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王艳平 《旅游学刊》2006,21(Z1):118-120
旅游实践中,殖民建筑(文化)一直是旅游对象物的组成部分,而在理论上鲜见对其旅游资源性和文化遗产性的讨论.本文从各个方面讨论殖民建筑的文化遗产性所在,指出殖民建筑的文化遗产性很大程度上取决于属地居民的价值取向.由于最近的殖民建筑距离我们仅仅60年,如何从历史的角度和发展的观点看待殖民文化,是我们面临的挑战.  相似文献   

近年来,遗产旅游发展迅速,很多人已经把遗产地,尤其是世界遗产地与旅游目的地画上了等号.这显然是一种误解,但同时也反映出人们对世界遗产地旅游的热衷.这种热衷折射出人们的一种怀旧情绪,也折射出遗产旅游在现代人生活中的巨大影响.  相似文献   

张世满 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):9-10
旅游资源的主体是自然与文化遗产.纵观旅游发展史,游客大都是奔着名胜去旅游的,所谓名胜大都是优质遗产资源经过一定开发形成的自然与文化景区景点,古往今来,遗产旅游一直是旅游的主流.随着现代旅游规模越来越大,遗产资源的旅游利用强度越来越高,加上现代经济社会快速发展对遗产安全所造成的威胁,遗产保护问题便提上重要日程.  相似文献   

游客价值感知是形塑其旅游实践过程中遗产认同的重要因素,研究游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用机理,有利于指导遗产意义的再生产,充分发挥遗产在当代的功能。文章以世界文化遗产地永顺老司城为案例,以访谈文本和网络评论游记为资料,应用内容分析法和扎根理论探讨游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用机理。研究发现:(1)游客价值感知多元表征由土司遗址价值感知、民族交往价值感知、整体形象价值感知、旅游符号价值感知、土司制度价值感知和土司事迹价值感知组成;(2)游客在文化遗产地价值感知过程中通过动机驱使、具身感知、情感湍流、认知升华等生成遗产认同;(3)遗产认同包含文化认同、民族认同和国家认同等,是文化遗产地主客互动建构的结果;(4)游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用实质就是表征与非表征统一的过程,由此完整刻画遗产认同的意义。该研究加强了旅游情境下价值感知和遗产认同的理论联结。  相似文献   

关于文化遗产与旅游产品的三点讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们在称呼文化遗产的时候,他可能指的是世界遗产名录中的文化遗产,也可能指的是《中华人民共和国文物法》中的受保护的文物,还可  相似文献   

景区荣誉国家AAAAA级景区、世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位、2008年中国最佳旅游品牌景区、中国最具国际影响力休闲旅游景区。云冈石窟位于山西省大同市以西16公里处的武周山南麓。距今已有1500多年的历史,始建于公元460年,由当时的佛教高僧昙曜奉旨开凿。  相似文献   

张莹 《西部旅游》2023,(5):73-75
<正>旅游地产主要依托旅游景区的自然环境与人文资源而建,结合现阶段消费者的心理需求,可以采用体验式的营销策略促进旅游地产营销。在体验式营销策略中,地标建筑的建造至关重要,其是决定体验式营销是否成功的决定性因素。文章以河北省秦皇岛市阿那亚社区旅游地产为例,详细分析旅游地产中地标建筑对体验式营销的影响,以供参考。  相似文献   

<正>传统村落建筑遗产保护是一项复杂的任务,需要多方合作,以实现保护和开发的平衡。在村落建筑遗产的重要性不断凸显的背景下,由于各方面的原因,浙江省温州市文成县梧溪村的建筑遗产保护尚未得到足够的重视。文章对梧溪村的建筑遗产进行了分析,并引入了生态博物馆保护理念,提出了村庄设计和体验设计的具体方法,旨在提高当地旅游产业的吸引力和居民的生活质量。  相似文献   

遗产旅游的发展向度:遗产地精神与体验旅游的融合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一直以来,文化遗产与旅游植根于不同的价值观念、使命和功能,服务于不同的利益群体,服从于不同的政府管理机构,实现着不同的管理目标和任务。这使遗产保护与旅游开发既相互依存,又相互冲突。  相似文献   


Authentic intangible cultural heritage (ICH) provides a community with a unique selling point in the globally competitive tourism industry. The process of commodification of ICH, however, has threatened its authenticity and thus sustainable tourism approaches are required to achieve successful transmission and promotion of ICH as a sustainable tourism resource. This paper explores the priorities of ICH practitioners in relation to the development of ICH as a sustainable tourism resource, by utilising South Korea as a case study. The results revealed that from the ICH practitioners’ perspectives, authenticity is a holistic notion integrating the transmitted customs, inherited meanings and the practitioners’ identities. ICH practitioners agree with the potential positive symbiotic relationship between transmission of authentic ICH and promotion of ICH as a tourism resource. To achieve the positive symbiotic relationship, locals’ awareness of ICH, ICH practitioner empowerment and parallel development between tourism development and transmission of ICH are necessary. To date, the practitioner approach to the authenticity of ICH and ICH as a sustainable tourism resource is little explored in the literature, thus this paper makes a valuable addition to the area of sustainable heritage tourism.  相似文献   

