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Valuing a change in the risk of death is a key input into the calculation of the benefits of environmental policies that save lives. Typically such risks are monetized using the Value of a Statistical Life (VSL). Since the majority of the lives saved by environmental policies are those of older persons, there has been much recent debate about whether the VSL should be lower for the elderly to reflect their fewer remaining life years. We conducted a contingent valuation survey in the UK, Italy and France designed to answer this question. The survey was administered in these three countries following a standardized protocol. Our results suggest that the VSL is €1.022 million or €2.264 million, depending on whether we use median or mean WTP. The VSL is not significantly lower for older persons, but is higher for persons who have been admitted to a hospital or emergency room for cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Income is positively and significantly associated with WTP. The income elasticities of the WTP increase gradually with income levels and are between 0.15 and 0.5 for current income levels in EU countries. We use the responses to the WTP questions to estimate the value of an extension in remaining life expectancy. The value of a loss of one year’s life expectancy is €54,000 or €163,000.  相似文献   

A significant number of respondents to contingent valuation surveys tend to either state a zero bid, or refuse to state a bid at all, for reasons associated with the process of valuation. These protest responses are routinely removed from contingent valuation samples because it is assumed that they are not indicative of respondents true values. The censoring of protest responses has led to the emergence of a definitional controversy. One view is that the definition of protest responses and the rules for censoring them are dependent on whether the practitioner conceives of the contingent valuation survey as a market or as a referendum. However, what is not acknowledged is the possibility that protest responses and their meaning may vary according to the type of good being valued, the elicitation format, and the interaction between these elements and external factors. This potential renders the development of unambiguous rules for censoring protest responses difficult. Moreover, when willingness to pay is viewed as a behavioural intention, it becomes important to determine what the responses actually mean. This approach does not assume an interpretative position a priori against which the responses should be judged, but seeks to inform an existing understanding which is inadequate.  相似文献   

This paper has four purposes. First, we outline the controversy surroundingthe issue of negative willingness to pay (WTP)in contingent valuation (CV) studies. Second,we use Monte Carlo simulation to examine theperformance of alternative distributionalassumptions in estimating WTP in the presenceof varying proportions of the populationholding negative WTP values. We focus ondichotomous choice CV (DC-CV), where negativeWTP values may be especially difficult todetect. Third, we extend the simulation toinvestigate the performance of the mixturemodels that have recently been proposed forhandling/identifying non-positive WTP values. Fourth, we extend the simulation to investigatethe performance of the nonparametric lowerbound Turnbull approach. Results indicate thatthe relative performance of the DC-CV modelingalternatives evaluated here, which assumepositive WTP, varies across the simulationsetting (e.g., proportion of negative WTP); butnone can be said to reasonably ``solve' theproblem ex post. This underscores theimportance of ex ante efforts to identify ifnegative WTP is likely to be prominent in agiven valuation setting. In such cases,appropriately handling negative WTP must beaddressed through ex ante survey design andmodeling choices that allow negative WTP.  相似文献   

Using an induced-value experimental design that varies whether values for a “good” are certain or uncertain and whether payment is real or hypothetical, this study investigates issues of demand revelation, hypothetical bias, and value uncertainty for four elicitation mechanisms used in contingent valuation surveys: dichotomous choice, dichotomous choice with follow-up certainty question, payment card, and multiple-bounded discrete choice. For all elicitation mechanisms, we find no evidence of hypothetical bias: voting decisions do not vary systematically when payment is hypothetical versus when it is real. Under all design conditions we find the fewest deviations between stated and induced values and the strongest evidence of demand revelation with dichotomous choice. Stated uncertainty in dichotomous choice follow-up and multiple-bounded discrete choice questions does correlate with uncertain induced values, but the signal is noisy. We discuss the implications of our findings for the design of contingent valuation surveys.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to assess the preference and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for inhaled insulin from a random sample of general public perspective in Ontario, Canada. This was carried out using a mail survey using the contingent valuation method. Significantly more respondents preferred inhaled insulin (n=114) over subcutaneous insulin (n=6; p<0.001). The mean monthly WTP for inhaled insulin was CAN$68.59 ± 44.65 (95% confidence interval CAN$58.87–78.07), significantly more than the average subcutaneous insulin cost in Ontario of CAN$50. The WTP for inhaled insulin in the diabetic subgroup was CAN$98.52 ± 48.57, which is significantly higher than that of the general public (p<0.001). Multiple regression analysis showed a strong association between respondents’ income and diagnosis of diabetes and their WTP for inhaled insulin (p<0.001). Major influencing factors were convenience and household budget. The results of this study suggest that the general public in Ontario prefer inhaled insulin and are willing to pay significantly more per month than the current cost of subcutaneous insulin.  相似文献   

