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<正>研究长城非知名区段的旅游发展路径对弘扬长城精神、传播长城文化和推进长城沿线乡村振兴具有重要意义。文章对河北省石家庄市井陉县长城遗址的规模、分布状况、建筑特点及旅游开发现状与市场需求进行了调研分析,发现存在长城规模较小且损毁严重、知名度与开发程度较低、与周边景区联动较弱等问题,但具有靠近省会城市的区位优势。据此,文章提出资源评价、保护修缮、旅游策划、规划开发、形象宣传和市场营销等方面的建议,为打造具有井陉特色的集休闲与旅游于一体的长城精神与长城文化科普教育基地提供参考。  相似文献   

在国家大力弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化推进对外文化交流的背景下,长城文化国家公园建设及保护性旅游开发逐步成为研究热点。本文从甘肃嘉峪关长城历史遗迹旅游发展现状入手,就其旅游开发中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

为使我国优秀的传统文化遗产“活起来”,赋予文化遗产新的生命力,更好地诠释和弘扬甘肃武威长城文化,文章对数字化在长城文化传承保护中的运用进行分析,将武威长城文化资源进行系统归纳与梳理,运用数字化手段赋能武威长城文化资源,充分发挥武威汉明长城在“一带一路”建设中的交流融合作用,加快对武威长城文化资源的数字化撰写,为进一步认识长城价值、保护长城文化资源、讲好长城故事、促进文旅深度融合奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

人们到湘西,总爱到凤凰和茶峒寻访风物,却鲜知距凤凰古城30公里的黄合乡舒家塘村。其实,那里有着沈从文书中提到的石头圆城,有不少值得珍视的苗疆边城——中国南方长城遗迹。我到达这里时,正遇到雨天,连绵不断的雨水增加了南方长城的古老神秘气氛。  相似文献   

民族认同感是族群意识的基本组成部分。在旅游影响下,少数民族地区的民族认同呈现出多维度和不同方向的发展轨迹。文章通过对一位土家族青年女性个人生活史的记录,分析了在旅游发展进程中族群个体的民族认同感的演化过程,发现旅游对民族认同的影响在于:旅游引致的经济增长提高了民族文化的"势位";旅游产品创造了民族的集体记忆和文化景观;文化旅游的发展使民族认同的层次不断深化;民族旅游的盲目开发和过度开发将误导民族认同的方向。研究将为民族旅游地社会文化影响研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

地处湘黔渝交界的武陵山区的南方长城,主要遗迹位于距湘西凤凰县城十余公里处的廖家桥镇,是一段总长约380里左右的古城墙,其终点接近著名风景区张家界。这段新发现的南方长城已被开辟为极具魅力的旅游景区,向海内外旅游观光者开放。南方长城的边墙高2.3米,基宽2.7米,顶宽1米,墙道中以乱石填实,碉堡高十余米,并有青灰色片石砌成的兵房数间。这段长城的拉毫营盘  相似文献   

郭颖 《旅游学刊》2001,16(3):68-71
少数民族文化旅游是我国旅游产品的重要组成部分。少数民族文化旅游的开展在一定程度上促进了少数民族地区的经济发展和民族文化的保护,但同时也可能给少数民族接待地区的社会文化带来负面的影响。本文以泸沽湖地区为例,从文化人类学的角度探讨了少数民族地区文化旅游资源保护的方式和开发的具体模式。  相似文献   

东平  王辰生 《北方旅游》2002,(16):22-25
金秋.是硕果累累的季节。王辰生带着自己的长城系列摄影作品,来到北京长城饭店瑞典哈苏相机幻灯演示会的现场。一间多功能会议厅里.人头攒动.摄影英杰荟萃。有5位中国摄影师的精彩作品在此现场演示.当王辰生的一幅幅长城专题图片幻灯片辉映在屏幕上时,会议厅里的气氛达到了高潮……  相似文献   

