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We examine the effect of ownership structure on firm performance, for firms listed on Vietnamese stock exchanges, using 2744 firm‐year observations over the period from 2007 to 2012. We find a non‐linear relationship between ownership structure and firm performance. State ownership has a convex relationship with firm performance. This paper finds that firm performance increases beyond 28.67 percent level of state ownership. Foreign ownership has a concave relationship with firm performance. We find that firm performance increases with an increase of foreign ownership up to a level of 43 percent and then decreases. Policy makers should encourage foreign ownership and widely dispersed state ownership in firms, which can help improve firm performance.  相似文献   

Privatization in Estonia has produced varied ownership configurations. This enables hypotheses on the productivity effects of different ownership forms to be tested. Findings are based on fixed-effects production function models and are estimated using a large, random sample of firms. Depending on the particular specification (and relative to state ownership), (i) private ownership is 13–22% more efficient; and (ii) all types of private ownership are more productive, though managerial ownership has the biggest effects (21–32%) and ownership by domestic outsiders has the smallest impact (0–15%). The joint hypothesis that privatization coefficients are equal is rejected. Findings are robust with respect to choice of technology and the use of instrumental variable estimates. These results provide only partial support for the standard theory of privatization, but stronger support for theorists who argue that some forms of insider ownership may constitute preferable forms of corporate governance in some circumstances.  相似文献   

王波 《财经科学》2011,(7):85-91
民生是中国城乡统筹改革实践的原动力。改革起始期,是民生呼唤下的自发改革与政策调整;改革深入期,是民生推动下的体制转轨与制度创新;改革攻坚期,是民生引导下的统筹发展与新农村建设。30年农村改革历程,致使民生问题的不断解决与改革的渐进式节奏相互吻合,推动着"人本"式的农村改革健康有序地发展。  相似文献   

股权分置改革后,上市公司股权再融资的方式主要有两种:定向增发和公开增发.本文的经验证据表明:全流通背景下,上市公司股权再融资方式的选择,主要是基于其大股东巩固控制权地位、维护自身控制权利益的考虑.股权再融资,实质上是一种股权结构的内生性调整.  相似文献   

基于国家统计局工业企业微观数据(1998-2007),运用修正的OP方法估计了企业的全要素生产率,并以企业实收资本所反映的混合所有制结构为视角,深入考察不同混合所有制形式的企业效率差异问题。研究发现:第一,仅仅包含公有资本或者仅仅包含非公有资本的企业效率是相对较低的,而公有资本和其他非公有资本混合的企业是效率更高的群体,其中所有制越多元化效率优势愈加明显,说明公有资本和非公有资本的交叉混合能够形成一种取长补短、相互促进的效应,从而提高企业效率;第二,对于劳动密集型产业,公有资本和港澳台资本的混合能够发挥出港澳台资本在这类产业内的相对优势,而对于资本、技术密集型产业来说,外商资本的加入,更好地提升了这部分企业的效率。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper investigates politically connected firms in Germany. With the introduction of a new transparency law in 2007, information on additional income sources for all members of the German parliament became publicly available. We find that members of the conservative party (CDU/CSU) and the liberal party (FDP) are more likely to work for firms than members of left‐wing parties (SPD and The Left) or the green party (Alliance 90/The Greens). Politically connected firms are larger, less risky and have lower market valuations than unconnected firms. They also have fewer growth opportunities, but slightly better accounting performance. On the stock market, connected firms significantly outperformed unconnected firms in 2006, i.e. before the publication of the data on political connections. Differences in stock market performance were much smaller in 2007.  相似文献   

Industrial Ownership and Environmental Performance: Evidence from China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study explores the differences in pollution control performance of industries with different types of ownership – State owned (SOE), collectively or community owned (COE), and privately owned (POE). A theoretic analysis is conducted and followed by an empirical assessment with Chinese data. The empirical results show that the COEs in China have better environmental performances in water pollution discharges than the SOEs and the POEs, suggesting that COEs may internalize environmental externalities.   相似文献   

股权结构与财务重述:来自上市公司的证据   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文以财务重述为研究视角,在考察控股程度与控股股东性质交叉作用的基础上,研究股权结构的治理效率。研究结果显示,在没有绝对控股股东的情况下,无论公司第一大股东的最终控制人是国有还是非国有性质,其发生财务重述的可能性都比国有控股上市公司发生财务重述的可能性显著要高;在绝对控股条件下,最终控制人为非国有性质的上市公司发生财务重述的可能性比国有性质的公司发生财务重述的可能性显著要低。研究结论表明,分散化的股权和国有股权对公司管理层的制约效果相对较差,从而使公司进行盈余操纵的可能性更高。本文借助公司财务重述行为,深化了已有公司治理方面的研究,并为监管部门和投资者的决策提供重要依据。  相似文献   

银行体系的重要地位和银行危机的频繁发生显示了加强银行公司治理的重要性 ,在我国银行体制改革的背景下 ,研究商业银行公司治理问题具有重要的现实意义。本文利用山东、河南两省 2 8家城市银行的调查样本对我国地方商业银行的股权结构、治理机制及其效果进行了实证分析。结果发现 ,虽然我国地方性银行国有和集中的股权结构特征明显 ,但大股东的国有性质并没有对银行绩效产生影响 ,同时集中型股权结构对银行绩效有明显的积极影响。银行高管人员薪酬有较明显的负激励效果。此外我们还发现 ,外部董事比例和银行规模基本没有对银行绩效产生影响 ,而且山东、河南两省城市银行在公司治理方面也不存在省际间的显著差异。  相似文献   

