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针对目前的国际货币体系,结合历史上曾经施行的国际货币制度的优势和缺陷,分析了现有的包括回归金本位制,实行后的布雷顿森林体系,建立超主权国家货币和完全独立的浮动汇率制在内的四种国际货币体系改革方案。  相似文献   

施箐 《经济研究导刊》2012,(33):56-58,134
SDR是国际货币基金组织创设的国际储备资产。加强SDR在国际货币体系中的作用,减少对美元的依赖成为了国际货币体系改革的一种主要思路。在目前的情况下,建立以SDR为基础的超主权国际货币体系仍是一个远景目标,但是扩大SDR的使用,使之成为主权信用储备货币的有效补充,还是可行的。  相似文献   

本文分析了 “债务—美元” 国际货币体系的本质, 并量化测度了美元的货币金融优势, 得出如下结论: 第一, 当代法币 (包括美元) 已经完全摆脱了黄金等个别使用价值的束缚, 在此情况下一国货币与国债等虚拟资本发行从宏观上必须要与本国实际资本积累规律相适应, 否则一国会出现通胀或金融危机, 但美元主导的国际货币体系使得美国突破了这个规律; 第二, 1971 年美元与黄金脱钩, 由于国际货币的使用惯性, 石油出口国和日本、 西德等国不得不将美元作为其出口计价、 媒介和储备货币, 这些国家持续购买美国国债等虚拟资本, 从而构筑起这些国家实体经济经常账户出口、 美国金融账户出口美元和美国国债等虚拟资本的 “帝国循环” 机制, 这巩固了美元国际货币地位, 也使得美国对外债务总规模脱离了其国内实际资本积累的能力; 第三, 美联储实施货币政策无需为世界上其他国家经济目标负责, 其通过美元长期持续贬值战略降低其实际外债价值以及利息支付; 第四, 美元国际货币地位以及美国政府控制的国际金融机构使得美国能够控制全球流动性流动方向和调整全球流动性层次结构, 从而为其国内宏观经济目标服务; 第五, 当前 “债务- 美元” 国际货币体系与美国虚拟经济主导的经济结构是无法长期维持, 各国应为国际货币体系改革的做好预案。  相似文献   

Original institutional economics (OIE) has three significant, but apparently contradictory, definitions of institution(s) stemming from Thorstein Veblen, John Commons, and J. Fagg Foster. In this first installment of a two-part paper I address this apparent contradiction by developing an "irenic reconciliation" of these definitions using a methodological approach I call "critical institutionalism"— a synthesis of the OIE in the tradition of the Veblen, Commons, and Foster, the pragmatism theory of Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey, the critical realist methodology of Margaret Archer, and the critical realism of Roy Bhaskar. In so doing, I provide an alternative discussion to that of some current institutionalists who propose to replace the existing OIE definitions of institution(s) with "consensual definitions" developed in the discourse with non-OIE traditions. I propose that there is still considerable analytical value in the OIE definitions, and that replacing them with non-OIE-originating concepts would unnecessarily carry OIE away from its methodological and philosophical roots. In the second installment of this paper (yet to be published), I proceed to demonstrate the analytical value these "reconciled" definitions have for the OIE project.  相似文献   

This paper computes the transaction cost savings derived from the European Monetary Union. A continuoustime, stochastic, Baumol-like model is generalized to include several currencies and calibrated to fit European data. The analysis implies an upper bound for the savings derived from reductions in transaction costs of approximately 0.69% of Union GDP. Additionally, the magnitudes of the brokerage fee and the volatility of transactions, whose estimation has traditionally been difficult to address empirically, are approximated for Europe.  相似文献   

This paper is an overview of the Asian currency crisis in Thailand, Indonesia, and South Korea in 1997–1998, with an emphasis on the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It provides a detailed account of the development of the crisis and analyses and evaluates the content of IMF advice and its consequences. The size of the IMF package for each of these three countries is judged to have been too small. This paper also has a comparative perspective; the Mexican crisis is reviewed as a precursor to the Asian crisis to see what the IMF learned, and how it prepared, for future crises. The causes of the crises and IMF conditionality for the post‐Asian crisis countries, Russia, Brazil, Turkey, and Argentina, are also compared to the Asian crisis countries. By agreeing to maintain a fixed exchange rate, for example, the IMF is judged to have been “softer” in its approach to the post‐Asian crisis countries.  相似文献   

Asymmetric Shocks and Monetary Policy in a Currency Union   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze the conduct of monetary policy in a currency union in the face of asymmetric shocks. In particular, we compare the stabilization properties of a currency union versus alternative exchange rate arrangements. The relative performance of a currency union is shown to depend on the extent of economic integration in patterns of consumption and production and on the relative weights placed on price stability versus employment stability in the monetary authority's objective function.
JEL classification : F 33; F 40  相似文献   

当前,低碳经济成为了各国追逐的热点,由此引申出关于国际货币体系新一轮变更的话题。以碳信用为货币基准的"碳货币"的"碳本位"货币体系,将是未来货币体系发展的新趋势。通过分析碳本位货币体系的含义、碳货币的属性,考察碳本位货币体系所具有的优势,并探讨碳本位货币体系将遇到的潜在问题,同时提出了我国应对碳本位货币体系的策略。  相似文献   