历史文化旅游景区开发应该如何在景区真实性和旅游者旅游体验之间取得合理平衡,一直是旅游景区开发研究的难点。本文基于旅游者四维真实性理论,通过南宋御街和北京长城国家公园的游客访谈调查,探索旅游者的旅游体验真实性与旅游客体之间的关系,并在此基础上,对南宋御街和北京长城国家公园的升级完善、开发建设提出具有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

旅游开发对语言文化景观的影响效应研究--以西安为例   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
潘秋玲 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):19-25
语言变化是衡量社会文化变迁与旅游开发之间关系的一个重要指标。本文在国内外相关研究进展综述的基础上,以西安为例,从文化地理学的角度,就旅游开发对目的地语言文化景观的影响效应进行了综合分析,并探讨了产生这些效应的原因和空间特征。研究发现。旅游开发导致了目的地当地方言的淡化,外来方言的渗入以及外语产生的影响,具体表现在:①土语景观萎缩,普通话景观扩张,形成新语言占据土语空间和两者并存的现象;②目的地语言景观曼趋多元化,空间上形成了以旅游区为主体的粤方言渗透区;③外语作为一种异质文化,与方言相互交融。形成中外语言景观并存,交互并用的格局。文章最后指出,经济上的巨大落差。构成了文化能量的累积差异。从而产生西方文化、粤文化等经济发达地区文化向旅游目的地的传播和影响。同时,旅游开发对目的地语言文化景观的影响表现出其独特的影响方向和空间特征。  相似文献   

Due to its rich stock of heritage assets, extraordinary pace of market liberalisation, and its political administration, the People’s Republic of China is at a crossroads in terms of the management of its heritage assets. In order to better understand the threats and opportunities that market liberalisation may pose for cultural heritage assets as future tourism products, this study examines two examples in the Beijing municipality; the Hutongs and the section of the Great Wall at Huanghua. These case studies are used to investigate the coordination of policy to balance modernisation and conservation of heritage assets in Beijing, and place it against a general model of stakeholder roles that can drive the sustainable use of heritage assets. Teasing out the nature of these roles has identified where tourism development aids or detracts from existing heritage conservation policies. Without better coordination of roles in policy implementation, the sustainability of many heritage assets as future tourism products is in question.  相似文献   

Heritage preservation and tourism use are inevitably intertwined at heritage sites and are characterized by both symbioses and tensions, particularly at World Heritage Sites, where international initiatives interact with local priorities. The international designation impacts heritage preservation, tourism development and community well-being at the local level, especially in developing countries. This paper examines global–local relationships, as well as involvement and governance at intermediate scales, and their implications for preservation and development at Badaling Great Wall World Heritage Site in Beijing, China, through examinations of its management structure, heritage preservation and development plans, and the opinions of the local business community. Interviews were conducted with key officials of the Management Office and questionnaire surveys were distributed with local business operators. It is shown that multiple stakeholders operate in a hierarchical, multi-departmental management structure. International linkages are weak and via central government. Positive economic impacts from tourism are highly valued. High awareness of heritage preservation and positive attitudes toward tourism are identified among local business operators with relatively high tolerance for negative environmental impacts. Potential conflicts between global priorities by World Heritage designation and local needs for tourism development are illustrated. Practical implications for heritage and tourism planning and management are discussed.  相似文献   

旅游区经济影响域界定研究——以八达岭长城旅游区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出了旅游区经济影响域的概念和关键指标、界定模型,并选取八达岭旅游区作为典型案例区,旅游区周围的6个村落为样本点,进行现场问卷调查和深入访谈,从而获取了旅游经济指标的实测值以及样本空间坐标。然后运用旅游区经济影响指数模型和旅游区经济影响域域值模型对样本数据进行总体趋势和范围的分析。结果发现,基于户均旅游直接就业和收入标准化值的八达岭旅游区旅游经济影响域域值为2.84千米,该值代表了八达岭旅游区经济辐射范围核心部分。在此基础上,刻画出旅游经济影响域的空间结构,并探讨了空间分异的原因。  相似文献   

