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分析铁路多经系统法律事务机构和法律服务的现状,从机构、人员、作用和职能等方面,指出存在的不足之处,提出铁路多经系统法律事务机构创设的4项建议,从参与重大经营决策、管理企业合同、提供专项法律服务和处理企业法律纠纷等4个主要方面,对构建铁路多经系统法律服务保障机制提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

企业法律事务管理,是指企业运用法律手段管理企业经济,调节企业各项经济活动和经济关系,从法律方面给企业的生产、经营活动提供保证,维护企业的合法权益和国家法律的正确实施,从而改善企业经营管理,增强企业活力,提高企业应变、发展和竞争的能力,达到提高经济效益,推动生产发展的目的,使企业的经济活动沿着法制的轨道健康发展。其特征是:普遍性,法律事务管理贯穿企业生产经营全过程;强制性,法律  相似文献   

根据国家经贸委1997年5月3日颁布的《企业法律顾问管理办法》(以下简称《管理办法》)规定,企业法律顾问是指具右企业法律顾问执业资格,由企业聘任并经注册机关注册后从事企业法律事务工作的企业内部专业人员。1997年3月12日,由人事邮、国家经贸委  相似文献   

厦门海沧投资总公司的主要职责是海沧台商投资区开发建设服务配套,并按市场经济要求加强自身的经营发展,目前经营、管理近15亿元的国有资产。总公司设有总经理办、财务部,投资部、法律事务室、工程部、党办监察室、物流部等7个管理部门,辖6家全资子公司,3家控股公司和3家联营公司。  相似文献   

国铁企业法律纠纷案件管理是铁路法治建设的重要组成部分,为全面提升法律纠纷案件管理水平,切实维护铁路合法权益,亟需针对相应管理机制进一步创新和优化,以适应国铁企业改革发展的需要。在对国铁企业法律纠纷案件管理机制现状及优化因素进行分析的基础上,提出创新主动维权方式、构建区域会商新模式、优化重点领域案例应对指引的国铁企业法律纠纷案件管理机制优化策略,通过制定主动维权工作指引、扩大案件区域会商参与主体范围、编写重点领域法律纠纷案件应对指引等措施,完善国铁企业法律纠纷案件管理体系,实现法律事务工作与铁路生产经营活动的深度融合。  相似文献   

企业法律问题是指对企业组织、生产经营全过程产生影响的法律问题。由于旧的计划经济体制原因,企业作为市场经济的主体功能被削弱成为生产单位,企业赖以生存的社会市场环境、市场主体的制度和市场运行规则等,都因主体功能的易位而成为不必要。市场对资源的配置作用,也由于政府组织对企业组织的职能替代而失去作用,企业间不再有竞争、计划和销售,因此,企业法律问题的研究已是一项长期被忽略的问题。本文即是将法学和管理学相结合,利用预警管理理论,探讨企业法律事务的预警预控问题。  相似文献   

由交通部政策法规司召开的交通企业法制工作会议于元月7日至9日在秦皇岛港召开。部政法司领导和来自上海、大连、烟台等港口及地方政府部门法律顾问和法律事务机构负责同志近30人到会。这次企业法制工作会议是继1990年在杭州召开的全国交通法律顾问工作会议之后的又一次研究企业法制建设的  相似文献   

企业法律顾问制度是指在企业内部设置法律顾问机构,配备若干名通晓法律知识和熟悉企业经营的专、兼职法律工作人员,负责处理企业涉及的法律事务和有关法律问题的制度根据公路运输企业的法制现状和经营管理的需要,为提高企业的法律意识和维权能力,促进企业健康、稳步地发展,在公路运输企业中实行法律顾间制度具有现实而深远的意义。  相似文献   

西雅图港位于美国华盛顿州垦县西雅图市的伊利沃特海湾,港务局负责经营管理一个陆域面积为1200英亩的海港和一个年旅客发送量达830万人次的国际航空港。 港务局实行小机关制度,仅设法律事务、公共关系、政府关系、财务、会计和市场业务开发六部。财务和会计分设,但都归财务总监统辖,并直属于局长领导。财务部有8名职员,负责全局经营预算、投资预算、资金筹措、内部审计等方面职能。会计部有37名职员,负责处理全局会计核算。营业帐款开单结算、材料物资采购、应付帐款审核清算、员工工资、保险的计算和支付等方面工作。 港务局下设后勤服务部…  相似文献   

分析了铁路局直接管理站段后的变化,阐述了站段的职能定位,运用管理理论,结合铁路实际,从生产管理、安全管理、资产管理、工资管理、成本管理、站段考核及专业管理与综合管理协调等方面,提出了构建管理新机制的建议和构想。  相似文献   

