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张熠 《财经研究》2011,(7):4-16
文章通过连续时间养老金收支模型分析认为延迟退休年龄对养老保险计划收支余额的影响来自四个方面的效应,即缴费年限效应、领取年限效应、替代率效应和差异效应。改革的最终效果是上述四种效应共同作用的结果。短期看,前两种效应占据主导;长期看,后两种效应也具有显著影响。延迟退休年龄的政策效果和工资增长率、养老金增长率、改革速度以及未来参保人口结构有关。理论分析和实证检验结果表明,无论从改革过程还是从对养老保险计划收支余额的影响看,延迟退休年龄都是一个复杂而渐进的过程,延迟退休年龄必将减轻政府在养老保险方面负担的传统说法并不全面。  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the determinants of aggregate health expenditure in a panel of OECD countries from 1980 to 2005. We differ from most existing studies by testing some new determinants motivated by recent theoretical advances in the literature. We find that a one percentage increase in public pension payments per elderly person leads to approximately a one third percentage increase in aggregate health spending, and this effect is significant and robust across a variety of model specifications. A back of the envelope calculation based on this estimate suggests that the expansion of the public pension programme on average accounts for approximately over one fifth of the rise in aggregate health expenditure as a share of GDP in the set of OECD countries during 1980–2005. In addition, we find that the estimated effect of GDP per capita in our model ranges from 0.66 to 0.80, which is consistent with the results from some recent studies, and thus further reinforces the finding in the literature that health care is not a luxury good.  相似文献   

Public pension systems have long been a focus of special attention by neoclassical economics. In a context of intense aging processes, mainstream economists argue that the replacement of the pay-as-you-go pensions systems by unfunded individual savings accounts will have a positive impact, at a microeconomic and at a macroeconomic level, and will protect pension systems of the negative consequences of aging. However, these conclusions depend dramatically on the assumptions of rational expectations and perfect information. When we accept the existence of uncertainty, the presumed positive consequences of these reforms disappear, showing the advantages of pay-as-you-go over funded pension systems.  相似文献   

The aging process that many developed economies will face in the medium-term is leading to reforms in the public pensions systems in order to solve the potential financial unsustainability generated by the foreseeable increase in the expenditure in pension benefits (assuming that the current social security contributions and the eligibility conditions will remain unchanged). Neoclassical economics defends a radical reform of these systems, substituting the current pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) systems by funded systems. In this paper, using the Post-Keynesian theory as a theoretical framework, we provide an alternative reflection to that proposed by the neoclassical economics about the choice between the alternative pension systems. The focus of the paper is the advantages of the PAYGO pension systems to stabilize the expectations of future income.  相似文献   

刘琳 《经济与管理》2009,23(2):45-48
目前世界各国的职业年金计划运作模式主要有给付确定型计划和缴费确定型计划两种.针对两种职业年金计划运作模式,结合英国、波兰和美国的职业年金改革实践,从受益者角度看,两种制度各有利弊.缴费确定型计划近年来在各国迅速取代给付确定型计划模式,而中国的企业年金计划则选择基金制的缴费确定型计划运作模式.  相似文献   

This paper studies the appropriateness of a public or private orientation of pension systems in the light of the recent financial crisis, which has underscored the difficulties and contradictions associated with each system. The different institutional arrangements, in which public or private pension systems are embedded, are key components when assessing their responses to the crisis. Particularly, private pension systems are intertwined with financial markets, while social insurance-based pension systems are linked to the labour market mechanisms. This paper compares the British and French pension systems, as “archetypes” of private-oriented and public-oriented systems, respectively, the first relying on the market and private pension schemes, and the second on mandatory social insurance. This paper shows that the crisis has upheld the founding principles of the public (French) and private (British) pension systems to maintain the existing institutional configurations. At the same time, both systems have strengthened the role played by means-tested benefits and minimum pensions for low-income groups to offset the weaknesses of one or the other system, as emphasised by the crisis.  相似文献   

