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We present a new model of the occurence of credit events such as rating changes and defaults for risk analyses of some portfolio credit derivatives. The framework of our model is based on a so-called top-down approach. Specifically, we first consider modeling the point process of each type of credit event in the whole economy using a self-exciting intensity process. Next, we characterize the point processes of credit events in the underlying sub-portfolio using random thinning processes specified by the distribution of credit ratings in the sub-portfolio. One of the main features of our model is that the model can capture credit risk contagion simultaneously among several credit portfolios. We present a credit event simulation algorithm based on our model and illustrate an application of the model to risk analyses of loan portfolios.  相似文献   

We model dynamic credit portfolio dependence by using default contagion in an intensity-based framework. Two different portfolios (with ten obligors), one in the European auto sector, the other in the European financial sector, are calibrated against their market CDS spreads and the corresponding CDS-correlations. After the calibration, which are perfect for the banking portfolio, and good for the auto case, we study several quantities of importance in active credit portfolio management. For example, implied multivariate default and survival distributions, multivariate conditional survival distributions, implied default correlations, expected default times and expected ordered default times. The default contagion is modelled by letting individual intensities jump when other defaults occur, but be constant between defaults. This model is translated into a Markov jump process, a so called multivariate phase-type distribution, which represents the default status in the credit portfolio. Matrix-analytic methods are then used to derive expressions for the quantities studied in the calibrated portfolios.  相似文献   

An analysis of default correlations and multiple defaults   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Evaluating default correlations or the probabilities of defaultby more than one firm is an important task in credit analysis,derivatives pricing, and risk management. However, default correlationscannot be measured directly, multiple-default modeling is technicallydifficult, and most existing credit models cannot be appliedto analyze multiple defaults. This article develops a first-passage-timemodel, providing an analytical formula for calculating defaultcorrelations that is easily implemented and conveniently usedfor a variety of financial applications. The model also providesa theoretical justification for several empirical regularitiesin the credit risk literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new, information-based approach for modelling the dynamic evolution of a portfolio of credit risky securities. In our setup, market prices of traded credit derivatives are given by the solution of a nonlinear filtering problem. The innovations approach to nonlinear filtering is used to solve this problem and to derive the dynamics of market prices. Moreover, the practical application of the model is discussed: we analyse calibration, the pricing of exotic credit derivatives and the computation of risk-minimizing hedging strategies. The paper closes with a few numerical case studies.  相似文献   


In this paper we consider computational methods of finding exit probabilities for a class of multivariate diffusion processes. Although there is an abundance of results for one-dimensional diffusion processes, for multivariate processes one has to rely on approximations or simulation methods. We adopt a Large Deviations approach to approximate barrier crossing probabilities of a multivariate Brownian Bridge. We use this approach in conjunction with simulation methods to develop an efficient method of obtaining barrier crossing probabilities of a multivariate Brownian motion. Using numerical examples, we demonstrate that our method works better than other existing methods. We mainly focus on a three-dimensional process, but our framework can be extended to higher dimensions. We present two applications of the proposed method in credit risk modeling. First, we show that we can efficiently estimate the default probabilities of several correlated credit risky entities. Second, we use this method to efficiently price a credit default swap (CDS) with several correlated reference entities. In a conventional approach one normally adopts an arbitrary copula to capture dependency among counterparties. The method we propose allows us to incorporate the instantaneous variance-covariance structure of the underlying process into the CDS prices.  相似文献   

Portfolio credit derivatives are contracts that are tied to an underlying portfolio of defaultable reference assets and have payoffs that depend on the default times of these assets. The hedging of credit derivatives involves the calculation of the sensitivity of the contract value with respect to changes in the credit spreads of the underlying assets, or, more generally, with respect to parameters of the default-time distributions. We derive and analyze Monte Carlo estimators of these sensitivities. The payoff of a credit derivative is often discontinuous in the underlying default times, and this complicates the accurate estimation of sensitivities. Discontinuities introduced by changes in one default time can be smoothed by taking conditional expectations given all other default times. We use this to derive estimators and to give conditions under which they are unbiased. We also give conditions under which an alternative likelihood ratio method estimator is unbiased. We illustrate the application and verification of these conditions and estimators in the particular case of the multifactor Gaussian copula model, but the methods are more generally applicable.   相似文献   

