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目前会计准则国际趋同已经成为世界各国的共识,世界主要经济体均已不同程度地采用了国际财务报告准则。本文拟通过研究分析2007年至2015年(截止2015年11月)美国通用会计准则与国际财务报告准则会计协调项目进展动态(包括协调的方式、程度与方向),旨在找到美国会计准则国际协调经验对我国会计准则国际协调可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

会计标准与国际接轨是我国会计改革的目标。为此,要认真研究我国现有会计标准与国际财务报告准则之间的差异,尽快地实现趋同。对于尚不能趋同的部分,也应积极争取国际会计组织的理解。本文就我国会计标准与国际财务报告准则之间的差异及其协调对策进行研究。  相似文献   

廖洪  张娟 《财会月刊》2006,(4):79-80,F0003
会计标准与国际接轨是我国会计改革的目标.为此,要认真研究我国现有会计标准与国际财务报告准则之间的差异,尽快地实现趋同.对于尚不能趋同的部分,也应积极争取国际会计组织的理解.本文就我国会计标准与国际财务报告准则之间的差异及其协调对策进行研究.  相似文献   

本文以2006~2009年A+H股上市公司为样本,在比较中国企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则内容差异的基础上,采用按两套准则编制的净利润差异值和净资产差异值作为两套准则的趋同程度的度量指标进行分析。分析发现,中国企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则的趋同度在逐年提高。  相似文献   

本文以2006~2009年A+H股上市公司为样本,在比较中国企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则内容差异的基础上,采用按两套准则编制的净利润差异值和净资产差异值作为两套准则的趋同程度的度量指标进行分析。分析发现,中国企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则的趋同度在逐年提高。  相似文献   

中国企业会计准则通用分类标准实现了与国际财务报告准则分类标准的架构趋同,即物理结构保持基本一致,逻辑设计采用了基本相同的方法.对于在国际财务报告准则分类标准中已定义、与我国企业会计准则含义一致的会计概念,通用分类标准采用直接引用的方式;同时通用分类标准进一步扩大了财务报告披露信息的颗粒度,对国际财务报告准则分类标准进行了扩展.  相似文献   

随着国际会计准则理事会(IASB)全面开展国际财务报告准则(IFRS)的建设工作,我国会计准则制定机构密切关注国际财务报告准则的发展动向,学术界也在我国会计准则与国际准则之间的比较、我国会计准则的国际协调程度以及会计准则全球趋同动向方面开展了广泛的研究。日前本刊就会计准则的国际发展问题采访了厦门大学会计发展研究中心主任、财政部会计准则委员会会计准则咨询专家曲晓辉教授。  相似文献   

财政部正式发布的《中国企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则持续趋同路线图》,明确了我国下一步企业会计准则建设的方向,即在现有趋同成果基础之上,全力推进我国企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则的持续趋同,从而为我国未来会计准则工作做好部署。在准则趋同下,中国公司应学会在境外资本市场如何生存与发展,自觉杜绝虚假会计信息,树立我国企业在国际上的良好形象。  相似文献   

我国新会计准则国际趋同的“中国特色”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、新会计准则的国际趋同 (一)内容体系方面。新会计准则在内容体系上基本实现了与国际财务报告准则趋同,基本准则起统驭作用,具体准则对相关业务给出具体规定,应用指南作出进一步补充,建立了一套与国际财务报告准则基本相同的会计准则完整体系。  相似文献   

随着世界上越来越多的国家和地区直接采用国际财务报告准则(IFRS),或者将本国准则向IFRS趋同来编制财务报告,国际会计准则理事会(IASB)作为全球准则制定权威机构的地位已勿庸置疑。IASB实现其目标“本着公众利益,制定一套高质量、可理解和可实施的全球性会计准则,以帮助世界资本市场的参与者和其他信息使用者进行经济决策,促进这些准则得到严格地执行,实现各国会计准则和国际财务报告准则的高质量趋同”已初见成效。  相似文献   

自2005年开始,澳大利亚国内报告实体开始采用国际财务报告准则(IFRS),由此,澳大利亚的会计国际化进程宣告完成。本文通过回顾澳大利亚会计改革与发展历程,剖析其与IFRS趋同的内在动因,并审视澳大利亚政治、经济、立法等宏观背景对其会计国际化进程的深远影响,以期对我国的会计国际趋同提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study contributes to the accounting literature by providing empirical evidence from China that adopting IFRS does not necessarily lead to IFRS-type accounting practices. We examine the impact of regulatory enforcement, in particular, an important Chinese government compulsory compliance policy implemented in 2001, and audit upon the convergence of Chinese accounting practices. Using a sample of 103 Chinese B-share companies between 1999 and 2004, we reveal that the decline in earnings difference between firms' financial statements under Chinese GAAP and IFRS is the result of the implementation of the 2001 policy and the audit committee which effectively control the firm's application of standards rather than the differences between the standards. The effect of audit committee leads us further to argue that the convergence of accounting practices may be affected by not only the lack of insufficient understanding of IFRS by local accounting professionals, but also the management opportunistic behaviour during the application of different standards. It implies that corporate governance may affect the convergence of accounting practice. However, we do not find evidence for international audit firms outperforming their Chinese local CPAs with regard to IFRS compliance. Therefore, the Chinese government should be cautious in promoting the participation of international audit firms in China for achieving IFRS compliance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the accounting for securitizations under US GAAP and international financial reporting standards (IFRS). Using a sample securitization of the Ford Motor Company, we demonstrate substantial differences depending on whether the securitization is recorded following US GAAP or IFRS. Our analysis suggests international convergence of accounting standards will be more challenging as the FASB and IASB begin tackling issues, such as asset securitization, that have important economic consequences and where the differences between US GAAP and IFRS are substantive.  相似文献   