进入新世纪,我国仍面临深化改革、完善社会主义市场经济体制的艰巨任务。这方面至少有五个重要课题:一、继续深化国有企业改革改革开放以来,我们推行股份制,对国有大中型企业进行股份制、公司制改革,旨在积极吸收非国有制投资主体参加国企改革,政府作为国有资本的所有者  相似文献   

国际货币体系失衡下的中国汇率政策   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
中国汇率升值预期过高的基本原因是货币性的,而实际上实体经济层面升值压力并不大。人民币将会在双向波动、小幅升值过程中保持相对稳定,并在适当时机适度扩大浮动区间。当前,汇率对世界贸易基本格局的影响已经弱化,不能依赖汇率自发调整贸易失衡。中美应加强合作,共同进行经济结构调整。中国应强化内需主导战略,与亚洲国家一起在经济和货币上,逐步摆脱对美国的过度依赖。  相似文献   

由发达国家主导安排的国际货币体系具有内在的不均衡性和明显的不平等性。在世界经济一体化浪潮的冲击下,这一货币体系的缺陷给发展中国家经济发展中的内外均衡带来了诸多不利的影响。在今后国际货币体系的改革中必须充分尊重和考虑发展中国家的利益和要求,以适应世界经济的全面发展。  相似文献   

欧债危机对中国的影响及国际货币体系的改革思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期,欧债危机愈演愈烈,已显现出向欧元区核心国家蔓延的态势.本文重点分析了欧债危机对中国的影响,在此基础上从短期和长期两个角度提出了中国面对欧债危机的应对之策.同时,作者分析了欧债危机对今后区域与国际货币体系改革的启示,并探讨了中国如何参与当前国际货币体系的改革.  相似文献   

International Trade and Currency Exchange   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
On the international scene, away from national legal rules, the use of different currencies is largely due to the operation of the "Invisible Hand". The paper develops a three-country model of the world economy. This links real trade patterns with currency exchange structures in a general equilibrium framework which includes transaction costs on foreign exchange markets. In the presence of strategic complementarities, there are multiple equilibrium structures of currency exchange for a given underlying real trade pattern. The existence conditions of these different equilibria are characterized, using the trade links between countries as the key parameters. Finally, repercussions on world output of the choice of a currency exchange structure are analysed.
"So much of barbarism, however, still remains in the transactions of most civilized nations, that almost all independent countries choose to assert their nationality by having, to their own inconvenience and that of their neighbours, a peculiar currency of their own."
John Stuart Mill, 1848.  相似文献   

Although China, now the world’s second largest economy and largest goods trading nation, has rolled out the ambitious currency internationalization protocol while maintaining strict capital controls for nearly a decade, the implications of this unique reform path on the international economy still present uncertainties. In this paper, we fill in this gap by developing a two country, two-goods model to investigate the impacts of currency internationalization on the international price system, which consists of goods market and factor market interactions. We propose a critical condition of sustainable currency internationalization and reveal high international price sensitivity to exchange rate adjustments.  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether New Zealand would be ready to form a currency or monetary union with either Australia, the 11 EU countries that are members of the EMU, Japan, or the US, if the criteria that have been used by researchers for the EMU are applied. The analysis is an empirical study with data from the mid 1980s to 1998, using cointegration techniques to search for co-movement and convergence in key economic variables: interest rates, inflation rates, exchange rates, real GDP, and current-account/GDP ratios.  相似文献   

国际货币体系是支配各国货币关系的一系列规则,以及国际间进行各种交易支付所依据的一整套安排和惯例.此次全球金融危机告诉人们,必须加快改革现有国际金融体系,其中主要有三大改革,除改革现有国际金融组织体系、改革现有国际金融监管体系外,再有一项就是加快推进多元化的国际货币体系建设.美国无监控的货币发行权、美元铸币税的独享权以及美元在国际货币体系中的垄断权,虽为历史形成,但已反映出当前国际货币体系中的种种弊端.本文简要回顾了国际货币体系的发展历程,探讨了世界货币的发展趋势,同时对人民币的发展前景做了预测,并提出实现人民币国际化的步骤和意义.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper studies how the exposure of a country's corporate sector to interest rate and exchange rate changes affects the probability of a currency crisis. To analyze this question, we present a model that defines currency crises as situations in which the costs of maintaining a fixed exchange rate exceed the costs of abandonment. The results show that a higher exposure to interest rate changes increases the probability of crisis through an increased need for output loss compensation and an increased efficacy of monetary policy in stimulating output. A higher exposure to exchange rate changes also increases the need for output loss compensation. However, it lowers the efficacy of monetary policy in stimulating output through the adverse balance sheet effects of exchange rate depreciation. As a result, its effect on the probability of crisis is ambiguous.  相似文献   

中国货币状况指数的构建及对货币政策效果的验证   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
货币状况指数是利率和汇率相对于基期变化的加权和,是一个纳入了利率和汇率对货币环境影响的综合指数。考虑到银行信用对中国货币政策实施的特殊作用,本文基于VAR模型对权重的估计,计算了中国货币状况指数;并通过考察货币状况指数与经济增长间的关系,对1990年以来中国货币政策的执行效果进行了验证。结果表明,货币状况指数变化是中国货币环境“松紧”的一个良好指示器,是经济增长波动的葛兰杰原因;中央银行有必要估算并公布中国货币状况指数,以作为政府适时有效地实施宏观调控的一个参考指标,减少货币政策决策的失误。  相似文献   

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