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在Stackelberg竞争框架下,本文沿用Spencer and Brander(1983)第三国市场模型,考虑存在中间品贸易情形时,一国的战略性研发政策。研究结果表明,在只有单个国家可以实施研发政策的情况下,若最终产品间的差异程度较大(小),那么该国的最优研发政策为征税(补贴);而当两国政府均可以干预各自国内企业研发时,一国最优的研发政策将随最终产品间的差异程度不同而选择征税、补贴或不干预,并且当最终产品间的差异程度位于一定范围之内时,一国的研发补贴政策并不会招致另一国的报复,因此,战略性研发补贴政策并不如LeahyandNeary(2001)分析的稳健。  相似文献   

在Stackelberg竞争框架下,本文沿用Spencer and Brander(1983)第三国市场模型,考虑存在中间品贸易情形时,一国的战略性研发政策。研究结果表明,在只有单个国家可以实施研发政策的情况下,若最终产品间的差异程度较大(小),那么该国的最优研发政策为征税(补贴);而当两国政府均可以干预各自国内企业研发时,一国最优的研发政策将随最终产品间的差异程度不同而选择征税、补贴或不干预,并且当最终产品间的差异程度位于一定范围之内时,一国的研发补贴政策并不会招致另一国的报复,因此,战略性研发补贴政策并不如Leahyand Neary(2001)分析的稳健。  相似文献   

本文在一个两国出口至第三国的连续双寡模型中,研究贸易自由化对均衡环境政策及社会福利的影响。分析发现:(1)战略性环境政策的租金攫取效应可通过中间产品出口实现,但不一定会通过最终产品出口实现。(2)当污染的环境损害程度不大时,贸易自由化将降低各国环境税,从而使各国的环境保护出现"向底线赛跑";当环境损害系数较大时,贸易自由化将提高各国环境税。(3)社会福利水平为双边关税壁垒的凹函数(呈"倒U型"),贸易自由化对社会福利的影响不确定。此外,本文还分析了合理征收环境税对发展我国绿色贸易的意义。  相似文献   

笔者主要从税收转嫁的角度分析“寡头”国的稀土资源税政策对其出口市场势力的潜在影响,在系统把握我国稀土产业链上下游布局,理清稀土生产、加工以及贸易结构的基础上,通过改变国内稀土生产函数,研究使得稀土贸易市场出清条件下的税收价格转移弹性.分析表明:“寡头国”资源税的征收除了倒逼国内稀土行业整合,提高行业集中度之外,还可以将部分的税负转嫁到国际市场,增加稀土出口市场势力和贸易利得.  相似文献   

王根蓓 《财经研究》2008,34(3):38-48
文章发展了一个关于由本国企业组成的中间品策略性采购联盟与外国垄断性供给者进行集体谈判的模型一—该模型以中国的制造业外包服务,即出口加工贸易实践为基础,其中,中间品的采购价格与数量通过有效的Nash谈判过程同时决定。当采购联盟的效用函数的数量弹性高于(低于)价格弹性,则该联盟的偏好为数量(价格)导向的。文章证明:(1)当本国与外国的中间品与最终产品贸易具有互补性时,政府贸易政策调整的价格、数量以及福利效应是不确定的,它们依存于本国采购联盟的偏好、最终产品需求曲线的弹性与曲率、外国企业的技术以及生产专业化程度;(2)政府贸易政策的干预功能与企业策略性联盟的自主调整功能存在重叠与冲突。  相似文献   

即为经济社会 (即一国或一地区 )在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品 (物品和劳务 )的市场价值。这一定义包含了如下的意思 :(1 )国民生产总值是一个市场价值 ;(2 )国民生产总值测度的是最终产品的价值 ,中间产品价值不计入国民生产总值 ,否则会造成重复计算 ;(3 )国民生产总值是一定时期内 (往往为一年 )所生产而不是所售卖掉的最终产品价值 ;(4)国民生产总值是计算期内 (如 1 995年 )生产的最终产品价值 ,因而是流量而不是存量 ;(5 )国民生产总值一般仅指市场活动导致的价值 ,家务劳动、自给自足生产等非市场活动不计入国民生…  相似文献   

本文从理论上指出,传统计算贸易要素含量的方法不适用于加工贸易比重较大的发展中国家,并提出了区分中间产品贸易和最终产品贸易的改进计算方法。通过传统方法计算中国制造业1997年、2002年和2007年贸易的要素含量,发现中国的要素贸易情况符合比较优势理论,并且贸易开放后中国制造业技术水平不断提高,熟练工人密集度显著提高。用区分中间产品贸易和最终产品贸易的方法计算2002年中国制造业贸易的要素含量,发现加工贸易企业与非加工贸易企业生产技术差异很大,忽略中间产品贸易的传统计算方法会造成中国制造业要素净出口的严重高估。  相似文献   

