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Global teams that are characterized by national, cultural and linguistic heterogeneity and operate in a globally dispersed virtual environment are becoming an established form of organizing work in multinational organizations. As global team leadership research is rather limited, we review the literature on leading multicultural and virtual teams in a global context, focusing on leadership competencies, styles, strategies and modes. We also examine the emergent concepts of biculturalism, global mindset and cultural intelligence with respect to team leaders. Our aim is to add to our knowledge of leading global teams, highlight recent trends and suggest directions for future research. Three themes for global team leadership emerged: leaders as boundary spanners, bridge makers and blenders; people-oriented leadership; and leveraging diversity. We discuss implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Building on the GLOBE study of cultural values, this article explores the impact of societal culture on organizational social media use. The analysis reported in this article is based on data collected from the Fortune Global 500 organizations regarding their use of six different types of external social media. The results of the analysis indicate that societal culture has to be considered an important factor for organizational social media use.  相似文献   

索绪尔语言学理论虽然只是一种纯理论研究或元语言研究,但其对语言本质问题的精辟论述,可以作为研究英语教学的理论指导。索氏的语言心理观表明,大学英语教学的目标是培养学生的语言能力,实质是语言知识的内化;索氏语言任意性思想表明,大学英语教学中应该加强文化教学,培养学生的文化能力;索氏的语言生命观则启示我们,我国的英语教学应该以英美标准为规范,同时走英关标准跟本土化相结合的道路。  相似文献   

The ability to interact effectively in multiple cultures is not a skill possessed by all; yet, it is becoming more important in today's global business world. Recently, this skill has been labeled cultural intelligence (CQ), and has caught the attention of business leaders and researchers alike. While previous studies have examined potential outcomes of cultural intelligence, possible antecedents are examined herein. This investigation generates some insight regarding the impact of cultural exposure on CQ, as well as developing an understanding of how the depth of cultural exposure influences a person's cultural intelligence. Findings indicate that certain types of exposures to other cultures (such as education abroad and employment abroad) and the level of exposure from these experiences increases cultural intelligence. These findings are critical for multinational firms as managers hire, promote, train, and prepare employees for international assignments. Additionally, some have discussed how cultural intelligence is a critical skill for global business leaders, and it seems likely that CQ will become increasingly important due to the rise of diversity in the workforce.  相似文献   

By far the theories of consumer knowledge are mainly estimated in the western countries. It is important and necessary to assess theory generalizability and model equivalence across different culture contexts. This paper intends to gain a preliminary understanding of the relationship between two consumer knowledge components and four product‐related task performances, with a focus on the influences of two psycho‐linguistic differences in cognition. Based on the results of our empirically multi‐group comparison of Chinese and French wine consumers, we find that consumer knowledge is a multidimensional construct in both cultural contexts. It appears that psycho‐linguistic differences largely affect the consumption task performance. Consequently different consumer knowledge components play different roles in consumption tasks and lead wine consumers to employ dissimilar information processing strategies in various cultural contexts.  相似文献   

Previous research has established that interpersonal similarity can influence knowledge sharing in such a way that similar people are more likely to share knowledge than those who are dissimilar. We contribute to the literature by showing that in the MNC context, cultural and functional similarity can become more powerful sources of bias than more commonly assumed demographic characteristics such as gender or seniority. This may be driven by the salience of such boundaries in the MNC: while demographic characteristics are more broadly distributed, cultural and functional barriers create more defined and observable faultlines, often coinciding with unit boundaries. We further argue that it may not be similarity as such that matters but rather its positive impact on different dimensions of social capital, which mediate the relationship between similarity and knowledge sharing. These microfoundations of inter-unit knowledge exchange point to important theoretical and practical implications for international management.  相似文献   

