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杨宗 《现代商业》2005,(3):10-15
任何企业的产品,最终部是要进入零售终端来实现价值的。随着全球经济一体化进程的加快和全球产业集中度的提高,跨国零售集团在世界零售市场的影响必将进一步加强。与企业直按将产品打入国际市场相比,设法搭上国际零售集团的采购巨轮,  相似文献   

对热衷于户外运动人来说,登山运动品牌Quechua、水上运动品牌Tribord、自行车和滑轮运动品牌B’twin、健身运动品牌Domyos体育用品品牌等熟悉得不能再熟悉了,而它们都出自欧洲体育用品大鳄,世界500强企业之一的法国迪卡侬(DECATHLON)。  相似文献   

成为国际零售大鳄沃尔玛的供货商是诸多企业的梦想。自沃尔玛将年销售额达几千亿美元的商品采购交给设在深圳的全球采购总部及其所属的采购网络负责后,进入那张销售网络,便成了中国  相似文献   

市场力量还是政府力量对中国工厂产生的影响深远?是买方力量。这种力量是在沃尔玛的创始人山姆·沃尔顿去世后,由罗布·沃尔顿和李·斯阁一手打造。16年来,沃尔玛在给全球10多个国家的数以十亿计消费者带来了难以置信的惊讶和喜悦的同时,给遍布全球的供货厂商带来了意想不到的机会和"无奈"。它像一个螺旋,每个接触上它的工厂都会被它深深吸引并为之改变。自从1996年沃尔玛来到中国后,中国的工厂发生了什么呢?  相似文献   

在法国北部著名的工业城市里尔,有一个享誉全球的零售大鳄——欧尚集团。这家创立于1961年的零售企业,如今是以经营大型超级市场为主的国际商业集团、全球十大零售商之一。它和沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙等零售巨头一样,已经在我国遍地开花。这些巨头们在华开店扩张的同时,"在华采购,全球销售"已成为其另一赚取利润的方式。  相似文献   

进入供应链管理时代之后,各大跨国零售企业纷纷在全球范围内进行采购.通过跨国公司全球采购系统进入国际市场的主渠道,对国内许多企业来说是一个难得的机遇.  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球经济增长和世界市场的扩张,全球零售业出现了比较大的增长。特别是对于一般商品零售(包括食品、药品店)而言,全球消费里的持续旺盛,和各大零售企业向发展中国家市场的扩张,更使得世界零售巨头快速增长。采用一般商品零售的概念目的在于同专业零售有所区别,一般商品零售店主要销售综合性的日常生活用品,包括食品、日化产品、普通家居产品、服装鞋帽,甚至简单的药品等,  相似文献   

跨采会有利于跨国零售集团更好地了解中国产品,直接寻找到与生产企业合作的商机,减少采购环节,降低采购成本.也有利于中国生产企业更好地了解国际市场的需求变化,生产出适销对路的产品,熟悉国际采购的标准和规则.  相似文献   

8月7日,沃尔玛中国与中国连锁经营协会(China Chain Store & Franchise Association,简称CCFA)在京联合召开“零售明日之星培养计划”项目启动会.沃尔玛中国拟在2014-2016三年间向中国连锁经营协会分阶段捐赠共计500万元,用于“零售明日之星培养计划”项目.其中,2014年的项目执行预算为100万元,用于第一阶段项目启动和准备.该项目将主要针对开设连锁经营、市场营销等商贸类专业的中等职业院校,计划到2016年底将培养200名在职教师和20000名在校学生,以不断满足日益增长的对零售业基础岗位人员的需求.  相似文献   

沃尔玛的业态和空间扩张   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
沃尔玛由一个美国国内的地区零售商变为全球零售业巨头。目前沃尔玛有四种主导业态,在美国国内折扣商店扩张速度减缓,购物广场扩张速度加快;在国际上,在不同区域业态扩张的侧重点不同,沃尔玛在国际市场进入战略上主要以收购和合资为主,沃尔玛在国内空间扩张采取过三种战略,在美国国内的空间扩张可以分为几个阶段。在国际扩张上首先进入化距离较近的国家,再进入化差异较大的国家,在中国的扩张也表现出一定的规律性。其全球扩张总体是成功的,尽管存在个别的失败。最后是一些结论和建议。  相似文献   

背景资科沃尔玛是全球最大的连锁店,在全球拥有3000多家连锁店。最新出版的《财富》杂志评选出2002年美国企业500强,沃尔玛连锁店终于将埃克森-美孚石油公司拉下马,以2198.1亿美元的营业收入总额登上了美国乃至世界企业的第一把交椅。这是美国历史上服务业公司第一次成为《财富》500强的龙头老大。  相似文献   

