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连锁超市作为劳动密集型行业.工作范围涉及采购.理货、仓管.收银,财务.领班.咨询.防损.促销、质监、电脑维护等多个方面.企业销售额和利润最大化来源于不同岗位员工所创造的价值。连锁超市机构复杂.人员众多.人力资源管理涉及到总经理.部门经理、店面经理.柜长.普通员工.见习员工.促销员等多个层次的不同人员。  相似文献   

企业要实现快速、健康、可持续发展,在市场经济中具有竞争优势,必须有科学发展观的指导,必须有人力资源相应配套、支持及具体实施。人力资源成为连锁超市发展的瓶颈,已在同行中形成共识,同时也清醒的认识到,人力资源是核心资源、第一资源。基层员工是企业人力资源的基础,占据着我们在人力资源方面主要的工作量。基层员工队伍稳定则企业稳定,基层员工敬业则企业健康。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,人才已经成为经济增长的第一资源,能否获取到优秀的人才成为制约国家、地区、企业发展的关键问题。基层员工占据了企业人力资源的绝大部分,是企业发展的主力军和中坚力量,在企业发展中发挥着重要作用。能否做好基层员工的招聘工作,已经成为制约众多的企业发展的关键问题。连锁超市基层员工的招聘中存在缺乏有效的招聘体系,招聘方法单一,甄选方式及过程缺乏系统性和规范性等问题。应建立健全人力资源管理制度,完善招聘体系,丰富招聘方法,科学选择基层员工甄选方法。  相似文献   

冯瑞 《商场现代化》2004,(11):83-84
人是生产力中最活跃的因素.企业员工是企业最具活力.最具能动性和创造性的资源。在新经济时代.随着科学技术的迅猛发展.竞争的不断加剧.企业自身规模的不断扩大.企业人力资源问题已日益凸显。企业员工培训作为人力资源管理中极为重要的环节.如果不解决好,将成为制约商业连锁业进一步发展的严重障碍。  相似文献   

卢嘉慧  李文凯 《中国市场》2013,(46):112-113,144
对于连锁超市来说,店长的培养不仅是员工培训的重要组成部分,而且决定着连锁超市在未来市场上的命运。本文以本土连锁企业HL超市为例,分析其企业面临的问题与机遇,研究其现有的店长培训存在的问题,并相应设计出一份适用于HL超市的店长培训计划。  相似文献   

人力资源管理与连锁超市核心竞争力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当代企业的竞争中,比利润更重要的是市场份额,比市场份额更重要的是竞争优势,比竞争优势更重要的是核心竞争力,企业竞争最终是核心竞争力的竞争.根据麦肯锡咨询公司的观点,核心竞争力是指组织内部一系列互补的技能和知识的结合,它具有使一项或多项业务达到竞争领域一流水平、具有明显优势的能力.简单地说,就是企业在经营过程中形成的不易被竞争对手效仿的、能带来超额利润的独特能力.其本质内涵是让消费者得到真正高于竞争对手的不可替代的价值、产品、服务和文化.可以看出,核心竞争力是一个系统的概念,它是对企业各方面能力(技术能力、生产能力和营销能力等)的整合.这种整合只能依靠管理来完成,而人力资源管理以其增值性和难复制性扮演着更为重要的角色.  相似文献   

员工培训在企业人力资源管理中处于不可或缺的地位,越来越多的企业开始重视对本公司人员的培训。本文将以素有"培训王国"之称的麦当劳为案例,了解其培训现状,发现其培训特点,分析麦当劳员工培训存在的个性问题及整个连锁餐饮企业员工培训存在的共性问题,尝试提出问题的解决方法,以期能够为我国连锁餐饮行业的员工培训提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

本文根据电器连锁企业的行业特性、战略重点,阐述了电器连锁企业基于胜任力的员工培训的重要性、培训内容体系、以及培训效果评估等,力图为电器连锁企业的员工培训提供一些基本的思路。  相似文献   

石静  王鹏 《市场论坛》2005,(9):75-76
行业开放背景下,中国零售连锁业态的现代化趋势加快,连锁超市成为广泛采取的新型业态.同时连锁超市各子业态景气程度发生分化,标准超市受到大型综合超市与仓储式会员店的挤压,便利店起步阶段呈现快速发展势头,呈现出规模两极化的趋势。  相似文献   

本文针对连锁饭店业培训的特点,描述了当前我国连锁饭店员工培训的现状,为了解决现今的问题,本文着重于对培训体系中方案拟定环节的培训方式进行探析.此外,还建议连锁饭店做好培训转移效果评价,以鉴别出优秀的培训方法,向各子饭店推广.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of consumer service on loyalty in retail establishments. Based on a theoretical discussion regarding the relationship between waiting time, product quality, store atmosphere and loyalty, an empirical research was conducted to test the proposed relationships. Multiple‐item indicators from previous studies were used to measure the constructs. Results from the study provide empirical support, suggesting that consumer service through three dimensions influences loyalty. Research results suggest that consumer service in retail establishments can be viewed as a threshold factor in order to maintain satisfied and loyal customers. Additionally, managers should consider that loyalty depends on waiting time, product quality and store atmosphere. The present study provides useful information on the relationship between consumer service and loyalty in retailing.  相似文献   

