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财政支农周转金是国家财政支农资金的一个重要组成部分,它是国家财政采用信用的方式,有偿支援农业,定期收回.循环使用的专项周转金。  相似文献   

吴慧 《福建质量管理》2016,(15):155-156
加强对财政支农资金的管理,提高财政支农资金使用效益有利于解决“三农”问题,但当前财政支农资金的使用存在使用效率较低、投入结构不合理、监督不到位等问题.本文在分析财政支农资金使用中存在的问题的基础土,提出了改革支农资金管理模式、完善支农资金投入结构、完善支农资金监督杌制等一系列对策.  相似文献   

为配合国家实施农业产业结构调整和西部大开发战略,深入进行对农业投入的政策、结构、方式、管理体制以及农民增收等情况的调查研究,加强农业的基础地位,迎接入世挑战,省厅组织对全省各设区市22个县(市、区)1999—2000年财政支农资金投入、管理及使用效益等情况的审计调查。此次调查,共审计了各县财政局及农业资金主管部门160个、相关用款单位221个,并对69个乡(镇)财政收支和负担等情况进行了调查。经审计表明财政支农资金的使用为支援农村经济发展和调整农业产业结构,推动农村经济改革,促进农业增长、农民增…  相似文献   

财政支农资金低效是不争的事实,不同研究视角给出了不同解释。本文通过对财政支农资金低效问题的梳理,指出未来研究可以考虑运用制度经济学理论,探讨财政支农资金体制变迁的深层次原因,以及制度博弈中要重视农民利益等,为深入研究财政支农资金低效问题提供新的视角和研究方向。  相似文献   

农业是国民经济的基础,旗县经济是基础妁基础。而旗县管理和使用财政支农资金效益的好坏,直接制约着旗县农业经济的发展。就察右前旗而言,从1980年—1988年,国家累计投入的各项支农资金达1,271万元,其中:水利678.7万元,农业446.1万元,林业76.6万元,畜牧业69.6万元,这部分资金虽然是国家的无偿投资,但对财政比较困难的旗县,这部分资金的使用,尽管收到了一定的效益.但存和的问题出很多。  相似文献   

金融化运作:财政支农资金使用方式再探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,在多予、少取、放活方针的指导下,各级政府不断强化对三农的财政投入力度,支农工作取得了积极进展;同时,也应看到,在财政支农过程中,普遍存在着重投入、轻管理,资金使用分散,效率不高等问题。对此,各级政府部门虽进行了相应的整合,效果  相似文献   

我市的财政支农工作认真贯彻了党的十四届三中全会和去年10月中央农村工作会议精神.紧紧围绕发展“两高一优”农业和包头市经济的整体布局.进一步解放思想,深化改革.不断加强和完善支农资金的管理工作.使支农资金的使用效益明显提高。  相似文献   

文章在分析了乡镇财政资金管理现状及存在问题的基础上,探讨了如何采取多项措施加强乡镇财政资金监管,为促进乡镇财政资金规范运行提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

财务分析是财务管理环节之一,对财务管理起承前启后的作用,尤其是企业外部报表使用人评价企业财务状况、经营成果的一把必不可少的钥匙,但相比企业外部使用人,财务分析并没有被企业所重视,其作用发挥很有限,文章因此从财务分析作用被削弱的原因、如何进一步发挥财务分析作用两个方面进行了思考。  相似文献   

中国入世给国有商业银行带来了前所未有的挑战和机遇,国有商业银行如何在规范中求发展,在竞争中寻合作,改革和完善公司治理结构,文章在对国有商业银行公司治理结构现存问题进行分析的基础上,提出了改革思路。  相似文献   


