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案例教学法作为商学院的核心教学方法之一,已在国内外的商科教育中得到广泛应用,案例采编也受到越来越多商学院教师的关注。然而,从现有文献来看,以实证方法衡量案例编写合理性和案例教学有效性的研究尚处于起步阶段。基于相关文献,从教师与学生的双视角出发,运用定性和定量研究相结合的方法,开发测度案例编写合理性和案例教学有效性的量表,并运用因子分析予以验证。结果表明,前者包括教学目标明确性、案例选择典型性、案例情节逻辑性、案例情节趣味性、案例问题匹配性和案例问题开放性六个维度;后者包括理论知识、实践经验和综合能力三个维度。研究不仅为案例采编的课堂检验提供了合适的测量工具,也为案例教学研究拓展了新的思路。  相似文献   

本文通过对笔者开发的一系列电子政务案例教学工具的分析,揭示出创建综合性电子政务案例教学工具的重要意义,并就如何设计开发高校电子政务案例教学工具提出对策建议.  相似文献   

对开发会计学案例教学的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
案例教学 ,作为一种先进的教学理念和方法 ,可以改变学生在学习过程中的思维方式和学习方法 ,调动其积极性 ,培养其创造性和实践能力。案例教学的实施可以有效改善教学方式单调的现状 ,弥补现有教育手段的不足  相似文献   

在微观经济学的教学中,案例教学法由于其能够帮助学生更快的走出理论学习的不适阶段,具有培养学生学习兴趣、提高学生分析问题解决问题能力的作用,得到广泛的应用。在教学中,可以采用案例引导、小组讨论和实地调研等方式进行,使得经济学的学习变得生动、易懂,极大的提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展以及多媒体设备在实际教学中的广泛运用,视频案例教学在商学院中逐渐得到普及和运用。本文对目前案例教学中存在的问题进行分析,在对体验式教学和视频案例教学的研究综述基础上,提出了体验式视频案例,并结合笔者参与开发的视频案例,介绍了体验式视频案例教学的开发和使用过程,总结出了体验式视频案例教学在商学院教学中的独特优势,为未来案例教学的发展提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

案例教学因有着独特的实践性特征逐渐被广泛应用,而农业机械作为一门实践性很强的专业,案例教学已成为其课堂上必不可少的组成部分。经过几年的实践,农业机械专业课课堂的案例教学已经取得明显的成效。案例教学对于激发研究生的学习热情,培养研究生分析问题、解决问题的能力起了重要作用。但案例教学在我国高校教学实践中尚未得到应有的重视。该文总结了案例教学在教学实践中的优势,以香蕉假茎粉碎机为例,对案例教学进行了探索和实践。  相似文献   

针对传统案例教育教学中存在的对事故案例选择不典型、分析不到位、防范措施针对性不强、缺乏相关知识链接,事故呈现的形式不新颖、缺乏震撼力等不足,总结了所在企业开发制作煤矿典型事故案例教育教学片的一些做法,为煤矿企业开展事故案例教育教学,提供了一些可资借鉴的经验,探索出了一条制作开发之路。  相似文献   

英语案例教学探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对案例教学法的特点、案例的编写遵循的原则、实施过程和注意事项等方面对案例教学法在英语课堂中的实施进行了阐述。将案例教学法引入到英语课堂中来,改变传统的教学模式,不改变现有的教学体制,其教学核心内容不变。案例引导教学,它能丰富教学内容,提高学习效率,是保证教学质量、增强学生实践能力和与就业岗位尽快尽早接轨能力的有效途径;同时案例教学法也是适应目前高校的教育现状、提高教学质量,培养具有创新精神和创新能力的人才的重要途径。  相似文献   

介绍了第二届“中国管理案例共享国际论坛”(2011)的概况,并将两届论坛的稿件情况进行了对比分析,结果表明本届教学案例在数量和质量方面同上届相比均有了较大幅度的提升。在详细阐述规范性教学案例及其实现手段基础上,构建了一套教学案例规范性评价指标,并基于此评价指标对本届论坛的70篇教学案例的规范性进行了评估。评价结果显示本届教学案例在决策点的恰当性、谋篇布局的合理性、描述的客观性等方面有待进一步加强。针对这些问题,给出了如何改善和提高教学案例规范性的合理化建议。  相似文献   

案例教学分成明确教学目标、精心选编案例、创设问题情境、开展案例讨论、总结讨论意见等五个步骤。在明确教学目标环节中,应该明确教学目标的依据、要素和表述方法。在精心选编案例环节中,综合考虑案例的特征和要素,开展案例编写。在创设问题情境环节中,依据创设问题情境的原则来考虑方法。在开展案例讨论环节中,讨论前做好准备,设计讨论方式和步骤。在总结讨论意见环节中,做好教师点评和教学考核。  相似文献   

