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周瑛 《特区经济》2005,(7):213-214
一、美元化的内涵及类型美元化指美元跨越国界,全部或部分取代它国货币在有关国家里发挥交易媒介、记帐单位和价值贮藏等职能的一种货币现象。美元化可分为部分美元化和完全美元化。前者是指在一国的货币金融活动中,私人部门放弃本币而直接采用美元以完成支付和储藏职能;后者是  相似文献   

This analysis investigates the assertion that the baby-boom cohorts, by virtue of their large size and new lifecourse redistribution tendencies, are likely to initiate significant shifts in the distribution of the elderly population as these cohorts enter into the 65-and-older age categories. The author contends that cohorts' pre-elderly lifecourse migration patterns should be incorporated into studies of elderly population distribution shifts. 2 questions are addressed: will the new lifecourse migration patterns provide for a more deconcentrated redistribution of the baby-boom cohorts, both prior to and after their entry into the elderly age categories, than the lifecourse migration patterns followed by earlier cohorts; and will the new lifecourse distribution pattern lead, in the long run, to a significantly more deconcentrated distribution of the elderly population. The examination of these 2 questions focuses, largely, on redistribution across 9 broad regional and metropolitan area groupings defined on the basis of 3 census regions -- the North (combining the Northeast and Midwest census regions), the South, and the West -- and 3 categories of metropolitan status -- large metropolitan areas (those with 1980 populations exceeding 1 million), other metropolitan areas, and nonmetropolitan areas. The comparison of "new" versus "old" lifecourse migration patterns contrasts the census-based age-specific migration stream rates, registered over the 1975-80 period, with those registered over the 1965-70 period. Given the sharp and broad-based shift toward deconcentrated redistribution which characterized practically all segments of the population during the 1970s, it is assumed that the age-specific migration patterns observed over the 1975-80 period approximate the more deconcentrated redistribution tendencies which will be adopted by the baby-boom cohorts (and their successors) over the remainder of their lifecourse. The 1965-70 net migration rates point up the aggregate redistribution implications associated with the "old" lifecourse migration stream patterns. Among the rates for North large metropolitan areas, the only positive net migration is observed for the 25-29 age category; the greatest net outmigration rate is shown for the 65-69 age category. The rates for South nonmetropolitan areas are negative for all age categories under age 55, and most accentuated outmigration is shown during the young-adult years. The positive net migration exhibited for the older adult and post retirement ages reflects the low outmigration rates from nonmetropolitan areas during these ages and the slight peaking of immigration for these years. The results of this analysis imply that more attention should be devoted to migration, over the entirety of the lifecourse, in future studies of population redistribution.  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment and Factor Prices in U.S. Manufacturing. —We investigate whether inward foreign direct investment (FDI) can explain part of the increase in relative wages of skilled workers in U.S. manufacturing over the period 1977–1994 by studying the sector bias of the effects of FDI on sector prices and technology. We follow the two-stage mandated-wage approach based on the StolperSamuelson theorem. We find that inward FDI affects the sum of sector prices and productivity depending on the absorptive capacity available in the sector. We also find some evidence that inward FDI has induced a sector bias towards using skilled workers over the period 1977–1994.  相似文献   

This paper has dual goals. On the one hand, it attempts a review of recent econometric work on the U.S. automobile industry. Three studies of this industry are reviewed, compared, and contrasted. These are studies by Koujianou Goldberg [Koujianou Goldberg, P., 1993, U.S. trade policy implications of a new approach to modelling the demand for automobiles, mimeo (Princeton University)], Feenstra and Levinsohn [Feenstra, R. and J. Levinsohn, 1994, Estimating markups and market conduct with multidimensional product attributes, Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming] and Berry et al. [Berry, S., J. Levinsohn and A. Pakes, 1994, Automobile prices in market equilibrium, Econometrica, forthcoming]. On the other hand, a number of current policy issues facing the industry are also reviewed. These issues include the Voluntary Export Restraint applying to exports from Japan, the NAFTA, anti-dumping law, and industry globalization. The paper provides a broad overview, then, of econometric and policy issues as they relate to the U.S. automobile industry.  相似文献   

为了应对全球化的挑战,美国与周边的墨西哥和加勒比海地区(CBI)国家合作,形成了一条以纵向一体化为核心的区域性纺织服装生产网络(regional production network,RPN)。由于RPN合作国家是美国纺织产业重要的出口市场,因此后者在该网络中具有既得利益。美国政府进而签订的《中芙纺织品协议》(以下简称"协议")旨在抑制后配额时代中国输美服装类产品对该RPN的冲击。本文就"协议"的实施对相关贸易流量的影响进行了评估。结果显示,"协议"已经对中国输美服装类产品产生贸易破坏效应,而墨西哥和CBI国家对美国的服装出口则从中受益。然而,研究并未显示"协议"的实施有助于美国增加纱线、面料等纺织类产品向RPN合作国家的出口,因而"协议"对美国纺织产业的实际保护效应有必要予以反思。本文的研究结论对于2008年"协议"到期后相关政策的制定和调整具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

