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尉麒珺 《经济研究导刊》2011,(27):249-251,299
“和谐”与“均衡”思想是中国传统文化的精髓,体现在社会文化生活的各个方面,饮食文化自然不例外。中华民族传统食文化,把古老而有效的中医理论体系和人民大众日常生活中日积月累的生活经验相结合,注重膳食中的阴阳、寒热等各方面的平衡,以达到强身健体、延年益寿之功效。这与今天医学和营养科学角度所提倡的膳食平衡是不谋而合的。  相似文献   

This study reports some new evidence on the impact of medical care, socioeconomic, lifestyle and environmental factors on the health status of the population of the USA. The results show that additional medical care utilization is relatively ineffective in lowering mortality and increasing life expectancy. The most important factors that influence death rates are related to socioeconomic status and lifestyle. The results suggest that health care policy which focuses primarily on the provision of medical care services and ignores larger economic and social considerations may do little to benefit the nation's health.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the linkages between women's work, agency, and well-being based on a household survey and in-depth interviews conducted in rural Tamil Nadu in 2009 and questions the prioritization of workforce participation as a path to gender equality. It emphasizes the need to unpack the nature of work performed by and available to women and its social valuation, as well as women's agency, particularly its implications for decision making around financial and nonfinancial household resources in contexts of socioeconomic change. The effects of work participation on agency are mediated by factors like age and stage in the life cycle, reproductive success, and social location – especially of caste – from which women enter the workforce.  相似文献   

This article investigates the factors that determine differences across OECD countries in health outcomes, using data on life expectancy at age 65, over the period 1960 to 2007. We estimate a production function where life expectancy depends on health and social spending, lifestyle variables, and medical innovation. Our first set of regressions include a set of observed medical technologies by country. Our second set of regressions proxy technology using a spatial process. This article also tests whether in the long-run countries tend to achieve similar levels of health outcomes. Our results show that health spending has a significant and mild effect on health outcomes, even after controlling for medical innovation. However, its short-run adjustments do not seem to have an impact on health care productivity. Spatial spill overs in life expectancy are significant and point to the existence of interdependence across countries in technology adoption. Furthermore, nations with initial low levels of life expectancy tend to catch up with those with longer-lived populations.  相似文献   

Sen’s capability approach emphasises the importance of freedom and choice in leading the life that one values. This paper seeks to argue that, nonetheless, the capability approach is fully cognisant of the constraints that restrict individuals from achieving capabilities. Since the achievement of capabilities is set within a social context, and also because the constraints to capability-achievement are often of a social nature, it is useful to keep in mind the social context. An account of the capability approach that places adequate stress on the constraints that confront individuals and the institutional context will describe their situation more accurately; it will also be of more use for policy purposes.  相似文献   

“和合”思想是儒家文化的基本内核。儒家认为,人的自身和谐是组成和谐社会的基础,而要达到和谐的人生,应该注重自身道德修养;处理好人与人之间的关系是促使社会和谐的基本准则;人是大自然的一部分,一切存在相互依存而成为一个整体,人与自然的发展是相辅相成的和谐与平衡运动。  相似文献   

农村医疗保障制度是构建我国新型农村社会保障体系的重要内容。对于提高农村生活质量、创建城乡和谐、实现社会公平、推动农村经济和人力资源可持续发展起到重要作用,可是中国农村医疗保险制度刚刚起步,存在一些问题,本文力求从法律和制度层面提出完善中国农村医疗保险制度构建的实现路径。  相似文献   

When information on longevity (survival functions) is unknown early in life, individuals have an interest in insuring themselves against moving into different 'risk-classes' as their life expectancy is revealed. The First-Best allocation involves transfers across states of nature. With symmetric information, competitive equilibrium separates different risk classes and cannot provide such transfers because insurance firms are unable to precommit . When utility is invariant to risk-class realisation, the optimum entails uniform consumption and optimum retirement age independent of risk-class and an optimum social security scheme is superior to competitive equilibrium. When preferences depend on risk-class, welfare ranking of systems becomes indeterminate.  相似文献   

Materialism, both as a vision of the good life and as a cosmological basis underlying epistemology and modern science, drives humanity's environmental crisis. The dominant thrust of the environmental movement has been simply to shift to a longer slower materialism. Understanding how materialism creates our environmental problems and limits our vision of the good life is a necessary step toward creating a different future. Understanding development as a process of coevolution between knowledge, technology, social organization, values, and nature provides an alternative cosmological and epistemological framing which both gives us perspective on materialism and suggests an alternative vision for the future.  相似文献   

