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This article presents a case study of Fushun Petrochemical Company (FPC), which is a large state-owned enterprise (SOE) in Liaoning province under the control of China National Petroleum Corporation. In the first part of the article we argue that China's approach to the reform of large-scale SOEs in upstream industries such as petroleum has a sound economic logic. In the second part we use the recent restructuring of FPC to illustrate China's approach to reforming the petrochemical sector. We draw on interviews with managers and local government officials to discuss both the difficulties that the enterprise faced prior to reform and the main measures that were implemented during restructuring to address these problems. While the restructuring process at FPC has just been completed, we argue that the outcome provides some support for China's decision to promote large SOEs in upstream industries.  相似文献   


In this paper, we take a detailed look at one Polish bank's experiences with financial sector reforms focusing on a bank-led enterprise-restructuring plan that linked directly bank privatization and recapitalization to bad-debt workouts. Based on personal interviews and original statistical data, we evaluate the performance of Bank Depozytowo-Kredytowy (BDK) in promoting financial and operational restructuring of its clients. We found that BDK continued to provide soft lending to keep four old military‐industrial companies afloat and actually increased its exposure to these companies during the program. The five success stories among BDK's clients were companies that had external agents other than the bank promoting and monitoring their operational restructuring. From our case study of BDK, we conclude that, while banks may play a role in financial restructuring of their clients, their ability to affect operational restructuring is quite limited. Moreover, stateowned banks are particularly vulnerable to incentive problems when dealing with large state-owned enterprises that may be too big or too political to fail.  相似文献   


The widespread use of non-cash payments in Russia is the result of a complex bundle of factors: tax evasion, established networks of enterprises and policy-induced causes. By use of non-monetary payments, agents have relaxed their liquidity constraints, but they still lack the financial resources needed to undertake investment and restructuring. Banks' credit provision is based on criteria other than the profitability of the recipient of the funds. The interest rate, coupled with the restructuring of the banking sector, could operate as an effective lever that may lead to a more economically consistent management of liquidity and could also reduce capital flight.  相似文献   


Restructuring the monopolistic, state-owned, obsolete and polluting utility industries of post-socialist economies poses a challenge for the utility deregulation wave travelling around the world. Utility restructuring in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region is unique from several perspectives, including the domination of foreign capital vs. national resources as the only feasible vehicle for a drastic change in the industry and the ambitious goals of harmonisation with the EU liberalisation schedule to accelerate accession. It is also widely expected that deregulation will help bring down world-record high energy intensities in these economies. Hungary has been the pioneer among economies in transition in unbundling, deregulating and privatising the utility industries and taking the first steps towards EU-conforming market liberalisation within less than half a decade. The first stages of privatisation and restructuring have been declared a success story in the Western media. However, what is a success story from a foreign perspective may be seen differently from other viewpoints. The article describes the process of utility restructuring in Hungary and examines its impact from the economic, environmental and policy perspectives. The article also compares the pioneer Hungarian deregulation with other CEE countries' restructuring of their energy sectors. However, the lessons to be learned from the Hungarian electricity industry restructuring are not only vital for other economies in transition but are often universally applicable.  相似文献   


The paper offers textual evidence from a series of financial advice documents in the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century of how UK investors perceived of and managed risk. In the world's largest financial centre of the time, UK investors were familiar with the concept of correlation and financial advisers’ suggestions were consistent with the recommendations of modern portfolio theory in relation to portfolio selection strategies. From the 1870s, there was an increased awareness of the benefits of financial diversification – primarily putting equal amounts into a number of different securities – with much of the emphasis being on geographical rather than sectoral diversification and some discussion of avoiding highly correlated investments. Investors in the past were not so naïve as mainstream financial discussions suggest today.  相似文献   


The authors propose some new approaches in order to evaluate formally regional specifics of political and legal culture and institutes' impact on the dynamics of economic development of the regions and on the regions' investment climate. They demonstrate using a model that the influence of institutional factors, including some indicators for the basic individual rights maintenance in the regions, on economic growth is significant.  相似文献   


This article analyses the restructuring of newly privatised Romanian firms by focusing on three microeconomic variables. Changes in the number of personnel, the volume of fixed assets and the level of research and development are analysed in connection with measures of ownership structure and concentration. Overall, the evidence presented suggests that institutional (possibly foreign) outside stakeholders are more likely to foster restructuring and increase the likelihood of survival of newly privatised firms in Eastern Europe.  相似文献   


