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除了娱乐和通讯,电子商务发展也越来越快,商务型的互联网正在形成.网络销售、网络金融、网上政务等相关服务越来越多.而在国内电子商务发展过程中,网络骗子却频频出现,欺诈行为频频发生,给网络商务应用的发展蒙上了一层阴影.因此,商务型的互联网对实名制的要求越来越迫切.  相似文献   

金晶 《经济研究导刊》2022,(33):159-161
随着网络信息化技术的进一步发展,其应用领域不断扩大,尤其是在各类电子商务平台和互联网购物平台等领域的运用,更是呈现出迅猛发展的态势。当前,互联网购物的领域和范围逐渐覆盖到人们生活的每一个角落,从某种程度上来说,网络购物已经成为一种不可或缺的生活消费方式。需要注意的是,在互联网购物平台运行过程中,逐渐地暴露出恶意差评等相关问题,对网络运营环境造成极大的负面影响,不仅严重损害了经营者的合法经营权益,而且也在一定程度上造成了对消费者权利的损害。因此,针对这种恶意差评的行为,要从法律层面进行相应的规范和制约,针对网络评价机制进行不断的改进和完善,以此有效避免恶意差评行为对于电子商务的良性发展造成的负面影响。鉴于此,通过网购过程中恶意差评行为的重点分析,查找应对此类行为存在的法律问题并提出相应的解决对策,以期为营造良好的网络环境,保障网络购物及电子商务的发展提供必要的法治保障。  相似文献   

随着我国经济技术的迅速发展,当前互联网与电子商务也有了大发展,而网络金融与电子支付也正面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战.只有科学应对这种挑战,才能充分利用互联网给我们带来的便利,推动我国信息技术的快速发展.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的高速发展,社会主流消费群体呈现出社群化、专属化、实时化的发展特征,电子商务营销也随之不断创新发展,出现了基于社交网络的口碑营销、大数据驱动的精准营销、全渠道下的体验营销等新型电子商务营销形式。  相似文献   

受互联网技术快速发展影响,近年来我国电子商务领域取得了长足进步,互联网思维在多领域的渗透也带来了深远影响。因此,基于互联网思维的电子商务发展融合路径,深入探讨基于互联网思维的电子商务发展融合实践,并从精准扶贫、旅游经济、服装产业三方面研究基于互联网思维的电子商务发展融合,希望能够给相关从业人员以启发。  相似文献   

计算机技术及互联网的飞速发展促使全球电子商务的蓬勃与繁盛,然而,不法分子利用互联网虚假交易进行违法犯罪的情况也随之出现并迅速发展。其中如何防范不法分子利用互联网虚假交易进行洗钱是金融行动特别工作组以及各国反洗钱有关部门共同面临的重要课题。防控网络洗钱应全面地设计、完善监管机制,从技术监测方面,搭建符合互联网第三方支付特点的反洗钱监测预警系统具有可行性和必要性。从法律监管方面,我国更须尽快完善反洗钱法律体系,补充、修正现行反洗钱法律制度的不足与缺陷,应对网络交易快速增长和全球经济一体化趋势下的新型网络洗钱犯罪的新动向、新特点、新挑战,取得更好的反洗钱监管成效。  相似文献   

互联网的发展引发了电子商务的出现、发展。这种新型的经营模式同时也给商家、消费者等带来了有关交易安全性的忧虑。为消除这种忧虑促使电子商务能健康地发展,国外采用了注册会计师网络鉴证的方式。在我国开展网络鉴证业务有相关的基础,也存在开展该业务的可能性。我国在发展网络鉴证业务的同时,还需要考虑一些问题,如需大力宣传网络鉴证业务、提高CPA的胜任能力并寻求注册会计师协会的支持等。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展及对互联网技术的深入运用,互联网和传统旅游业相结合,形成旅游电子商务的产业模式.目前旅游行业已经整体电子商务化,对旅游人才的能力提出了新的要求,对于人才需求的趋势也更加复杂,趋向于具备全面的综合素质,兼具跨界知识与技能的人才,从业人员不但要具备较高的网络技术、电子商务知识,与旅游相关的较全面系统的专业知识,以及市场运营、企业管理等方面的知识也应同时具备.  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展和互联网的应用,越来越多的企业将发展目光投注在电子商务中,电子商务正在改变企业的经营模式和盈利方法.在这样的大背景下,小微型金属制品企业也应该抓住发展机遇,在网络世界占据一席之地.笔者通过分析小微型金属制品企业现有营销策略的问题所在,提出有利于小微型金属制品企业发展的营销策略,以及相关的见解和建议.希望能引起小微型金属制品企业的关注,以促进其在网络时代获得更大的发展平台和更多的发展机会.  相似文献   