在国内要素成本不断上涨和发达国家"再工业化"的背景下,我国对外贸易将从高速扩张,"换挡"到中高速增长的"新常态",对外贸易结构能否相应地实现转型升级、贸易与研发政策如何制定,值得深入研究。本文在纵向关联市场框架下构建理论模型,探讨在核心技术水平落后于发达国家的前提下,实现贸易结构转变的方式和条件,以及贸易结构转变前后的贸易和研发政策选择。本文发现,在进口中间产品的贸易格局下,我国实施研发补贴和出口补贴政策,可以实现贸易质、量增长的平衡;而在出口中间产品的贸易新格局下,我国仍然可以通过实施研发补贴和出口补贴政策,实现贸易质、量达成新的平衡。本文还发现,创新驱动发展是在贸易增速"换挡"的"新常态"下,实现出口结构转型升级和出口数量稳定增长的关键。  相似文献   

基于多区域投入产出模型,测算了中国和巴西中间产品贸易的传输碳排放,分析了碳排放视角下的关键双边供应链环节和部门。结果显示:2005—2015年,巴西对中国中间产品出口的传输碳排放保持稳定增长趋势,中国对巴西中间产品出口的传输碳排放则呈现"先增(2005—2013年)后减(2013—2015年)"的趋势,两国中间产品出口的传输碳排放强度持续下降;在部门层面,中国对巴西中间产品出口的传输碳排放集中在纺织、化工、橡塑、水泥、金属、机械、电气和运输设备等行业,巴西对中国中间产品出口的传输碳排放集中于农业、矿业、金属和运输仓储等行业;从全球供应链来看,中国和巴西中间产品贸易的传输碳排放高度集中于少数供应链环节。文章就减少两国中间产品贸易对碳排放的影响提出政策建议。  相似文献   

环境经济政策对贸易的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
环境经济政策对贸易的影响在于它的实施使企业为保护环境而增加了成本,环境保护成本会全部或部分进入产品的最终定价中,价格的升高会影响到一国贸易的基础.从环境经济政策影响贸易的表现来分析,主要是影响一国的比较优势及专业化生产,进而影响到贸易模式和贸易量.因此,在应用环境经济政策以实现环境目标时可以通过政府干预减少其对贸易的影响,以实现贸易和环境的协调发展.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of growing international production fragmentation-induced trade in intermediate goods on environmental quality. Specifically, by making use of a general equilibrium framework, this paper explores the link between trade in intermediate goods and pollution in a setting of endogenous environmental policy. The paper shows that international trade in intermediate goods, through an increase in the number of components available to the international producers, affects the level of pollution and environmental quality. Specifically, developed countries may reduce pollution at the cost of more pollution in developing countries.  相似文献   

We construct a bilateral trade model incorporating two physical goods and a financial asset (inside money) to discuss the optimal trade policy that countries would choose to maximize their respective utilities. In this Nash tariff game, the trade of physical commodities only occurs geographically across countries, and the trade of inside money allows for intertemporal allocation of consumptions. When the preferences, present and future endowments for each country are given, according to our numerical analysis, trade surplus or deficit (inside money) and optimal tariff rates are endogenously determined when general equilibrium conditions hold. One country may purchase inside money to shift current consumption to the future, and the other may be willing to issue inside money for smoothing its consumptions in two periods. This imbalance trade contradicts traditional trade models which imply a balanced trade policy. We further find that the price of inside money as an implied interest rate also is determined by the trade intervention policies.  相似文献   

We examine the interaction between the relative inter-industry pollution externality and resource stock externality of harvesting in deciding trade patterns and welfare gains from trade in a two-country model (less-developed countries) with renewable resources in the absence of resource management. This paper focuses on the impacts of trade policies on resource conservation and welfare outcomes in two countries with different environmental management regimes. Differences in pollution management standards between both countries determine the direction of trade flow and gains from trade in a diversified production case. The country with a lower pollution intensity parameter, an exporter of resource goods, certainly experiences welfare loss in the post-trade steady-state and may also suffer a decline in utility throughout the transition path. However, a country with higher pollution intensity and importers of resource goods tend to gain from trade. Under national open-access resources, given that pollution is regulated up to a certain point in both countries, this study finds that implementing better restrictions on only one externality factor is not optimal from a post-trade welfare perspective. Lastly, from the point of view of policy suggestion, this paper offers an optimal trade policy that the economic and environmental effects of enforcing import tax on resource goods are likely to be Pareto-improving consequences compared to the implications of using an export tax.  相似文献   