国际会计准则的走向分析及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过回顾国际会计准则的发展历史,从国际会计准则委员会的努力和欧盟、美国等不同利益集团对国际会计准则的态度等方面,简要分析了国际会计准则的走向及其对我国会计国际协调的启示。  相似文献   

深入阐释了欧盟推迟认可IFRS9的原因,即公允价值应用扩大、分阶段评估困难和欧盟委员会换届。展望了欧盟对IFRS9的后续策略,对欧盟2015年开始执行IFRS9持乐观态度。了解欧盟对IFRS的认可机制和处理会计标准国际协作问题的做法对我国会计准则国际趋同及与欧盟进行会计准则等效谈判有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Countries adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) need to educate and train their professional accountants so that they are able to interpret and apply IFRS in a consistent manner. This study examines the effect of national culture and education on the judgments of Australian (Anglo-Celtic) and Chinese final year undergraduate accounting students in Australia. It seeks to understand whether culture influences student interpretation and application of uncertainty expressions, which are used as recognition and disclosure thresholds in IFRS. Results obtained on the cultural dimensions of Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism, Power Distance, Masculinity and Long-Term Orientation provide evidence that Chinese students exhibit greater conservatism and secrecy compared to Australian students. The results of the study indicate that national culture has a significant effect on the judgments of accounting students when interpreting and applying selected IFRS containing uncertainty expressions. The results also imply that educational similarity does not moderate the effect of culture in influencing the judgments of accounting students. An important implication of the study is that regulators and standard-setters involved in the international convergence of accounting standards need to pay greater attention to cultural factors that may result in a difference in the interpretation and application of IFRS.  相似文献   

会计监管国际发展趋势及其借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际证券委员会等国际组织协调活动的加强,对会计监管科学认识的不断清晰,导致会计监管的英美模式和德法模式的相互靠拢。本文认为,我国会计监管的优化,关键是调整方向和规范政府行为。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Brazil in 2010 has improved the value relevance of accounting information, information content of earnings, financial analyst forecasting activities, and liquidity. We examine the variables in the pre‐IFRS mandatory adoption sample period, considered herein as 2008 to 2009, and the post‐IFRS adoption period of 2011 to 2012. We provide evidence demonstrating improvement in value relevance of earnings and number of analysts following the firms in the period after IFRS adoption, but we do not find improvements in information content of earnings, accuracy in analyst forecasting, and liquidity in the post‐adoption period. Our findings suggest a positive relationship between IFRS adoption and some areas of information quality in Brazil. By focusing on one important economy as it takes significant steps toward full convergence with IFRS, our study contributes to the growing literature concerning the impact of IFRS adoption around the world.  相似文献   

世界经济的发展早已打破国界,经济已走向全球化。面对世界经济的急速变化,会计作为一种通用的商业语言,始终处于一个动态的、不断发展的过程中,最终走向了会计准则的国际趋同。2005年,欧盟27个成员国、澳大利亚、新西兰、俄罗斯等国约有7000家上市公司均遵循IFRSs编制财务报表。国际会计准则制定机构在2009年进行了改组,世界上越来越多的国家采用了国际财务报告准则(IFRSs)。2010年,IFRSs和美国GAAP之间的主要差异基本消失。我国财政部于2006年2月发布了39项企业会计准则,2010年又发布了《中国企业会计准则与国际财务报告准则持续趋同路线图》,中国会计准则也与IFRSs基本趋同。  相似文献   

This research investigates the perceptions of stakeholders involved in financial reporting in four emerging economies (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Turkey) regarding the possible implementation of IFRS for SMEs, in terms of costs, benefits, and strategy of adoption. In‐depth, semi‐structured interviews were conducted with representatives of main stakeholders (preparers, auditors, regulators, professional bodies, and users). We find more support for IFRS for SMEs implementation in these four countries than suggested by the results of the European Commission's 2010 consultation for the European Union. Interviews reveal differences between stakeholder groups and between countries regarding the preferred implementation approach (mandatory adoption, voluntary adoption or convergence of national regulations with IFRS for SMEs). Interviews indicate the most support for the convergence approach. However, users oppose convergence and prefer the adoption of IFRS for SMEs. The convergence approach moves regulators' attention from users' needs to preparers' preferences and preparedness. This finding is relevant in the decision‐making process of national regulators, who should balance the needs of various stakeholders, but also the country's political and economic objectives.  相似文献   

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