简单的地名,已经是北京旅游的一张文化名片。在北京,一般人提起古玩市场首先想到的还是潘家园旧货市场。究其原因,那要说到1992年,法国前总统希拉克的夫人到潘家园来淘宝,媒体一阵报道,潘家园名声鹊起。此后,便有人将逛潘家园和"爬长城"相提并论。  相似文献   

校园跳蚤市场是高职校园生活文化的一种体现。其行为主体主要是毕业生,毕业生离校前期都会把自己闲置物品去进行交换和交易,学校里这种处理闲置物品的交易场所通被常同学们形象地称为校园"跳蚤市场"。这种交易市场由于它的商品多样化和价格低廉的优势在校园里深受同学们的青睐,现在的校园跳蚤市场已经不再局限于毕业生,在校师生也把多余的物品,未曾用过但已时过时的衣物或者闲置不用的物品进行交换和交易,售卖的货物也不再局限于二手货,还有很多学生进来新的商品进行销售。本文就对高职校园跳蚤市场的ERP管理模式创新进行研究。  相似文献   

"跳蚤市场"获政策鼓励商务部日前下发《关于"十二五"期间促进旧货业发展的指导意见》,提出到2015年,全国旧货年销售额翻番并达到7000亿元,年均增长18%。指导意见提到将鼓励各地开哪"跳蚤市场"试点,来培育  相似文献   

<正> 跳蚤市场创业方案 跳蚤市场就是旧货市场,它在欧美很流行。我国目前的跳蚤市场主要出现在校园,卖的物品多是临毕业学生的旧物、旧书。但事实上,国外的社区多有这种跳蚤市场,而且交易十分踊跃。我们在此简单地进行的规划:  相似文献   

以南京审计大学为例,高校大型实体跳蚤市场举办耗费大、频率低,毕业季二手地摊涌现,但成交量低,二手交易逐渐延伸至线上,但尚未形成风气,缺乏管理。随着近些年来移动互联网的迅速发展,高校跳蚤市场也有了向线上蔓延的趋势。应在定期大型活动的基础上,将跳蚤市场创新性地与电商APP、社交平台营销联系起来,结合"二手淘宝屋"性质的实体资源站,实现校园内部及周边区域"线上预约,线下面交"的体验式交易理念,合理构建O2O模式,这样不仅提高了跳蚤市场对供需双方的服务效率,也将大大延伸其作用的时间与空间。  相似文献   

李海  马跃如  曹裕 《商场现代化》2007,(30):159-160
跳蚤市场为大学生提供了一种重要的消费模式,潜移默化了大学生的消费意识。本文专门针对跳蚤市场这一高校存在的经济现象进行分析,研究在跳蚤市场中毕业生、低年级学生以及二手书店之间的三方博弈过程,对高校管理部门如何规范管理跳蚤市场,避免校外的二手市场侵害学生利益,并指导大学生合理消费提出了决策参考。  相似文献   

江湖水多深? 潘家园就是个江湖,凌晨4点半,神秘的潘家园“鬼市”早已被淘宝人的喧嚣占据。昏暗的灯光、斑驳的树影、攒动的人头,就像电影中倒卖军火、贩卖人口的情景。间或一辆车驶过,照亮了路边的模糊脸孔,一明一灭之间,宛若鬼影。  相似文献   

莫把促销当渠道   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>从市场营销学的角度来看,电子商务是一种营销渠道,是建立在互联网基础上的"批发商"、"零售商"、"跳蚤市场"。自从电子商务诞生以来,人们一直秉持这样的观点,未曾怀疑过,动摇过。然而,把电子商务当作营销渠道的看法,是不可靠的,其准确定位是  相似文献   

周南 《中国市场》2009,(47):7-7
<正>跳蚤市场(FleaMarket)一般被认为是起源于法国巴黎北面近郊一个庞大而且历史悠久的户外市集,目前已经成为欧美国家对旧货地摊市场的别称。跳蚤之名源自市场售卖的,被跳蚤感染的衣服等  相似文献   

周南 《中国市场》2010,(17):44-45
孔雀只有开屏时才能留住更多游人的脚步。旧货市场上的商品不是百姓生活的必需品,只有不断制造新亮点才能持续扩大自有品牌的影响力。  相似文献   


Recent trends in consumerism have highlighted the proliferation of the global flea market economy, which contributes significantly to the growing informal sector. Although a number of studies have explored the present topic within different contexts, few studies have addressed the factors that contribute to flea market loyalty among Millennial consumers. The purpose of the present paper is therefore to investigate the influence of market location and product assortment on market loyalty and the inter-construct relationships of market experience and purchase intention. By means of a quantitative study, 280 self-administered questionnaires were distributed amongst Millennial consumers. The data analysis was done using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in SPSS 23 and AMOS 23. The results indicated that all seven proposed hypotheses were significant. In other words, market location, product assortment and market experience positively influence consumer’s purchase intention and market loyalty. This paper is of paramount importance to brands and retailers who wish to expand their distribution network to the informal market economy, also known as the flea market economy. Marketers should realize the importance of the market’s location and the product assortment when investing in the flea market economy. The results of this paper contribute to literature in the informal market economy, which is rapidly expanding.  相似文献   