After twenty years of trade liberalization in Mexico, the relationship between gender wage inequality and trade remains insufficiently studied, in spite of evidence of increasing numbers of women in industrial employment. This study aims to analyze the effects of export orientation and other characteristics that represent the industrial underpinnings of restructuring on gender wage inequality for 2001–5. There is consistent evidence of the negative impact of export orientation on men's and women's wages and the gender wage ratio, signifying that women lose in both absolute and relative terms. This result holds after controlling for women's share of employment and the skills of both genders, contrary to the expected effect from trade on equality. There is also a negative relation between a rise in the proportion of unskilled workers and the gender wage ratio, which suggests that the trade-induced skill hypothesis cannot be considered an adequate explanation for gender inequality.  相似文献   


Using a unique Chinese IPO bidding dataset and a particular social media dataset, we examine the impact of individual investors’ attention on underwriters’ offer price adjustment, offer price revision, IPO initial returns, and long-term performance. We find that when a company receives more attention from individual investors before the underwriter finalizes the offer price, the underwriter will adjust the offer price higher. Moreover, we find that the IPO initial returns are significantly positively related to individual investors’ attention. These findings suggest that individual investors will influence underwriters’ pricing behaviour from a new perspective, – –investors’ attention. Finally, we do not find a significant relationship between individual investors’ attention and IPO long-run performance.  相似文献   


The authors argue that under the current political and economic conditions the restructuring of Russian enterprises on a mass scale is impossible, because the aims and methods of the restructuring programme often get in the way of the interests of different groups who in fact prosper on the inefficiency of private enterprise. These groups pay lip service to the restructuring process but do everything possible to slow down and block the process when their interests are threatened. The only group which is truly interested in restructuring of an enterprise is the middle managers. However, they are the least influential and least organised to affect enterprise restructuring. The article also addresses the legislation and especially the new law on bankruptcy, which potentially could speed up the restructuring process to a considerable extent. However, owing to the activities of some of the interest groups analysed, the law is failing to achieve its original aim. The occasional success stories have a very limited impact on Russian industries and in fact confirm the argument.  相似文献   


While planning for personal finances, researchers recommend investors adapting systematically planned investment behaviors that align investments with their financial objectives; however, they fail to provide a scale for the measurement of such behaviors. Therefore, this study develops a scale, conducts exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and provides evidence of the reliability of the scale measuring objectives-oriented investment behaviors. Examining a cross-sectional data of 448 investors collected through the new scale, the study finds that a majority of the investors’ do not follow objectives-oriented behavior. The results inform that the selection of investment avenues and allocation of funds were not aligned with investors’ financial objectives.  相似文献   


This paper employs the VARMA-MGARCH-ABEKK model and Granger causality on 15 years’ daily time series data to examine investment opportunities in the oil and gas industries for ASEAN5 countries relative to the US counterpart. It shows that the latter leads the former in decomposing integration into cross-country effects on returns and conditional return volatilities. The empirical results show that investors can gain an international intra-industry diversification benefit in Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam by holding US oil and gas assets in their portfolios whereas Asian oil and gas assets may result in negative shocks due to the increase in return volatilities for Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. However, Thailand are insensitive to the cross-country intra-industry diversification. While making trading decisions, investors should be aware of the impulse responses of ASEAN oil and gas markets from the shocks in the US and the Asian markets and their asymmetric spill over effects.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to shed new light on the monetary and financial theory of James Steuart (1767) through his examination of the speculative bubbles of 1720: that is, the John Law System in France and the South Sea Bubble in England. In contrast to most contemporary writers – particularly David Hume and Adam Smith – Steuart had a balanced opinion about these two financial experiments. On the one hand, Steuart considered them worthwhile, since they were attempts at public debt restructuring by reducing its expense and increasing its liquidity. Moreover, according to Steuart, a well-managed public debt favours the liquidity of both banks and the financial market. These worked together for the growth of wealth. However, on the other hand, Steuart claimed that the failure of these experiments was due to: (i) a poor management of money; (ii) a violation of credit rules and its corollary, the weakness of banks; (iii) the adoption of contestable dividend and financial information policy. This article presents Steuart's proposals for creating the liquidity of both banks and the financial market via a well-managed public debt.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to investigate whether investors' sentiment measured by the Internet search behavior constitutes a valid measure of investor’s sentiment on Islamic and conventional indexes of emerging and frontier financial markets in MENA countries. In fact, we examine the relation between googling investor’s sentiment and monthly Islamic and conventional index returns during the period 2004–2016. Using the Dynamic Conditional Correlation, the BEKK-GARCH and the wavelet coherence models, we confirm that googling investor’s sentiment is a perfect indicator of investor’s sentiment measure. Indeed, we find that this measure has the ability to reflect major events such as subprime financial crisis, oil crisis and Arab spring revolution affecting MENA Islamic and conventional index markets. Our finding indicates that investors can use googling investor’s sentiment as an indicator to predict returns and volatility of emerging and frontier markets since it reflects the behavior and emotions of investors in MENA financial markets.  相似文献   