由于传统教学法的不足,使财务管理案例教学法的优势明显凸现。本文从案例教学的原则入手,对财务管理案例教学法在案例的选择、教师的课堂组织、学生角色的转换及有效的考核机制等方面进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

Development centres capitalize upon tried and tested assessment centre methods and are quite widely used in career management. However, a number of issues arise in their operation. Some of these reflect the balance between, on the one hand, assessing and grading people and, on the other hand, facilitating and guiding their future development. An investigation is reported of how these issues are experienced and made sense of in a UK-based international company. Data were gathered on two occasions one year apart (Ns = 95 and 113) from participants and other stakeholders in a development centre for potential senior managers. Findings indicate that participants who were awarded a high grade at the centre did not necessarily have more positive perceptions of the development centre process. However, grading, with its consequences for development, motivation and social networks, was salient in respondents' comments about the centres. Themes in these responses are identified and described. Participants were more likely than others (e.g. assessors, line managers) to value the development centre for reasons related to their development, whereas others were more likely to mention assessment/grading. Few respondents mentioned both. Overall, the findings support, to some extent, concerns about the incompatibility of grading and development, but also suggest that the use of grading does not entirely negate the developmental value of the centres. Much depends on perceptions of how the grading information is used.  相似文献   

宪法案例教学法是教师通过研究国外法官对宪法案件的判决和国内专家对宪法事例的评析来引导学生掌握宪法基本原理的一种教学方法。它由确定案例范围、选择案例和加工已选案例这三个阶段组成。案例教学法有助于培养学生的宪政理念与综合职业能力,树立学生的宪法信仰。  相似文献   

The front end phase of the new product development has been examined extensively, yet few if any studies have examined the front end phase of new process development. By means of a multiple case study of process firms, this article aims to bridge this knowledge gap. Our results show that substantial differences in front end activities exist between the product development and process development domains. We conceptualize the front end in process development to be an iterative trial-and-error process, dominated by activities such as idea generation and refinement, literature reviews, anticipation of end-product changes, and various forms of experiments in bench scale, lab scale, and full-scale production. In addition, we highlight key problems in the front end and managerial remedies for how to mitigate them. While these findings provide theoretical implications for research into product development, process development and production management, the findings are particularly relevant to process development managers, plant managers, and development engineers interested in increasing the efficiency of production processes.  相似文献   

Embedded knowledge and offshore software development   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Offshore software development scenarios may include groups with domain specific knowledge who collaborate internationally across multiple local contexts. A key challenge in the understanding and also practice of such distributed work is concerned with the issue of knowledge, and how it can be effectively managed. In this paper, we develop a conceptual scheme based on theories associated with embedded knowledge. Drawing on evidence from a longitudinal case study of a British software company with an offshore subsidiary in India, we discuss problems associated with the embeddedness of knowledge in two geographically separated units of a firm.  相似文献   

文中高等教育的迅速发展产生了一系列的问题,并激发了诸多的教育改革措施,如高校合并、教育评估、教师聘任等。在大学英语的教学上,高等教育规模的扩大,目标定位的转化,使得大学英语教育面临师资力量不足、学生水平参差不齐、教学方法单一、教学效果不明显等问题。改革大学英语教学内容和教学方法,既是进一步应对当前新趋势和新挑战的基本策略,也是高等教育任务和作用的内在要求。  相似文献   

The most popular model of team development in Dutch socio-technical literature is a linear approach, which states that teams develop in four successive phases. A method for defining the particular phase a team is in was developed a number of years ago and was recently used in a large-scale survey at Volvo's cab manufacturing plant in Umeå (northern Sweden). Thirty-seven semi-autonomous teams were studied at this plant during a seven-month period. This paper examines the development of the teams and addresses the effects of team development on overall team performance. The aspect of team development was correlated to both performance in terms of quality of working life (QWL) and business performance (BP), which is an empirically unexplored field within team literature. The linear phase approach of team development could not be proved. Nevertheless, teams were found to develop in four important areas, with each aspect significantly affecting team performance.  相似文献   

财务管理案例教学法高校运用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
案例教学法从真正意义上实现了以学生为主体,以培养学生的自主学习能力、实践能力和创新能力为基本价值取向。本文从高校学生“适应能力”培养的角度,对案例教学法的本质特征以及案例教学法“教”与“学”的定位进行了分析,针对案例教学法应用存在的问题,提出改进财务管理案例教学法的具体建议。  相似文献   

电子商务专业属于新兴的边缘学科、复合型专业,办学时间短,教学经验少,在专业定位、课程设置、师资力量和学生就业等方面存在亟待解决的问题。针对这些问题,文章结合教学实践经验,对如何创新电子商务专业人才培养模式作了实质性的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

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