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创新型国家视域下地方大学基层学术组织的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从数量上看,地方大学在我国高等教育体系中占“多数”,在构建创新型国家的历史使命中具有重要的作用。以教研室为标志的地方大学基层学术组织形式已不适应创新型大学建设和地方经济社会发展的需要。以权力下放,彰显学术权力,鼓励创新,宽容失败为原则,以“两委会”和学科长为具体形式,构建新的基层学术组织形式,提高地方大学的学术生产力和服务地方的能力,是地方大学制定发展战略的重要方面和新的生长点。  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand why some universities achieve better outcomes from university-industry collaborations, this study adopts the perspective of strategic human resource management that emphasises the congruence between the university strategic orientation and the human resource practices. Based on a large-scale survey of universities in Korea, this study suggests that the human resource management practices of providing incentive compensation to academic faculty, and the employment security and size of human resources in the industry liaison offices significantly contribute to the university-industry collaboration performance, such as the number of registered patents, licensing revenue of intellectual property, and the integrated collaboration revenue.  相似文献   

参与产学研合作对我国大学主体目标的实现(良好学术绩效的取得)是否有帮助?该议题的相关研究仍然较为缺乏。以参与产学研合作的我国研究型大学科研团队为研究对象,通过理论推演、实证分析等方法研究其与产业界所建立的3类合作关系(学术交流型、学术参与型以及学术商业化型)对学术绩效的影响,发现不同类型产学研合作关系对学术绩效的影响存在显著差异。其中,学术交流型合作关系对学术绩效没有显著影响,学术参与型合作关系对学术绩效有正向影响,但是学术商业化型合作关系对学术绩效有负向影响。研究结论对我国研究型大学妥善处理与产业界的合作关系,从而提升自身学术绩效具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

学术不端行为处理机制是美国顶尖大学尊重学术创新、捍卫学术诚信的重要保障。通过对美国四所顶尖大学处理学术不端行为政策和实践的分析,发现美国顶尖大学学术不端行为处理机制由处理依据、处理主体、处理程序和监督救济构成,在制度保障、组织支持、过程保障和理念引领方面具有以下特征:提供制度规章,确保有章可循;职责分工明确,兼顾专业性和自主性;注重程序规范,保障审理及时严密;坚持以人为本,注重教育为主、惩罚为辅。美国顶尖大学学术不端行为处理机制对我国高校完善学术诚信体系建设具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

There is a growing policy focus in Australian higher education on quantitative research performance assessment. However, most of the analysis has addressed aggregate performance at the institutional level, an approach inconsistent with recent policy emphasis on diversity among universities and one that ignores performance variations across disciplines. Using averaged and all available data for 2000–2004, cluster analysis is used to classify Australian Commerce Faculties into groups that exhibit similar research performance, measured by publication, PhD completion and secured competitive research grant funding. We also use factor analysis to generate full-multidimensional rankings within the resulting two or three clusters. It is found that in terms of total research output, with the exception of Adelaide all the Group of 8 (Go8) members plus University of Technology, Sydney and Griffith always belong to ‘Clusters A’. However, when research performance is expressed in per academic staff terms, an additional 11 universities join this same cluster. Our results additionally show that eight Australian faculties of Commerce not only possess low total research output but their per capita performance is also poor.  相似文献   

对加强高校学风建设的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学风,是指高等院校全体师生在长期的教学实践中形成的治学精神、治学目的和治学方法,它包括学生的学习风气、老师的治学风气、学校的学术风气及学校领导的治校风气。学风建设是学校改革与发展的重要内容,是提高人才培养质量的基本保证,是落实科学发展观,实现全面、协调、可持续发展的永恒主题。  相似文献   

"行政化"是高校学术人力资源管理所面临的一个重要难题。导致这种状况的原因可以从组织管理层面视角和个体层面视角两种角度进行分析。高校解决学术人力资源"行政化"问题,在组织层面上要明确"去行政化"不等于"去掉行政体系",不断完善激励体制机制,明确绩效评价体系,不断提高薪资待遇,逐步为"商业化"思潮降温;在个体层面上要做好自我职业生涯规划,明确价值取向,培养良好的集体意识。  相似文献   

