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从欧盟社会融入政策视角看我国农民工的城市融入问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化进程加剧的背景下,如何实现弱势群体的社会融入,已成为国际社会政策理论与实践研究的重大议题。本文阐释了欧盟国家关于社会排斥的基本概念及原因分析,社会融入的基本概念与理论模式、行动机制以及评估体系等相关研究,在此基础上,解析了我国农民工社会融入的基本条件、实践策略与理论模式,进而提出将农民工问题研究置于当代国际社会融入政策研究的背景下,将研究对象从农民工转变为乡—城移民,研究方法中加强社会融入的定量研究,通过政策行动与社区工作,发展并落实农民工社会融入政策体系。  相似文献   

在城市公共住房政策的大背景下研究和设计公务员住房政策对于后者发展的合理性和稳定性具有重要的意义。本文以公务员住房政策与城市公共住房政策的协调为研究对象,主要结论如下:城市公共住房政策面临的是租不起房和买不起房两种巨大的供需缺口并存,而公务员住房问题主要表现为购房的供需缺口。公务员住房政策应以实现内部的公平和全社会的公平为方向,改变完全按职级轮候职工住宅和发放住房补贴的做法,由直接提供转向按困难程度和职级结合的货币化补贴为主,对补贴后依然存在购房困难的公务员,才提供职工住宅和周转房。  相似文献   

农村宅基地使用权制度面临的问题及对策   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
我国以"一户一宅"为基本特征的农村宅基地使用权制度,为广大农民不断改善居住条件,维护"住有所居"基本权利提供了保障.但是,在经济社会背景发生了巨大变化的条件下,农村宅基地使用权制度的一些缺陷和不适应性开始更多显现,其中,较突出的是不少地方农村宅基地使用很难确保公平和达到集约节约利用的要求.论文在对部分地方进行的农村宅基地使用权制度改革的实践和探索进行评析的基础上,提出了一些解决当前存在矛盾与问题的建议.  相似文献   

中国多区域社会保障均衡的政策模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在介绍社会保障研究和多区域CGE进展的基础上,提出将社会保障研究从传统的单区域局部均衡框架推进至多区域一般均衡的研究框架,并构建了一个中国多区域社会保障可计算一般均衡模型(Multi-Regional,MReCGE-C),该模型对居民根据城乡属性和年龄结构进行了分组,放松了要素流动的限制,使劳动力和资本可以同时跨区域流动,并设计了一种基于居民终生效用的区域均衡机制,通过区域变量可以调控和测度区域差距。最后利用MReCGE-C模型针对中国社会保障政策下的两种典型方案进行了模拟。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the “Work Experience for Young Persons” (WIJ) programme, which was implemented in Flanders between 2015 and 2018. The WIJ programme is partially financed through the European Social Fund (ESF) and targets unqualified, young, and unemployed people with the aim of facilitating their entry to the labour market. The programme involves a trajectory of intensive guidance that includes labour market orientation and coaching as first phase, plus competence strengthening activities as second phase. This analysis is based on the Flemish Public Employment Service’s administrative data sources, which allows us to exploit detailed information on previous labour market history. We apply Coarsened Exact Matching to evaluate the WIJ’s impact on young unemployed people specifically in terms of their probability of being employed, unemployed or inactive, and of re-entering into education. Our results suggest that those who have participated in the WIJ programme have lower employment and education probabilities with respect to those who participated in the standard activities proposed by the public employment service. However, we found a positive employment effect if we only consider those who participated in the standard trajectory, i.e. those whose WIJ intervention lasted fewer than 14 months; this means that the negative effects are driven by those young individuals following the extended trajectories.  相似文献   


Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis identifies configurations of New Public Management (NPM) reforms (privatization, consumerism, performance management, and corporatization) associated with perceptions of improvements in healthcare efficiency, effectiveness and equity in 14 European countries. Although these outcomes are pursued concurrently, no combination of the considered reforms appears to support success or failure across the board and the inter-relations between reforms shape their effects. Three NPM reform profiles are evident in Europe; (1) strong reformers, adopting a comprehensive package of reforms that are perceived to perform better than (2) partial reformers, with (3) limited reformers also doing better than partial reformers.  相似文献   

We arbitrarily choose a submatrix of order 2 in the Leontief inverse matrix B . If a main diagonal element in the submatrix is a main diagonal element in B , then the determinant of the submatrix is non-negative; in particular, if the two main diagonal elements in the submatrix are all the main diagonal elements in B , then the determinant of the submatrix is greater than or equal to 1. This property can be used in the comparative static analysis for the input-output model. For example, when the change only occurs in one sectoral final demand or one corresponding row of the input coefficient matrix, which leads to a change of this sectoral gross output, the equivalent conditions that the absolute value of the rate of change of this sectoral gross output is larger than or equal to all other sectoral change rates and larger than at least one sectoral rate of change are shown. It is impossible to derive the exact results for the comparative static analysis if the property is not applied. A previous fault confirms this point.  相似文献   

世界各国的经验表明,中小企业发展所面临的一个最普遍和关键的因素就是融资问题,中小企业融资难是世界各国所面临的共有难题。成长期是中小企业发展的关键期,融资是中小企业成长中的永恒主题。本文主要是对中外中小企业成长期的融资渠道进行比较,希望能对解决我国中小企业融资难问题有所帮助。  相似文献   

There has been a relative dearth of comparative, cross-national research which has followed a survey-based approach. This partly reflects the difficulty that researchers encounter in collecting such information, either via primary collection or the secondary matching of existing survey material. This paper addresses these difficulties and suggests ways in which their impact can be minimized. It notes that such difficulties are much more severe in the case of secondary matching and are thereby likely to constrain the scope of this approach. They are not totally absent in primary collection and it is suggested that there are limits to what can be achieved during data collection to promote the development of like data-sets across countries. This indicates that great care must be taken in interpreting data so obtained. Despite such limits and cautions, it is nevertheless concluded that the survey approach can be an important adjunct to the process of understanding why the world of work varies across frontiers.  相似文献   

