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商业友谊对关系品质和顾客忠诚的影响之研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过去友谊的探讨只停留在社会性方面,很少论及它在商业活动中的经济性交换特性,所以相关理论未推广至商业环境,因此,顾客在消费过程中与服务人员建立的朋友关系即商业友谊的探讨将有助于弥补和完善这一缺口和理论。本文将对商业友谊这一重要的营销关系进行探讨,并通过以美容院为研究对象的实证研究,分析它与关系品质和顾客忠诚的影响,揭示商业友谊对服务性企业的重要性。  相似文献   

消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着买方市场特征的日益显著,企业竞争策略开始从单纯的争夺顾客向保留顾客转变。鉴于当前消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的重要作用,研究消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的影响,对于我们更好地认识顾客忠诚形成机制并指导顾客关系管理实践具有十分重要的意义。基于消费者视角,借助计划理论与调节聚焦理论探讨消费者创新性对顾客忠诚影响的内在机理可以发现,消费者创新性对顾客忠诚具有负向影响,且这种负向效应不受顾客满意度水平高低影响。同时,消费者创新性对顾客忠诚两个维度的影响存在差异,即消费者创新性负向影响行为忠诚,而对态度忠诚并无显著影响。考虑到消费者创新性对顾客忠诚及其具体维度的影响,为更好地进行企业顾客关系管理,必须关注目标顾客消费者创新性程度,特别是重视目标市场中消费者创新性程度较高的那部分顾客。企业在追求顾客忠诚时,不能仅仅关注顾客满意,还要充分认识消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的负向影响,将注意力转向企业外部,关注消费者创新性程度,采取适当的营销策略合理防止消费者创新性程度较高的顾客发生购买行为转移。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between two outcomes of relationship marketing – affective commitment and behavioral loyalty – and consumers' unethical behavior. The main objective of the study is to assess whether affective commitment and behavioral loyalty to a store translate into more ethical behavior towards that store, controlling for the variables of age, gender, and ethical beliefs. The study does not rely on a single measurement tool, but is based on ten months' panel data and three different mail surveys targeted at 359 Belgian households. The results provide support for our hypothesis that affective commitment is indeed negatively correlated with consumers' unethical behavior. The same conclusion could not be drawn for the relationship between behavioral loyalty and consumers' unethical behavior. No significant relationship was detected, not even in situations where affective commitment was high. The results hold major implications for retailing practice.  相似文献   

为了探讨汽车服务行业服务质量、顾客满意度与顾客认知、情感、意向、行为等四类忠诚度之间的关系,我们对广东省7家汽车4S店进行实证调查,结果发现:服务质量对顾客的认知、情感和意向忠诚度有直接的影响;顾客满意度对顾客四类忠诚度都有直接的影响,且顾客满意度对态度忠诚的影响大于其对行为忠诚的影响;在顾客四类忠诚度中,对顾客行为忠诚有直接影响的是认知忠诚和意向忠诚,其中意向忠诚的影响程度较大。  相似文献   


As the number of tourists continues to grow globally, the hospitality industry players inevitably face more challenges. High competition among the competitors and the emergence of new technologies such as online booking platforms make the competition more intense among players in the hospitality sector. The quality of services provided is undoubtedly crucial to the success of the hotel. Hence, any service failure has to be addressed appropriately in order to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and to keep the image of the hotel intact. It is therefore vital that service recovery programs are carefully planned to meet various types of service failures which may inevitably occur. In this study, questionnaires were distributed to customers who had experienced service failures. The aim was to investigate the influence of service quality and service recovery on satisfaction and, ultimately, the effect on customer loyalty. The research also tested the mediating effect of corporate image between the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The findings showed that both service recovery and service quality had a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Similarly, it was found that customer satisfaction induced customer loyalty towards the hotel operator. The result also showed that corporate image mediated partially between the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.  相似文献   