Modelling portfolio credit risk is one of the crucial challenges faced by financial services industry in the last few years. We propose the valuation model of collateralized debt obligations (CDO) based on hierarchical Archimedean copulae (HAC) with up to three parameters, with default intensities calibrated to market data and with random loss given defaults that are correlated with default times. The methods presented are used to reproduce the spreads of the iTraxx Europe tranches. Our approach describes the market prices better than the standard pricing procedure based on the Gaussian distribution. We also obtain a flat correlation smile across tranches thereby solving the implied correlation puzzle.  相似文献   

信用衍生产品隐含相关性结构研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
信用衍生产品在信用风险管理领域日益流行。其标的资产池的违约相关性结构在信用衍生产品定价、信用组合多元化和信用组合风险管理中具有重要作用。本文通过复制信用衍生产品中存在的隐含相关性微笑曲线现象,研究信用衍生产品标的信用的违约相关性结构。结果表明,本文使用的研究方法能够较好地给出标的信用合约间的违约相关性结构,同时,本文从风险管理角度研究了算法的有效性、计算效率和稳健性,并给出了相应的解释。  相似文献   

Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CPDOs) are structured credit derivatives that generate high coupon payments by dynamically leveraging a position in an underlying portfolio of investment-grade index default swaps. CPDO coupons and principal notes received high initial credit ratings from the major rating agencies, based on complex models for the joint transition of ratings and spreads for all names in the underlying portfolio. We propose a parsimonious model for analysing the performance of CPDO strategies using a top-down approach that captures the essential risk factors of the CPDO. Our approach allows us to compute default probabilities, loss distributions and other tail risk measures for the CPDO strategy and analyse the dependence of these risk measures on various parameters describing the risk factors. We find that the probability of the CPDO defaulting on its coupon payments can be made arbitrarily small—and thus the credit rating arbitrarily high—by increasing leverage, but the ratings obtained strongly depend on assumptions on the credit environment (high spread or low spread). More importantly, CPDO loss distributions are found to exhibit a wide range of tail risk measures inside a given rating category, suggesting that credit ratings are insufficient performance indicators for such complex leveraged strategies. A worst-case scenario analysis indicates that CPDO strategies have a high exposure to persistent spread-widening scenarios and that CPDO ratings are shown to be quite unstable during the lifetime of the strategy.  相似文献   

We consider portfolios whose returns depend on at least three variables and show the effect of the correlation structure on the probabilities of the extreme outcomes of the portfolio return, using a multivariate binomial approximation. the portfolio risk is then managed by using derivatives. We illustrate this risk management both with simple options, whose payoff depends upon only one of the underlying variables, and with more complex instruments, whose payoffs (and values) depend upon the correlation structure The question of benchmarking portfolio performance is complicated by the use of derivatives, especially complex derivatives, since these instruments fundamentally alter the distribution of returns. We use the multivariate binomial model to set performance benchmarks for multicurrency, international portfolios. Our model is illustrated using a simple example where a German institution invests a proportion of its funds in Germany equities and the remainder in UK equities. Portfolio performance is measured in Deutsche Marks and depends upon (1) the DAX index, (2) the FTSE index and (3) the Deutsche Mark-Sterling exchange rate. The output of the model is a simulation of possible outcomes from the portfolio hedging strategy. the difference in our methodology is that we are able to retain the simplicity of the binomial distribution, used extensively in the analysis of options, in a multivariate context. This is achieved by building three (or more) binomial trees for the individual variables and capturing the correlation structure with the use of varying conditional probabilities.  相似文献   

CDO tranche spreads (and prices of related portfolio-credit derivatives) depend on the market’s perception of the future loss distribution of the underlying credit portfolio. Applying Sklar’s seminal decomposition to the distribution of the vector of default times, the portfolio-loss distribution derived thereof is specified through individual default probabilities and the dependence among obligors’ default times. Moreover, the loss severity, specified via obligors’ recovery rates, is an additional determinant. Several (specifically univariate) credit derivatives are primarily driven by individual default probabilities, allowing investments in (or hedging against) default risk. However, there is no derivative that allows separately trading (or hedging) default correlations; all products exposed to correlation risk are contemporaneously also exposed to default risk. Moreover, the abstract notion of dependence among the names in a credit portfolio is not directly observable from traded assets. Inverting the classical Vasicek/Gauss copula model for the correlation parameter allows constructing time series of implied (compound and base) correlations. Based on such time series, it is possible to identify observable variables that describe implied correlations in terms of a regression model. This provides an economic model of the time evolution of the market’s view of the dependence structure. Different regression models are developed and investigated for the European CDO market. Applications and extensions to other markets are discussed.  相似文献   