薪酬制定的管理层权力理论进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薪酬制定的管理层权力理论,区别于传统的最优契约论.正成为目前国外学术界解释管理层薪酬现象的主要理论。本文回顾了国外关于管理层权力影响薪酬制定过程的实证和理论文献.分析了薪酬制定过程中可能存在的代理问题。在此基础上,探讨了我国企业管理层权力的现状及其对薪酬激励的可能影响和表现,得出了一些启示。  相似文献   

以“985工程”高校为研究样本,选择其在国家知识产权局的独立授权专利,抽取转让专利的申请人和受让人信息,构建这些专利的专利权人转让路径。通过对专利申请高校、发明者以及受让人的关系内容挖掘,将这些学校的专利技术转移概括为直接技术转让、校资产经营实体运营、校企联合研发、地校研究院、学术创业和专利经营实体运营6种模式。基于对6种模式的详细调研,结合宏观形势和外部创业环境优化,认为中国大学专利技术转移正呈现一种明显的学术创业趋向。大学和创业学者的关系处理在学者创业和专利技术转移过程中更加重要,集中表现在专利成果权属和科研评价上。  相似文献   

Abstract .  The evolution of academic salaries and the gender earnings gap in Canadian universities is analysed using a unique Statistics Canada data set containing detailed information on all full-time teachers at Canadian universities over the period 1970 through 2001. Male salaries declined across cohorts, while female salaries remained stable; consequently, male-female earnings differentials have narrowed. Recent years have also seen increasing variation in academic salaries for both men and women. A gender earnings gap remains, the bulk of which can be explained by differences in men's and women's rank and field. The unexplained earnings gap has decreased over time.  相似文献   

当今企业的竞争,归根结底是人力资源的竞争,特别是人才的竞争。而薪酬,作为企业吸引、激励和留住人才的手段也日益受到重视。对于企业来说,薪酬意味着巨大的成本。因此,如何在保证成本不变的前提下建立公平合理的薪酬体系,并提高薪酬的激励性是许多企业必须要解决的难题。在分析当前的成本下造成薪酬激励性不高的原因的基础上,提出了企业可如何在成本不变的前提下提高薪酬的激励性的相关对策,填补了理论研究的空白,对企业具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

The public discourse advocating increased patenting of academic discoveries, which has led to the approval of legislative measures (such as the Bayh–Dole Act, which is now adopted world-wide in various forms) is based on a set of theoretical arguments, mainly related to knowledge transfer and financial reward. Using an original survey of 46 universities (about 27%) in the UK, we investigate whether some of these arguments are supported by evidence. We focus on the extent to which patents, as opposed to other forms of intellectual property (IP) protection mechanisms, enhance knowledge circulation, and especially contribute to universities’ own knowledge creation processes. We also investigate whether universities consider the markets for ideas and creative expressions to function efficiently. We find that universities use all forms of IP intensively in order to transfer their knowledge to the industry or the government. However, they mainly rely on non-proprietary IP (open-source and no-patent strategies) when aiming to enhance their own knowledge-creation processes. Also, universities do not find that markets for patents or copyrights function more smoothly than non-proprietary IP marketplaces. The results challenge the orthodox theories on the rationales for patents and other proprietary IP rights. Thus, we question the assumptions and arguments underpinning the implementation of patents on academic research outcomes via political reforms since the 1980s.  相似文献   

Summary. In order to get good positions in companies, people try to enter highly-ranked universities. However, abilities vary greatly between individuals. High-ability individuals have an incentive to send signals to firms by obtaining a higher level of education in order to distinguish themselves from low-ability individuals. This paper constructs an overlapping generations model in order to examine the macroeconomic consequences of such sorting behavior of individuals. There are two kinds of possible equilibria in our model. In one equilibrium, only the high-ability agent can obtain higher education and thus an elite society emerges. In the other equilibrium, all ability types have the chance to obtain higher education and thus a society with mass higher education emerges. We also discuss the possibility of multiple equilibria of these different steady states and the dynamic change in wage differentials.Received: 9 October 2002, Revised: 15 July 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: D82, J31, O10.The authors acknowledge Osamu Hayashida, Noriyoshi Hemmi, Hideshi Itoh, Michihiro Kandori, Toshihiro Matsumura, Takuya Nakaizumi, Osamu Nishimura, Ryoji Ohdoi, Tadashi Yagi, Noriyuki Yanagawa, and seminar participants at Doshisha University, the University of Tokyo, and Contract Theory Workshop at Kyoto University for helpful comments and suggestions. We would also like to thank an anonymous referee for valuable comments. This paper is part of the academic Project on Intergenerational Equity (PIE), funded by a scientific grant from Japans Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (grant number 603).  相似文献   