我国货币财政政策存在区域效应的实证分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
货币财政政策是现代国家干预经济的两个最重要的宏观调控政策,关于它们的研究文献数不胜数,但是长期以来一直没有对两政策实施后的区域效应给予足够的重视。本文结合目前我国东中西三大经济地带的经济发展已经存在明显差距的现实,通过两地区的简约化模型对1978-2004年间我国货币政策与财政政策在东部和中西部两个样本地区的作用进行了实证分析,结果表明,我国货币财政政策确实存在区域不对称效应,特别是货币政策,具有明显的区域影响差异。  相似文献   

This article analyses three strands of local government modernization. The first takes an overview of the development of 'modernization' and 'improvement' of local government in the UK under the Labour government since 1997 and the overall programme of reform. We discuss both the shifts and the continuities with the previous decade and a half of the 'new public management' of Conservative administrations. We examine the implicit assumptions about how to achieve organizational and cultural change, arguing that much modernization is premised on a mechanistic metaphor of organizational change. The second section of the article examines other metaphors and theories of organizational change, arguing for the need to consider institutional and organizational perspectives in analysing local government modernization. The third section of the article then applies some organizational concepts to the comparative analysis of local government modernization.  相似文献   

This article discusses the inter-relation between policy analysis (PA) in public policy making, cultural bias and organizational arrangements. It provides a theoretical explanation for differences of PA approaches based on adherance to various organizational contexts and political cultures and lays the ground for future research on an important but rather neglected study area.  相似文献   


The objective of the article is to identify the conditions that best explain organizational variance in policy evaluation regularity. Relying on the innovative Most Similar Different Outcome/Most Different Similar Outcome technique, we examine the explanatory ability of a range of organizational attributes applied to eighteen Flemish public sector organizations (Belgium). The conditions that relate to the source of evaluation demand, in its broadest sense, are of key importance. We refer to the role of the sector minister and other organizations in demanding evaluations, as well as to the media and parliamentary attention and the influence of EU evaluation clauses.  相似文献   

Firms in turbulent or fast-changing environments must continually innovate to remain competitive. This study examined how a firm's strategic management practices influence its entrepreneurial behaviour as compared to an international competitor. Four firms in the Netherlands were each matched with a key competitor in the USA. Several survey measures related to the strategic management process were used along with an instrument related to corporate entrepreneurship practices. Both managers and employees participated in the study. Results revealed significant differences between the Netherlands firms and the US competitors in entrepreneurial orientation. Results also supported these comparative differences along three key dimensions of strategic management as they relate to corporate entrepreneurship. The final set of data revealed a relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and three measures of firm performance. The implications focus upon the key role that culture may play in facilitating corporate entrepreneurship and adaptable organizational practices. Suggestions for further research are also made.  相似文献   

上海市服务外包发展窘境与政策激励   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科技进步和全球化进程的推进,国际服务外包产业异军突起、蓬勃发展,上海市抓住了全球服务业转移的战略机遇,在服务外包产业的发展进程中取得了瞩目成绩,但相比印度、爱尔兰等外包成熟地区而言,上海服务外包产业仍处于前期开拓阶段,为获得长足发展,应以政府支持、行业自律为关键,加强产业结构优化、政策完善、人才培养等方面的工作。  相似文献   

Governments in many jurisdictions have called for an increase in ‘evidence-based’ policy-making. However, the international evidence-based policy movement has so far shown little progress in transforming the way that public policy is formulated and implemented. Much research on evidence-based policy has focused on political interference and contextual frames of reference as barriers to the uptake of research evidence. With the support of data from a survey of over 2,000 Australian public servants, we argue that individual and organizational deficits can leave the public service structurally unprepared for an engagement with diverse forms of evidence, including academic research in particular.  相似文献   

从英国开始推行公共租赁住房以来,公共租赁住房已经有几百年的历史。公共租赁住房的租金定价关系到政府的财政负担、社会投资者的收益和保障对象的可支付性,因此成为学术探讨和实践中的热点问题。本文总结了国内外公共租赁住房定价的影响因素,总结了定价方法,分为市场法、成本法和收入法,分析了各自的优劣势。并且结合北京公租房项目实践设想了一种综合上述三种方法的定价方法,具体为:在提供政策性土地和金融支持以及税费减免基础上,先测算住房建设规划期内区域单个项目的成本租金,然后根据市场租金设定每个项目的参照成本租金,并且进行多项目参照成本租金平衡。公租房租金和租房补贴分离,租房补贴与保障对象的收入匹配,使保障对象实际支付可负担租金,从而提高定价的效率和公平。  相似文献   

本文在2000年深圳市密度特征的基础上,分析了至2006年的全市密度总体演变趋势和结构(特区内外和用地类型)演变趋势.并进一步分析了在空间资源极度短缺的深圳市.城市密度政策受到多重价值取向的叠加影响,其表现出的实际结果往往更具政策参考价值.  相似文献   

近10年来长三角的政府公共投资(分配)过多地流向了上海、苏州、杭州、南京等核心城市,使这些城市的人均公共资本拥有量大幅上升,从而引发了其边际生产率递减情况的发生。但它们的资本利用效率或技术创新水平没有明显提升(或下降),不足以抵消其资本边际生产率下降的趋势。对这些大城市的经济发展来说,公共投资对其经济增长的意义已经在数量上表现得不明显,但对正处于经济快速增长期且资本边际生产率呈递增态势的长三角外缘中小城市而言,公共投资却有着积极意义。  相似文献   

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