文学旅游地的社会文化建构:以凤凰古城为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晨  朱兹  安宁 《旅游学刊》2014,(7):68-76
该研究基于文化环及其拓展理论,通过定性和定量相结合的方法探讨了凤凰古城作为文学旅游地的文化生产和消费。结论指出:(1)沈从文及其文学作品所构建的文学世界中的"湘西世界",旅游开发者和经营者所构建的"现实中的边城"与旅游者的"口碑中的凤凰古城"共同构建了"想象中的凤凰古城",即待阅读的"凤凰古城文本",并使这一文本公共化;(2)作为文化消费者,旅游者在文学旅游地的构建与重构过程中扮演了重要的角色,是联系整个社会文化建构过程的纽带。在此基础上,本研究构建了一个新的旅游地社会文化建构模型,以期对旅游地的文化生产和消费相关研究及具体应用进行补充和拓展。  相似文献   


The North Queensland (QLD) region has been one of the fastest growing tourist destination for the international travel markets and has been recognized as a significant tourism icon in Australia. Surrounded by World Heritage areas such as the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and Wet Tropical Rainforest, the North QLD region offers a range of unique and distinctive natural tourist attractions. Although the North QLD region is being recognized as one of the fast growing tourist destinations for Japanese tourists, few studies have been conducted in terms of understanding Japanese tourists' experiences towards the natural environment.

With a focus on the GBR trip in the North QLD region this study determined the importance of the GBR in Japanese holiday choice and elicited opinions on some reef-related issues. This study also attempted to compare Japanese visitor activities and behavior with a previous sample of English speaking respondents who took part in a similar survey during 1996.

The results indicated that not only do Japanese Tourists see Australia as a great opportunity to experience a unique and different culture, but they also regard Australia as a stimulating destination where they can get involved in some adventurous activities

Focussing on the GBR as a major drawcard for Japanese visitors, it was found that the ‘Experiencing Nature’ in a very natural, unstructured way, was the most important motivational factor for a GBR trip. There is potential to improve the enjoyment levels of Japanese visitors to the GBR by providing more information on day activities of the reef tours, by providing more education and through improvement of service and facilities on the boats.  相似文献   

This article makes the case for tourism culture; the new cultural expressions, practises and identities, influenced by hosts, guests and industry context, which may develop in destinations, as a useful perspective with which to draw together various conceptual narratives within the tourism studies literature. Research in three small islands finds evidence of a distinctive cultural landscape which emerges from the interaction of host and guest cultures, and the exchange, change and creativity that results. Tourism industry dynamics are found to facilitate or undermine this process, as in turn they may be influenced by. This tourism culture has implications for the continuation and evolution of indigenous culture, as it does for the absorption of elements of tourist cultures. The emergent fusion may be symptomatic of a richer cultural landscape and might be considered as an indicator of more sustainable communities and forms of tourism development.  相似文献   

The Western Wall in Jerusalem is the holiest of sites to Jews, a historical landmark, an archeological paradise, and a popular tourist attraction. After Israel gained control of the Old City of Jerusalem during the Six-Day War in 1967, it needed to address the question of what would be the layout and character of the Western Wall and the area adjacent to it. Both Israeli Jews and visiting Diaspora Jews wanted to pray next to the wall, though there was no agreement on what type of prayer would be allowed. The strict Orthodox movement demanded separate sections for men and women, while non-Orthodox movements wanted a mixed prayer area. Archaeologists wanted to dig in the area adjacent to the wall. And furthermore, the State wanted to hold military ceremonies there while also encouraging tourism to the area. This study uses a historiosophic approach to analyze these contradictory needs and the resulting decisions about the Western Wall's layout and character. It identifies the struggles between religion and state; the status of religious movements and denominations within the country; the status of women; and other social, cultural, religious, and economic issues.  相似文献   

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