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This study proposes a new price impact ratio as an alternative to the widely used Amihud’s (2002) Return-to-Volume ratio. We demonstrate that the new price impact ratio, which is deemed Return-to-Turnover ratio, has a number of appealing features. Using daily data from all stocks listed on the London Stock Exchange over the period 1991–2008, we provide overwhelming evidence that this ratio, while being unequivocal to construct and interpret, is also free of a size bias. More importantly, it encapsulates the stocks’ cross-sectional variability in trading frequency, a relatively neglected but possibly important determinant of stock returns given the recently observed trends in financial markets. Overall, our findings argue against the conventional wisdom that there is a simple direct link between trading costs and stock returns by strongly suggesting that it is the compound effect of trading frequency and transaction costs that matters for asset pricing, not each aspect in isolation.  相似文献   

This article investigates the behaviour of intraday trades andquotes for individual stocks on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE).We examine the transaction and quote record for three firmsfor the first 3 months of 1990. Our findings suggest that theimmediacy available (at least for small trades) in the marketis high, despite the reliance on public limit orders to supplyliquidity. When orders that would otherwise walk through thelimit order book are converted into limit orders, executionis delayed, but some orders execute (at least in part) at morefavorable prices.  相似文献   

This study examines market behaviour around trading halts associated with information releases on the Australian Stock Exchange, which operates an open electronic limit order book. Using the Lee, Ready and Seguin (1994) pseudo-halt methodology, we find trading halts increase both volume and price volatility. Trading halts also increase bid-ask spreads and reduce market depth at the best-quotes in the immediate post-halt period. The results of this study imply that trading halts impair rather than improve market quality in markets that operate open electronic limit order books.  相似文献   

This article examines whether reducing a market's transparency, by delaying the publication of prices for block trades, has any impact on liquidity. The analysis uses a sample of 5987 blocks from the London Stock Exchange that cover three different publication regimes: immediate (1987/88), 90 minutes (1991/92), and 24 hours (1989/90). Delaying publication does not affect the time taken by prices to reach a new level, which is rapid under all regimes. Spreads differ across years, but their size relates more closely to market volatility than to speed of publication. There is therefore no gain in liquidity from delayed publication.  相似文献   

Using data from 65 of the most actively traded stocks from the National Stock Exchange of India we study the relationship between impact cost and three indicators of market efficiency under different settlement regimes. Our data is uniquely suited for this study because it encompasses a transition by the National Stock Exchange of India from fixed to rolling settlement. As a by-product of our study we are able to examine inefficiencies related to the day of the week on which trades are conducted for different settlement regimes. In summary our data reveals that rolling settlement reduces aggregate impact costs, leading to greater market efficiency. Employing a fixed effects model we show that impact cost has a stronger relationship to our indicators of market efficiency under rolling settlement. However, we find evidence of two structural inefficiencies related to the day-of-the-week on which trades are conducted: 1) under rolling settlement, trades conducted earlier in the week (and settled by Thursday) have lower impact costs, and 2) there is an impact cost premium for Friday trades.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the liquidity of two different electronic trading systems – the APT system at LIFFE and the DTB system. First we describe the different characteristics of the trading systems and give potential reasons as to why they might differ in liquidity. Second we investigate empirically the liquidity provided by the two trading system. The comparison is especially interesting because the Bund Futures instruments traded are identical and the markets are open simultaneously. The intra-day data used in the study is from August 1997 to February 1998. The results show that the APT has smaller spread but the DTB is slightly deeper.  相似文献   

Companies that have listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange by means of a public offering between 1980 and 1991 have subsequently performed poorly. This long run post issue performance is remarkably consistent with the South African evidence for seasoned rights issuing companies and the international evidence for both initial public offerings (IPOs) and seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). Over the four years post issue, the newly listed companies earned an average return of 18.0% as opposed to 81.5% for a size-matched sample of seasoned companies. This study adds to the increasing body of international evidence suggesting the IPO under performance 'puzzle' referred to by Ibbotson (1975), Loughran and Ritter (1995) and Spiess and Affleck-Graves (1995) is not simply sample or country specific.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2004,28(10):2541-2563
We compare forecasts of the realized volatility of the pound, mark and yen exchange rates against the dollar, calculated from intraday rates, over horizons ranging from one day to three months. Our forecasts are obtained from a short memory ARMA model, a long memory ARFIMA model, a GARCH model and option implied volatilities. We find intraday rates provide the most accurate forecasts for the one-day and one-week forecast horizons while implied volatilities are at least as accurate as the historical forecasts for the one-month and three-month horizons. The superior accuracy of the historical forecasts, relative to implied volatilities, comes from the use of high frequency returns, and not from a long memory specification. We find significant incremental information in historical forecasts, beyond the implied volatility information, for forecast horizons up to one week.  相似文献   

This paper not only attempts to survey the burgeoning literature on environmental, social and governance disclosures and performance and their effects on firm value, but its focus also lies on highlighting stylised observations coming from the most recent work that has not yet become part of the ‘conventional wisdom’ in the field. In addition, it outlines some of the crucial knowledge gaps and interesting questions that have not, as of yet, been addressed and thus outlines a potential agenda for future research on socially responsible investing. Lastly, it introduces the papers published in this special issue of the British Accounting Review.  相似文献   

In the period from 1880 to 1913, time-varying German and British stock market returns are related to business cycle variables such as the deviation of industrial production from trend. Common British and German business cycle dynamics Granger cause stock returns and explain more than 20% of time variation in one-year ahead stock market returns. The link between business cycle variables and stock returns is less pronounced in the modern era of financial globalization. A potential explanation for this finding is the fact that during the first globalization period stock indices were dominated by industrial companies and stock prices varied in line with dividends. In the modern era of globalization stock price dynamics predominantly reflect time-varying risk premia.  相似文献   

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