The paper examines the contributions of Myrdal, Lindahl, Hicks and Hayek that initiated the transition from the traditional long-period method to the methods of 'intertemporal' and 'temporary equilibria' in neoclassical general equilibrium analyses. It is shown that in the early contributions the idea of a tendency towards a long-period position was not completely abandoned, and that the new 'dynamic' equilibrium concepts were conceived by some of their originators as useful analytical devices for studying transitions between long-period equilibria only.  相似文献   


Austrian and Post-Keynesian economists both continue to make important contributions to subjectivism in economics. Yet, as the ongoing debate between members of the two schools demonstrates, Austrians and Post-Keynesians have very different views about the possibility of intertemporal coordination in a market economy. This paper returns to the debate between Hayek and Keynes in order to respond to a contemporary Austrian critique of Keynes's theory of expectations. The paper shows that the fundamental difference between the two schools ultimately boils down to the nature of conventional expectations and the question of confidence. If the conventional expectation holds to assume the future will look enough like the present to give investors confidence in their decisions, Hayek's arguments about the possibility of intertemporal coordination merit attention. If, however, this convention does not hold, as Keynes thought was sometimes likely, the self-regulating potential of a market economy is called into question.  相似文献   


This article addresses Russia's barter economy. Using interview data, it examines the mechanics of barter settlements and classifies the main types of non-monetary transactions. The major reason for barter is lack of a competitive monetary system. In the 1990s barter represented a specific vehicle to perform settlements. Barter itself is not a way to evade taxes or to defraud enterprises of assets. But barter changed the motivation of enterprises and led to systematic distortion of accounting data. The low transparency of the barter economy creates barriers for investment and restructuring. The barter economy is an insider's economy. The lack of affiliated entity regulation and mechanisms for disclosure of transactions with related parties stimulates insiders to criminal application of barter and monetary surrogates. Barter has become a profitable business for a number of important economic agents including financial intermediaries affiliated with top managers of the biggest privatised enterprises and government agencies.  相似文献   


This paper argues, contrary to the standard interpretation, that money in Marx's theory is tied neither to bullion nor to any commodity basis. It is rather the sole social form of value autonomous from use-value. This is demonstrated by reference to Marx's account of the social functions of money, and by showing that to subsume 'money' under 'commodity' commits a category mistake within Marx's system. My argument is conceptual rather than historical. It seeks to locate, not to deny, the role of 'gold' in Marx's monetary theory. It has relevance to contemporary debates about the need for some new 'gold-standard' to sustain the international monetary system.  相似文献   


The survey described in this article collects data on enterprise restructuring, ownership, competition, budget constraints and, particularly, institutions in Russian industry, covering the period between the start of 1992 and September 1999. On their own, the survey answers show a devastating restructuring crisis, massive privatisation, rather weak competition, unexpectedly hard budget constraints, an overwhelmingly negative and relatively positive assessment of formal and informal institutions respectively, and largely the same ruling networks as before the start of market reforms. Ironically, tentative results based on this survey indicate that important determinants of enterprise restructuring in Russian industry are exactly those on which least reform has been accomplished: stronger competition and better institutions go with more restructuring, while privatisation and harder budget constraints do not. The substitution, to some extent, of informal for formal institutions may have prevented even worse restructuring figures, but better formal institutions in general would have led to further improvements.  相似文献   


This paper replies to Stephen Parsons' critique of Tony Lawson's Economics and Reality recently published in this journal. The topics addressed include Lawson's critique of empirical realism; Lawson's definition of 'structures'; theories of truth; the relationship between mainstream economics and empirical realism; and the possibility of naturalism .  相似文献   

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