电子商务是网络经济的核心之一,伴随着信息技术和金融经济的发展,促成了网络金融的形成和发展.网络银行是网络金融中的一个重要组成,也享受到了来自电子商务技术的支持和保障.我国在电子商务和网络金融上的法律保障还在起步阶段,但在经济和社会的发展带动下,法律体系也在逐步健全,朝着更好更安全的方向发展.  相似文献   

梁雪 《经济与管理》2010,24(1):92-95
中国电子商务网站的发展存在着各级电子商务网站发展不平衡,普及率较高但质量低等问题。在今后的发展中应“以人为本”,统一技术标准和规范业务流程,因地制宜地发展电子政务,加强对电子政务人才的培养。  相似文献   

Previous research efforts suggested that firms' overall e-business success tends to deliver greater organizational performance. However, few researchers examined how a firm leverages e-business investment to gain greater e-business success. Even fewer researchers investigated the different impacts of different levels of e-business success on organizational performance. This paper addresses two questions: (1) what capabilities influence a firms' ability to build e-business success and enjoy greater organizational performance, where firm-level e-business success is measured by e-business service capability and IT-enabled collaborative advantage; and (2) whether the two ways of measuring e-business success result in different impacts on organizational performance? We propose that a firm's application capability of e-business involving systems development and systems usage is positively related to a firm's overall e-business success, thus having a positive impact on organizational performance. We use survey data from 152 Chinese manufacturing firms and their B2B e-business systems participants to test our theoretical hypotheses and proposed model. The findings suggest that both systems development and systems usage have significant and positive impacts on e-business service capability, which in turn leads to greater IT-enabled collaborative advantage. This finding could be translated into the important role of a firm's application capability of e-business on e-business success. It is concluded that the application capability of e-business acts as one of the main mechanisms through which the e-business investment leads to greater e-business success. We also find that IT-enabled collaborative advantage, compared with e-business service capability, has a more significant and greater impact on organizational performance. This study extends prior e-business success research by opening up the ‘black box’ between a firm's e-business investment and its e-business success, and by distinguishing the relative impacts of e-business service capability versus IT-enabled collaborative advantage on organizational performance. Another contribution of this study is that the effect of context factors (firm size, industry, and system duration) in developing country on our proposed model.  相似文献   

周杨 《经济与管理》2011,25(4):76-80
旅游网站整合推广的站内策略主要有优化域名选择和优化网页设计,站外策略主要有优化搜索引擎、交换链接、导入Web2.0和引入个人终端媒体等。旅游网站应根据自身所处发展阶段,选择适宜的整合推广策略。  相似文献   

网络环境下的不正当竞争及其规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络环境下的不正当竞争主要发生在电子商务中。电子商务的健康发展需要市场主体间的正当竞争,排斥不正当竞争。电子商务实践中存在着诸如主体混同、商誉侵权、侵犯商业秘密、域名抢注以及垄断等不正当竞争行为,桎梏了电子商务的发展。对此应当从充分利用现有立法规制和不断完善立法约束两个方面寻求对策。  相似文献   