中国企业年金税收优惠政策的比较与选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年,随着首批金融机构获得企业年金经办资格认证,中国企业年金保险进入到具体实施阶段.然而,直到2006年底,关于企业年金的缴费方式、基金的投资管理、给付机制、法规监管以及税收优惠政策等一系列相关问题仍未解决,成为严重制约企业年金市场发展的瓶颈.本文着重从企业年金税收优惠政策的比较与选择入手,结合城镇基本养老保险的情况,通过核算国家税式支出、企业年金积累额等指标,对国家采取适当的企业年金税收优惠政策去引导和促进企业年金市场的发展提出理论依据.  相似文献   

本文详细梳理了人口老龄化对国际资本流动的影响机制,并利用1993-2012年98个国家或地区的面板数据实证分析其相关关系,同时验证了以养老金为中介变量的影响机制。研究发现:人口老龄化主要通过资本-劳动比率和经常账户余额影响国际资本流动;不管是中高收入和中低收入国家,人口老龄化程度越高,资本越倾向流出;随着实行现收现付(PAYG)养老制度国家的深入改革,作为资金池的养老金规模逐渐扩大,其对外投资活动也越活跃。  相似文献   

随着世界各国养老保障体系的完善,养老金资产规模迅速扩大,各国都将规模庞大的养老金资产投资于金融市场进行保值增值。从OECD国家和新兴市场国家两个方面分析了OECD国家养老金资产在进行投资时存在本土化投资偏好的原因。为了借鉴国外养老金投资管理的经验,逐步完善我国养老保障体系,提出一些有关投资管理的政策建议。  相似文献   


In this paper, we address the optimal funding of pensions by means of portfolio choice approach. Considering the unfunded (Paygo) pension system as a ‘quasi-asset’ with hedging and diversification properties, we derive the optimal portfolio mix of funded and Paygo systems within a mean variance and Bell linear exponential models. Our analysis involves both analytical computations and empirical estimations of optimal values using real long-term data for equity, bonds and the Paygo asset for several OECD countries and several time periods covering the time span 1897–2016. We find that in most cases a mix of both systems is desirable with a larger magnitude of Paygo system in the case of the Bell framework as we capture attitudes towards asymmetry and tail risks that are typical to equity markets.  相似文献   

The Spanish pension system has been recently reformed as a response to the demographic challenge and with the objective of ensuring the sustainability of the pension system in the long-term. The overall reforms include changes in the majority of the system parameters, a new indexation rule and a sustainability factor that links life expectancy and the first pension amount. The aim of this work is to analyse how these reforms affect two important features of a pension system: fiscal sustainability and adequacy. For this purpose, the real internal rate of return (IRR) of the lifetime contributions and benefits and the prospective gross theoretical replacement rate (TRR), both before and after the reforms, have been computed. The calculations are case-study based, for a few hypothetical workers who are sufficiently representative of the earnings and retirement patterns in Spain. The results show that the real IRR is 0.7 p.p. lower and the prospective gross TRR is 18 p.p. lower after the reform process for the base case of a man with an uninterrupted career of 40 years with average earnings and a retirement age of 65. In addition, pension reform process in Spain has different effects among the individuals depending on the gender, level of earnings, retirement age and career length.  相似文献   

从国际比较出发,分析了现收现付公共养老金计划的结构特征,指出了发达国家公共养老金制度的三个层次,明确了国家养老储备金在其中的功能和定位,并以此为基础分析了公共养老金计划中国家、企业和个人的责任划分以及中国基本养老保险制度的设计缺陷,提出了相关政策建议,指出了国家养老储备金在中国养老体制改革中的多重责任。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the fiscal burden of the historical pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) Social Insurance Pension System in North Cyprus and analyzes the appropriateness of the 2008 reforms that introduced the new Social Security Pension System. Estimates are made of the system deficit. To bring the magnitude of the unfunded cost of the pension system down to a sustainable level, major parametric reforms will need to be made to the system. These include increasing the age of retirement, increasing the rate of contributions, changing the method of indexing of pension benefits and decreasing the theoretical replacement rate of the pension benefits.  相似文献   