The relationships among a consumer's service experience, the servicescape, and perceived value for the money spent on the service are important theoretical as well as practical issues. Little effort has, however, been devoted to understanding these in the context of the effects of consumer image–store image congruency. Image congruency has not only been shown to be valuable in relation to product choices, but has also been shown to contribute to our understanding of retail store choice and preferences. This study examines the effect of retailer service provision and the retail store environment (servicescape) on the customers' perception of value for money. The study also examines the role of self–store image congruence in the above relationships. The findings confirm the hypothesized relationships in the conceptual model (except for servicescape effects). The findings also indicate that the effects are stronger for those individuals experiencing high self–store image congruence. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the crucial role of retail service quality as a key activator in the formation of customer loyalty to the store; the latter is understood in a conative and action sense. Applying a modified version of the RSQS scale, a model is tested by administering a questionnaire to 450 customers in an under-investigated retail setting, i.e. supermarkets, within the Italian context. Structural equation modelling was employed. The results prove that customers consider retail service quality as a second-order dimension and recognize the main contribution of physical aspects and reliability first-order dimensions. Findings corroborate the crucial role played by perceived service quality and the mediating role of customer satisfaction and conative loyalty within the relationship between service quality and action loyalty.  相似文献   

Based largely on the recently growing experiential marketing stream, this study explores the joint effects of cognitive assessments of and emotional responses to service experiences on store loyalty in a retail service setting. Experience-related cognitions and store-related cognitions based on evaluations of the service experience, as well as the subsequent positive and negative emotional responses on the part of the customers, are modeled and investigated in terms of effects on store loyalty. Empirical data were collected through a survey of 518 consumers in four coffee shops of two major chains. The results suggest that consumer evaluations of the service experience and store environment may influence store loyalty, both directly and indirectly, through both negative and positive emotional arousals. The relative effects of each construct through different mechanisms are the primary research questions investigated in this study. Managerial implications and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that salesperson mood, shopper behavior, and store type have significant effects on the level of customer service provided by a store. Results from a laboratory experiment reveal that salespeople enjoy unpleasant shoppers less but serve them more. Salespeople in a good mood are more uniform in their delivery of customer service, while those in a bad mood are more likely to provide poor service to pleasant than to unpleasant customers. The study also reveals that department-store salespeople provide a more uniform level of customer service than discount-store salespeople. Conclusions and management implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores three omnichannel retailing models—that is, a Buy-Online, Pick-Up In-Store (BOPS) model, a Showroom model, and an Interactive model (a model that combines the characteristics of BOPS and Showroom)—under which the retailer offers coupons online and invests in service efforts offline. For each omnichannel retailing model, three coupon distribution scenarios (i.e. no coupon, coupon with a common value, and coupon with a different value) are discussed to investigate coupon promotion policies and omnichannel operation strategies. Profits in the omnichannel system and under each model are compared by deriving three decision values: price, coupon value, and service effort. The key findings show that the retailer achieves profit improvement when the incremental purchasing reaches a large value. In addition, a great service effort coefficient leads to a high price, service effort, and retailer profit. The service effort and coupon value in the Showroom model are the largest among the three omnichannel models, while its profit is the lowest. Conversely, although the retailer invests less in service effort, and the price and coupon value are not too large in the BOPS model, the retailer still gains the highest profit. Additionally, in the BOPS model, it is profitable for the retailer to distinguish the coupon value for the online-only and BOPS channels when consumers are less sensitive to the online-only channel’s coupon. However, in the Interactive model, the retailer derives increasing profit by providing coupons with a common value for the online-only and BOPS channels.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of the composition of a retailers’ weekly store flyer on store performance. The paper presents and tests propositions on how a store flyer’s size, its average discount size, and the allocation of store flyer space to category and brand types, affects store traffic and sales. The moderating impact of location variables—socio-demographics of trading area inhabitants, characteristics of the store and competition—is also discussed and empirically tested. The outcomes provide key insights for retailers with regard to the financial ramifications of store flyer competition.  相似文献   

Two main types of value have been established in the retail literature: merchandise value based on the quality and price of a store's offerings and differentiation value based on the extent of atmospheric cues in the environment. However, it is not clear what happens when a store offers both types of value to a high degree. We investigate how offering a bargain (or price cut) affects consumer responses for high and low differentiation store environments. In two studies, using a simulated store environment in a behavioural laboratory, we find that the presence of bargains in a highly differentiated store environment negatively influences store affect and, in turn, approach behaviour. This effect, however, only holds true for low familiarity stores and can be explained by processing fluency theory. Consequently, retailers focusing on store environment differentiation should reconsider their use of bargains.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the consumer crisis, which in Italy can be traced back to the second half of 2008, there has been a significant development of store brands? market share which has reached close to 25% in some leader groups (for example Coop, Conad, Esselunga). The acceleration of the rate of penetration of store brands differs by category and store format. The main reason for this result is the different consumer purchase behavior. In this framework, this work aims at analyzing the elements that have determined the store brands success in the main store format (hypermarket, supermarket, convenience store), through analysis of single retail mix levers management. The factors that have mostly influenced the growth in store brands, in each store format, are investigated throughout a complete informative retail database. The aim of this study is to verify whether the management of the individual retail mix levers produces the same results in different store formats. Additional enhancement to the understanding of store brands management and further support to modern distribution management policies are also provided. A relevant finding is that the performance of store formats depends on the use of specific retail mix levers.  相似文献   

Store's own brands can provide important opportunities for retail differentiation if they are considered by consumers to be uniquely associated with store image. A survey of shoppers measured attitudes toward individual stores’ images and store brand perceptions, as well as general attitudes toward store brands. A regression analysis demonstrates a positive relationship between consumers’ perceptions of individual store own brands and their associated store's image dimensions and attitudes toward store brands in general.  相似文献   

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