李涛 《经济研究》2005,40(7):77-89
以中国上市公司为例,本文首次采用分量回归模型实证分析了国有股权对公司业绩的复杂影响。我们发现:在经营表现较差的上市公司,国有股东监督内部人的积极作用超过了行政或政治干预公司经营的消极作用;而在经营表现较好的上市公司,以上作用没有显著差异。源自国有股权并受经营风险影响的上市公司的预算软约束预期损害了所有公司的业绩。与经营表现较好的公司相比,在经营表现最差的公司,国有股东监督内部人的积极作用以及国有股权导致的预算软约束预期的消极作用都更为显著。虽然国有股权对公司业绩影响的净效果在所有上市公司中都为负,但在业绩最差的上市公司里负面作用最为突出。政策含义在于国有股权的调整应当从业绩最差的上市公司开始。  相似文献   

股权多元化、公司业绩与行业竞争性   总被引:230,自引:10,他引:230  
以相对净资产收益率和主营业务利润率为被解释变量 ,以股权构成为解释变量 ,本文系统考察了股权结构对上市公司业绩的影响。在对行业、公司规模和宏观经济条件等因素加以控制后 ,使用来自电子电器、商业和公用事业三个行业上市公司的数据 ,我们的回归分析和假设检验表明法人股和流通股对企业业绩有正面影响、国有股有负面影响的预期只在竞争性较强的电子电器行业成立 ,在竞争性相对较弱的其他两个行业则不成立。这一研究发现的政策含义在于 ,为了使通过上市实现国有企业股权结构多元化的政策发挥所期望的作用 ,首先应尽量提高行业的竞争性。  相似文献   

The fundamental question of whether offshoring is value enhancing and, more specifically, whether Italian manufacturing firms that undertake offshoring benefit from higher productivity and profitability is explored. Using data from the tenth wave of the “Survey on Manufacturing Firms” conducted by Unicredit‐Capitalia, it was found that, compared with domestic firms, firms relocating activities to a foreign country have different characteristics, and “better” firms might self‐select into offshoring decision. To disentangle the effect of offshoring on firms' performances from the effect of firm characteristics, several variants of propensity score matching are used. A mild and insignificant positive effect of offshoring on profitability was found and also evidence of a statistically significant positive effect of offshoring on productivity.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of corporate diversification on the performance of firms listed on the Vietnamese stock exchanges, using 2744 firm year observations over the period from 2007 to 2012. We find that corporate diversification has a negative impact on firm performance. Our results are robust to various econometric estimation techniques including fixed effect, instrumental fixed effect, Heckman selection model and system generalised method of moments. In the Vietnamese context, the lack of an efficient corporate governance system may encourage firms to follow corporate diversification strategies, thus impairing their performance.  相似文献   

在股权结构与公司绩效关系的研究中,已有文献大都先验地把股权结构作为外生变量来处理,并认为二者之间是一种静态关系。本文以1999~2008年间沪、深两市509家上市公司为研究对象,在动态面板数据模型中控制住内生性问题的影响后发现:(1)在静态分析框架下,第一大股东持股与绩效之间是相互影响的,但管理层持股与绩效之间无任何显著性关联;(2)在动态分析框架下,股权结构与绩效之间存在跨期动态作用的可能,不过证据比较微弱,它受绩效变量的影响。以上结论具有一定的政策含义。  相似文献   

本文基于2010-2018年中国财产保险公司数据,利用联立方程模型和门限回归模型分别研究了资本结构与公司绩效的互动效应和门限效应.研究发现:资本结构与公司绩效之间呈现双向负向作用关系;公司绩效对于公司规模存在单一门限效应,对于监管压力和成长能力不存在门限效应;资本结构关于公司规模存在双重门限效应,关于监管压力和成长能力均存在单一门限效应.稳健性检验和异质性分析结果表明:财产保险公司有必要借助大数据、云计算等保险科技来优化绩效考核与激励机制,监管机构则要基于公司规模、偿付能力状况等进行差异化监管,以此实现财产保险公司经营绩效提升和资本结构优化的良性循环.  相似文献   

Applying firm fixed‐effects estimations to European firm‐level data, I analyze how ownership structure affects the relationship between taxation and capital structure. I find that an increase in the corporate tax rate affects the debt‐to‐assets ratio positively, and that this effect is stronger for firms with concentrated ownership. These results hold independently of whether firms are standalone or subsidiaries, and are also valid if subsidiaries are divided into those that are foreign‐owned and those domestically owned. Lastly, ownership plays a role even when controlling for other potentially important determinants of the relation between corporate taxation and capital structure.  相似文献   

本文探讨了股权结构与公司多元化战略选择之间的关系。实证结果发现,公司多元化水平与国有股比例和股权集中度均呈显著的负相关关系,与法人股比例呈倒U型关系,与流通A股比例及董事持股比例均呈显著的正相关关系,但与经理持股比例关系不显著。本文结果表明,代理问题是公司实施多元化经营的重要原因。  相似文献   

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