In many western countries, older women receive considerably less private pension income than older men on average. We analyse this differential in Britain, examining differences between the sexes both in private pension coverage and in pension income conditional on receipt. Using regression‐based decompositions, we show that both gender gaps are associated mainly with differences in returns to personal characteristics rather than with differences in personal characteristics per se.  相似文献   

从我国基本养老保险、补充养老保险(即指企业年金)相互关系的角度出发,借鉴国外养老保险体系和职业年金制度成熟国家的经验,结合我国目前养老保险的实际发展情况和人口老龄化的快速发展趋势,以及养老保险制度缺陷所造成的历史遗留问题,分析了我国发展补充养老保险,即发展企业年金制度的必要性。  相似文献   

养老保险基金安全运行的风险因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章萍 《经济与管理》2007,21(12):81-85
目前中国养老保险基金运行中存在着一定风险,为确保养老保险基金的安全运行,需要完善养老保险法律体系、建立财政对养老保险基金的拨付机制、探索高效的基金运营管理体制,以及强化养老保险信息化建设等。  相似文献   

In this paper, we try to investigate how the debt and real GDP per capita relationship varies with indebtedness levels and other country characteristics in a balanced panel of 21 developing Latin American and Caribbean countries over the period 1992–2006. The empirical results indicate that there exist two threshold values of 32.88% and 55.89%. The latter is lower than the Maastricht criterion and Stability and Growth Pact of a total external Debt per GDP ratio at 60% in the OECD countries. Both thresholds divide our panel into three regimes. In the middle (stimulus) regime, the Debt per GDP ratio has a positive impact on real GDP per capita, which is consistent with the stimulus view (Eisner, 1984). However, the impact becomes negative and consistent with the crowding-out view (Friedman, 1977, 1985) in the left and right (crowding-out) regimes. Based on our findings, we find no supportive evidence for Ricardian view (Barro, 1989). Therefore, our empirical results have important implications for fiscal policymakers in these Latin American and Caribbean countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept and scope of unfunded public pension liabilities, or implicit pension debt (IPD), from an international perspective. First, the paper discusses the importance and public finance background of IPD. Second, it presents and compares different methods for estimating IPD. Third, it provides international estimates of IPD based on accrued-to-date or termination liability methods with consistent assumptions across all countries using the World Bank's ``Pension Reform Options Simulation Toolkit' (PROST) computer model. The policy conclusions stress the need for standardized international reporting of this indicator.  相似文献   

公办高校教师养老保险改革的制度设计,比较突出的取向,就是把公办高校教师与义务教育教师和公务员区别开来。公办高校经费公用部分支出与义务教育的比较,公办高校的学费标准、生均教育经费支出和教工工资水平的统计数据,相关组织的投入产出即绩效的比较分析,表明公办高校与义务教育和政府机关具有相当的公益性。因此,公办高校教师的养老保险待遇应该与公务员相同。  相似文献   

Growth dynamics are remarkably heterogeneous, in particular when one focuses on developing countries. Economic miracles and failures are embedded within extended phases of either growth or decline. In this paper, we analyze the growth patterns of developing and newly industrialized countries on the basis of structural breaks and growth regimes experienced. Emphasizing the presence of broken trends, we focus on the difference between expansionary and recessionary regimes of medium length, and we show that models of takeoffs and exponential growth are inadequate to characterize the majority of observed growth dynamics. Then, we move to a systematic classification of different patterns and we isolate an additional stylized fact characterizing the process of growth and development. In particular, our results show that expansionary regimes are associated with convergence and positive correlation between growth and (short run) volatility. By contrast, in recessionary regimes, poorer countries face deeper failures and a negative correlation between growth and volatility is found, indicating that output fluctuates less around the trend during strong rather than mild recessions. Catching-up phenomena are infrequent but more likely to occur across categories of growth patterns rather than within. Finally, we discover that regimes of growth and recession show similar average length (about 16 years). Although recessions are, on average, remarkably pronounced (14% loss of GDP per capita), the magnitude of growth is much larger during expansions. In sum, our results underline that stable positive growth is hardly achieved in developing countries, which rather alternate long phases of expansions with equally long phases of recession. Moreover, cross-sectional empirical regularities are found to differ between regimes of positive and negative growth.  相似文献   

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