Following International Air Transportation Association requirement for all member airlines and airports to have a security management system (SeMS) beginning 1 March 2007, many organizations are looking to learn from safety and quality management systems. Without specific guidelines or best practices, organizations are forced to imitate these processes designed for different goals. Since safety, quality, and security environments operate on radically different principles, SeMS implementation must take a different tack. The case of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority illustrates the importance of a custom-designed program that meets public and corporate needs. The Authority is responsible for security screening of passengers, non-passengers, and baggage within selected airports. As a crown corporation with a precise statutory mandate and regulatory environment, the development of a SeMS illustrates some of the key problems for the application of SeMS to larger organizations.  相似文献   

The globally celebrated Olympic Winter Games (OWG) are highly dependent on suitable snow and ice conditions to support elite-level competitions. To determine the range of weather impacts on the Games, this study examines the official Olympic post-Games reports from 1924 to 2010. Impacts include preparations for the Games, holding outdoor opening–closing ceremonies, outdoor sporting competitions, spectator comfort, transportation, and television broadcasts. The study also examines the range of historical adaptations that have developed to manage weather risks at the OWG. Three adaptation eras are identified, spanning the history of the games: emergent adaptation, technological transition, and advanced adaptation. Analysis reveals that while weather-induced impacts have always been a part of the Games, these impacts would be far greater if not for technical climatic adaptations. With the average daytime temperature of host locations steadily increasing from 0.4°C at the Games held in the 1920–1950s to 7.8°C at the Games held in the twenty-first century, it would be difficult to imagine recent host cities/regions successfully delivering the diverse Games programme exclusively on natural ice and snow. The connection between the evolving needs for weather risk management strategies by Olympic organisers and the growth of the Olympics in size and scope is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of managing a fleet of trucks with different capacity to serve the requests of different customers that arise randomly over time. The problem is formulated via dynamic programming. Linear programming approximations of the problem are presented and their solutions are exploited to develop partitioned booking limits and bid prices policies. The numerical experiments show that the proposed policies can be profitably used in supporting the decision maker.  相似文献   

面对激烈的市场竞争,区域性铁路企业必须作好干部制度、劳动用工制度、分配制度的改革,同时要搞好资金管理,确保国有资产增值保值,强化按规章制度办事的意识,落实规范化管理。同时还应处理好长远利益与眼前利益、突出重点与兼顾一般、硬件建设与软件培植、不断创新与墨守成规等辩证关系,才能使区域性铁路企业不断提高经济效益,加快发展步伐。  相似文献   

Global intermodal tank container management for the chemical industry   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The scale of the global chemical industry is enormous: in 2003, the total value of global production exceeded US$1.7 trillion. International logistics is especially crucial to the high-value chemicals industry, since raw materials sources, production facilities, and consumer markets are distributed globally. Fluctuating demand, imbalanced trade flows, and expensive transportation equipment necessitate dynamic asset management. This paper focuses on asset management problems faced by tank container operators, and formulates an operational tank container management problem as a large-scale multi-commodity flow problem on a time-discretized network. By integrating container routing and repositioning decisions in a single model, total operating costs and fleet sizes can be reduced. A computational study verifies this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The existing industry strategies for managing pallets, (single-use expendable pallets, buy/sell programs, and leased pallet pooling programs), are analyzed and compared using push and pull inventory control policies. A two-stage integrated framework is developed that combines cost relationship models with data gathered in industry with multi-echelon inventory performance measures. For the base case, the single-use expendable pallet approach presents the least cost of all strategies, but the leased pallet pooling programs outperform the buy/sell programs in terms of total cost. The intervals where each strategy is most attractive are shown with respect to pallet cost, salvage cost, dwell fees, effective issue fees, retention rates, and transportation costs.  相似文献   

合资铁路经营管理模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
厘清合资铁路与合资铁路公司概念,结合合资铁路公司经营目标,分析合资铁路经营模式,探讨经营模式的选择依据。  相似文献   

探索铁路局直管站段新体制下的企业管理模式,发挥运输部门的专业管理优势,强化综合部门的服务管理职能,加强企业管理,强化制度创新,推进管理创新,促进铁路的改革和发展.  相似文献   

The classic dynamic programming approach is not applicable to the airline network revenue management (RM) problem of a practical size due to the curse of dimensionality. Many heuristic methods, including the most popular bid-price control approach, generate the approximate control decisions based on various static formulations, which need to be re-solved to take into account the dynamic features of the problem. By a simulation experiment, this study examines the re-solving issue of the bid-price method and tests a new method, the parameterized function approach, in which no problem-resolving is required. Based on the results, the parameterized function approach is found to be a promising alternative. As for the bid-price control approach, a high re-solving frequency is needed for a good result.  相似文献   

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