科技发展迅速的当今,世界文化传播的范围越来越大,人类社会正由文字时代转向图像时代,视觉文化的研究价值日益凸现。作为动态视觉艺术的样式之一,动画中的视觉语言符号的运用,深刻地影响着动画作品的表形性思维的表述。在传统基础上,数字化、多媒体为动画。中的视觉语言符号注入了更多的形式和手法,在视觉语言引导的通感体验中把信息更完整地传播给受众。  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the different roles that knowledge sharing and exploitative learning play in employees’ innovative behaviour, and investigate the different moderating effects of employees’ espoused national cultural values on the relationship between exploitative learning and innovative behaviour in the Chinese IT-enabled global service firms with different ownerships. We propose a theoretical model to characterize these antecedents of innovative behaviour. A structured research survey was conducted and data were collected from a sample of 484 full-time employees in 3 IT-enabled global service firms in the PRC. Results indicate that knowledge sharing is positively associated with innovative behaviour in multinational corporations and private IT-enabled global service; espoused power distance has a significant positive moderating effect on exploitative learning–innovative behaviour relationship in state-owned and private firms; espoused collectivism has a significant moderating effect only in state-owned firms in China. Last, we explore the implications of our findings for theory and practice of innovation.  相似文献   

随着当前以知识经济为基础的全球竞争变得更加激烈,许多跨国公司的供应商们越来越早地参与到创新产品的合作开发过程中。本文以一个欧洲的消费电器制造公司(ECS)为案例,调查和研究了在该公司新产品的开发过程中,供应链成员与其共享知识和相关技术的机制,并重点讨论了在此供应链中共享知识时所涉及到的主要问题以及未来的改进方向。  相似文献   

International expansion requires specific management methods to adapt to differences between cultures, thus requiring global strategies that ensure efficient diversity management. The increasing diversity in the workforce is thus gaining more importance in determining knowledge of efficient and better business performance. The results of the study illustrate the importance of cultural diversity and the high benefits for companies. The key findings are a high degree of creativity, a practical understanding of the market, better access to international markets, a high degree of linguistic diversity and efficient innovation management. The starting point of cultural diversity lies in the respective corporate cultures.  相似文献   

Communication effectiveness research is moving away from investigations of advertising’s forms, content and the degree and type of consumer involvement, to a greater focus on the process of reception and the social and cultural roles that advertising plays in society and in individual lives. This shift in emphasis has been influenced by communication and media studies, which have prioritised the psychological, social and cultural contexts within which consumers relate to commercial information and the roles that advertising media play in their lives. The focus on the ‘receiver’ as the key actor in the advertising communication process has also coincided with increasing interest in consumer culture theory, brand communities and the new service dominant logic of marketing. This paper provides a useful perspective from which to view contemporary developments in advertising effectiveness research, and has important implications for future studies.  相似文献   

Virtual expertise is a critical component of telehealth projects and it needs to be effectively managed if telehealth is to deliver on its potential. There are many issues within telehealth that relate to the management of knowledge, and we identify and classify these using a range of papers on the topic. We introduce a virtual expertise platform that provides basic building blocks for effect-leveraging of expertise in this domain. The platform includes management directives and goals, a collaborative culture, an appropriate information and communication technology platform, a knowledge management layer, and a tools or application layer that interact to facilitate knowledge sharing, and ultimately improve patient care. We also emphasize how social media tools can be used as part of the tools layer to improve virtual knowledge sharing before and after telehealth events.  相似文献   

语言是人们用来交际的工具,也反映着当代社会的状况.语言随着时代的发展变化而变化并被不断创新、赋予新鲜的活力.一般认为流行语是指:"在一定时期、一定社会群体内被人们普遍使用的话语形式,一般为口语,带有一定的方言性,是一定时期内社会政治、经济、文化、环境及人们心理活动的综合产物,并在传媒的推动下盛行的词、短语、句子或特定的句子模式".当今网络信息技术的发展更加速了流行语的发展和流行,普遍被人们尤其是年轻人使用.  相似文献   

在当下中国,在外来文化特别是商业文化的冲击下.传统的消费文化发生了很大变化,其内涵也越来越深刻。首先,电子产品以其独特之处以及其在消费市场所构成的特别消费现象,成为中国当代消费主义文化的基本态势,商品作为某种特定的符号意义进行生产消费。其次,传媒和中国当代消费主义文化的联系更加紧密,时尚在促进文化交流、活跃市场经济方面的作用越来越巨大,但也造成国人消费观念的畸形发展。再次,传媒在影响中国当代消费主义文化的同时也带来了积极变化:传统媒体信息传播方式发生改变,媒体对消费个体单向度的信息灌输变成了有消费者参与的信息传播的双向互动过程,特别是互联网的普及,个人在信息的选择上拥有了更多的自主性。  相似文献   