当今大学对社会的影响不再局限于生产知识与培养人才,在地区持续繁荣和产业更新方面也发挥重要作用。通过对上海、北京两地94家创意设计企业的问卷调查,分析大学在发达城市创意生产系统中的实际功能。研究表明,大学对创意经济响应迅速,受其专业发展与经费筹集等内部利益驱动,以及企业需求与政府激励等外力助推,大学不再是地方发展的被动参与者,它们可以作为新产业的驱动者。除了担当企业和政府的决策智囊和人力资源库之外,大学还凭借其专业品牌、人力资本、社会资本等优势资源,通过提供资源与设施、师生创业,成为创意企业孵化器,其功能为其它机构难以替代。  相似文献   

全球化的加剧催生越来越多的知名高校走向国际化。以联合国大学为研究对象,在重点揭示联合国大学的决策、行政、学术管理机制的基础上,探讨了联合国大学属性,并较为全面地研究了联合国大学成立和运转的条件。从政治性上看,联合国大学属于国际组织;从经济性上看,联合国大学属于知识联盟;从学术性上看,联合国是一所大学或者研究机构;从社会性上看,联合国大学又是学术共同体。通过研究分析得出,一所真正的世界型大学必须具备5个特征:人力资源全球化;培养方式全球化;管理全球化;治学和教育理念全球化;决策权相对自主。期望所做的研究与分析为真正意义上的世界型学府构建提供理论支持和依据。  相似文献   

利用扎根理论方法对中国世界一流大学建设高校的10位教师进行案例访谈,收集各高校科研人才考核评价标准,形成详细完整的资料,运用Nvivo12软件进行开放式编码、主轴编码和选择性编码,提取相关概念和范畴。在前期编码基础上,引入复杂系统管理思想,构建包括基本职业素养、教育教学能力、教研科研能力、技术研发能力和专业实践能力的高校科研人才能力分析框架。研究可以更好地激发科研人才创新活力,为促进高校科研人才能力提升提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

高等院校二级学院的行政秘书在高校行政系统正常运转过程中发挥着十分重要的作用,其中公关角色通常被人们所忽视,我们有必要从高校二级学院行政秘书的岗位职责出发,明确高校二级学院行政秘书的公关角色及应该具备的能力,并根据这些要求不断提高自己的工作能力。  相似文献   

Empirical evidence shows the existence of relevant spillovers from the stock of academic basic knowledge on industry. Interestingly, such spillovers are highly specific in that firms’ academic learning responds strongly to federally funded R&D in closely affiliated universities. Moreover, with the aim of enhancing such a technological transfer from academia to industry, the policy design of many OECD countries allows worthy academic ideas to be granted the same intellectual property rights (IPR) as industrial innovations. In distinguishing the stages of an R&D process within a dynamic general equilibrium model, this paper explicitly considers both industrial and government R&D efforts, with heterogeneous academic knowledge spillovers among industry lines. The results show that both the industrial R&D effort and the growth rate are spurred more by a “softer” IPR regime granted to academic ideas than by an increase in the industrial R&D subsidy.  相似文献   

随着中国市场经济和证券市场的不断发展,中国上市公司的高管薪酬也不断提高,成为舆论与学术界关注的焦点。通过研究中国上市公司年报披露的高管薪酬数据,笔者发现,行业、地区、企业规模、企业效益、股权集中度差异下高管薪酬存在差异,但并不规则,由此引申出上市公司高管薪酬制度存在的问题,并提出对策建议。  相似文献   

利用2011-2020年粤港澳大湾区67所高校纵向数据,采用随机系数模型,考察高校双元活动效率增长趋势、产学合作对高校双元知识产出增长的影响以及制度环境的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)随着时间推移,粤港澳大湾区高校创新研发与学术研究的双元知识产出整体呈现出显著提升趋势;(2)不同制度环境下高校双元活动产出效率的增长存在明显差异,其中,广东高校创新研发的产出效率增长高于港澳高校,港澳高校学术研究的产出效率增长则高于广东高校;(3)产学合作对粤港澳大湾区高校双元知识产出增长具有显著正向作用,良好的制度环境强化了产学合作对双元知识产出的促进作用,使得产学合作对广东高校双元知识产出的促进作用强于港澳高校。  相似文献   

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