Pervasive information and communication technology (ICT), intertwined with global dispersion of supply chains, is inducing a sizable structural transformation. All the articles in this special issue highlight that even though technology is the key driver, the reactions of businesses and countries to these transformations will depend on economic, political, and social arrangements within each organization and society. The competitive landscape of the ICT industry itself is likely to remain in flux. Also in other industries, both value creation and value capture are becoming increasingly complex—and remain more favorable for the developed countries than some commonly used measures suggest. According to the prevailing economic thinking, public policies should set market-friendly “rules of the game” and then stay out of the way. In the ICT domain, technical standards, spectrum allocations, and market power associated with various types of lock-ins play crucial roles calling for more active public involvement. In particular, the dynamic aspects of competition and anti-trust policies are important yet complex. While there is limited scope for sectoral or horizontal industrial policies, this special issue provides alternative avenues for considering matrix or systemic policies emphasizing education, openness, and national competitiveness.  相似文献   

I present a model for the capture and retrieval of organizational memory that can help overcome the information dissemination problem faced by network organizations. Network organizations are made of small, heterogeneous, product-oriented teams. In these organizations, the specialization of knowledge that has characterized functional hierarchies can be lost as the functional units in which this expertise was created and shared are dismantled. The preservation and dissemination of expert knowledge thus becomes a major issue to be addressed by these organizations, whose competitive advantage depends on this specialization. The problem of capturing project-related organizational memory is addressed with a 3 step solution: (a) the use of explicit work processes; (b) the development of models capable of representing these processes, the artifacts that are developed, and the rationale used during decision making; and (c) the implementation and deployment of computer tools that support the development processes selected and that, in doing so, record and document the project. I address the problem of accessing information from projects developed elsewhere in the organization and propose a solution based on monitoring the user's manipulation of information and creating hypotheses of his or her information needs. These hypotheses are then used as queries by a fuzzy information retrieval engine that produces a ranked list of documents that are suggested to the user as being relevant to his or her information needs. As the user manipulates these documents, the hypothesis is updated, triggering a new retrieval and the update of the list of suggested documents. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated with the implementation of a prototype.  相似文献   

刘荣 《市场研究》2009,(7):14-16
<正>媒介的增长以及传播手段的丰富,为"传播者"的多样化操作开辟了道路,与此同时,也使以争取受众为目标的营销活动变得异常艰难。如何在多种媒介生态环境下捕捉消费者(受众)、如何针对越来越细分甚至碎  相似文献   

随着人类进入工业社会,碳氢化合物的燃烧量骤增,导致大量温室气体排入大气,成为全球气候变暖的重要原因。2007年,IPCC《第四次气候评估报告》指出,造成全球气候变暖的原因是人类排放温室气体,而非自然活动,这种可能至少“有90%。  相似文献   

With the development of intangibles, the issue of value capture has become of paramount importance, especially for firms that have a community of users gathered around their brand. While the notion of utilizing communities may be appealing, transforming the relationship between firms and communities into profit for the firm is less obvious. The dual challenge for firms is capturing the value created by the brand community, while avoiding any kind of value slippage to another actor. From a re‐examination of five cases of value creation with brand communities in different industries, we delineate three assemblages of actors and episodes manifesting value slippage, and two manifesting value capture by virtue of the attitudes and behaviours of the firms that own the brands. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从规制俘获视角看,规制俘获理论包括公共利益规制理论、传统规制俘获理论、新规制经济学俘获理论几个主要理论阶段。规制具有外部性,主动猎获规制导致社会生产率和社会福利的损失,造成社会分配的不公平,引发社会道德危机。人性恶的假设、"国家掠夺论"的政府本质说以及制度的缺陷和权力的滥用都是主动猎获规制外部性产生的原因。本文首次从规制者"主动猎获"的新视角研究规制外部性,揭示了规制外部性可能导致的经济、政治和文化上的危害,拓宽了规制外部性的研究视野。  相似文献   

The assurance of corporate sustainability reporting has long been a controversial field. Corporate management and assurance providers are routinely accused of ‘capturing’ what should be an exercise in public accountability. This article responds to recent calls for an analysis of the process by which ‘capture’ takes place. Integrating elements of neo-institutional theory and the arena concept, the article sets out a fresh conceptual framework for investigating the dynamics of the interactions between the various bodies active in the assurance field in the UK.  相似文献   

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