We study the impact of risk-aversion on the valuation of credit derivatives. Using the technology of utility-indifference pricing in intensity-based models of default risk, we analyse resulting yield spreads in multi-name credit derivatives, particularly CDOs. We study first the idealized problem with constant intensities where solutions are essentially explicit. We also give the large portfolio asymptotics for this problem. We then analyse the case where the firms have stochastic default intensities driven by a common factor, which can be viewed as another extreme from the independent case. This involves the numerical solution of a system of reaction-diffusion PDEs. We observe that the nonlinearity of the utility-indifference valuation mechanism enhances the effective correlation between the times of the credit events of the various firms leading to non-trivial senior tranche spreads, as often seen from market data.  相似文献   

We analyze the Hungarian financial crisis of 2008 in a stochastic framework that advances structural credit risk models for country defaults: by applying compound option theory we consider payments for bailing-out the banking sector together with debt service payments in a joint crisis model. We estimate the model parameters by applying the time series maximum-likelihood approach of Duan (1994) on yield spreads of Hungarian Bonds. We find that difficulties in acquiring funds for debt servicing in combination with high outstanding debt triggered the crisis, rather than problems in the domestic banking sector. The estimated crisis probabilities dramatically rise during 2008.  相似文献   

信用违约风险传染建模   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在信用组合中,企业的违约是相互随机依赖的。除了来自宏观经济因素的影响,即因果传染;还有一种影响来自于企业间的直接相互关系,我们称其为信用违约传染。在目前,席卷全球的次贷风暴,就是一个信用风险传染的实例。到目前为止,人们尝试了从不同角度为违约传染建模,特别是从简约模型角度出发。本文从结构模型角度出发,为信用违约传染建模。并在此模型基础上,分析其对信用衍生品定价的影响。  相似文献   

The paper considers a regression approach to pricing European options in an incomplete market. The algorithm replicates an option by a portfolio consisting of the underlying security and a risk-free bond. We apply linear regression framework and quadratic programming with linear constraints (input = sample paths of underlying security; output = table of option prices as a function of time and price of the underlying security). We populate the model with historical prices of the underlying security (possibly massaged to the present volatility) or with Monte Carlo simulated prices. Risk neutral processes or probabilities are not needed in this framework.  相似文献   

Loan pricing under Basel capital requirements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We analyze the loan pricing implications of the reform of bank capital regulation known as Basel II. We consider a perfectly competitive market for business loans where, as in the model underlying the internal ratings based (IRB) approach of Basel II, a single risk factor explains the correlation in defaults across firms. Our loan pricing equation implies that low risk firms will achieve reductions in their loan rates by borrowing from banks adopting the IRB approach, while high risk firms will avoid increases in their loan rates by borrowing from banks that adopt the less risk-sensitive standardized approach of Basel II. We also show that only a very high social cost of bank failure might justify the proposed IRB capital charges, partly because the net interest income from performing loans is not counted as a buffer against credit losses. A net interest income correction for IRB capital requirements is proposed.  相似文献   

Credit Events and the Valuation of Credit Derivatives of Basket Type   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Thispaper provides a simple model for valuing a credit derivativewhose payoff depends on the identity (or identities) of the first(or first two) to occur of a given list of credit events, suchas defaults. The joint survival probability of occurrence timesof credit events is formulated in terms of stochastic intensityprocesses under the assumption of conditional independence. Basedon the joint survival probability, we can easily obtain the pricingformulas of such credit derivatives under the risk-neutral valuationframework. When the default intensity processes follow the extendedVasicek model, closed-form solutions of the pricing formulasare given.  相似文献   

Pricing distressed CDOs with stochastic recovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, a framework for the joint modelling of default and recovery risk in a portfolio of credit risky assets is presented. The model especially accounts for the correlation of defaults on the one hand and correlation of default rates and recovery rates on the other hand. Nested Archimedean copulas are used to model different dependence structures. For the recovery rates a very flexible continuous distribution with bounded support is applied, which allows for an efficient sampling of the loss process. Due to the relaxation of the constant 40% recovery assumption and the negative correlation of default rates and recovery rates, the model is especially suited for distressed market situations and the pricing of super senior tranches. A calibration to CDO tranche spreads of the European iTraxx portfolio is performed to demonstrate the fitting capability of the model. Applications to delta hedging as well as base correlations are presented.  相似文献   

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