熊建军 《科技和产业》2013,13(9):98-103
《TRIPs协议修正案》的出台标志着药品专利技术政策国际协调的新成果。作为一种回应措施,美国纷纷签署一些自由贸易协定。这些协定未能重申药品专利政策国际协调成果中的重要原则和标准,扩大可专利种类和范围,明确否认《修正案》平行进口,限制《修正案》强制许可制度和措施,增加许多新条款应对《修正案》,延长专利期限。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中后期产生的日本异质论及美国"对日修正主义"是日美经贸摩擦延伸至体制领域的重要表现。它既是冷战结束前后国际政治格局变化和美国国内政治气候变迁的产物,又具有深刻的学术和舆论背景。美国"对日修正主义"者从资本主义发展模式的差异、日本政治经济体制及其相应政策手段的特殊性、美国对日贸易策略等三个方面阐述了其理论观点,在美国舆论界、学术界和决策层中产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

蔡捍东 《新财经》2006,(7):80-81
酒精产业降低了美国对进口原油的依存度,减少了贸易逆差美国酒精产业最早始于19世纪30年代,上世纪80年代得以跳跃式发展,是过去三十年来美国加工制造业最成功的典范之一。2005年是美国酒精产业发展的分水岭,美国总统布什当年8月签署了新的能源政策法案(EPACT05),从法律高度激励  相似文献   

在国内,人们买了商品后退货要费很多口舌,甚至吵闹一番也没有结果。在美国,商家的服务方式和服务速度都让我们感到震惊。看看美国的售后服务,也许能给中国的商家们一些启示和反思。  相似文献   

刘致福 《走向世界》2014,(33):92-93
华盛顿故居位于弗吉尼亚州的波多马可河岸边。临近故居还有几公里时,路两边的树木就看出一种异乎寻常的茂盛。树都很粗,树叶乌黑黑的,树林很密,看不到边际。故居在一个小山包的山顶上,叫弗农山庄。弗农山庄是华盛顿同父异母的哥哥劳伦斯在其父亲所盖的一处房子基础上改建的,起名叫弗农山庄是为纪念哥哥心目中的一位偶像、一位英国海军上将。  相似文献   

付琳 《新疆财经》2012,(2):32-35
在应对危机的政策选择上,当利率接近为零时,量化宽松的货币政策就成为部分国家的选择。本文选择了连续推出两轮量化宽松政策的美国和作为全球最早采用过量化宽松政策又在应对这轮危机时重启该政策的日本,介绍了国际金融危机对这两国经济造成的影响以及他们各自推行量化宽松货币政策的具体内容,并对两国货币政策的侧重点和执行效果进行了综合比较。  相似文献   

Immigration may put a strain on the health care system, adversely impacting the health of the native population. At the same time, recent studies have documented the role of immigration in nudging native workers from risk-intensive, physically demanding jobs toward occupations that require more communication and interactive ability, potentially improving their health. In this article, I examine the relationship between immigration and the health of the native population in the United States. The results of the analysis fail to show that immigration adversely affects the health of U.S. natives. Instead, the findings suggest that the presence of low-skilled immigrants may improve the health of low-skilled U.S.-born individuals.  相似文献   

国内政治经济制度和国家从国际秩序中获益性将决定一定时期内该大国的兴衰趋势。在分析国际金融危机与美国的单极地位时,作者在考察国际金融危机对主要大国和地区所造成的冲击时发现,美国所受到的冲击相对较轻,而它的综合国力、失业率和国际竞争力指标都仍然领先,即便从短期效应来说,国际金融危机致使美国实力衰落的观点值得质疑。从应对金融危机的经验和美国社会的人口结构等因素来看,美国的优势仍然存在。在短期内,整个美国社会并没有因为金融危机而出现大的动荡。从长期来说,国际金融危机可能会促进美国国内政治和经济制度的改良,也有利于奥巴马政府调整国际战略,避免承担过多的国际责任和过度扩张,进而重振美国在国际秩序中的领导地位。在这些调整过程中,如果奥巴马政府采取了一种稳健的方式,坚持自由市场的基本原则和分权制衡的政治传统,经历了国际金融危机的美国霸权及其单极地位相反有可能会进一步得到加强。  相似文献   

中美贸易逆差与美国贸易保护的转变   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
一、中美贸易逆差问题的背景根据中国的统计,中美贸易从1993年美方出现逆差,当年逆差额为62亿美元,到2003年上升到586亿美元,10年间增长了近8.5倍;根据美国的统计,从1983年起,美方对中方有逆差3亿美元,到2003年上升到1240亿美元,20年增长了412倍。按美方统计,1988年中国进入美国前10位逆差国行列,1989年就从第9位上升到第6位,1990年攀升到第3位,1991年成为仅次于日本的第2大逆差对象国。2000年以后,中国对美贸易顺差超过日本,成为美国最大的贸易逆差国。此后贸易逆差继续攀升,到2003年,中国占美国全部贸易逆差的23%。中美贸易逆差备受关注的…  相似文献   

当下,新冠肺炎疫情在海外迅速蔓延,让全世界都为之不安。据世卫组织发布的数据,截至欧洲中部时间3月9日上午10时(北京时间3月9日17时),中国以外新冠肺炎确诊病例较前一日增加3949例,达到28674例;死亡病例达到686例。在这场来势汹汹的疫情中,美国的情况备受关注。据统计,截至北京时间3月10日9时30分,美国累计确诊病例达到687例,死亡病例增加至22例。  相似文献   

中美贸易逆差与美国贸易保护的转变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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