服务质量与服务忠诚的多维度关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆娟  芦艳 《财贸研究》2006,(6):80-87
本文选择北京地区接受餐饮业服务的消费者为调研样本,运用因子分析、结构方程模型等计量手段,从多维度角度研究服务质量与服务忠诚的关系。研究结果表明:服务质量由有形性、可靠性、响应性、保证性和移情性五维度构成,服务忠诚由情感忠诚和行为忠诚两维度构成;服务质量不仅对服务忠诚存在着显著的直接正向影响,而且通过顾客满意对服务忠诚存在着显著的间接正向影响;服务质量各维度对服务忠诚各维度的影响机理与程度各不相同。研究结果同时引申出若干有关我国服务业如何提升服务质量以达到提升服务忠诚的启示。  相似文献   

物流服务质量影响因素与顾客忠诚度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
物流服务是现代服务业的一个重要组成部分,物流服务质量对提升企业竞争力具有重大影响。影响物流服务质量的因素主要有信息能力、配送能力、售前售后服务能力、匹配能力和创新能力。其中,售前售后服务能力、信息能力、配送能力对物流顾客感知满意度的影响具有显著性,匹配能力和创新能力对顾客感知满意度的影响较为显著。顾客感知满意度显著影响顾客的忠诚度,并且两者之间存在较大的路径系数。  相似文献   

This study proposes a model to explain how web site characteristics influence customer e-loyalty and positive word-of-mouth (WOM) via relationship quality (trust, satisfaction, and commitment) in business-to-business e-commerce. Three hundred and twelve online services users of the Market Intelligence Center in Taiwan were recruited and structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses. The result indicates that web site characteristics positively influence relationship quality. A follow-up post-analysis showed how five dimensions of the web site characteristics impacted relationship quality. In addition, both trust and satisfaction have a positive direct effect on e-loyalty, but not on positive WOM. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2014,90(4):567-586
To support managerial practice and help improve analytical models in retailing, this article extends the literature on processes in the psychological chain of effects from perceived quality to customer loyalty by making three original and fundamental contributions. Based on multilevel structural equation modeling of consumer data from Bolivia, Japan, and the USA, it shows that product beliefs mediate this chain of effects and that cross-over effects connect rational and emotional processes within this chain. Moreover, it elucidates conditions moderating the strength of these emotional and rational processes. Breadth of experience positively moderates the mediating role of product beliefs. Relative price positively moderates the effect of hedonic product beliefs on affective customer satisfaction and negatively moderates the effect of utilitarian product beliefs on cognitive customer satisfaction. Time since purchase positively moderates the role of emotional processes and negatively moderates the role of rational processes. The moderating effects of sensory, affective, and intellectual brand experience support the predictive validity of the research model. Further analyses illuminate how social recognition, customer value co-creation through product usage patterns, and product-service bundling affect product beliefs, as well as how affective and cognitive customer satisfaction influence positive word-of-mouth.  相似文献   

Logistics service quality (LSQ) concentrates on the results of the company's performance in the process of bringing merchandise and information from the company's warehouse to customers' home. There is neither consensus about its dimensions nor on how it might be influenced by technological solutions. The present article aims at identifying the main antecedents of LSQ, examining the influence of technology and its effects in terms of customer commitment and loyalty in B2B and B2C contexts. As a result, similar patterns are observed in the relationships of LSQ–commitment–loyalty with mixed evidence about the moderating role of information technology.  相似文献   

传统服务质量和电子服务质量已广受关注,但同时基于人-人交互和人-技术交互的混合服务质量还缺乏深入探索。文章基于我国线上线下融合情境构建并实证分析了混合服务质量对双线服务忠诚的影响模型。实证分析表明,实体服务质量、电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值和线上忠诚有积极影响,实体服务质量、整合服务质量对关系质量和线下忠诚有积极影响;感知价值和关系质量对线上线下忠诚均有积极影响;并且,感知价值和关系质量在混合服务质量三维度与线上线下忠诚之间起到一定程度的中介作用。此外,跨渠道质量不一致负向调节了电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值的影响,负向调节了实体服务质量、整合服务质量对关系质量的影响;渠道使用模式负向调节了电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值和关系质量的影响。研究从线上线下融合视角深入挖掘了混合服务质量影响服务忠诚的顾客心理机制和多渠道异质性特征,对混合服务提供商的服务质量和顾客忠诚管理有一定启示作用。  相似文献   

