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张炜 《财经科学》2007,(6):76-80
本文认为,在我国社会发展中,历史文化名城具有特殊的地位和作用.加强我国历史文化名城的保护,合理利用名城历史文化资源,促进名城可持续发展是必须要研究的理论和现实问题.本文探索了历史文化名城可持续发展的涵义和内容;剖析了,目前我国名城发展中存在的主要矛盾和问题;进而,结合实际提出了,促进我国历史名城可持续发展的新途径和措施.  相似文献   

Despite the crucial role it played in the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia, the phenomenon of passportisation has not received a great deal of scholarly attention. Much of the literature has treated the mass distribution of Russian passports to the residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as little more than a strategy to manufacture an excuse to go to war with Georgia. Drawing on recent scholarship on territory and territoriality, as well as with literature addressing Agamben's theories of exceptional spaces, this paper contributes to a more nuanced understanding of passportisation by analysing the territorial effects it produced. It argues that the wholesale conversion of Abkhazians and South Ossetians into Russian citizens did not merely manufacture a casus belli, it also produced exceptional spaces within the territory of the Republic of Georgia, where the norms of international law and the modern state system were effectively suspended.  相似文献   

吕庆广 《江南论坛》2001,(12):37-38
舆地,本指地图或疆土,在19世纪随着西方天文学与地理学的传入而逐渐演变为对天文地理的泛称,故舆地观即对天地宇宙的看法。薛福成是中国近代思想和文化启蒙的一座灯塔,是康梁之前中国人认识世界的最高标志,对其后的思想家影响深远。而在薛福成的启蒙思想谱系中,他晚年奉节使欧期间有关天地宇宙的诠释占有显著位置,是全面理解薛氏思想不可忽略的方面。一、对舆地之学的高度重视与推崇近代地理学是西学东渐的排头兵,因此也是近代中国人走向世界、认识世界的桥梁,是思想上破旧立新、实现变革的利器。自鸦片战争以来,林则徐的《四洲…  相似文献   

重庆市域碳票交易实现路径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林固碳因其投资少、成本低、综合效益好的特点,在应对全球气候变化中越来越受到国际社会的广泛关注,全球对碳交易市场特别是碳汇交易市场的讨论逐步升温。分析了发展低碳经济的国际国内背景,说明了重庆市域的碳汇碳源状况,提出了通过开展"碳票"交易实现重庆市域内"碳冲抵"的设想。  相似文献   

The article argues for a Marxist geopolitics that moves beyond both critical geopolitics and the discredited classical geopolitics. It underlines the valorisation of territory by capital across three levels of abstraction: that of social infrastructure, class conflict and ground-rent proper. The recent Russian-Ukrainian gas wars are briefly analysed by way of illustrating the application of this distinctive approach to geopolitics.  相似文献   

欠发达县域经济发展中存在的问题及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欠发达地区县级政府在促进县域经济发展进程中存在着一系列“缺位”、“错位”、“越位”等失当行为,剖析政府行为与经济发展关系,针对欠发达县经济发展中存在的问题,应立足比较优势,以特色经济为导向等促进欠发达县域经济的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

It has been commonplace to regard territory and boundaries as social constructions. It is, however, often left unclear what the social construction of territory really implies and what it explains. As several meanings can be attached to territory, the key question is not whether territory is socially constructed but how it is constructed. This article tries to systemise and sharpen constructivist claims regarding territory. I will argue that two specific constructions merit special attention and help explain the tendency to defend territory by military means. First, territory is often conceived as a (female) body. Second, it is regarded as private property. Both metaphors are interwoven in normative structures that may explain why people fight over territory although in strategic and economic sense it would not be rational to do so.  相似文献   

In this paper we test for the presence of common trends and cycles in the state unemployment rates, and examine the relative dispersion of unemployment rates across the states and their relationship with the business cycle. Importantly, the results suggest that, contrary to widely held opinion, there is a case for regional unemployment policy (i.e. policy of a kind that discriminates between states and territories) in Australia. In particular: in the case of Tasmania and the two territories, regional policy is needed to counter both temporary and permanent shocks; and in the case of the mainland states – and especially mainland states with above-average unemployment rates – regional policy is needed to counter permanent shocks but not temporary shocks.  相似文献   

The author projects population to the years 1990 and 2000 for the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria and for the region of Abuja. The methodology used is outlined and seven different projections are presented, with figures provided separately for regions within the FCT. The scenarios considered include one assuming a growth rate similar to the past growth rate of Lagos and one based on growth rates seen in Brasilia, Brazil. Attention is given to the relative contributions of natural increase and in-migration.  相似文献   