An emerging body of literature addresses multiple aspects of cultural heritage tourism in multiple environments worldwide. This study seeks to contribute to current knowledge, studying visitors to a heritage building in the UK through the lens of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). A questionnaire based on the various predictors associated with the TPB was designed to gather participants' motivations to visit the heritage building, including visitation to sightsee, attend events, and experience gastronomy at the building's restaurant. The findings confirm the validity and impact of attitude towards the behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control on behavioural intention, in this case, to become involved in heritage building visitation. In addition, it was noticed that respondents' level of agreement suggests their preparedness to invest in terms of travel, time, and financially spending when visiting heritage buildings. Implications of the findings will be discussed and future research avenues suggested.  相似文献   

国际法规是文化遗产保护与利用的基本依据,但由于相关法规众多,常被误解、曲解或生搬硬套,文章通过总结分析近百年来文化遗产保护国际法规的发展演变,厘清国际法规对文化遗产保护与利用关系的基本定位、对文化遗产利用方式的定位变化,以及对文化遗产旅游发展的态度与立场变化,结论认为,国际法规中文化遗产的保护与利用关系是不断动态变化的,随着保护工作对"利用"的依赖度不断提高,文化旅游的双面影响也不断受到关注。  相似文献   

徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2003,18(4):30-37
本文从遗产的价值特性和权属特性以及遗产事业使命出发。讨论遗产旅游业的经营制度选择。本文认为:遗产区的“遗产的旅游展示类服务”事务应由遗产单位进行非营利性经营;遗产区外的“非遗产展示类旅游服务”事务(行、住、食、购、娱等)应交由旅游公司、当地政策、周边社区进行营利性经营;当遗产区内的“非遗产展示类旅游服务”事务规模较大时,可以特许经营方式交由非遗产单位进行营利性经营。本文进而评论了“四权分离与制衡”主张的不合理性,并且认为,中国遗产旅游业经营制度中的“中国特色”应表现在对“贫困地区遗产公益性”、“遗产区门票的价格定位”、“门票优惠”、“遗产区旅游收益的分配”、“让利于地方”等五个方面问题的具体处理上。  相似文献   

谈旅游专业课程的双语教学   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
双语教学是当前我国教育教学改革的热点问题之一。本文在对双语教学进行分析的基础上 ,阐述了在旅游专业课中实施双语教学如何进行定位选择、时机选择、内容选择和考核方式选择  相似文献   


Tourism is acknowledged as a vehicle that can help sustain both tangible and intangible elements of Indigenous cultural heritage, including languages, stories, song, art, dance, hunting methods, rituals and customs. Often, cultural heritage products developed for tourism promise to provide many socio-economic opportunities for the communities involved, however, tourism can also present a challenge as the self-management of Indigenous cultural product and cultural identity can be problematic. Given the pivotal role culture plays in the sustainability of Indigenous tourism products, it is time for a twenty-first century examination of the nexus between cultural heritage and Indigenous tourism. This paper reflects upon tourism and contemporary Indigenous cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. Through a review of the current literature on Indigenous tourism and cultural heritage, the authors identify key areas for future research and aim to stimulate further discussion around the ways Indigenous tourism may be developed to sustain Indigenous cultural heritage.  相似文献   

双语教学是目前高校教学改革的热点之一。本文探讨了双语教学的产生背景及其含义,指出了旅游高等教育实施双语教学应注意课程选择、教学模式的选择以及教学方法的应用。最后,作者就当前旅游双语教学提高师资水平、激发学生兴趣、完善教材内容和双语教学体制等问题进行了探讨,为双语教学的进一步开展指明了方向。  相似文献   

我国遗产旅游的文化政治意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2007,22(6):48-52
本文提出一个我国遗产旅游界尚未关注的问题--遗产旅游的文化政治意义.文章首先讨论了我国遗产的文化政治价值,接着提出我国遗产旅游应当发挥的文化政治功能,最后分析了提高我国遗产旅游文化政治效果的必要举措.  相似文献   

This article presents the case study of the Network of Spanish Jewries (‘Red de Juderías de España’ – Caminos de Sefarad) and discusses the implications of networking between heritage sites linked through thematic routes. Although the impact on the performances of the different sites can hardly be measured, the value of the Spanish Jewries is attributed especially to its potential to redress regional imbalances in tourism activity (one of the main concerns for Spanish tourism) and to be packaged as a more integral, economically viable, and enticing experience than stand-alone heritage-based products. Evidence from the case study gives rise to more general considerations on the value of heritage networks for a more sustainable tourist activity, knowledge-sharing, and coordination in management. The article also looks beyond tourism impacts to regional cohesion and economic development opportunities that could be reaped from the extension of the network across national borders.  相似文献   

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