王悦 《中国市场》2008,(2):124-126
知识在虚拟供应链合作伙伴中的共享和传播是供应链知识管理的核心内容。本文根据对供应链企业间知识共享微观机制的认识,分析了知识共享障碍,在此基础上,提出了虚拟供应链合作伙伴基于知识共享的系统结构,并进一步探讨了其知识共享的策略。  相似文献   

中国台湾与中国大陆同属华人社会,但两岸政治、经济与社会历史文化发展境遇不同,在媒介生态层面表现各异。近十年来,当代台湾流行文化与传媒文化的最重要代表是电视综艺娱乐节目。台湾电视综艺多为台湾本地制作,是台湾政经社会发展的传媒景观与文化心理标本,内容丰富,视角多元,形态各异。以台湾电视综艺娱乐现象为考察对象,可以在一定程度上管窥台湾媒介生态的多元侧面。本文借助"媒介生态"这个概念,紧扣电视综艺娱乐,将台湾电视传媒放置在传媒格局深刻变化,信息技术日新月异,文化影响力日益成为媒介品牌评价标杆的历史语境中,分析现状,引起反思与必要的借鉴,以提升对华语电视传媒发展新认识。  相似文献   

This article examines the “indie” music industry in South Korea. It describes a consumer-led market where network of consumers aided by social media take responsibility for its maintenance and development, specifically the market for indie music in South Korea. With the emergence of digital technology and a participatory culture, the roles of consumers have expanded. Through their commitment and passion for independent music, aided by social media, these consumers have developed a virtual indie music community, which uses a variety of mechanisms, such as producing podcasts, to promote its music. These non-traditional producers regard indie music as an important part of their lives and their existence, which is why they take responsibility for developing the indie community rather than leaving this to a profit-orientated music industry. Therefore, we demonstrate how in South Korea the production of indie music has ceased to be dominated by traditional actors, such as record labels, and is driven by the enthusiasm of music fans. Previous research on cultural markets suggests that consumers play critical roles in the formation and evolution of the market. This study sheds light on this process by depicting a cultural market that is governed by pro-social consumers (rather than anti-market resistance) who pursue a balanced approach between resistance to and negotiated harmony with commercial and social norms rather than drawing a simple boundary between “us” and “other”.  相似文献   

信息技术的发展使得项目团队的组织出现了虚拟化趋势。由于有限理性、信息不对称、环境的复杂多变和不确定性和知识更新等原因,项目虚拟团队的知识共享过程是先进行知识的选择性试错搜寻阶段,再将知识在各成员间进行传递,最终吸收创造新知识并实现对共享知识的价值。利用共生理论可知,项目建设虚拟团队知识共享的演化路径在于知识的"点共享"、"间歇共享"、"连续共享"、"一体化共享"等四阶段,通过多方面、多方位的合作,最终形成一个具有共同价值观的共生网络,不断提高知识共享的效率。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展、科技的进步和现代传媒的推动,广告的影响不断扩大。广告语言是广告最重要的构成因素,城市街头随意可见的户外广告用语是否规范、是否具有一定的审美和艺术水准,直接决定着这座城市的软实力和文化层次。对武汉市中心城区的招牌、海报、张贴品、公交设施等户外广告用语的现况做了为期1年的调查发现,武汉市中心城区的户外广告用语总体状况不错,但仍存在一些有待改进的问题,主要表现在字体混乱、滥用谐音、歧义等几个方面。  相似文献   

In the context of globalization, country‐level actions to manage global talent (e.g., development of immigrant‐friendly policies, policies to attract back skilled diaspora, or investment in the international education of youth) have been underresearched. The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of a country‐level global talent management practice on the careers and career success of its talents in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a developing country in Central Asia. Using qualitative methods, this study introduces new dimensions of career success evaluation for internationally educated talents in developing markets: use of knowledge acquired abroad and international aspect of the job. Based on these dimensions, it develops a model of career types. The career types predict the varying degrees of talents' career success and their involvement in sharing and capitalizing on knowledge, ideas, and international experience, which may have an impact on society. The study contributes to the field of global talent management and career success by providing empirical evidence on an underresearched topic in the underresearched context of developing markets.  相似文献   

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