Protecting human health is a primary goal of environmental policy and economic evaluation of health can help policy-makers judge the relative worth of alternative actions. Economists use two distinct approaches in normatively evaluating health. Whereas environmental economists use benefit-cost analysis supported by monetary valuation in terms of willingness-to-pay, health economists evaluate interventions based on cost-effectiveness or cost-utility analysis (CEA), using quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) or similar indexes. This paper provides background on the controversy about the relative merits of these approaches and introduces the remaining papers in the special issue. These papers (with one exception) were presented at a conference sponsored by the Department of Economics at the University of Central Florida with support from the US Environmental Protection Agency. Although CEA might not lead to substantially different implications for environmental policy than benefit-cost analysis, and QALY may provide a benefit transfer tool to fill gaps in the morbidity valuation literature, the papers in this issue raise serious concerns about the suitability of QALY-based CEA for environmental regulatory analysis. QALY does not in general appropriately represent individual preferences for health and CEA is neither independent of income distribution nor adequate to assess efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper we estimate the willingness topay for a wolf management plan and a wolfdamage plan in Minnesota using the contingentvaluation method. The theoretical definition ofwillingness to pay for wolf protection iscomposed of use and non-use values. Weincorporate a don't know response option in thedichotomous choice valuation questions. A largenumber of respondents answered don't know. Themultinomial logit model is used todifferentiate between don't know and noresponses. Non-use motives are importantfactors that explain willingness to pay. We usethese benefit estimates in combination with twoalternative cost estimates to consider theefficiency of the wolf management and damageplans. Both plans have estimated benefitsgreater than costs.  相似文献   

The willingness to pay (WTP) for a coyote conservation program is estimated using a novel payment-vehicle, based on how many ‚problem’ coyotes respondents would be willing to sponsor for a year. This hypothetical scenario mimics an increasingly popular type of actual market. Data from a phone survey conducted in Prince Edward Island are analyzed using count data models that consider different processes explaining zero responses and the level of positive responses. This is particularly important in the case of coyotes, often regarded as an economic bad. Estimates of WTP per coyote per year around $18–$22 and annual WTP per contributor of about $46–$57 are obtained.   相似文献   

We estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of Beijing and Shanghai residents for improving the air quality of the two cities from their levels prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the level achieved during the Olympics. The data are obtained from a contingent valuation study conducted through face-to-face interviews in June 2008 in Beijing and Shanghai prior to the Beijing Olympics, during which time there was intensive debate about Beijing's air quality. Residents in both cities are willing to pay more when they are more exposed to air pollution, when their disposable income increases, and when they have stronger beliefs that public opinion plays an important role in government policy making. Beijing residents are willing to pay more than Shanghai residents, due possibly to Beijing's poorer air quality. Overall, aggregate WTP for air quality improvement accounts for about 0.53% of the 2008 GDP in Beijing and 0.22% of the 2008 GDP in Shanghai.  相似文献   