传统的产品创新立足于物质思维,创新活动围绕物质实体直接变换或改进展开,而信息、能量对物质的能动作用被“屏蔽”,三者遵循“物质→能量→信息”演进路径,产品虚拟价值被忽略,创新过程显现出封闭性、边界性、控制性等特征。信息思维下的物质、能量、信息处于“等量齐观”的位置,产品创新遵循“信息能量物质”双向路径,三者共同参与实体价值与虚拟价值协同互动过程,产品创新显现出开放性、联系性、自然涌现性等特征。作为互联网时代的成功典范,小米公司产品创新模式契合信息思维应用趋势,其现象级成功为企业运用信息思维开展产品创新提供了思路借鉴。  相似文献   

基于陆海统筹的海岸带国土空间规划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带规划是国土空间规划体系下的专项规划,陆海统筹是海岸带规划的核心理念。文章梳理了海岸带以及海岸带规划目前存在的一些问题,提出构建陆海统筹的海岸带国土空间规划的基本构想,分析陆海统筹的海岸带国土空间规划可行性和必要性,并构建了实现路径。结果表明:从必要性来看,是规划自身需要也是时代产物;从可行性来看,既有理论支撑,又有政策支持。研究结论:构建海岸带国土空间规划要明确规划的理论依据,依据土地和海洋适宜性评价建立海岸带“三区三线”,并且要完善规划管理制度。  相似文献   

Recognising how the concept of sovereignty has been affected by an indigenous and human rights agenda, this article explores the potential outcomes of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in terms of its challenge to Westphalian notions of sovereignty in Canada’s North. It argues that the UNDRIP, adopted by the United Nations in 2007, is now playing a significant role in giving Canada’s Indigenous Peoples a voice in international affairs and for reframing the relationship between state and non-state actors in ways which privilege collective rights rather than territorial imperatives.  相似文献   

冯海龙 《经济师》2002,(1):100-102
西部大开发最终目标的实现必须依赖于西部企业的充分发展。名牌战略是企业战略体系构成的核心 ,是实施战略管理的首选战略 ,加强对名牌战略的理论研究和实践探讨 ,对于企业、经济的发展具有十分重要的意义。鉴于此 ,文章探讨了名牌战略的若干理论问题并对西部企业如何实施名牌战略进行了一些有益探索。  相似文献   

David Newman 《Geopolitics》2013,18(4):773-778

In this paper, I delve into the complex ways in which Palestine is conceptualised as both a concrete and amorphous territory through an examination of the everyday practices of displaying images and imagining Palestine. Building from fieldwork conducted with Palestinian Jordanians, I analyse and contextualise images and maps of Palestine that they display in their homes and communities. I complicate what these images seem to represent with insights from interviews I conducted about how they spatially imagine Palestine. Throughout the paper I show that images and imaginings of Palestine are quite diverse and have various territorial meanings. Yet, as varied and seemingly different as these images and imaginings may be, they are nevertheless intimately linked through territorial discourses of displacement and rootedness, as well as through the everyday practices of remembering and resistance. Thus, I contribute to recent scholarship within geopolitics by highlighting (1) the value of examining images and imaginings of everyday geopolitics in tandem with one another, (2) the complex and fluid ways in which territory configures into everyday geopolitics, and (3) that amorphous notions of territory need to be integrated into work on territory more broadly.  相似文献   


This note reflects upon the methodological principles that Paolo Sylos Labini (1920–2005) brought to his work as a political economist. Sylos Labini drew upon history, political science, sociology and philosophy in order to explain economic processes, and he insisted that an interdisciplinary approach was essential to formulating effective policy responses to modern social problems.  相似文献   

战略一词自从从军事领域引申到政治、经济、文化以及生活的其他领域之后 ,人们从总体性、根本性、方向性等方面对事物进行有效地思考 ,从而对事物的认识和把握 ,也愈来愈透彻和深刻。究竟什么是战略性思维 ?人们又如何进行战略性思维呢 ?从空间纬度而言 ,战略在可利用认识的空间不断延伸扩展 ,无论九重天之外的茫茫宇宙 ,还是最细微的微观层面 ,都成为人类探索的领域。以军事的领域为例 ,战争从最初的陆地转到海面 ,以至发展到现在的海、陆、空以及最新型的网络也成为战争的最关键的层面。随着科技的飞速发展 ,人类利用自然、征服自然的能力…  相似文献   

本文在吸收国内外全球化研究成果的基础上,对全球化进行重新定义,剖析其内涵.界定其外延,分析其两重性,阐述它与全球一体化的关系.  相似文献   

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