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Considerable debate surrounds the concept of entrepreneurial opportunities. This paper approaches the opportunity concept from an evolutionary market process perspective. It argues that new opportunities for entrepreneurial activity frequently emerge as by-products of market competition. Agents may deliberately or unwittingly create opportunities. Organizational development and the evolution of industries are additional sources of new entrepreneurial opportunities. At the same time, they enable agents to acquire the skills required to exploit these opportunities.   相似文献   

王裕国 《消费经济》2003,19(6):10-14
一、需要以实现人的全面发展为主线开拓消费经济研究党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,十六届三中全会做出了完善社会主义市场经济体制的决定,给社会科学研究提出了一系列崭新的重大课题。其中,关于更高水平的小康社会,是更高程度的经济发展、民主健全、科教进步、文化繁荣、社会和谐、生活殷实等各方面协调统一的社会;关于“坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展”(《中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》);关于完善社会主义市场经济体制,必须做到统筹城乡发展、统筹区域…  相似文献   

A “Timeless” charge to consumer economics and family economics is identified. In light of the charge, the area is examined with particular emphasis on scholarly activity. It is suggested that scholarship in the area is diffuse and often addresses parts of issues. This creates concerns as to whether the historical charge is being met.  相似文献   

李正明 《消费经济》2006,22(1):16-16
我国第一个消费经济专业理论刊物《消费经济》至今已有20年了。20年来这份刊物为经济学拓展一片新的研究园地,为培养一支新的经济学研究队伍,为促进我国经济的发展作出了不可忽视的贡献。在此我作为受益人谨向以尹世杰教授为杰出代表的消费经济学的创始者致以崇高的敬意!向邓国用副教授等编辑们长期以来不计名利、任劳任怨为《消费经济》办刊质量的不断提升所做出的奉献致以深深的谢意!《消费经济》本着“研究消费理论,指导生产经营,提供消费信息,引导居民消费”的办刊宗旨,20年来对推进、推广社会主义消费经济理论研究,促进社会主义两个文…  相似文献   

The development and current state of the scholarly field of Consumer Economics in the United States is discussed in relation to the Consumer Movement and other forces that have impinged upon it. Membership in the American Council on Consumer Interests, the scholarly organization for consumer economists, is used as one measure of the size and health of the field. Other forces impinging on the field that are discussed include: the baby boom induced increase in the demand for college education; the subsequent decline in the support for higher education as higher education costs rose throughout the 1980s and 1990s; the decline in the Federal Government's support for consumer research and consumer education; and the development of competing organizations.  相似文献   

张忠  金青 《商业研究》2015,(4):141-146
针对传统制造在价值链创造上的不足,本文在分析服务型制造网络与传统供应链在价值创造过程中区别的基础上,构建了服务型制造网络,提出企业知识驱动、服务性生产的模块化创新、生产性服务外包和绿色价值创造等制造业参与服务型制造网络价值创造的四种途径,并结合具体企业在服务型制造网络中价值创造的经验进行了实证分析,为制造企业在转型过程中如何提高价值创造能力引入了新的思路和观点,也从价值链角度进一步完善了服务型制造理论体系。  相似文献   

尹世杰同志关于消费问题研究的又一部学术著作<消费文化学>已由湖北人民出版社于2002年6月出版.<消费文化学>的出版标志着尹世杰同志在消费问题研究领域所进行的具有开拓性和创新性的研究已拓展到一个更具有探索价值的课题.任何一个社会的经济发展都有着深刻的文化背景和民族的文化底蕴,一定的经济发展必然会孕育某种与之相应的文化,并且反过来这种相应的文化又会影响经济的发展.经济与文化的这种辩证关系既推动着经济的发展,又促进着文化的繁荣.就消费经济与消费文化的关系来讲也是如此.因此,从消费经济学的研究拓展到消费文化学的研究,可以说是一种合乎逻辑和历史的演绎的必然结果.  相似文献   

二十年前,当改革开放的春风吹绿华夏大地、消费经济理论研究刚刚起步的时候,由著名经济学家、我国消费经济学创始人之一的尹世杰教授一手创办的《消费经济》隆重面世。尽管人们日复一日、年复一年地在重复消费这个行为,尽管马克思主义经典作家从理论上对消费有过许多科学精彩的论述,但是在当代,我国经济理论工作者对消费的系统研究仍是落后了一步。正是在这样的背景下,《消费经济》的诞生就具有了非常的意义:她是一个标志,向世人宣告,消费经济理论研究和发展的成果,从此有了舞台;她是一个号角,唤起经济理论工作者向这个领域进军的激情。弹指间,二十年过去了,在尹世杰教授的领导下,《消费经济》不负众望,为马克思主义消费经济理论的研究和发展,作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy - The author examines the role of economics in consumer protection, drawing from her experience at the U. S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which has a dual mandate to...  相似文献   