Artificial intelligence is increasingly used in advanced manufacturing systems to realise intelligent manufacturing. However, there is still a lack of empirical research on the impact of intelligent manufacturing on enterprise performances, especially for China. The author adopts the enterprise panel data of intelligent manufacturing implemented by China’s manufacturing industry in 2014 to 2019, and uses propensity score matching with difference in differences (PSM-DID) method to investigate the impact of intelligent manufacturing on financial performance and innovation performance. The research yields two main conclusions. First, the implementation of intelligent manufacturing has a significant role in promoting the financial performance and innovation performance of manufacturing enterprises. Second, technology-intensive industries improve the quantity of innovation by implementing intelligent manufacturing, thus promoting the improvement of short-term financial performance, but the improvement of innovation quality has a negative impact on short-term financial performance. In labour-intensive industries, the relationship between financial performance and innovation performance is not obvious.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes persistence in US equity mutual fund performance over the period 1990–2015. We apply commonly used measures of persistence, which we test using a set of simulated passive funds. In the first stage we apply contingency tables and transition matrices in accordance with previous literature. Results show how these methodologies are biased towards finding evidence of persistence too easily. In the second stage, we take a recursive portfolio approach, which assesses the performance of investing by following recommendations based on past performance. Results show the importance of both estimating persistence by distinguishing among fund style groups, and considering the cross-sectional significance of recursive portfolios. In general, our results support evidence of persistence in mutual fund performance, especially for the case of the best mutual funds. However, this evidence does not hold for the most recent subperiod, 2008–2015. Empirical evidence of persistence is conditioned by the sample period, a result that could explain the inconclusive results found in the literature.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study is to investigate the relationships among international human capital (input-based international human capital, transformational, output-based, and competency of top management team), global initiatives (global learning and global marketing) and financial performance. The open systems view is introduced to develop a comprehensive measurement of international human capital, the human capital that enables a firm to compete globally. The structural equation modelling technique is then employed to investigate the proposed relationships. The results support our expectation that international human capital is positively associated with a firm's global initiatives and financial performance. The importance of the role of top management team competency is identified because it is positively associated with the other three international human capital components. It also indirectly fosters a firm's financial performance and global initiatives through its positive association with input-based, transformational, and output-based international human capital.  相似文献   

The contribution of this study, which assesses the influence of HRM on financial performance, is fourfold. (1) We assess the relative contribution of different HR domains to organizational performance. By controlling for the overall HRM intensity in all analyses we try to meet one of the most striking shortcomings of ‘single HR practice research’, namely the neglect of the potential simultaneity that might exist with other HR practices. (2) By studying small Belgian companies, we focus on the importance of HRM for small business management. (3) Relying on bankruptcy prediction models, we optimize the conceptualization of financial performance. (4) Using structural equation modelling, we try to capture the mediating effect of operational performance on the relationship between HRM and financial performance. The analyses indicate mixed results for different HR domains with regard to their impact on operational and financial performance.  相似文献   

While many studies have examined the relationship of the two constructs of financial performance and CSR, little consensus has emerged. This study investigates the relationship through a set of comprehensive and long-term financial measures, which include both accounting and market returns. Also, an established CSR database generated through a validated CSR research instrument is used in a new, more thorough manner. While the regression analyses reveal no relationship to exist between the constructs, a number of methodological factors are proposed to play a role in contributing to such findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the role of high-performance work practices (HPWPs) in helping to translate corporate social performance (CSP) into corporate financial performance (CFP). We employ arguments from the behavioral view of human resource management to highlight the vertical connection between a firm's proclivity for CSP and the management practices it adopts. Furthermore, we examine the moderating influence of HPWPs on the CSP–CFP linkage. Results suggest that HPWPs moderate the relationship between CSP and financial outcomes, and suggest that human resource practices may play an important role in enhancing a positive CSP–CFP relationship by helping to vertically align the behaviors of employees with the values and orientation of the organization.  相似文献   

林瑾  李龙梅 《价值工程》2011,30(14):160-161
扩大国内需求,对于保持国民经济持续健康发展至关重要,而增加农村居民消费需求是扩大内需的根本途径。文中基于1988-2008年海南省的时间序列数据,运用平稳性检验、协整检验和格兰杰因果检验等方式,揭示了农民消费与财政支农的关系,最后提出了扩大农民消费需求方面建议。  相似文献   

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