Sen’s capability approach emphasises the importance of freedom and choice in leading the life that one values. This paper seeks to argue that, nonetheless, the capability approach is fully cognisant of the constraints that restrict individuals from achieving capabilities. Since the achievement of capabilities is set within a social context, and also because the constraints to capability-achievement are often of a social nature, it is useful to keep in mind the social context. An account of the capability approach that places adequate stress on the constraints that confront individuals and the institutional context will describe their situation more accurately; it will also be of more use for policy purposes.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether and how social events, which have specific impact levels and consequences, influence the relationships between the use of different types of media and media users’ life satisfaction. The impact levels refer to the number of impact factors, which characterize social events (relevance, non-polarization, certainty, radicalness and proximity). The consequences, in turn, refer to the outcomes for media users (positive or negative outcomes). The results are based on data from the Standard Eurobarometer survey (N = 73,860) as well as on data from a content analysis and cover 36 social events in 13 European countries over a time period of 6 years. The moderated moderation analysis reveals that social events only influence the effects of the use of more interactive media types (the internet and social network sites) on media users’ life satisfaction, but they don’t influence the effects of the use of less interactive media types (written press, radio and TV) on media users’ life satisfaction. In fact, social events with positive consequences increase these effects, while social events with negative consequences buffer these effects. Previous research has investigated how the use of different types of media or specific social events affect people’s life satisfaction. This study contributes to the literature by revealing how social events and media use interact and thereby influence media users’ life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Using life satisfaction as a proxy for social welfare, this study contributes to the extant literature by empirically demonstrating that natural capital contributes to social welfare, functioning in part through increasing national income and in part through its direct effect on life satisfaction; the direct effect is approximately 40% greater than the indirect effect. This suggests that the true welfare benefits of natural capital may not be adequately reflected in conventional economic data and, therefore, studies seeking to evaluate the contribution of natural capital to human well-being should consider employing data sets that capture subjective elements of welfare. The magnitudes of the reported marginal effects of natural capital on social welfare, however, are small. This is perhaps due to the fact that (1) there are shortcomings in the measure of natural capital; (2) life satisfaction effects are unlikely to reflect the poorly understood benefits that natural capital provides; and (3) keystone species (such as mosquitoes) and integral ecosystems (such as wetlands) may be negatively associated with life satisfaction, even though such components of natural capital are vitally important to sustaining ecosystems and human life  相似文献   

医患关系是由医疗法律法规在调整患者与各级医疗单位之间的关系过程中所形成的权利义务关系。医患关系的法律属性和法律适用直接决定了医疗纠纷的归责和赔偿原则,也决定了医疗纠纷的处理模式,因此医患关系的法律属性是一个重大问题。医患关系作为兼具公法与私法性质的特殊的法律关系,需要采用国家干预民事主体私法自治相结合的调整方式,单纯的用公法的方式或是单纯的用私法的方式来调整都难于达到最佳的效果。新医改方案明确指出,要构建健康和谐的医患关系,加强医德医风建设,重视医务人员人文素养培养和职业素质教育,大力弘扬救死扶伤精神,在全社会形成尊重医疗卫生工作者、尊重患者的良好风气。而这些必须是建立在明确医患关系法律性质位之上的,也就是说明确公立医院医患关系的法律性质问题对于新医改制度体系的建立和完善具有重要的作用和意义。  相似文献   

随着医疗技术的进步和科技水平的提升,在用医疗器械安全已成为影响人的生命健康的重要因素之一。站在行政法的角度,从法律体系、监管职权、社会监管等方面分析发现当前我国在用医疗器械安全监管主体存在的问题。建立以政府食品药品监管部门为主导、社会组织和机构为补充的在用医疗器械安全监管主体模式能够完善我国在用医疗器械监管体系,确保人民群众"用械"安全。  相似文献   