Certification labels have become a ubiquitous feature on food products across grocery store shelves. Although it is widely acknowledged that certified products often garner higher prices than their noncertified competition, less is known regarding what those price differences are based on, and what the personal, political, or ethical implications are for consumers. This research note argues for greater attention to the implications of certified food prices—which we conceptualize as the “consumer costs” of food certification. The paper discusses the theoretical linkages between food certifications and prices, and outlines the resulting consumer costs of which we are concerned. Through a pilot study in Salt Lake City, Utah, we investigate prices found on certified grocery store rice, and consider the causes and implications of the consumer costs of food certification.  相似文献   

今天是一个大喜的日子,大家来到这里,一起庆贺《消费经济》杂志创刊20周年。在这里,我要感谢《消费经济》杂志的主编尹世杰教授,感谢他多年来不懈的工作和创造性的研究成果,使得《消费经济》在经济期刊中取得如此高的学术地位。我要感谢各位专家学者,感谢大家对《消费经济》的关怀与厚爱。同时,我也代表《消费经济》的主管单位湖南商学院,感谢湖南省新闻出版局、湖南师范大学和湘潭大学对于《消费经济》的关心和支持。正是大家的共同努力,才使《消费经济》取得了今天这样引人注目的成就。  相似文献   

曾赤 《消费经济》2002,18(6):17-18
尹世杰教授是我国老一辈经济学家,是消费经济学的创始人,他长期以来从事政治经济学的教学和研究,特别是20世纪80年代以来,在消费经济学、消费力经济学和消费文化的研究方面取得了开创性的成就,填补了我国经济学的空白.  相似文献   

Healthcare exchange often contains peril for consumers because of numerous barriers to financial well-being (FWB). Rather than ruing specific agendas of healthcare policy, we embrace a neutral and immediately actionable approach. The authors promote gains in healthcare's current composition by empowering consumers to be proactive, where possible, in reducing power inequities and improving their own FWB. As such, the authors identify primary barriers to the FWB of healthcare consumers and propose individual opportunities within the existing healthcare structure that are likely to improve fiscal outcomes. Moreover, the current research demonstrates collaborative paths wherein power-holders (i.e., practitioner, researcher, consumer, government) can collaborate toward and/or contribute to the same financial health. A proposed theoretical framework, with foundations of power-responsibility equilibrium and transformative service research, gives rise to future research directions. This research is intended to provide a foundation for healthcare and FWB thought/action, and to guide coming scholarly offerings.  相似文献   

我热烈祝贺全国第六次消费经济理论研讨会的隆重举行,祝贺尹世杰教授八十华诞.在这里,我想讲三个问题.  相似文献   

随着移动技术的迭代更新,移动网络环境不断优化,中国已然进入了移动信息化时代。近年来,越来越多的消费者通过移动端获取产品信息,移动端视频播放量也呈现出爆炸式的增长,这一趋势为广告营销带来了新的机遇。广告主正逐渐加大对移动视频广告的资金投入,移动视频广告在市场中也表现出了积极地发展态势。通过对移动视频广告的解析,进一步分析消费者对移动视频广告的态度,并对移动视频广告的未来市场化发展进行了有益探索。移动广告公司应以消费者为主导去设计视频广告,增加用户粘合度,让视频广告效果实现最大化。  相似文献   

Economics, Psychology, and Social Dynamics of Consumer Bidding in Auctions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With increasing numbers of consumers in auction marketplaces, we highlight some recent approaches that bring additional economic, social, and psychological factors to bear on existing economic theory to better understand and explain consumers' behavior in auctions. We also highlight specific research streams that could contribute towards enriching existing economic models of bidding behavior in emerging market mechanisms. This paper is based on the special session at the 6th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium, University of Colorado Boulder, June 2004 (co-chaired by the first two authors).  相似文献   

在主编尹世杰教授的主持下,《消费经济》杂志走过了20年不平凡的历程。艰难困苦,玉汝于成。《消费经济》杂志从创刊时起就一直奋进在马克思主义消费经济理论研究的前沿阵地。经过20年的艰辛磨炼和不断发展,今天她已成为引领消费经济理论研究的一面旗帜,一支号角,一个阵地。作为  相似文献   

闻潜 《消费经济》2005,21(6):6-7
二十年来,在《消费经济》的倡导和支持下,消费经济从无到有,而今已茁壮成长,成为经济学的一个重要分支,令众多学子敬仰。  相似文献   

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