While the subjects of “relationship quality” and “service quality” are well-researched and understood, a clear explanation of the exact relationship that exists between these two important themes is lacking. In a departure from previous service quality studies, this article uses a conservative measure of SERVQUAL to explore the diagnostic structure of service quality. Next, it investigates the structural behavior of service quality dimensions on the relationship quality construct within an emerging telecom market through a dual-lens theoretical viewpoint. The findings show that, in an emerging telecom market, the dimensional structure of SERVQUAL does not completely match with the result previously generated by the originators. It also demonstrates that by improving some quality indicators, a service provider is better positioned to improve relationship quality. In addition, this article challenges the existing tenet of the S-O-R framework by demonstrating that stimulus factors can directly predict the response factor and that the response variable can play a dual role in the S-O-R arena. Finally, implications and contributions are outlined.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand and empirically test causal relationships among components of product service quality and commitment and buyer loyalty in business-to-business (B to B) relationships.

Methodology/approach: Data were collected through a web-based survey from 314 buyers of B to B manufacturers in Korea.

Findings: Product quality enhances all three types of commitment in B to B relationships, service quality is positively associated with affective commitment, and support quality has a significantly positive effect on affective and normative commitment. Also, the moderating effects of competitive intensity are significant. If competitive intensity is low in the buyer’s market, product quality and service quality play important roles in deriving buyer commitment; however, if competitive intensity is high, support quality is effective in maintaining long-term committed relationships with buyers.

Research implications: To fully consider product service quality in this study, we established support quality, product quality, and service quality as discrete components of product service quality.

Practical implications: Previous quality-related works have focused on products and services with little research about support activities, and the literature is lacking empirical analyses of support activities. However, this study elucidates the importance of operational and technical support activities in B to B relationships. Specifically, in a fiercely competitive market, a high-quality consumer support strategy is shown to be highly effective in maintaining long-term committed relationships with buyers.

Originality/value/contribution: We analyzed the relationships among components of product service quality and commitment and buyer loyalty in B to B transactions. Our detailed results will help firms develop context-specific quality management strategies at the product service level in order to strengthen customer loyalty.  相似文献   

Loyalty has been named as one of the greatest competitive advantages for companies operating under high competition conditions. However, different authors look at this concept from different views and take different factors into account. This article consolidates academic research on loyalty in business services. The determinants of loyalty are identified and the development of loyalty as a process is investigated. These findings, together with the relationship development process and the possible influence of culture, are integrated into the resulting research framework. This framework suggests that relationship quality, comprising trust, satisfaction, and commitment, is a mediator of the loyalty development process. Furthermore, it suggests that these mediators, determining the transition from one stage to the other, are influenced by different antecedents. Finally, managerial recommendations and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   


As economic conditions improve, hotels are investing in new ways to improve service quality and perceived value that hopefully will lead to better customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study took a new look, with newly developed scales, at the antecedents and consequences of relationship quality in the hotel service environment to shed new light on the factors hotels have to deal with to achieve their objective of satisfied and loyal customers. Using a structural equation model, it was determined that the tangible and intangible factors of perceived value, timeliness, and hotel facilities are antecedents of hotel quality. Hotel quality, subsequently, is a determinant of both customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, consistent with previous research, customer satisfaction is not a guarantee of customer loyalty.  相似文献   

Purpose: This article seeks to understand how relationship quality dimensions develop in cross-border relational exchanges and explores their determinants, including the role of cultural sensitivity, in each relationship phase. By mobilizing the multidimensional meta-concept of relationship quality and its forms, this research captures the evolution of relationship quality between French buyers and foreign sellers. The improved understanding of relationship quality’s dynamics under cultural sensitivity influences in turn offers a more accurate, active form of relationship management.

Methodology: Thirty-nine semistructured, in-depth interviews with business buyers located in France, representing a range of sectors, reveal the nature, transformations, and determinants of relationship quality. Qualitative methods are more appropriate to elucidate processes and the fundamental transformation of constructs over time. Because relationship quality is a property of a specific buyer–supplier, cross-border interaction, this multiphase study provides insights into the nature and the fundamental transformation of concepts.