李强  王孝松 《经济评论》2012,(3):145-155
本文构建了一个理论框架研究中美贸易不平衡中的东亚转移效应以及东亚转移效应在不同技术分类下的不同表现。在理论分析的基础上,选取中国对东亚的投资开放度和加权实际汇率两个指标来度量东亚转移效应,并进行回归分析。实证结果发现:东亚转移效应是中美贸易顺差扩大的重要因素;东亚转移效应显著存在于高技术和中技术产品上,低技术产品和初级产品则不存在显著的东亚转移效应;高技术产品上的东亚转移效应要明显大于中技术产品;人民币对美元升值有助于减少中、低技术产品顺差,但对高技术产品顺差几乎没有影响。为有效缓解中美贸易不平衡,中国须审慎对待人民币升值,稳步、有序地推进汇率制度改革,鼓励企业海外投资,加快产业结构升级,并坚持走出口多元化道路。  相似文献   

Using data from 1978–2005, this paper estimates RMB equilibrium exchange rate and misalignment respectively, and uses Engle-Granger (E-G) two-step method, error correction model to analyze the influence of RMB exchange rate misalignment on China’s export. Because China is the economic transitional country with the character of dualistic economic structure, this paper introduces a control variant into the model which is the gap between agriculture and industry contribution to GDP. Conclusion shows that this model is more credible and stable. There is an obvious cointegration between China’s export and RMB exchange rate misalignment, real effective exchange rate, domestic GDP and foreign weighted average GDP. RMB exchange rate misalignment has an obvious negative influence on China’s export, but it has self-corrected dynamic mechanism. Then using binary Logit model, this paper concludes that the bigger RMB underestimated misalignment is, the bigger net export probability is, which is good for export. The bigger RMB overestimated misalignment is, the smaller net export probability is, which is bad for export.   相似文献   

公司法作为商法的基本组成部分,在市场经济体系中占有非常重要的地位。本文结合我国的社会经济实践,对我国现行公司法的修改和完善从公司法的指导思想、立法原则、体系安排、法律形态选择等角度提出了建议,认为公司法的制定应充分反映市场经济的基本要求和本质内涵,应反映世界公司法发展的先进成果和经验。  相似文献   

This study investigates the determining factors of the successful adoption of e-business by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Korea using survey data. After the major determining factors were identified from the innovation adoption literature and were extracted by applying the principal component analysis to the survey data and by adding the country-specific characteristics of Korea, we conducted empirical analyses to determine the critical success factors for the adoption of e-business by Korean firms. The empirical results which are based on t-tests of the differences between adopters and non-adopters, the linear probability model, and the logit model, all suggest that the important determinants of the successful adoption of e-business by SMEs in Korea are: the CEO's knowledge of information technology (IT)/e-business, relative advantages and benefits from implementing e-business, governmental support, globalization strategy and the North Korean factor. Business size, the cost of e-business adoption and competitive pressure of the industry do not seem to play an important role in the adoption of e-business by Korean SMEs. The policy implications of this study on promoting e-business adoption by SMEs in emerging economies, such as Korea, are also discussed.  相似文献   

21世纪初,由于美元持续贬值、欧元持续升值等原因,前者在国际货币体系中的首要地位日益面临欧元的挑战。譬如,前者全球外汇储备中的比重逐步下降,后者则相应上升;越来越多的国家要求在国际石油交易中加入欧元等。国际货币体系的演变从根本上取决于各国政治、经济和军事实力的对比,由于实力差距,欧元在短期内难以改变美元在这一体系中的地位。  相似文献   

In this research study the effect of Financial and Non-Financial performance of organisations on e-business strategy planning is investigated. The strategic planning parameters of Phillips model are examined when applied to e-business strategy planning. The relationships between these parameters, that is, Formality, Participation, Sophistication and Thoroughness, and Financial and Non-Financial Performance, are examined and the directions of these relationships are investigated. A conceptual model has been constructed and quantitative research methods are used to test four hypotheses. The proposed e-business model was tested in two EU countries, the UK and Greece. A synoptic statistical analysis and comparative numerical results are given showing that in both countries Participation has a positive relationship with Financial Performance and Formality has a positive relationship with Non-Financial Performance. The proposed model is extendable and valid in countries other than the UK and Greece, thus being able to be adapted to and used in other national environments.  相似文献   

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