马尔库塞从“对立的总体性”来理解和批判资本主义社会现实,认为资本主义社会是一个整体,它对人民群众的专政不仅仅表现在政治和经济领域,而且渗透到了日常生活的各个方面和环节,包括思想、文化、道德、信仰、消费方式,甚至包括了社会和个体的心理。既然资本主义的专政是一种渗透到各个领域的总体专政,那么要推翻资本主义社会也就不能是单纯的政治和经济斗争,而必须是一种“总体的革命”,即一种贯穿于社会的政治、经济、思想、文化、道德和日常生活等各个领域里的革命。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effect of women's social roles on fertility and the possibilities of influencing fertility by means of demographic policies in the USSR. The most important influences on the birth rate are related to the changing social position of women and the functions of the family which have resulted from social, economic, and cultural transformations in the Soviet state since the revolution. The processes of industrialization, urbanization, higher labor productivity, and rising educational and cultural standards have removed the productive functions of the family and have also altered its consumer functions. The upbringing of children is increasingly labor intensive because of the need for more educated, higher quality workers. In 1970, 82% of women of working age were employed; their greater involvement in social production and reduced free time, combined with the prestige and economic and social independence gained from outside work, have encouraged a small family orientation. Comprehensive demographic policies including measures to help women combine work in social production with motherhood are needed to promote 2 or 3 child families. Along with measures aimed at the population as a whole, specific measures are needed that take into account the distinctive life styles and behavior of separate local population groups. A socialist society with a planned economy can utilize diverse methods of encouraging childbirth, including material assistance to families with children and sociopsychological measures to promote larger families.  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of gender-specific life expectancy across US states over the period 1995–2007. We employ a production function specification where life expectancy depends on health expenditure, income, education and lifestyle variables, allowing for spatial effects. Empirical results suggest that education attainment and health expenditure are the main factors behind improving longevity, whereas smoking bears a strong negative influence. For robustness purposes, we also use health spending as well as education criteria, apart from geographical ones to model interstate spillovers. In the former case, states with similar health expenditure are ‘neighbors’ and affect positively the life expectancy process. If education is applied instead of health spending together with geographic proximity, the spatial correlation is insignificant, i.e. education ‘neighbors’ do not affect life expectancy. Our findings do not imply significant gender differences regarding health production. The results suggest that health care policy will have to focus on wider economic and social considerations, like education and lifestyle changes, except medical care provision in order to exploit the full potential for life expectancy improvements of the US population.  相似文献   

根据主客关系,将技术分为象征技术、治理技术、工程技术、生活技术,进而对4种技术进行论证,探讨其理论意蕴。我国技术发展指导哲学经历了人民意志论、务实的实践理性、有机论的实践理性3个阶段,不同阶段4类技术地位不同,但总体上不匹配。技术进步具有双面性,引发社会稳定风险的原因不仅在于其直接负面效应,更深层次的是4类技术不匹配引发的社会结构变迁,包括文化结构去认同化、治理结构去权威化、社会生活结构物欲化,上述损害是对社会秩序的“蚁穴式蚕食”。社会稳定的核心在于4类技术相互匹配与动态均衡。从技术风险到技术秩序需要着眼于明确象征技术、系统化治理技术、重塑生活技术理念3个途径。  相似文献   

"In this paper, [the authors] examine the effects of likely demographic changes on medical spending for the elderly. Standard forecasts highlight the potential for greater life expectancy to increase costs: medical costs generally increase with age, and greater life expectancy means that more of the elderly will be in the older age groups. Two factors work in the other direction, however. First, increases in life expectancy mean that a smaller share of the elderly will be in the last year of life, when medical costs generally are very high.... Second, disability rates among the surviving population have been declining in recent years by 0.5 to 1.5 percent annually.... Thus, changes in disability and mortality should, on net, reduce average medical spending on the elderly. However, these effects are not as large as the projected increase in medical spending stemming from increases in overall medical costs."  相似文献   

Since the early 80's, the global demand on nature has exceeded the earth's capacity. To reduce the overuse of the very resources on which human life depends, protected areas have been developed worldwide. Typically, national states, NGOs and charities have funded protected areas, with limited investment from private companies. This paper analyzes one option to increase private investment: an international market for protected area certificates. Following a cost–benefit analysis, a three-stage coalition game is developed. The corporate dependency on ecosystems is modeled through the ecological footprint. By implementing instruments such as side payments, membership restriction and non-compliance penalties, the model shows that corporate environmental agreements reduce the individual cost of ecological protection and enhance social welfare. The findings are supported by a sensitivity analysis conducted for the German tourism sector in Zanzibar.  相似文献   

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