The Indian economy today is highly prone to industrial pollution and ismaking compliance decisions in order to meet environmental standards.Environmental regulations impose significant costs upon industry that arefairly high and, therefore, require economic justification. This justificationcan be given by estimating the benefits associated with these costs. Whilethe scientific rationale behind air quality preservation is well understood,its economic rationale for a developing country like India, has to beverified. The objective of the present paper is to estimate the economicvalue that people in an urban area in India (Panipat Thermal Power Station(PTPS) Colony in Panipat, Haryana) place upon improving the air quality.The dose-response method, based on the Gerking and Stanley (1986) model,is used to estimate the economic benefits of air quality improvement. Theseestimates range from one to two percent of monthly income. Income andhealth status variables were significant determinants of peoples'willingness to pay (WTP) for air quality improvements. This lends supportto the neo-conventional wisdom `act now to protect the environment beforeit is too late'. These people are ready to pay for environmentalimprovements. We do believe, however, that the relatively successfulapplication of the dose response method at PTPS colony suggests that thetechnique can be more widely applied in developing countries like India.  相似文献   

We use a contingent-claims approach to determine the market value of preventive investments. We show that the lower the initial probability of accident, the greater is the market value of a reduction in this probability. Besides, at initially low probabilities, ceteris paribus, the market gives a higher value to a reduction in accident probability when aggregate (correlated) catastrophic risks rather than independent ones are involved. The reverse occurs at initially high probabilities.  相似文献   

Risky health behaviours, such as smoking, drinking and risky sex, are substantial contributors to the U.S. morbidity rates and healthcare costs. While economic models typically regard preferences as stable, a growing literature suggests that information, including how it interacts with intentions and attitudes, plays an important role in unhealthy behaviours. Relatedly, a large health literature demonstrates that theory-based behavioural interventions can successfully change risky behaviour. This study uses the contingent valuation (CV) survey method to investigate the impact of behavioural interventions on a novel outcome measure: the willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid the consequences associated with risky behaviour. Using novel pre- and post-intervention data from Project MARS (Motivating Adolescents to Reduce Sexual Risk), this study estimates the impact of the intervention on elicited WTP to avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is found that after the intervention, participants’ elicited WTP to avoid STIs were significantly higher, and more sensitive to differences in infection severity. These results suggest that the intervention may affect risky sexual behaviour by changing the perceived value of avoiding the consequences of risky sexual behaviour. Additionally, these findings contribute to an ongoing debate regarding the construct validity of CV studies in health economics.  相似文献   

Water quality in China has seriously deteriorated in recent years. However, very few valuation studies have been conducted to estimate the monetary values associated with water quality changes. As a result, the decision makers can hardly make rational choices with regard to investments in water quality improvement. This paper presents a valuation study conducted in Dali, Yunnan Province, which aims to estimate the total economic value of improving the water quality of Erhai Lake by one grade level. Both the contingent valuation method and the benefit transfer approach are employed in this study. The contingent valuation estimation strategy reveals that, on average, a household located in Dali is willing to pay about 27 yuan per month continuously for 5 years for the water quality improvement, equivalent to 1.7% of the household monthly income. The elasticity of willingness-to-pay with respect to income is estimated to be 0.28. The internal rate of economic return of the proposed pollution control project is estimated to be 13%. The benefit transfer exercise produces a similar estimation on willingness to pay (WTP) values, with a difference of less than 2% compared with the contingent valuation approach. The results indicate the potential reliability of using the benefit transfer approach for valuation estimations in Chinese provinces.  相似文献   

白晓峰  谭向勇  郭志超  张磊 《技术经济》2009,28(5):47-52,58
本文针对我国河北省承德市森林资源,以"京津唐—承"区域为研究对象,通过建立多元线性回归模型,分析了影响居民对森林资源生态价值支付意愿的诸多因素,并根据平均支付意愿对承德市森林资源生态价值及相关方的受益大小进行了估算。结果表明,承德市森林资源生态价值为163.27亿元,其中森林资源所在地承德市受益17.92亿元,占10.98%,周边区域京津唐3市受益145.35亿元,占89.02%。在众多因素中,收入、居住地以及对森林资源重要性的认识程度是影响居民对森林资源生态价值支付意愿大小的主要因素。  相似文献   

