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本文在经典的捐赠经济模型基础上,构建扩展的慈善捐赠模型以研究非营利组织在线问责实践对组织捐赠收入的影响,并以我国基金会为研究对象进行了实证检验,研究发现:我国基金会在线问责水平整体不高,公募基金会在在线财务披露和在线业绩披露方面明显好于非公募基金会,而非公募基金会的在线交互水平好于公募基金会;在线问责实践影响了组织的捐赠收入,但基金会类型调节了这种影响效果,公募基金会的捐赠收入受到在线财务披露和在线交互水平的显著正向影响,而对于非公募基金会,在线业绩披露和在线交互水平对捐赠收入具有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

随着非营利组织的飞速发展,理论界与实务界越来越重视组织财务管理,尤其是财务风险问题。由于批量财务数据获取较之营利部门比较困难,学者们对非营利组织财务风险问题的研究多使用定性方法,或者只在定量研究中提出一些可能使用的模型框架,真实数据研究普遍缺乏。本文采用功效系数法,选用教育类公募基金会财务数据,对我国非营利组织财务风险进行评价,试图为组织财务风险评价提供一种新思路,为实际工作者提供理论参考与实务指导。  相似文献   

非营利组织是现代经济社会结构中一种重要的组织形式,对经济社会秩序的建立和维持起到了不可或缺的作用。但是。目前中国非营利组织的发展存在自创收入能力匮乏、外部资金募集困难、财务管理水平落后等财务困境。针对以上情况,应加强资源整合、开发与利用、重视财务管理、争取外部援助等治理对策。  相似文献   

非公募基金会资金的支出与保值增值是人们最关心的问题。通过国内非公募基金会与国外基金会的对比.我们可以看到.国内的非公募基金会在资金的支出与保值增值上还有改善的空间。  相似文献   

1.基金会的成立:张培刚发展经济学研究基金会于1992年设立,作为非公募基金会登记注册,为基金会法人,基金会现有资金人民币210万元。基金会的登记管理机关是湖北省民政厅,业务主管单位是中共湖北省委宣传部。  相似文献   

准公共物品是一种特殊性的物品,它的建设情况是一国经济实力的体现。由于它的公共性的特征,使得我国政府长期以来一直承担着这项艰巨任务。随着西方非营利组织成功经验的传播,以及我国政府在准公共物品建设中的乏力表现使得具有独立性、效率高的非营利组织进入准公共物品领域成为可行。但由于政府在培育非营利组织上发挥的作用有限,加之其自身资金、管理等原因,阻碍了非营利组织的进入进程。因此政府应该对非营利组织从资金上给予援助,政策上予以支持,同时提供其参与准公共物品建设的机会;而作为非营利组织自身则必须尝试多元化的融资渠道、扩大宣传面、同时改变管理模式,发挥非营利组织在准公共物品建设上的作用。  相似文献   

公众的信任对公募基金会的发展举足轻重,是其赖以生存和发展的基础。目前中国公募基金会面临着信任危机的挑战,但"危机"中孕育着改革的"机遇"。公募基金会的信任危机问题实是政府公信力缺失的次生现象。如何重获公信力?主要有三个基本要素:一是透明公益是根本;二是完善制度是保障,三是组织自律是关键。转型社会中即使公募基金会存在公信力缺失的问题,但其巨大的社会功能仍不可替代。  相似文献   

目前,非营利组织的界定在我国还没有定论,许多学者都曾研究过非营利组织的概念和范围,观点并不完全相同。笔者参照国际惯例并针对我国的实际情况,认为我国的非营利组织可分为广义和狭义两种情况。广义的非营利组织,其涵盖的范围与美国等西方发达国家和权威国际组织对非营利组织的界定基本一致,即凡具备以下三个特征的,均应属于非营利组织:(1)资财供应者提供的各种资源既不指望返还,也不期望取得经济利益上的回报;(2)对外提供服务或商品不以营利或获取某种营利等价物作为目的;(3)不存在可以出售、转让、赎卖或一旦清算可以分享一份剩余资财的明确的所有者利益。狭义的非营利组织一般指民间非营利组织,主要包括社会团体、基金会、民办非企业单位和寺院、宫观、清真寺、教堂等。本文,笔者研究的对象仅限定为狭义的非营利组织即民间非营利组织。  相似文献   

蒋毅 《新经济》2014,(14):99-100
资金是任何市场经济背景下涉及经济关系的组织生存和发展的血脉,对公益型非营利组织也不例外。由于公益型非营利组织缺失严格的管理制度和人员约束,资金使用的管理就显得尤为重要。本文探讨非营利组织如何引入绩效预算的方法来控制资金,并将其使用与未来效益相联系。  相似文献   

浅谈如何解决非营利组织筹资问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪90年代以来,非营利组织在我国已经开始成为一支重要的社会力量,并在社会经济生活中发挥着积极作用。但非营利组织的发展依然面临着巨大的挑战,尤其是资金不足成为非营利组织发展的瓶颈。非营利组织的设立需要资金,非营利组织在自身职能的发展过程中,也需要不断注入各种资源,其整个过程都需要进行筹资。  相似文献   