Despite compelling rationale based on the theory of comparative advantage for free trade, many countries adopt restrictive trade practices. In this paper we investigate this puzzle in a stylized two-country two-good Ricardian model of international trade. Governments can offer protection to domestic industries via industrial subsidy policy in this model. We prove the existence of a Nash equilibrium in the two-player game where industries choose the level of specialization. We determine the necessary conditions for complete specialization in (a) the free-trade regime; and (b) the protectionist regime implemented through industrial subsidy policy. Our results show that if the government intends to promote complete specialization, then a high degree of comparative advantage and a large elasticity of substitution between export and import goods are required. Empirical evidence on these two parameters indicate that complete specialization is unlikely to survive in the protectionist regime.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that Japan has relatively low official barriers to merchandise, particularly manufactured goods, trade relative to other industrial countries. Yet, Japan's current account and trade surpluses have encouraged the view that there must be special ‘hidden barriers’ to accessing the Japanese market, and a literature has developed on the premise that Japanese business organizations (keiretsu) limit foreign penetration of markets of manufactured goods. This paper surveys the main elements of this literature and questions some of the assumptions upon which recent American policy in this area seems to have been developed.  相似文献   

Trade, technology transfer and national efficiency in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper simultaneously explores the determinants of the developing countries’ production frontier and these countries’ ‘efficiency’ in using the available resources and technology. In doing so it allows for the transfer of (industrial country) technology in determining the frontier and for international trade's influence on absorptive capacity and national efficiency levels. Stochastic frontier analysis is used to model the production frontier for 57 developing countries for the period 1970-1998, to measure cross-country and temporal differences in efficiency levels and to explain the differences in efficiency levels. The results indicate significant differences in efficiency levels across countries and regions and movement over time, and an important influence of trade and trade policy in raising output both through technology improvements embodied in imported capital goods and by inducing efficiency improvements.  相似文献   

Industrial policy has long been criticized as subject to protectionist interests; accordingly, subsidies to domestic producers face disciplines under World Trade Organization agreements, without exceptions for environmental purposes. Now green industrial policy is gaining popularity as governments search for low-carbon solutions that also provide jobs at home. The strategic trade literature has largely ignored the issue of market failures related to green goods. I consider the market for a new environmental good (like low-carbon technology) whose downstream consumption provides external benefits (like reduced emissions). Governments may have some preference for supporting domestic production, such as by interest-group lobbying, introducing a political distortion in their objective function. I examine the national incentives and global rationales for offering production (upstream) and deployment (downstream) subsidies in producer countries, allowing that some of the downstream market may lie in nonregulating third-party countries. Restraints on upstream subsidies erode global welfare when environmental externalities are large enough relative to political distortions. Climate finance is an effective alternative if political distortions are large and governments do not undervalue carbon costs. Numerical simulations of the case of renewable energy indicate that a modest social cost of carbon can imply benefits from allowing upstream subsidies.  相似文献   

The Heckscher-Ohlin Vanek theorem, which predicts a direct relationship between exports and greater supply of factors used to produce those exports, performs only 50 percent of the time. However, there is no alternative theory which explains such a relationship. This paper analyzes the growth of merchandise trade of low-income countries, with particular reference to the growth of exports and net exports as these countries move from the predominantly agricultural goods producing era to the manufactured goods producing era. Results suggest, among other things, that industrial structure and governmental policies play an important role in the growth of merchandise trade.  相似文献   

This paper analyses a model of economic development in which international differences in industrial structure and income are caused by the agglomeration of industry in a subset of countries. Economic development may not be a gradual process of convergence by all countries, but instead involve countries moving sequentially from the group of poor countries to the group of rich countries. The role of trade policy in promoting industrialisation is studied. While both import substitution and unilateral trade liberalisation may be 'successful' in attracting industry, they attract different sectors and welfare levels are higher under trade liberalisation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of institutional quality on trade costs across 133 countries during 1995–2014. The results show that good institutional quality significantly reduces the three types of trade costs, that is, total trade costs, trade costs of agricultural goods, and trade costs of manufactured goods. Furthermore, the effect of institutional quality is significant in reducing trade costs with regard to the different trading country pairs, the different subperiods, the components of institutional quality, and the endogeneity issue. This paper contributes to the literature by confirming a significant and negative relationship between institutional quality and trade costs from a global perspective.  相似文献   

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