This study estimates the willingness to pay of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for a business online banking services. The estimation utilizes a contingent valuation method employing data from 400 SMEs in the United Arab Emirates free zones. An interval regression model is used to identify company characteristics affecting WTP. The results indicate an average WTP for online banking of $518.50 per month. Firms engaging in international trade value these services at least 10% more than those with only domestic operations. Other variables that significantly affect WTP include number of employees and the transportation cost of using traditional branch banking.  相似文献   

南京市公众对长江水质改善的支付意愿及支付方式的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以南京市为例.利用支付卡式的条件价值评估(OVM)技术.通过发放调查问卷及访谈的形式对公众改善长江水质的支付意愿进行了深入研究。结果表明:(1)南京市居民对长江水质恢复的户均年支付意愿为100.66元.76.5%的受访者的支付意愿大于零,8.4%的受访问者虽有支付意愿但限于低经济收入原因支付意愿为零.15.1%的受访者拒绝支付;(2)影响居民支付意愿的主要因素包括家庭收入、环境意识及文化程度;(3)南京市居民偏爱的支付方式依次为捐款、交税、存取基金方式及提高水价.水价上涨并不是面向公众筹集长江水质改善资金的唯一有效方式。根据调查结果,本文认为增加收入,提高水环境保护意识.引入“谁收益、谁支付”观点是提高居民支付意愿的有效途径。  相似文献   

This letter aims to study individual willingness to pay (WTP) to mitigate PM2.5 pollution in the Jing-Jin-Ji region by using contingent valuation method. Our survey indicated that residents in this region were highly concerned about PM2.5 pollution control and supported PM2.5 pollution control policies. In this study, a payment card (PC) format is used to elicit residents’ perceived WTP. With a two-part model, we estimate the mean WTP for an 80% reduction of severe PM2.5 polluting days in this region is 602 CNY a year, approximately accounts for 1% of the GDP per capita. This result indicates an important funding source for the government to control PM2.5 pollution in the region. In the econometric analysis, the mean WTP is found to significantly relate with income, expense, age and education level. It decreases with income, age and educational level, but increases with expense, and it is higher for females, people who have children, own cars and apartments but lower for those having larger families. By comparing with relevant researches, this letter indicates a strong and ever-increasing WTP for air pollution control among residents in the Jing-Jin-Ji region, China.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is toanalyse farmers' participation inenvironmental schemes, which are gaining agrowing importance within the Europeanagricultural policy. These schemes areimplemented through voluntary contracts thatpay farmers for the provision of environmentalservices. The microeconomic model that isdeveloped is a farm household model thatincorporates the producer and consumerbehaviour of the farmer to optimise hisenvironmental supply considering that theenvironmental service that he is supplying alsohas the characteristics of a public good. Defined as the difference between the profitloss in providing the environmental service andthe willingness to pay to consume this service,the household's willingness to accept (WTA)is compared with two flexible WTA measures thataccount for the technological flexibility ofthe environmental supply. Data come from asurvey of an agri-environmental schemeimplemented in the Walloon region of Belgiumsince 1995 and intended to protect the nestingof some endangered bird species. Econometricresults show that contingent valuation is areliable method to reveal the behaviours offarmers facing the invitation to participate inthis scheme. They also confirm that farmerbehaviour is also influenced by environmental preference.  相似文献   

The Korean government plans to improve the quality of its weather forecasting system in order to increase its public utility. The benefits arising from the implementation of this plan should be measured. To this end, this study applies a choice experiment to four attributes: the update frequency of both short- and medium-range forecasts, and the accuracy of both. A survey of 1000 randomly selected households was undertaken in Korea. In the study results, the marginal willingness-to-pays, respectively, for one more update of the short-range forecast per day, for a 1% increase in the accuracy of the short-range forecast, for changing the update frequency of the medium-range forecast from once a day (reference level) to twice a day, and for a 1% increase in the accuracy of the medium-range forecast as a result of improving the weather forecast service were estimated to be KRW 499.3 (USD 0.45), 108.3 (0.10), 346.5 (0.31), and 80.9 (0.07) per household per month. The findings can provide policy-makers with useful information for both evaluating and planning improvements in the weather forecasting system.  相似文献   

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