The author investigates how the equity relationship between fund company and brokerage firm as well as employment relationship between analyst and brokerage firm affect affiliated fund stock portfolio holding and the affiliated analyst's objectivity. By using the specific data of such equity and employment relationship, the author finds that equity and employment relationship do matter in fund portfolio holdings and analyst objectivity. Specifically, analysts tend to release more optimal ratings on stocks that have been hold by the funds, and the funds tend to significantly reduce the stocks in their portfolio once the analysts have announced high ratings on the stocks. Moreover, the analysts in employment relationships with majority shareholders of funds and with a low reputation reveal worse objectivity. In addition, from the point of abnormal return, analysts in employment relationships with majority shareholders of funds and with a low reputation damage the interests of common investors.  相似文献   

财政资金支持农民专业合作社政策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国财政支持农民专业合作社政策存在忽视经济效益、公平效应和监管疏漏等问题.政府应加大财政配套的金融支持;财政资金支持要坚持多渠道、多层次投入,突出重点环节;同时,要明晰合作社内部产权,建立必要的外部和内部监督约束机制.  相似文献   

从进化心理学角度分析创新组织协同创新的发生及进化原理,基于不完全信息动态博弈对协同创新的发生及进化原理展开分析和推演,结果发现长期合作、直接利益、共同利益、商业信誉能够有效推动创新组织间协同创新。通过问卷收集一手资料,对上述结论进行实证检验。最后,提出构建创新生态系统协同创新合作机制的建议:将利益刺激作为原始驱动力,促使创新组织开启合作模式;扩大商业信誉影响力,为创新组织合作启动监督模式;重视长期合作效用,打造创新组织长效合作模式。  相似文献   

When aid organizations contract with local agents aid funds have the potential to be diverted to purposes other than the intended project. A multi-stage game is presented where the benefit from the project is cumulative, with the application of funds in each stage increasing both the agent's and the organization's benefit from the project. As the agent's utility of diversion increases, the allocation in each stage decreases and the project takes more stages to complete. When contracting with agents with high utilities of diversion the optimal contract involves bloated projects and a side payment to the agent upon completion. If the organization's commitment to the contract is not credible both the agent's and the organization's benefit is reduced.  相似文献   

Making Partner*     
Associates need reputation and financial resources to make partner at law firms, consultancies, and venture capital organizations. We provide a theory for how this prospect influences the business risk strategy they pursue and their execution effort. In our model, business risk affects how reputation evolves and the benchmark reputation for making partner through the impact of execution effort on the financial resources accumulated. We show that when business risk is observable, associates with good reputation take on high business risk, as opposed to low business risk, in order to protect their reputation. We also show that opening partner positions decreases the effort incentives of the associates with the best reputation. Finally, we conjecture that wage dispersion at the associate level should be higher when business risk is unobservable.  相似文献   

The development of large companies in the western world — many being huge multinational corporations — and the sheer size of their financial needs has given an added importance to tradability, a fact that can clearly be gauged by the recently discovered “high frequency trading” (HFT) operations which are only possible with large issues. Also contributing to the importance of tradability is the recent demutualization of most exchanges during the 1990s, which turned them into for-profit organizations. In fact, large issues of shares or bonds allow economies of scale, and generate experience in listing practices and trading operations, thereby enhancing the profitability of those commercially oriented stock exchanges. Thus, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are now much less attractive to these organizations, as compared to large enterprises (LEs), due to their inherent lack of liquidity and to the economies of scale. We discuss the barriers before SMEs, which require special accommodations to be able to raise stable funds for their development.  相似文献   

近几年各类民间组织和非营利组织遍地开花,在一定程度上为社会营造了和谐安定的良好氛围。但由于组织内部制度的不完善,以及对外界的环境变化敏感度不够,许多非营利组织在其运行的过程中常常面临种种危机,影响到组织的声誉信用,使组织在社会中的形象受损,阻碍自身的生存和发展。文章在探讨组织进行声誉危机管理的重要性的基础上,基于生命周期模型,从四维度提出非营利组织声誉危机的应对策略,以保证组织持续健康地发展。我们将高校危机应对策略缩减为四个维度:事先规划、组织系统、利益相关者沟通、学习反馈。  相似文献   

滥用IPO募集资金是我国中小板上市公司运作不规范的主要表现之一。文章以安徽省中小板上市公司为样本,发现IPO募集资金投向管理存在随意变更计划募集资金投向和超募资金的随意使用问题,并对规范计划募集资金投向变更和超募资金使用分别提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

对非营利组织来说,提高自身持续发展能力为社会提供公益服务是其目标之所在。实现这一目标,非营利组织必须建立一个固定的社会捐赠群体来获取稳定的资金来源。通过一个完全信息动态博弈模型的分析可知,非营利组织在管理和运作中只有充分披露所接收的社会捐赠款的使用效率和效果,才能满足捐赠人的信息需求并使其享受到捐赠行为所带来的效用,进而采取进一步捐赠行动,非营利组织也由此提高其社会公信力,并能持续地获得资金来源。  相似文献   

Cooperation among strangers with limited information about reputation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amount of institutional intervention necessary to secure efficiency-enhancing cooperation in markets and organizations, in circumstances where interactions take place among essentially strangers, depends critically on the amount of information informal reputation mechanisms need transmit. Models based on subgame perfection find that the information necessary to support cooperation is recursive in nature and thus information generating and processing requirements are quite demanding. Models that do not rely on subgame perfection, on the other hand, suggest that the information demands may be quite modest. The experiment we present indicates that even without any reputation information there is a non-negligible amount of cooperation that is, however, quite sensitive to the cooperation costs. For high costs, providing information about a partner's immediate past action increases cooperation. Recursive information about the partners' previous partners' reputation further promotes cooperation, regardless of the cooperation costs.  相似文献   

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