<正>当民族小吃以某种形式载入记录时,它的发展则更引起人们的关注,这不仅需要勇气,还需要运筹帷幄的智慧。8月18日,对于中华民族小吃来说是个值得纪念的日子,这一天,位于北京万丰路上的中华万丰小吃城以自己营业面积最大而获得了中国世界纪录。  相似文献   

2008 is a year full of policy changes for the real estate market. On the one hand, real estate policies were launched one after another,most frequent in recent years. On the other hand, a major policy shift was emerging, most evident in financial and fiscal policies.Macro-control policies are meant to lunctlon as a [001 ior reverse regulation. When the market is overheated, macro policies are used to cool it down; when the market is down, they are used to stimulate its development. At present, the central government has basically confirmed its stand to help the real estate market out. If the market remains down in near future, more favorable policies will be put in place.  相似文献   

顾客参与对企业新服务开发具有显著的正向作用,既会直接影响新服务开发的速度和品质,还会通过吸收能力间接促进新服务开发的成效,但在需求不确定性持续增加和竞争强度日益激烈的动态环境下,顾客参与对新服务开发的影响程度有所不同:市场需求旺盛时,竞争强度会强化顾客参与对新服务开发成效的正向作用,需求不确定性的调节作用不显著;市场需求疲软时,需求不确定性会强化顾客参与对新服务开发成效的正向作用,竞争强度的调节作用不显著。上述研究结论启示企业管理者,积极吸引顾客参与新服务开发,并提升自身吸收能力,发挥吸收能力的中介作用。此外,当市场需求旺盛时,企业应更关注竞争对手,通过差异化竞争;当市场需求疲软时,企业应更专注于顾客需求的变化,从而提升新服务开发的成效。  相似文献   

On 1 January 2007 the European rail freight market, which has long suffered from fragmentation and a declining share of total transport services, will be fully opened to competition. What will be the consequences for the transport sector and the economy as whole? What further measures are needed to stabilise or increase the railways' share in the freight market? * Member and speaker of the EPP-ED Group (Christian Democrats) in the Committee on Transport and Tourism; rapporteur of the European Parliament responsible for railway issues. ** Views expressed here are not those of NDU or Minnesota.  相似文献   

国有股减持模式的比较与选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李新 《财贸经济》2005,(9):68-71
上市公司国有股减持可以分为公开市场和私下市场两种基本模式,现有的减持方案可以分别归入这两种模式,它们各有适用范围,都能在国有股减持中发挥作用.根据目前的政治、法律和经济条件,国有股减持应当以私下市场模式为主,适当进行公开市场模式试点.  相似文献   

虚拟企业是为了适应快速发展的市场环境而由具有不同核心能力的企业所组成的动态联合体。其利益分配的结果对提高虚拟企业的运行效率、增强合作伙伴的满意度,对以后的分配方案的制定具有重要的影响。在分析了利益分配有效性评价的目的和内容的基础上,采用二级模糊综合评判法给出了利益分配有效性评价程序并建立了评价标准。  相似文献   


This article considers ‘pricing’, that is, offers and requests for the price of sales items, as a communicative practice deployed by vendors and customers during sales interaction on street markets. It examines the organisation of sales interaction by pursuing the question of how and when market participants, vendors and customers alike, embed offers and requests for price information within their interaction. The analysis suggests that pricing is deployed as a technique to manage the ‘floor’ and the interaction at the stall. For example, offers for items are being tailored to customers’ display of interest and commitment to particular items, and requests for price information are deployed in ways that challenge anticipated offers, that is, offers that are about to be made by a vendor. The data, field observation and video-recording have been gathered at market stalls in London and Berlin.  相似文献   

Foreign market entry mode of service firms: The case of U.S. MBA programs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While international expansion has become an important strategic imperative on the part of knowledge intensive service firms such as U.S. business schools, little empirical support is available on how these business schools enter foreign markets. If U.S. based business education programs are expected to prosper in light of the potential onslaught of international competition, expansion to overseas markets will be one of the most sought after options available. A poor choice in market entry strategy, or the lack of international market entry, can result in a negative impact on the educational institution. This research focuses on developing, measuring, and empirically testing a framework of key factors influencing international market entry mode choice of U.S. business schools by using primary data from faculty and administrators of U.S. Master of Business Administration (MBA) schools.  相似文献   

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