Findings: The multiphase qualitative analysis shows that as relationships evolve, fundamental transformations take place in the components and antecedents of relationship quality. Cultural sensitivity has a key role during the most advanced relationship phases. The primacy of economic logic dominates the exploration phase; cognitive aspects receive the emphasis in the expansion phase; and relationship quality, in the maintenance phase, results from a combination of affective and emotional factors. As emotional ties deepen, relationship quality exceeds what might have been expected on the basis of the cognitive elements actually exchanged.

Originality: The key contributions of this article are the multiform conceptualization of the constituent elements of relationship quality and the phase-specific study of this meta-construct. The article argues and empirically supports how relationship quality is changing in the context of cross-border exchanges—French buyers with international sellers. The innovative study addresses simultaneously concepts that constitute relationship quality and its determinants, as well as revealing their importance in different relationship phases. Prior research does not consider

the differentiated standpoint on relationship quality forms within a temporal perspective. However, this study also is limited by the multisectoral nature of the sample and the monadic character of the research.  相似文献   

Brand orientation has been recognized as having a positive impact on organizational performance in both commercial and nonprofit sectors. However, limited studies have examined the moderating effects of brand orientation in the nonprofit sector, particularly in the higher education context. This study attempts to examine the construct of brand orientation from the perspective of the students and examine its moderating role on the relationship between service quality, satisfaction, loyalty, and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication behavior. Two hundred and fifty-eight questionnaires were completed by undergraduate students of an Australian university. The study found that students’ perception of a university’s brand orientation significantly moderates the relationship between service quality, loyalty, and WOM communication behavior. Significant managerial and theoretical implications were identified.  相似文献   


This study of relationship quality contributes to the field of global industrial services marketing by examining relational and economic determinants and an outcome of relationship quality in a cross-cultural setting. The sample includes 202 buyers of industrial services from 42 countries. A conceptual model is proposed and tested using structural equation modeling. The study concludes that a buyer's expectation of continuity with a service provider is influenced more by relationship quality than by perceived economic value. Relationship quality, in turn, is impacted by perceived economic value, relationship bonds, and relationship investments. Results partially confirm the interpersonal predispositions of collectivist cultures. For example, buyers from collectivist cultures place significantly more emphasis on relationship investments than do buyers from individualist cultures. These findings have important implications for marketing theory and practice.  相似文献   

Services are dyadic experiences and many of these experiences require personal relationships for service provision. The co-acting parties' early impressions shape their unique expectations regarding, for example, appearance, behavior, and age. In a business-to-business (B2B) context, for example, younger employees might create a favorable impression in design-related tasks, while older employees might create a favorable impression in engineering tasks. The business partner subsequently contemplates the impression made by the individual's age (hereafter referred to as age impression) and ascribes certain competences to the individual.This paper emphasizes the role of the others' age impressions in a working context. More specifically, a qualitative study's results highlight the impact of age impressions on service expectations and perceptions. The results identify several dimensions of age impressions that allow for adapting service personnel to a B2B context. This paper fills a void in the age-related marketing literature because it focuses on the others' age impression rather than the individual's perception. The paper also contributes to recent customer experience (CX) literature, as it emphasizes the context factors' role in the service encounter. Furthermore, this paper is one of the rare CX studies in a B2B context and enriches research in the CX's adaptability in such contexts.  相似文献   

第三方B2B电子商务平台服务质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着互联网商业化的迅速发展,B2B电子商务平台大量涌现,平台经营者面对激烈的竞争压力,平台服务需求企业则面临优质服务平台的选择问题,如何对电子商务平台进行评价,以满足平台服务供需双方的经营需求日渐受到重视与关注。针对占有大量市场份额的第三方B2B电子商务平台,结合经典的服务质量评价研究成果,分析了第三方B2B电子商务平台服务质量要素,构建服务质量评价体系,并基于模糊综合评价方法建立了第三方B2B电子商务平台服务质量评价模型。  相似文献   

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